class MyThread{ public TerminationState Termination { get; private set; } public Exception UncaughtException { get; private set; } public delegate voID ThreadTerminatedDelegate(MyThread thread); public event ThreadTerminatedDelegate ThreadTerminated; private voID run() { try { doSomeWork(); } catch(Exception e) { UncaughtException = e; Termination = TerminationState.AbortOnException; ThreadTerminated(this); return; } Termination = TerminationState.normalTermination; ThreadTerminated(this); }}class MainThread{ private MyThread myThread = new MyThread(); private voID run() { myThread.ThreadTerminated += handleTermination; myThread.Start(); } private voID handleTermination(MyThread thread) { if (Invokerequired) { MyThread.ThreadTerminatedDelegate cb = new MyThread.ThreadTerminatedDelegate(handleTermination); BeginInvoke(cb,new object[] { thread }); } else { if (thread.Termination == TerminationState.AbortOnException) { if (isFatal(thread.UncaughtException)) throw new Exception("",thread.UncaughtException); //what to do here? else fixTheProblem(); } else { //normal wrapPing up } } }}解决方法 我相信您可以通过在Task中执行后台工作,然后处理显式安排在主线程上运行的该任务的延续中的任何异常来对未处理的后台异常执行所有必要的异常处理.您可以为延续指定其他选项,但这应该涵盖您的方案.
Task.Factory.StartNew( () => { // Do some work that may throw. // This code runs on the Threadpool. // Any exceptions will be propagated // to continuation tasks and awaiters // for observation. throw new StackOverflowException(); // :) }).ContinueWith( (a) => { // Handle your exception here. // This code runs on the thread // that started the worker task. if (a.Exception != null) { foreach (var ex in a.Exception.InnerExceptions) { // Try to handle or throw. } } },CancellationToken.None,TaskContinuationoptions.None,TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
另一个有用的链接是MSDN’s Asyncronous Programming Patterns.它标识了在应用程序中实现异步 *** 作的3种主要方法.您当前的实现听起来与文章所称的EAP(基于事件的异步模式)非常相似.
我个人更喜欢TAP(基于任务的异步模式),它依赖于.NET 4.0 TPL(任务并行库).由于其语法简单和广泛的功能,它值得掌握.
>异步编程模型(APM)模式(也称为IAsyncResult模式),其中异步 *** 作需要Begin和End方法(例如,BeginWrite和EnDWrite用于异步写入 *** 作).这种模式不再推荐用于新开发.有关更多信息,请参阅异步编程模型(APM).
>基于事件的异步模式(EAP),它需要具有Async后缀的方法,并且还需要一个或多个事件,事件处理程序委托类型和EventArg派生类型. EAP是在.NET Framework 2.0中引入的.它不再被推荐用于新开发.有关更多信息,请参阅基于事件的异步模式(EAP).
>基于任务的异步模式(TAP),它使用单个方法来表示异步 *** 作的启动和完成. TAP是在.NET Framework 4中引入的,是.NET Framework中异步编程的推荐方法.有关更多信息,请参阅基于任务的异步模式(TAP).
// Create a new background worker.var bgw = new BackgrounDWorker();// Assign a delegate to perform the background work.bgw.DoWork += (s,e) => { // Runs in background thread. Unhandled exceptions // will cause the thread to terminate immediately. throw new StackOverflowException(); };// Assign a delegate to perform any cleanup/error handling/UI updating.bgw.RunWorkerCompleted += (s,e) => { // Runs in UI thread. Any unhandled exception that // occur in the background thread will be accessible // in the event arguments Error property. if (e.Error != null) { // Handle or rethrow. } };// Start the background worker asynchronously.bgw.RunWorkerAsync();总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c# – 线程意外退出时抛出什么异常?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c# – 线程意外退出时抛出什么异常?所遇到的程序开发问题。