C++ 中placement new *** 作符使用方法
placement new *** 作符能够在分配内存时指定内存位置。下面的程序使用了placement new *** 作符和常规new *** 作符给对象分配内存。
// placenew.cpp -- new,placement new,no delete#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <new>using namespace std;const int BUF = 512;class JustTesting{private: string words; int number;public: JustTesting(const string &s = "Just Testing",int n = 0) { words = s; number = n; cout << words << " constructed\n"; } ~JustTesting() { cout << words << " destroyed\n"; } voID Show() const { cout << words << "," << number << endl; }};int main(voID){ char *buffer = new char [BUF]; // get a block of memory JustTesting *pc1,*pc2; pc1 = new (buffer)JustTesting; // place object in buffer pc2 = new JustTesting("heap1",20); // place object on heap cout << "Memory block address:\n" << "buffer: " << (voID *)buffer << " heap: " << pc2 << endl; cout << "Memory contents: \n"; cout << pc1 << ": "; pc1->Show(); cout << pc2 << ": "; pc2->Show(); JustTesting *pc3,*pc4; pc3 = new (buffer) JustTesting("bad IDea",6); pc4 = new JustTesting("Heap2",10); cout << "Memory contents: \n"; cout << pc3 << ": "; pc3->Show(); cout << pc4 << ": "; pc4->Show(); delete pc2; // free heap1 delete pc4; // free heap2 delete [] buffer; // free buffer cout << "Done\n"; return 0;}
[root@localhost 桌面]# ./new Just Testing constructedheap1 constructedMemory block address:buffer: 0x936a008 heap: 0x936a248Memory contents: 0x936a008: Just Testing,00x936a248: heap1,20bad IDea constructedHeap2 constructedMemory contents: 0x936a008: bad IDea,60x936a290: Heap2,10heap1 destroyedHeap2 destroyedDone
上面的程序使用placement new *** 作时存在两个问题。首先,在创建第二个对象时,placement new *** 作符使用一个新对象来覆盖用于第一个对象的内存单元。显然,如果类动态地为其成员分配内存,这将引发问题。
其次,将delete用于pc2和pc4时,将自动调用为pc2和pc4指向的对象调用析构函数;然而,将delete[]用于buffer时,不会为使用布局new *** 作符创建的对象调用析构函数。
pc1 = new (buffer) JustTesting;pc3 = new (buffer + sizeof(JustTesting)) JustTesting("Better IDea",6);
第二个教训是,如果使用placement new *** 作符来为对象分配内存,必须确保其析构函数被调用,但如何确保呢?
delete pc2;
然而,对于使用placement new *** 作符创建的对象,不能像下面一样调用delete
delete pc1; // NO!!!
原因在于delete可与常规new *** 作符配合使用,但不能与placement new *** 作符配合使用。
pc3->~JustTesting(); // destroy object pointed to by pc3
int main(voID){ char *buffer = new char[BUF]; // get a block of memory JustTesting *pc1,*pc2; pc1 = new (buffer) JustTesting; // place object in buffer pc2 = new JustTesting("Heap1",20); // place object on heap cout << "Memory block addresses: /n" << "buffer: " << (voID *)buffer << " heap: " << pc2 << endl; cout << "Memory contents: "; cout << pc1 << ": "; pc1->Show(); cout << pc2 << ": "; pc2->Show(); JustTesting *pc3,*pc4; // fix placement new location pc3 = new (buffer + sizeof(JustTesting)) JustTesting("better IDea",10); cout << "Memory contents: "; cout << pc3 << ": "; pc3->Show(); cout << pc4 << ": "; pc4->Show(); delete pc2; // free heap1 delete pc4; // free heap2 // explicitly destroy placement new object pc3->~JustTesting(); // destroy object pointed to by pc3 pc1->~JustTesting(); // destroy object pointed to by pc1 delete []buffer; // free buffer cout << "Done/n"; return 0;}
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的C++ 中placement new *** 作符使用方法全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决C++ 中placement new *** 作符使用方法所遇到的程序开发问题。