我有一个复杂的Python数据结构(如果它很重要,它是一个很大的music21 score对象),由于在对象结构内部某处存在弱化,它不会发痒.我以前用堆栈跟踪和python调试器调试过这样的问题,但总是很痛苦.是否有一个工具以递归方式对对象的所有属性运行dir(),查找隐藏在列表,元组,dicts等中的对象,并返回与特定值匹配的那些(lambda函数或类似的东西).一个很大的问题是递归引用,因此需要某种备忘录函数(如copy.deepcopy使用).我试过了:
import weakrefdef finDWeakRef(streamObj,memo=None): weakRefList = [] if memo is None: memo = {} for x in dir(streamObj): xValue = getattr(streamObj,x) if ID(xValue) in memo: continue else: memo[ID(xValue)] = True if type(xValue) is weakref.ref: weakRefList.append(x,xValue,streamObj) if hasattr(xValue,"__iter__"): for i in xValue: if ID(i) in memo: pass else: memo[ID(i)] = True weakRefList.extend(finDWeakRef(i),memo) else: weakRefList.extend(finDWeakRef(xValue),memo) return weakRefList
我可能会继续插入这个漏洞(例如,它不是我想要的替代词),但在我投入更多时间之前,想知道是否有人知道更简单的答案.它可能是一个非常有用的通用工具.最佳答案这似乎是答案的开始.我不得不从Python 3.2 inspect.getattr_static向后移植一些项目以使其工作,因此它不会调用仅生成新对象的属性.这是我提出的代码:
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------# name: treeYIEld.py# Purpose: traverse a complex datastructure and yIEld elements# that fit a given criteria## Authors: Michael Scott Cuthbert## copyright: copyright © 2012 Michael Scott Cuthbert# license: CC-BY#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------import typesclass TreeYIElder(object): def __init__(self,yIEldValue = None): ''' `yIEldValue` should be a lambda function that returns True/False or a function/method call that will be passed the value of a current attribute ''' self.currentStack = [] self.yIEldValue = yIEldValue self.stackVals = [] t = types self.nonIterables = [t.IntType,t.StringType,t.UnicodeType,t.LongType,t.floatType,t.nonetype,t.BooleanType] def run(self,obj,memo = None): ''' traverse all attributes of an object looking for subObjects that meet a certain criteria. yIEld them. `memo` is a dictionary to keep track of objects that have already been seen The original object is added to the memo and also checked for yIEldValue ''' if memo is None: memo = {} self.memo = memo if ID(obj) in self.memo: self.memo[ID(obj)] += 1 return else: self.memo[ID(obj)] = 1 if self.yIEldValue(obj) is True: yIEld obj ### Now check for sub values... self.currentStack.append(obj) tObj = type(obj) if tObj in self.nonIterables: pass elif tObj == types.DictType: for keyX in obj: dictTuple = ('dict',keyX) self.stackVals.append(dictTuple) x = obj[keyX] for z in self.run(x,memo=memo): yIEld z self.stackVals.pop() elif tObj in [types.ListType,types.TupleType]: for i,x in enumerate(obj): ListTuple = ('Listlike',i) self.stackVals.append(ListTuple) for z in self.run(x,memo=memo): yIEld z self.stackVals.pop() else: # objects or uncaught types... ### from http://BUGs.python.org/file18699/static.py try: instance_dict = object.__getattribute__(obj,"__dict__") except AttributeError: ## probably uncaught static object return for x in instance_dict: try: gotValue = object.__getattribute__(obj,x) except: # ?? property that relIEs on something else being set. continue objTuple = ('getattr',x) self.stackVals.append(objTuple) try: for z in self.run(gotValue,memo=memo): yIEld z except RuntimeError: raise Exception("Maximum recursion on:\n%s" % self.currentLevel()) self.stackVals.pop() self.currentStack.pop() def currentLevel(self): currentStr = "" for stackType,stackValue in self.stackVals: if stackType == 'dict': if isinstance(stackValue,str): currentStr += "['" + stackValue + "']" elif isinstance(stackValue,unicode): currentStr += "[u'" + stackValue + "']" else: # numeric key... currentStr += "[" + str(stackValue) + "]" elif stackType == 'Listlike': currentStr += "[" + str(stackValue) + "]" elif stackType == 'getattr': currentStr += ".__getattribute__('" + stackValue + "')" else: raise Exception("Cannot get attribute of type %s" % stackType) return currentStr
class Mock(object): def __init__(self,mockThing,embedMock = True): self.abby = 30 self.mocker = mockThing self.mockList = [mockThing,40] self.embeddedMock = None if embedMock is True: self.embeddedMock = Mock(mockThing,embedMock = False)mockType = lambda x: x.__class__.__name__ == 'Mock'subList = [100,60,-2]myList = [5,20,[5,12,17],30,{'hello': 10,'goodbye': 22,'mock': Mock(subList)},-20,Mock(subList)]myList.append(myList)ty = TreeYIElder(mockType)for val in ty.run(myList): print(val,ty.currentLevel())
(<__main__.Mock object at 0x01DEBD10>,"[4]['mock']")(<__main__.Mock object at 0x01DEF370>,"[4]['mock'].__getattribute__('embeddedMock')")(<__main__.Mock object at 0x01DEF390>,'[6]')(<__main__.Mock object at 0x01DEF3B0>,"[6].__getattribute__('embeddedMock')")
high = lambda x: isinstance(x,(int,float)) and x > 10ty = TreeYIElder(high)for val in ty.run(myList): print(val,ty.currentLevel())
我还在试图找出为什么没有找到.abby,但我认为即使在这一点上它也值得发布,因为它比我开始时的正确轨道要多得多. 总结