

概述我目前正在用C编写素数生成器.我先制作了一个单线程版本,后来又制作了一个多线程版本. 我发现如果我的程序生成的值小于100’000,则单线程版本比多线程版本更快.显然我做错了什么. 我的代码如下: #include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <set>#include <string>#include <thread>#include <m 我目前正在用C编写素数生成器.我先制作了一个单线程版本,后来又制作了一个多线程版本.



#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <set>#include <string>#include <thread>#include <mutex>#include <shared_mutex>using namespace std;set<unsigned long long> primeContainer;shared_mutex m;voID checkPrime(const unsigned long long p){    if (p % 3 == 0)        return;    bool isPrime = true;    for (set<unsigned long long>::const_iterator it = primeContainer.cbegin(); it != primeContainer.cend(); ++it)    {        if (p % *it == 0)        {            isPrime = false;            break;        }        if (*it * *it > p) // check only up to square root            break;    }    if (isPrime)        primeContainer.insert(p);}voID checkPrimeLock(const unsigned long long p){    if (p % 3 == 0)        return;    bool isPrime = true;    try    {        shared_lock<shared_mutex> l(m);        for (set<unsigned long long>::const_iterator it = primeContainer.cbegin(); it != primeContainer.cend(); ++it)        {            if (p % *it == 0)            {                isPrime = false;                break;            }            if (*it * *it > p)                break;        }    }    catch (exception& e)    {        cout << e.what() << endl;        system("pause");    }    if (isPrime)    {        try        {            unique_lock<shared_mutex> l(m);            primeContainer.insert(p);        }        catch (exception& e)        {            cout << e.what() << endl;            system("pause");        }    }}voID runLoopThread(const unsigned long long& l){    for (unsigned long long i = 10; i < l; i += 10)    {        thread t1(checkPrimeLock,i + 1);        thread t2(checkPrimeLock,i + 3);        thread t3(checkPrimeLock,i + 7);        thread t4(checkPrimeLock,i + 9);        t1.join();        t2.join();        t3.join();        t4.join();    }}voID runLoop(const unsigned long long& l){    for (unsigned long long i = 10; i < l; i += 10)    {        checkPrime(i + 1);        checkPrime(i + 3);        checkPrime(i + 7);        checkPrime(i + 9);    }}voID printPrimes(const unsigned long long& l){    if (1U <= l)        cout << "1 ";    if (2U <= l)        cout << "2 ";    if (3U <= l)        cout << "3 ";    if (5U <= l)        cout << "5 ";    for (auto it = primeContainer.cbegin(); it != primeContainer.cend(); ++it)    {        if (*it <= l)            cout << *it << " ";    }    cout << endl;}voID writetofile(const unsigned long long& l){    string name = "primes_" + to_string(l) + ".txt";    ofstream f(name);    if (f.is_open())    {        if (1U <= l)            f << "1 ";        if (2U <= l)            f << "2 ";        if (3U <= l)            f << "3 ";        if (5U <= l)            f << "5 ";        for (auto it = primeContainer.cbegin(); it != primeContainer.cend(); ++it)        {            if (*it <= l)                f << *it << " ";        }    }    else    {        cout << "Error opening file." << endl;        system("pause");    }}int main(){    unsigned int n = thread::harDWare_concurrency();    std::cout << n << " concurrent threads are supported." << endl;    unsigned long long limit;    cout << "Please enter the limit of prime generation: ";    cin >> limit;    primeContainer.insert(7);    if (10 < limit)    {        //runLoop(limit); //single-threaded        runLoopThread(limit); //multi-threaded    }    printPrimes(limit);    //writetofile(limit);    system("pause");    return 0;}




解决方法 对我来说,似乎你正在为每个单一的素数检查开始一个新线程.那是不好的恕我直言,因为线程启动/关闭加上同步增加了每个素数的计算.启动一个线程可能会很慢.

我建议在main for循环之外启动那4个线程,并在每个线程中处理范围的1/4.但这可能需要一些额外的同步,因为要检查素数,上面的代码显然需要首先具有可用的sqrt N的素数.

从我的角度来看,使用Sieve of Erastothenes算法可能更容易,这可能更容易并行化而没有任何锁定(但是仍然可能遇到称为“false sharing”的问题).


在这里,我使用SIEra of Erastothenes快速创建了一个版本:

voID processSIEve(const unsigned long long& l,const unsigned long long& start,const unsigned long long& end,const unsigned long long& step,vector<char> &is_prime){    for (unsigned long long i = start; i <= end; i += step)        if (is_prime[i])            for (unsigned long long j = i + i; j <= l; j += i)                is_prime[j] = 0;}voID runSIEve(const unsigned long long& l){    vector<char> is_prime(l + 1,1);    unsigned long long end = sqrt(l);    processSIEve(l,2,end,1,is_prime);    primeContainer.clear();    for (unsigned long long i = 1; i <= l; ++i)        if (is_prime[i])            primeContainer.insert(i);}voID runSIEveThreads(const unsigned long long& l){    vector<char> is_prime(l + 1,1);    unsigned long long end = sqrt(l);    vector<thread> threads;    threads.reserve(cpuCount);    for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < cpuCount; ++i)        threads.emplace_back(processSIEve,l,2 + i,cpuCount,ref(is_prime));    for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < cpuCount; ++i)        threads[i].join();    primeContainer.clear();    for (unsigned long long i = 1; i <= l; ++i)        if (is_prime[i])            primeContainer.insert(i);}

测量结果,最高可达1 000 000(MSVC 2013,Release):

runLoop: 204.02 msrunLoopThread: 43947.4 msrunSIEve: 30.003 msrunSIEveThreads (8 cores): 24.0024 ms

高达10 0000 000:

runLoop: 4387.44 ms// runLoopThread Disabled,taking too longrunSIEve: 350.035 msrunSIEveThreads (8 cores): 285.029 ms


正如您所看到的,即使在单线程版本中,SIEve版本也比您的版本快得多(对于您的互斥锁版本,我必须将锁定更改为常规互斥锁,因为MSVC 2013没有shared_lock,因此结果可能更糟糕比你的).

但是你可以看到筛网的多线程版本运行速度仍然没有预期的那么快(8个核心,即8个线程,线性加速比单线程快8倍),虽然没有锁定(折衷一些数字可能如果它们没有被其他线程标记为“无素数”,则不必要地运行,但通常结果应该是稳定的,因为每次只设置为0,如果多个线程同时设置则无关紧要).加速不是线性的原因很可能是因为我之前提到的“false sharing”问题 – 写入零的线程使每个其他高速缓存行无效.





原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1236630.html

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