> more_general用于查找更一般的参数
> more_specific用于查找更具体的参数
# the general hypothesisG = [ ('?','?','?') ]# the specific hypothesisS = [('0','0','0')]# attributes:AV = (['short','far'],['cheap','expensive'],['many','none'],['yes','no'])# training examples:D = [ {'sample': ('far','cheap','many','no' ),'positive': True },{'sample': ('short','expensive',{'sample': ('far','none','yes'),'positive': False},'positive': True }] def consistent(hypothesis,sample): return all([hypothesis[i] == sample[i] or hypothesis[i] == '?' for i in range(len(hypothesis))]) def more_general(a,b): result = False if a == '0' and b != '0': result = True elif a != '?' and b == '?': result = True return result def more_specific(a,b): result = False if a == '?' and b != '?': result = True elif a != '0' and b == '0': result = True return resultfor d in D: if d['positive']: G = [g for g in G if consistent(g,d['sample'])] for s in S: if not consistent(s,d['sample']): S.remove(s) # Adding to S all minimal generalizations of s by h: dd = d['sample'] if s == 0: h = dd[s] else: h = '?' if consistent(h,d['sample']) and any([more_general(g,h) for g in G]): S.append(h) #Removing from S any hypothesis that is more general than another hypothesis in S for s2 in S: if any([more_general(s2,s3) and not s2 == s3 for s3 in S]): S.remove(s2) else: S = [s for s in S if not consistent(s,d['sample'])] for g in G: if consistent(g,d['sample']): G.remove(g) # Add to G all minimal specializations h of g for ai in range(len(AV)): if g[ai] == '?': h = List(g) h[ai] = AV[ai][1 - AV[ai].index(d['sample'][ai])] h = tuple(h) if not consistent(h,d['sample']) and any([more_specific(s,h) for s in S]): G.append(h) print('Sample: {} {}\nG: {}\nS: {}\n'.format('+' if d['positive'] else '-',d['sample'],G,S))解决方法 这是您的代码崩溃的地方:
S.remove(s) dd = d['sample'] if s == 0: h = dd[s] else: h = '?' if consistent(h,h) for g in G]): S.append(h)
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