c – 如何将std :: chrono :: time_point转换为std :: tm而不使用time_t?

c – 如何将std :: chrono :: time_point转换为std :: tm而不使用time_t?,第1张

概述我想打印或提取年/月/日值. 我不想使用time_t因为2038年的问题,但是我在互联网上发现的所有例子都使用它来将time_point转换为tm. 有没有一个简单的方法来从time_point转换为tm(最好不用提升)? 像libc这样的timesub的实现将是我最后的手段: http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/Libc/Libc-262/stdtime 我想打印或提取年/月/日值.







解决方法 答案更新更好的算法,链接到算法的详细描述,并完成转换到std :: tm.

I would like to print or extract year/month/day values.
Is there a simple way to convert from time_point to tm (preferably
without boost)?

首先要注意的是,std :: chrono :: time_point不仅在持续时间,而且在时钟上进行模板化.时钟意味着一个时代.不同的时钟可以有不同的时代.

例如,在我的系统上,std :: chrono :: high_resolution_clock和std :: chrono :: stable_clock有一个时代:每当计算机启动.如果您不知道计算机何时启动,则无法将该time_point转换为任何日历系统.

话虽如此,你可能正在谈论std :: chrono :: system_clock :: time_point,因为这个time_point,只有这个time_point需要与民用(gregorian)日历确定性的关系.

事实证明,我所知道的std :: chrono :: system_clock的每个实现都是使用unix time.这有一个1970年的新纪元忽略了闰秒.



首先,警告,我使用最新的C 1y草案,其中包括伟大的新的constexpr工具.如果您需要退出编译器的某些constexpr属性,那么这样做.

给定上述链接中的算法,您可以转换std :: chrono :: time_point< std :: chrono :: system_clock,Duration>到std :: tm,而不使用带有以下功能的time_t:

template <class Duration>std::tmmake_utc_tm(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock,Duration> tp){    using namespace std;    using namespace std::chrono;    typedef duration<int,ratio_multiply<hours::period,ratio<24>>> days;    // t is time duration since 1970-01-01    Duration t = tp.time_since_epoch();    // d is days since 1970-01-01    days d = round_down<days>(t);    // t is Now time duration since mIDnight of day d    t -= d;    // break d down into year/month/day    int year;    unsigned month;    unsigned day;    std::tIE(year,month,day) = civil_from_days(d.count());    // start filling in the tm with calendar info    std::tm tm = {0};    tm.tm_year = year - 1900;    tm.tm_mon = month - 1;    tm.tm_mday = day;    tm.tm_wday = weekday_from_days(d.count());    tm.tm_yday = d.count() - days_from_civil(year,1,1);    // Fill in the time    tm.tm_hour = duration_cast<hours>(t).count();    t -= hours(tm.tm_hour);    tm.tm_min = duration_cast<minutes>(t).count();    t -= minutes(tm.tm_min);    tm.tm_sec = duration_cast<seconds>(t).count();    return tm;}

另请注意,所有现有实现的std :: chrono :: system_clock :: time_point是UTC(忽略闰秒)时区的持续时间.如果要使用另一个时区转换time_point,则需要将时区偏移量添加/减去std :: chrono :: system_clock :: time_point,然后将其转换为天数精度.而且如果您进一步想要考虑到闰秒,则在截断之前使用this table调整适当的秒数,并了解unix时间与UTC的对应关系.


#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>voIDprint_tm(const std::tm& tm){    using namespace std;    cout << tm.tm_year+1900;    char fill = cout.fill();    cout << setfill('0');    cout << '-' << setw(2) << tm.tm_mon+1;    cout << '-' << setw(2) << tm.tm_mday;    cout << ' ';    switch (tm.tm_wday)    {    case 0:        cout << "Sun";        break;    case 1:        cout << "Mon";        break;    case 2:        cout << "Tue";        break;    case 3:        cout << "Wed";        break;    case 4:        cout << "Thu";        break;    case 5:        cout << "Fri";        break;    case 6:        cout << "Sat";        break;    }    cout << ' ';    cout << ' ' << setw(2) << tm.tm_hour;    cout << ':' << setw(2) << tm.tm_min;    cout << ':' << setw(2) << tm.tm_sec << " UTC.";    cout << setfill(fill);    cout << "  This is " << tm.tm_yday << " days since Jan 1\n";}intmain(){    print_tm(make_utc_tm(std::chrono::system_clock::Now()));}


2013-09-15 Sun 18:16:50 UTC. This is 257 days since Jan 1

如果chrono-Compatible Low-Level Date Algorithms脱机或被移动,这里是make_utc_tm中使用的算法.在上述链接中对这些算法进行了深入的解释.它们经过了很好的测试,具有非常大的有效性.

