dic[type] -= handler;
if (handler exists) dic[type] -= handler;
如果是这样,为什么? – 我尝试了检查而不是检查,它们都产生了相同的实际结果.不知道为什么我更愿意使用其中任何一个.
public abstract class GameEvent { } private static class EventManagerInternal<T> where T : GameEvent { private static Dictionary<Type,Action<T>> dic = new Dictionary<Type,Action<T>>(); public static voID Subscribe(Action<T> handler) { Type type = typeof(T); if (!dic.ContainsKey(type)) { dic[type] = handler; Console.Writeline("Registered new type: " + type); } else { // make sure the handler doesn't exist first bool hasHandlerSubscribed = dic[type].GetInvocationList().Any(h => h.Equals(handler)); if (hasHandlerSubscribed) { Console.Writeline(handler.Method.name + " has already subbed to an event of type " + type); return; } dic[type] += handler; } Console.Writeline("Method " + handler.Method.name + " has subbed to receive notifications from " + type); } public static voID Unsubscribe(Action<T> handler) { Type type = typeof(T); // make sure the type exists if (!dic.ContainsKey(type)) { Console.Writeline("Type " + type + " hasn't registered at all,it doesn't have any subscribers... at least not in my book..."); return; } // get the methods that the delegate points to // to see if the handler exists or not bool exist = dic[type].GetInvocationList().Any(h => h.Equals(handler)); if (!exist) { Console.Writeline("Method " + handler.Method.name + " hasn't registered at all,for notifications from " + type); return; } // remove the handler from the chain dic[type] -= handler; Console.Writeline("handler " + handler.Method.name + " has been removed. it won't take any notifications from " + type); // if there's no more subscribers to the "type" entry,remove it if (dic[type] == null) { dic.Remove(type); Console.Writeline("No more subscribers to " + type); } } public static voID Raise(T e) { Action<T> handler; if (dic.TryGetValue(e.GetType(),out handler)) { handler.Invoke(e); } } }
示例用法:(通过包装器 – 我只是认为Class.DoSomething< T>比Class< T> DoSomething更好 – 有一个很好的理由我为什么不得不去做这个设置:)不是这里的重点…… )
Player p = new Player(); EventManager.Subscribe<OnRename>(OnRenameHandler); EventManager.Subscribe<OnRename>(AnotheronRenameHandler); EventManager.Raise(new OnRename()); EventManager.Unsubscribe<OnRename>(OnRenameHandler); etc解决方法
My question is: is this check necessary?
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c# – 在删除代理链之前是否有必要检查处理程序是否存在?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c# – 在删除代理链之前是否有必要检查处理程序是否存在?所遇到的程序开发问题。