#define draw() // can I get the text that's behind the macro?//then maybe,with _Generic achIEve this?voID draw_circle(struct circle);voID draw_square(struct square);struct circle c;struct square s;c.draw();//draw is a macro. this time it is supposed to expand to draw_circle(c);s.draw();//supposed to expand to draw_square(s);
//raw_array.h#pragma once#include <stdint.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define byte uint8_t#define _GET_OVERRIDE(_1,_2,_3,name,...) name/*#define init_impl(...) _GET_OVERRIDE(__VA_ARGS__,\ init_impl3,init_impl2,init_impl1)(__VA_ARGS__)#define init( name,... ) (raw_array * (name); init_impl( (name),__VA_ARGS__))*/#define array_init_impl(...) _GET_OVERRIDE(__VA_ARGS__,init_array_impl3,init_array_impl2,init_array_impl1)(__VA_ARGS__)///<summary>creates a variable of type raw_array with name as an IDentifIEr,and initializes based on the parameters</summary>#define RAW_ARRAY( name,... ) raw_array (name); array_init_impl( (&name),__VA_ARGS__)typedef struct indexable_memory_block_struct{ raw_array * _self; byte * bytes; size_t element_size; size_t number_of_elements;} raw_array;///<summary>starts the an empty raw_array. only element_size is set.</summary>///<param name=r_arr>the raw_array to be initialized</param>///<param name=element_size>the size of the elements in this raw_array</param>voID init_impl1 ( raw_array * r_arr,size_t element_size ){ r_arr = malloc ( sizeof ( raw_array ) ); r_arr->element_size = element_size; r_arr->number_of_elements = 0; r_arr->bytes = NulL; r_arr->_self = r_arr;}///<summary>///starts the raw_array an empty. byte with its bytes allocated///to their default value (0).///</summary>///<param name=r_arr>the raw_array to be initialized</param>///<param name=element_size>the size of the elements in this raw_array</param>///<param name=number_of_elements>the number of elements in the array</param>voID init_impl2 ( raw_array * r_arr,size_t element_size,size_t number_of_elements ){ r_arr = malloc ( sizeof ( raw_array ) ); r_arr->element_size = element_size; r_arr->number_of_elements = number_of_elements; r_arr->bytes = calloc ( number_of_elements,element_size ); r_arr->_self = r_arr;}///<summary>///starts the raw_array copying its contents from a normal array.///</summary>///<param name=r_arr>the raw_array to be initialized</param>///<param name=arr>the normal C array whose contents will be copIEd to this raw_array</param>///<param name=element_size>the size of the elements in this raw_array</param>///<param name=number_of_elements>the number of elements in the array</param>voID init_impl3 ( raw_array * r_arr,const voID * const arr,size_t size_of_element,size_t number_of_elements ){ r_arr->bytes = malloc ( size_of_element * number_of_elements ); memcpy ( r_arr->bytes,arr,size_of_element * number_of_elements ); r_arr->element_size = size_of_element; r_arr->number_of_elements = number_of_elements; r_arr->_self = r_arr;}
int main ( int argc,char * argv[] ){ int data[30]; //line bellow has a compilation error: *expected a ')'* init ( r_arr,data,sizeof ( int ),30 );}
EDIT_2:发现严重错误,将修复它并再次编辑. Visual Studio正在更新(12GB ……)所以我目前无法构建任何东西. [迷你编辑]:我猜我至少修正了粗错误. [迷你编辑]我的代码中另一个非常奇怪的错误,我将名称标记字符串化,是吗?!现在纠正了.
解决方法 除了@lirooPIErre的方法,你还可以使用C11 Generics.是的你没听错,C现在有仿制药.考虑这个例子:
#include <stdio.h>#define draw(X) _Generic((X),\ struct circle: draw_circle,\ struct square: draw_square \ )(X)struct circle{};struct square{};voID draw_circle(struct circle a){ printf("Drawing a circle\n");}voID draw_square(struct square a){ printf("Drawing a square\n");}int main(voID){ struct square a; draw(a); // "Drawing a square"}
但即使它应该是便携式的,但遗憾的是它不是. M $编译器没有实现它们,但是clang和gcc这样做.