select gender,count(gender) as count from student group by gender
select * from student where sname like'张%'
select c.cname,avg(s.num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course as c on c.cID = s.course_ID group by c.cname order by avg_num desc
select sname,s.sID,sc.num from student s inner join score as sc on s.sID = sc.student_ID where sc.num < 60
select distinct st.sname,st.sID from student as st inner join score as s on st.sID = s.student_ID where s.course_ID in (select course_ID from score where student_ID = '1')
select st.sname,st.sID from student as st inner join (select student_ID,count(course_ID) as num from score group by student_ID having num = 1) as c on c.student_ID = st.sID
select course_ID,max(num) as max_score,min(num) as min_score from score group by course_ID
select student.sID,sname from (select * from score where course_ID = 1) as c1 inner join (select * from score where course_ID = 2 ) as c2 on c1.student_ID = c2.student_ID inner join student on c1.student_ID = student.sID where c2.num < c1.num
select student.sID,sname from (select * from score where course_ID = 1) as c1 inner join (select * from score where course_ID = 2 ) as c2 on c1.student_ID = c2.student_ID inner join student on c1.student_ID = student.sID where c2.num > c1.num
select student_ID,avg(num) as avg_num from score group by student_ID having avg_num > 60
select st.sname,st.sID,count(s.course_ID) as sum_course,sum(s.num) as sum_score from student as st left join score as s on st.sID = s.student_ID group by st.sname,st.sID order by st.sID
select count(*) as num from teacher where tname like '李%'
select distinct sID,sname from student where sID not in ( select distinct student_ID from score where course_ID = 1)
select st.sname,s.student_ID from score as s inner join (select student_ID from score where course_ID=1) as s1 on s1.student_ID = s.student_ID inner join student as st on st.sID = s.student_ID where s.course_ID = 2
select st.sname,s.student_ID from score as s inner join (select student_ID from score where course_ID=2) as s1 on s1.student_ID = s.student_ID inner join student as st on st.sID = s.student_ID where s.course_ID = 4
select * from student select st.sname,st.sID from student as st inner join (select student_ID,count(course_ID) as num from score where course_ID in (select cID from course c inner join teacher t on c.teacher_ID = t.tID where t.tname = '李平老师') group by student_ID HAVING num =(select count(*) as num from course c inner join teacher t on c.teacher_ID = t.tID where t.tname = '李平老师')) as a1 on a1.student_ID = st.sID
select st.sname,count(s.course_ID) as sum_course from student as st left join score as s on st.sID = s.student_ID group by st.sname having sum_course < (select count(*) as sum_course from course)
select st.sname,st.sID from student as st inner join (select * from (select student_ID,count(course_ID) as sum_course from score group by student_ID having count(course_ID) = 3) a where a.student_ID not in (select s.student_ID from score as s inner join (select student_ID,count(course_ID) as sum_course from score group by student_ID having count(course_ID) = 3) as a1 on a1.student_ID=s.student_ID where s.course_ID not in (select course_ID from score where student_ID= '002'))) as a1 on a1.student_ID = st.sID
delete from score where course_ID in (select cID from course c inner join teacher as t on t.tID = c.teacher_ID where t.tname = '李平老师')
insert into score(student_ID,course_ID,num) (select distinct student_ID,2 as course_ID,(select avg(num) as avg_num from score where course_ID = 2) as num from score where student_ID not in (select student_ID from score where course_ID = 2))
5、按平均成绩从低到高显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分;
select st.sID,st.sname, a1.avg_num as '物理',a2.avg_num as '美术',a3.avg_num as '体育',a4.avg_num as '生物',a5.avg_num as '有效平均分' from student as st left join (select s.student_ID,c.cname,avg(num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID where cname = '物理' group by s.student_ID,c.cname) a1 on a1.student_ID = st.sID left join (select s.student_ID,c.cname,avg(num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID where cname = '美术' group by s.student_ID,c.cname) a2 on a2.student_ID = st.sID left join (select s.student_ID,c.cname,avg(num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID where cname = '体育' group by s.student_ID,c.cname) a3 on a3.student_ID = st.sID left join (select s.student_ID,c.cname,avg(num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID where cname = '生物' group by s.student_ID,c.cname) a4 on a4.student_ID = st.sID left join (select s.student_ID,avg(num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID group by s.student_ID) a5 on a5.student_ID = st.sID where a5.avg_num is not null order by a1.avg_num,a2.avg_num,a3.avg_num
