sample = [['CGG','ATT'],['GCGC','TAAA']]#FrequencIEs of each base in the paird1 = [[{'G': 0.66,'C': 0.33},{'A': 0.33,'T': 0.66}],[{'G': 0.5,'C': 0.5},{'A': 0.75,'T': 0.25}]]#FrequencIEs of each pair occurring togetherd2 = [{('C','A'): 0.33,('G','T'): 0.66},{('G','T'): 0.25,('C','A'): 0.5,'A'): 0.25}]
float(a) = (freq of pairs) - ((freq of C in CGG) * (freq of A in ATT))eg. in CA pairs,float (a) = (freq of CA pairs) - ((freq of C in CGG) * (freq of A in ATT))Output a = (0.33) - ((0.33) * (0.33)) = 0.222222
Final Output for sample : a = [0.2222,- 0.125]
float (b) = (float(a)^2)/ (freq of C in CGG) * (freq G in CGG) * (freq A in ATT) * (freq of T in ATT)Output b = 1
对整个列表执行此 *** 作
Final Output for sample : b = [1,0.3333]
float a = {k: float(d1[k][0]) - d2[k][0] * d2[k][1]for k in d1.vIEwkeys() & d2.vIEwkeys()}
float_a = []for pair,i in enumerate(d2): for base,j in enumerate(d1): float (a) = pair[i][0] - base[j][] * base[j+1][] float_a.append(a)float_b = [] for floata in enumerate(float_a): for base,j in enumerate(d1): float (b) = (float(a) * float(a)) - (base[j] * base[j+1]*base[j+2]*base[j+3]) float_b.append(b)解决方法 通常当有多个公式和中间步骤这样的棘手问题时,我喜欢通过将工作分成几个函数来模块化它.以下是生成的注释代码,用于处理原始问题和注释中的案例:
from collections import Counterdef get_base_freq(seq): """ Returns the normalized frequency of each base in a given sequence as a dictionary. A dictionary comprehension converts the Counter object into a "normalized" dictionary. """ seq_len = len(seq) base_counts = Counter(seq) base_freqs = {base: float(count)/seq_len for base,count in base_counts.items()} return base_freqsdef get_pair_freq(seq1,seq2): """ Uses zip to merge two sequence strings together. Then performs same counting and normalization as in get_base_freq. """ seq_len = len(seq1) pair_counts = Counter(zip(seq1,seq2)) pair_freqs = {pair: float(count)/seq_len for pair,count in pair_counts.items()} return pair_freqsdef calc_a(d1,d2): """ Arbitrarily takes the first pair in d2 and calculates the a-value from it. """ first_pair,pair_freq = d2.items()[0] base1,base2 = first_pair a = pair_freq - (d1[0][base1]*d1[1][base2]) return adef calc_b(a,d1): """ For this calculation,we need to use all of the values from d1 and multiply them together. This is done by merging the two sequence half-results together and multiplying in a for loop. """ denom_ACGT = d1[0].values() + d1[1].values() denom = 1 for val in denom_ACGT: denom *= val b = a*a/float(denom) return bif __name__ == "__main__": sample = [['CGG','TAAA'],['ACAA','CAAC']] b_result = [] for seq_pair in sample: d1 = [get_base_freq(seq) for seq in seq_pair] d2 = get_pair_freq(*seq_pair) a = calc_a(d1,d2) b = calc_b(a,d1) b_result.append(b) print b_result