{ hammer : {screwdriver : 1,nails : 2},screwdriver : {hammer : 1,screws : 1,nails : 1},screws : {screwdriver : 1,nails : {hammer : 1,screwdriver : 1}}
users = dict其中userID是键,而购买的项目列表是值
usersForItem = dict其中itemID是键,而购买item的用户列表是值
userList =已对当前项目进行评级的临时用户列表
pseudo:for each event(customer,item)(sorted by item): add user to users dict if not exists,and add the items add item to items dict if not exists,and add the user----------for item,user in rows: # add the user to the users dict if they don't already exist. users[user]=users.get(user,[]) # append the current item_ID to the List of items rated by the current user users[user].append(item) if item != last_item: # we just started a new item which means we just finished processing an item # write the userList for the last item to the usersForItem dictionary. if last_item != None: usersForItem[last_item]=userList userList=[user] last_item = item items.append(item) else: userList.append(user)usersForItem[last_item]=userList
所以,在这一点上,我有两个决定 – 谁买了什么,以及谁买了什么.这是它变得棘手的地方.现在填充了usersForItem,我遍历它,遍历购买该项目的每个用户,并查看用户的其他购买.我承认这不是最狡猾的做事方式 – 我试图确保在得到Python之前得到正确的结果(我是).
relatedItems = {}for key,listofUsers in usersForItem.iteritems(): relatedItems[key]={} related=[] for ux in listofReaders: for itemRead in users[ux]: if itemRead != key: if itemRead not in related: related.append(itemRead) relatedItems[key][itemRead]= relatedItems[key].get(itemRead,0) + 1 calc jaccard/tanimoto similarity between relatedItems[key] and its values
有没有更有效的方法可以做到这一点?此外,如果这种类型的 *** 作有适当的学术名称,我很乐意听到它.
解决方法events = """-hammer 1-screwdriver 1-nails 2-hammer 2-nails 3-screws 3-screwdriver 4-nails 4-screws""".splitlines()events = sorted(map(str.strip,e.split('-')) for e in events)from collections import defaultdictfrom itertools import groupby# tally each occurrence of each pair of itemssummary = defaultdict(int)for val,items in groupby(events,key=lambda x:x[0]): items = sorted(it[1] for it in items) for i,item1 in enumerate(items): for item2 in items[i+1:]: summary[(item1,item2)] += 1 summary[(item2,item1)] += 1# Now convert raw pair counts into frIEndlIEr lookup tablepairmap = defaultdict(dict)for k,v in summary.items(): item1,item2 = k pairmap[item1][item2] = v# print the results for k,v in sorted(pairmap.items()): print k,':',v
hammer : {'nails': 2,'screwdriver': 1}nails : {'screws': 1,'hammer': 2,'screwdriver': 1}screwdriver : {'screws': 1,'nails': 1,'hammer': 1}screws : {'nails': 1,'screwdriver': 1}