目前我正在为每个数组使用一个带有2个索引变量的for循环,所以只加上 *** 作,但所有托管数组检查都不会与C指针方法进行比较.
我不想要一个不安全的解决方案,尽管从它的外观来看,这可能是优化此类 *** 作的唯一方法.
private float[][] DeInterleave(float[] buffer,int channels){ float[][] tempbuf = new float[channels][]; int length = buffer.Length / channels; for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++) { tempbuf[c] = new float[length]; for (int i = 0,offset = c; i < tempbuf[c].Length; i++,offset += channels) tempbuf[c][i] = buffer[offset]; } return tempbuf;}解决方法 我运行了一些测试,这是我测试的代码:
delegate(float[] inout){ // My Original Code float[][] tempbuf = new float[2][]; int length = inout.Length / 2; for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { tempbuf[c] = new float[length]; for (int i = 0,offset += 2) tempbuf[c][i] = inout[offset]; }}delegate(float[] inout){ // jerryjvl's recommendation: loop unrolling float[][] tempbuf = new float[2][]; int length = inout.Length / 2; for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) tempbuf[c] = new float[length]; for (int ix = 0,i = 0; ix < length; ix++) { tempbuf[0][ix] = inout[i++]; tempbuf[1][ix] = inout[i++]; }}delegate(float[] inout){ // Unsafe Code unsafe { float[][] tempbuf = new float[2][]; int length = inout.Length / 2; fixed (float* buffer = inout) for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { tempbuf[c] = new float[length]; float* offset = buffer + c; fixed (float* buffer2 = tempbuf[c]) { float* p = buffer2; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++,offset += 2) *p++ = *offset; } } }}delegate(float[] inout){ // Modifying my original code to see if the compiler is not as smart as i think it is. float[][] tempbuf = new float[2][]; int length = inout.Length / 2; for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { float[] buf = tempbuf[c] = new float[length]; for (int i = 0,offset = c; i < buf.Length; i++,offset += 2) buf[i] = inout[offset]; }}
和结果:(缓冲区大小= 2 ^ 17,每次测试的迭代次数= 200)
Average for test #1: 0.001286 seconds +/- 0.000026Average for test #2: 0.001193 seconds +/- 0.000025Average for test #3: 0.000686 seconds +/- 0.000009Average for test #4: 0.000847 seconds +/- 0.000008Average for test #1: 0.001210 seconds +/- 0.000012Average for test #2: 0.001048 seconds +/- 0.000012Average for test #3: 0.000690 seconds +/- 0.000009Average for test #4: 0.000883 seconds +/- 0.000011Average for test #1: 0.001209 seconds +/- 0.000015Average for test #2: 0.001060 seconds +/- 0.000013Average for test #3: 0.000695 seconds +/- 0.000010Average for test #4: 0.000861 seconds +/- 0.000009
delegate(float[] inout){ float[][] tempbuf = new float[2][]; int length = inout.Length / 2; float[] tempbuf0 = tempbuf[0] = new float[length]; float[] tempbuf1 = tempbuf[1] = new float[length]; for (int ix = 0,i = 0; ix < length; ix++) { tempbuf0[ix] = inout[i++]; tempbuf1[ix] = inout[i++]; }}
正如我告诉jerryjvl,问题是让CLS没有索引检查输入缓冲区,因为添加第二个检查(&& offset< inout.Length)将减慢它... 编辑2:
2^17 items,repeated 200 times******************************************Average for test #1: 0.000533 seconds +/- 0.000017Average for test #2: 0.000527 seconds +/- 0.000016Average for test #3: 0.000407 seconds +/- 0.000008Average for test #4: 0.000374 seconds +/- 0.000008Average for test #5: 0.000424 seconds +/- 0.0000092^17 items,repeated 200 times******************************************Average for test #1: 0.000547 seconds +/- 0.000016Average for test #2: 0.000732 seconds +/- 0.000020Average for test #3: 0.000423 seconds +/- 0.000009Average for test #4: 0.000360 seconds +/- 0.000008Average for test #5: 0.000406 seconds +/- 0.0000082^18 items,repeated 200 times******************************************Average for test #1: 0.001295 seconds +/- 0.000036Average for test #2: 0.001283 seconds +/- 0.000020Average for test #3: 0.001085 seconds +/- 0.000027Average for test #4: 0.001035 seconds +/- 0.000025Average for test #5: 0.001130 seconds +/- 0.0000252^18 items,repeated 200 times******************************************Average for test #1: 0.001234 seconds +/- 0.000026Average for test #2: 0.001319 seconds +/- 0.000023Average for test #3: 0.001309 seconds +/- 0.000025Average for test #4: 0.001191 seconds +/- 0.000026Average for test #5: 0.001196 seconds +/- 0.000022Test#1 = My Original CodeTest#2 = Optimized safe loop unrollingTest#3 = Unsafe code - loop unrollingTest#4 = Unsafe codeTest#5 = My Optimized Code
看起来循环展开是不利的.我的优化代码仍然是我最好的方式,与不安全的代码相比只有10%的差异.如果我只能告诉编译器(i< buf.Length)暗示(offset< inout.Length),它将丢弃检查(inout [offset]),我将基本上得到不安全的性能.