// Returns number of days since civil 1970-01-01.  Negative values indicate//    days prior to 1970-01-01.// Preconditions:  y-m-d represents a date in the civil (Gregorian) calendar//                 m is in [1,12]//                 d is in [1,last_day_of_month(y,m)]//                 y is "approximately" in//                   [numeric_limits<Int>::min()/366,numeric_limits<Int>::max()/366]//                 Exact range of valIDity is://                 [civil_from_days(numeric_limits<Int>::min()),//                  civil_from_days(numeric_limits<Int>::max()-719468)]template <class Int>constexprIntdays_from_civil(Int y,unsigned m,unsigned d) noexcept{    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,"This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<Int>::digits >= 20,"This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");    y -= m <= 2;    const Int era = (y >= 0 ? y : y-399) / 400;    const unsigned yoe = static_cast<unsigned>(y - era * 400);      // [0,399]    const unsigned doy = (153*(m + (m > 2 ? -3 : 9)) + 2)/5 + d-1;  // [0,365]    const unsigned doe = yoe * 365 + yoe/4 - yoe/100 + doy;         // [0,146096]    return era * 146097 + static_cast<Int>(doe) - 719468;}// Returns year/month/day triple in civil calendar// Preconditions:  z is number of days since 1970-01-01 and is in the range://                   [numeric_limits<Int>::min(),numeric_limits<Int>::max()-719468].template <class Int>constexprstd::tuple<Int,unsigned,unsigned>civil_from_days(Int z) noexcept{    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,"This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");    z += 719468;    const Int era = (z >= 0 ? z : z - 146096) / 146097;    const unsigned doe = static_cast<unsigned>(z - era * 146097);          // [0,146096]    const unsigned yoe = (doe - doe/1460 + doe/36524 - doe/146096) / 365;  // [0,399]    const Int y = static_cast<Int>(yoe) + era * 400;    const unsigned doy = doe - (365*yoe + yoe/4 - yoe/100);                // [0,365]    const unsigned mp = (5*doy + 2)/153;                                   // [0,11]    const unsigned d = doy - (153*mp+2)/5 + 1;                             // [1,31]    const unsigned m = mp + (mp < 10 ? 3 : -9);                            // [1,12]    return std::tuple<Int,unsigned>(y + (m <= 2),m,d);}template <class Int>constexprunsignedweekday_from_days(Int z) noexcept{    return static_cast<unsigned>(z >= -4 ? (z+4) % 7 : (z+5) % 7 + 6);}template <class To,class Rep,class Period>Toround_down(const std::chrono::duration<Rep,Period>& d){    To t = std::chrono::duration_cast<To>(d);    if (t > d)        --t;    return t;}


最近我把上面的算法包装成一个可以免费使用的日期/时间库documented and available here.这个库可以很容易地从std :: system_clock :: time_point提取一个年/月/日,甚至是几个小时:分钟:秒:分数秒.所有没有经过time_t.

这是一个使用上述标题库的简单程序,以打印UTC时区中的当前日期和时间,以及system_clock :: time_point提供的精度(在这种情况下为微秒):

#include "date.h"#include <iostream>intmain(){    using namespace date;    using namespace std;    using namespace std::chrono;    auto const Now = system_clock::Now();    auto const dp = time_point_cast<days>(Now);    auto const date = year_month_day(dp);    auto const time = make_time(Now-dp);    cout << date << ' ' << time << " UTC\n";}


2015-05-19 15:03:47.754002 UTC

该库有效地将std :: chrono :: system_clock :: time_point转换成易于使用的日期时间类型.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c – 如何将std :: chrono :: time_point转换为std :: tm而不使用time_t?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c – 如何将std :: chrono :: time_point转换为std :: tm而不使用time_t?所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1235666.html

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