我已经尝试过使用std :: map和std :: hash_map,并且在比较中发现它们非常慢.这听起来像预期的行为吗?在使用std :: hash_map时,我可能做错了吗?
Found 511 values in the intersection,in 19 msFound 508 values in the intersection,in 13 ms
Found 308 values in the intersection,in 11764.7msFound 316 values in the intersection,in 11742.8ms
C输出(使用stdext :: hash_map而不是std :: map)
Found 300 values in the intersection,in 383.552msFound 306 values in the intersection,in 2277.02ms
C输出(使用stdext :: hash_map,发布x64版本)
Found 292 values in the intersection,in 1037.67msFound 302 values in the intersection,in 3663.71ms
> Set2没有像我想要的那样在C中填充,我期望它与Set1有50%的交集(就像在C#中那样),但由于某些原因,我不得不将我的随机数乘以10甚至得到它们部分不相交
static voID Main(string[] args) { int start = DateTime.Now.Millisecond; int intersectionSize = runIntersectiontest(); int duration = DateTime.Now.Millisecond - start; Console.Writeline(String.Format("Found {0} values in the intersection,in {1} ms",intersectionSize,duration)); start = DateTime.Now.Millisecond; intersectionSize = runIntersectiontest(); duration = DateTime.Now.Millisecond - start; Console.Writeline(String.Format("Found {0} values in the intersection,duration)); Console.ReadKey(); } static int runIntersectiontest() { Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); Dictionary<int,int> theMap = new Dictionary<int,int>(); List<int> set1 = new List<int>(); List<int> set2 = new List<int>(); // Create 100,000 values for set1 for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) { int value = 1000000000 + i; set1.Add(value); } // Create 1,000 values for set2 for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { int value = 1000000000 + (random.Next() % 200000 + 1); set2.Add(value); } // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map foreach( int value in set1 ) { theMap[value] = 1; } int intersectionSize = 0; foreach ( int value in set2 ) { int count; if ( theMap.TryGetValue(value,out count ) ) { intersectionSize++; theMap[value] = 2; } } return intersectionSize; }
C :
int runIntersectiontest(){ std::map<int,int> theMap; vector<int> set1; vector<int> set2; // Create 100,000 values for set1 for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) { int value = 1000000000 + i; set1.push_back(value); } // Create 1,000 values for set2 for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { int random = rand() % 200000 + 1; random *= 10; int value = 1000000000 + random; set2.push_back(value); } // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map for ( vector<int>::iterator iterator = set1.begin(); iterator != set1.end(); iterator++ ) { int value = *iterator; theMap[value] = 1; } int intersectionSize = 0; for ( vector<int>::iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2.end(); iterator++ ) { int value = *iterator; map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value); if ( foundValue != theMap.end() ) { theMap[value] = 2; intersectionSize++; } } return intersectionSize;}int _tmain(int argc,_TCHAR* argv[]){ srand ( time(NulL) ); Timer timer; int intersectionSize = runIntersectiontest(); timer.Stop(); cout << "Found " << intersectionSize << " values in the intersection,in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl; timer.reset(); intersectionSize = runIntersectiontest(); timer.Stop(); cout << "Found " << intersectionSize << " values in the intersection,in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl; getchar(); return 0;}解决方法 Hash_map和hash_set是非标准的,unordered_map和 unordered_set最有可能很快成为标准版本.没有复制器,我认为这不会有太大的影响.在引擎盖下,它们是相同的数据结构,因此它们应具有相似的性能.
我在MS Visual Studio 2008 v9.0.30729.1下编译了提供的样本,如Visual C – > Win32 – >控制台应用程序(虽然我推出了自己的Timer类,因为我不确定你使用的是什么).在调试下,我得到1000毫秒的时间,但在发布时的编译是50毫秒.
#include <vector>#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <windows.h>typedef struct { LARGE_INTEGER start; LARGE_INTEGER stop;} stopWatch;class CStopWatch {private: stopWatch timer; LARGE_INTEGER frequency; double liToSecs( LARGE_INTEGER & L);public: CStopWatch(); voID startTimer( ); voID stopTimer( ); double getelapsedtime();};double CStopWatch::liToSecs( LARGE_INTEGER & L) { return ((double)L.QuadPart /(double)frequency.QuadPart) ;}CStopWatch::CStopWatch(){ timer.start.QuadPart=0; timer.stop.QuadPart=0; queryPerformanceFrequency( &frequency ) ;}voID CStopWatch::startTimer( ) { queryPerformanceCounter(&timer.start) ;}voID CStopWatch::stopTimer( ) { queryPerformanceCounter(&timer.stop) ;}double CStopWatch::getelapsedtime() { LARGE_INTEGER time; time.QuadPart = timer.stop.QuadPart - timer.start.QuadPart; return liToSecs( time) ;}using namespace std;int runIntersectiontest(){ std::map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value); if ( foundValue != theMap.end() ) { theMap[value] = 2; intersectionSize++; } } return intersectionSize;}int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ srand ( time(NulL) ); int tests = 2; while(tests--){ CStopWatch timer; timer.startTimer(); int intersectionSize = runIntersectiontest(); timer.stopTimer(); cout << "Found " << intersectionSize << " values in the intersection,in " << timer.getelapsedtime() << "s\r\n"; } getchar(); return 0;}