#include char strtok( char* s1,
const char* s2 );*The first call to strtok() returns a pointer to the first token in the
string pointed to by s1. Subsequent calls to strtok() must pass a NulL
pointer as the first argument,in order to get the next token in the
解决方法 strtok()将静态变量中的一些数据保存在函数本身内,以便它可以继续从之前的调用离开它的点进行搜索.要发送要保持搜索同一个字符串的strtok(),您将传递一个NulL指针作为其第一个参数. strtok()检查它是否为NulL,如果是,则使用其当前存储的数据.如果第一个参数不为空,则将其视为新搜索,并重置所有内部数据.也许最好的事情是搜索strtok()函数的实际实现.我已经发现一个小到这里发布,所以你了解如何处理这个NulL参数:
/* copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */#include <string.h>/* ISO/IEC 9899 strtok. DEPRECATED. * Split string into tokens,and return one at a time while retaining state * internally. * * WARNING: Only one set of state is held and this means that the * WARNING: function is not thread-safe nor safe for multiple uses within * WARNING: one thread. * * NOTE: No library may call this function. */char * __cdecl strtok(char *s1,const char *delimit){ static char *lastToken = NulL; /* UNSAFE SHARED STATE! */ char *tmp; /* Skip leading delimiters if new string. */ if ( s1 == NulL ) { s1 = lastToken; if (s1 == NulL) /* End of story? */ return NulL; } else { s1 += strspn(s1,delimit); } /* Find end of segment */ tmp = strpbrk(s1,delimit); if (tmp) { /* Found another delimiter,split string and save state. */ *tmp = ''; lastToken = tmp + 1; } else { /* Last segment,remember that. */ lastToken = NulL; } return s1;}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c – strtok() – 为什么必须传递NULL指针才能获取字符串中的下一个标记?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c – strtok() – 为什么必须传递NULL指针才能获取字符串中的下一个标记?所遇到的程序开发问题。