select c.cname,max(s.num) as '最高分',min(s.num) as '最低分' from score s inner join course c on c.cID = s.course_ID group by c.cname
select c.cname,a1.最高分,a1.最低分,(a3.person/a2.sum_p)*100 as 及格率 from course as c left join (select c.cname,max(s.num) as '最高分',min(s.num) as '最低分',count(c.cname) as '总人数' from score s inner join course c on c.cID = s.course_ID group by c.cname) a1 on a1.cname = c.cname left join ( select c.cname,count(c.cname) as sum_p from score s inner join course c on c.cID = s.course_ID group by c.cname) a2 on a2.cname = c.cname left join (select c.cname,count(c.cname) as person from score s inner join course c on c.cID = s.course_ID where s.num > 60 group by c.cname) a3 on a3.cname = c.cname order by a1.最高分,a1.最低分 desc
select c.cname,count(sc.student_ID) as sum_student from score sc inner join course c on c.cID =sc.course_ID group by c.cname
select a.sname,count(a.sname) as sl from (select distinct s.sID,s.sname,1 as 'sl' from student s inner join (select sID,sname from student ) a1 on (a1.sname = s.sname and a1.sID <> s.sID)) a group by a.sname
select * from (select c.cID,c.cname,avg(num) as avg_num from score as s inner join course c on c.cID = s.course_ID group by c.cname ) a order by a.avg_num
select s.student_ID,st.sname,avg(num) as avg_num from score s inner join student as st on st.sID = s.student_ID group by s.student_ID,st.sname HAVING avg(num)> 85
select st.sname,s.num from score s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID inner join student st on st.sID = s.student_ID where c.cname ='体育' and s.num < 60
select s.student_ID,st.sname,s.num from score s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID inner join student st on st.sID = s.student_ID where c.cID =003 and s.num > 80
select count(*) from (select distinct student_ID from score) a
select st.sname,s.student_ID,s.course_ID,num from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID inner join teacher t on t.tID = c.teacher_ID inner join student st on st.sID = s.student_ID where t.tname = '刘海燕老师' and num = (select max(num) from score as s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID inner join teacher t on t.tID = c.teacher_ID where t.tname = '刘海燕老师' )
select c.cname,count(s.student_ID) from score s inner join course c on c.cID = s.course_ID group by c.cname
select student_ID,count(course_ID) as sum_course from score group by student_ID HAVING count(course_ID) >=2
select course_ID,count(student_ID) as sum_stu from score group by course_ID HAVING count(student_ID) = (select count(*) from student)
select * from student where sID not in (select distinct s.student_ID from score s inner join course c on s.course_ID = c.cID inner join teacher t on t.tID = c.teacher_ID where t.tname = '李平老师')
select a.student_ID,count(a.student_ID),a1.avg_num from (select student_ID,num from score where num < 60) a inner join (select student_ID,num,avg(num) as avg_num from score group by student_ID) a1 on a.student_ID = a1.student_ID group by a.student_ID HAVING count(a.student_ID) >=2
select * from score where course_ID =004 and num < 60 order by num desc
delete from score where student_ID= 002 and course_ID =001
二 今日内容
内连接 inner join ... on ...
select * from 表1,表2 where 条件;(了解)
select * from 表1 inner join 表2 on 条件
select * from department inner join employee on department.ID = employee.dep_ID;
select * from department as t1 inner join employee as t2 on t1.ID = t2.dep_ID;
左外连接 left join ... on ...
select * from 表1 left join 表2 on 条件
select * from department as t1 left join employee as t2 on t1.ID = t2.dep_ID;
右外连接 right join ... on ...
select * from 表1 right join 表2 on 条件
select * from department as t1 right join employee as t2 on t1.ID = t2.dep_ID
全外连接 full join
select * from department as t1 left join employee as t2 on t1.ID = t2.dep_ID
select * from department as t1 right join employee as t2 on t1.ID = t2.dep_ID;
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的python网络编程 day40 数据库——连表查询和子查询全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python网络编程 day40 数据库——连表查询和子查询所遇到的程序开发问题。