python – 帮助优化我的社交网络演化模型

python – 帮助优化我的社交网络演化模型,第1张

概述我正在编写一段代码来模拟社交网络的演变.这个想法是每个人被分配到一个节点,并且人与人之间的关系(网络上的边缘)被赋予权重1或-1,这取决于该关系是友好的还是不友好的. 使用这个简单的模型,你可以说三个人的三位一体是“平衡的”或“不平衡的”,这取决于三合一边缘的产品是正面的还是负面的. 所以最后我要做的是实现一个ising类型模型.即如果新网络具有比翻转之前的网络更平衡的三边形(更低的能量),则随机 @H_404_1@ 我正在编写一段代码来模拟社交网络的演变.这个想法是每个人被分配到一个节点,并且人与人之间的关系(网络上的边缘)被赋予权重1或-1,这取决于该关系是友好的还是不友好的.






#importing required librarystry:    import matplotlib.pyplot as pltexcept:    raiseimport networkx as nximport csvimport randomimport mathdef prod(iterable):    p= 1    for n in iterable:        p *= n    return pdef Sum(iterable):    p= 0    for n in iterable:        p += n[3]    return pdef CalcTriads(n):      firstgen=G.neighbors(n)    Edges=[]    Triads=[]    for i in firstgen:        Edges.append(G.edges(i))    for i in xrange(len(Edges)):        for j in range(len(Edges[i])):# For node n go through the List of edges (j) for the neighboring nodes (i)             if set([Edges[i][j][1]]).issubset(firstgen):# If the second node on the edge is also a neighbor of n (its in firstgen) then keep the edge.                t=[n,Edges[i][j][0],Edges[i][j][1]]                t.sort()                Triads.append(t)# Add found nodes to Triads.    new_Triads = []# Delete duplicate triads.    for elem in Triads:        if elem not in new_Triads:            new_Triads.append(elem)    Triads = new_Triads     for i in xrange(len(Triads)):# Go through List of all Triads finding the weights of their edges using G[node1][node2]. Multiply the three weights and append value to each triad.            a=G[Triads[i][0]][Triads[i][1]].values()            b=G[Triads[i][1]][Triads[i][2]].values()            c=G[Triads[i][2]][Triads[i][0]].values()            Q=prod(a+b+c)            Triads[i].append(Q)    return Triads###### import sorted edge data ######       li=[]with open('Sorted Data.csv','rU') as f:    reader = csv.reader(f)    for row in reader:        li.append([float(row[0]),float(row[1]),float(row[2])])G=nx.Graph()G.add_weighted_edges_from(li)for i in xrange(800000):    e = random.choice(li)   # Choose random edge    TriNei=[]    a=CalcTriads(e[0]) # Find triads of first node in the chosen edge     for i in xrange(0,len(a)):        if set([e[1]]).issubset(a[i]): # Keep triads which contain the whole edge (i.e. both nodes on the edge)            TriNei.append(a[i])             preH=-Sum(TriNei) # Save the "energy" of all the triads of which the edge is a member    e[2]=-1*e[2]# Flip the weight of the random edge and create a new graph with the flipped edge       G.clear()    G.add_weighted_edges_from(li)    TriNei=[]    a=CalcTriads(e[0])      for i in xrange(0,len(a)):        if set([e[1]]).issubset(a[i]):            TriNei.append(a[i])    postH=-Sum(TriNei)# Calculate the post flip "energy".       if postH<preH:# If the post flip energy is lower then the pre flip energy keep the change        continue    elif random.random() < 0.92: # If the post flip energy is higher then only keep the change with some small probability. (0.92 is an approximate placeholder for exp(-DeltaH)/exp(1) at the moment)        e[2]=-1*e[2]
解决方法 以下建议不会提高您的性能,因为它们不在算法级别,即不是非常特定于您的问题.但是,它们是略微改进性能的通用建议:

除非您使用的是Python 3,否则请进行更改

for i in range(800000):

for i in xrange(800000):

后者只是迭代0到800000之间的数字,第一个创建一个巨大的数字列表,然后迭代该列表.使用范围为其他循环执行类似的 *** 作.


j=random.choice(range(len(li))) e=li[j] # Choose random edge

e = random.choice(li)

并随后使用e代替li [j].如果您确实需要索引号,请使用random.randint(0,len(li)-1).


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