游戏规则:游戏开始,玩家选择Big or Small ,选择完开始摇三个骰子计算总值,11<= total <= 18为大,3<= total <= 10为小,然后告诉玩家猜对/猜错
import randomdef roll_dice(numbers = 3, points = None): print('<<<<< ROol THE DICE!') if points is None: points = [] while numbers > 0: point = random.randrange(1, 7) points.append(point) numbers = numbers - 1 return pointsdef roll_result(total): isBig = 11 <= total <= 18 isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10 if isBig: return 'Big' elif isSmall: return 'Small'def start_game(): print('<<<<< GAME STARTS! >>>>>') choices = ['Big', 'Small'] your_choice = input('Big or Small') if your_choice in choices: points = roll_dice() total = sum(points) youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) if youWin: print('The points are ', points, 'You win !') else: print('The points are ', points, 'You lose !') else: print('InvalID Words') start_game()start_game()
<<<<< GAME STARTS! >>>>>
Big or SmallBig
<<<<< ROol THE DICE!
The points are [3, 5, 3] You win !
初始金额为1000金额为0时游戏结束默认赔率是一倍,押对得到相应金额,错输掉相应金额。import randomdef roll_dice(numbers = 3, points = None): print('<<<<< ROol THE DICE!') if points is None: points = [] while numbers > 0: point = random.randrange(1, 7) points.append(point) numbers = numbers - 1 return pointsdef roll_result(total): isBig = 11 <= total <= 18 isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10 if isBig: return 'Big' elif isSmall: return 'Small'def start_game(): print('<<<<< GAME STARTS! >>>>>') choices = ['Big', 'Small'] money = 1000 while money > 0: your_choice = input('Big or Small:') pay_money = int(input('How much you wanna bet?')) if your_choice in choices: points = roll_dice() total = sum(points) youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) if youWin: money = money + pay_money print('The points are ', points, 'You win !') print('You gained ' + str(pay_money) + 'you have ' + str(money) + 'Now') else: money = money - pay_money print('The points are ', points, 'You lose !') print('You lost '+ str(pay_money) + 'you have ' + str(money) + 'Now' ) else: print('InvalID Words') start_game()start_game()
<<<<< GAME STARTS! >>>>>
Big or Small:Big
How much you wanna bet?500
<<<<< ROol THE DICE!
The points are [6, 5, 1] You win !
You gained 500you have 1500Now
Big or Small:Small
How much you wanna bet?1000
<<<<< ROol THE DICE!
The points are [4, 3, 4] You lose !
You lost 1000you have 500Now
Big or Small:Big
How much you wanna bet?500
<<<<< ROol THE DICE!
The points are [3, 1, 4] You lose !
You lost 500you have 0NowProcess finished with exit code 0
问题:TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
答: pay_money = int(input('How much you wanna bet?'))
长度不少于11是移动、联通、电信号码段中的一个电话号码def phone(): CN_mobile = \ [134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 147, 178, 1705 ] CN_union = [130, 131, 132, 155, 156, 185, 186, 145, 176, 1709] CN_telecom = [133, 153, 180, 181, 189, 177, 17700] your_number = input('Enter Your number:') first_three = int(your_number[0:3]) first_four = int(your_number[0:4]) if len(your_number) >= 11: if first_three in CN_mobile or first_four in CN_mobile: print('Operator : Chine Mobile') print('We \' re sending verification code via text to your phone', your_number) elif first_three in CN_union or first_four in CN_union: print('Operator : Chine Union') print('We \' re sending verification code via text to your phone', your_number) elif first_three in CN_telecom or first_four in CN_telecom: print('Operator : Chine Telecom') print('We \' re sending verification code via text to your phone', your_number) else: print("InvalID length, your number shoule be in 11 digits") phone()phone()
Enter Your number:135555555555555555
Operator : Chine Mobile
We ' re sending verification code via text to your phone 135555555555555555