class X { /* ... */};voID* raw = malloc(sizeof (X));X* p = new (raw) X(); // according to the standard,the RHS is a placement-new Expression::operator delete(p); // definitely wrong,per litb's answerdelete p; // legal? I hope not
class X { /* ... */};voID* raw = malloc(sizeof (X));X* p = new (raw) X[1]; // according to the standard,the RHS is a placement-new Expression::operator delete[](p); // definitely wrong,per litb's answerdelete [] p; // legal? I hope not
This is the closest question我能找到.
编辑:我只是不认为标准的语言限制参数的函数voID :: operator delete(voID *)的用法以任何有意义的方式应用于delete-Expression中的delete *** 作数.最好,两者之间的连接是非常脆弱的,并且允许一些表达式作为删除的 *** 作数,这些 *** 作不能传递给voID :: operator delete(voID *).例如:
struct A{ virtual ~A() {}};struct B1 : virtual A {};struct B2 : virtual A {};struct B3 : virtual A {};struct D : virtual B1,virtual B2,virtual B3 {};struct E : virtual B3,virtual D {};int main( voID ){ B3* p = new E(); voID* raw = malloc(sizeof (D)); B3* p2 = new (raw) D(); ::operator delete(p); // definitely UB delete p; // definitely legal ::operator delete(p2); // definitely UB delete p2; // ??? return 0;}
我希望这可以说明一个指针是否可以被传递给voID operator delete(voID *)与该指针是否可以用作delete的 *** 作数无关.
解决方法 [] p3的标准规则Otherwise,the value supplIEd to
operator delete(voID*)
in the standard library shall be one of the values returned by a prevIoUs invocation of eitheroperator new(size_t)
oroperator new(size_t,const std::nothrow_t&)
in the standard library,and the value supplIEd tooperator delete[](voID*)
in the standard library shall be one of the values returned by a prevIoUs invocation of eitheroperator new[](size_t)
oroperator new[](size_t,const std::nothrow_t&)
in the standard library.
您的删除呼叫将调用库的运算符delete(voID *),除非您已经覆盖.既然你没有说过什么,我会假设你没有.
上面的“应该”应该是像“行为不定义,如果不是”,所以它不被误认为是一个可诊断的规则,它不是由[lib.res.on.arguments] p1.这被n3225纠正了,所以不能再错了.
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c – 使用 *** 作符删除从放置新的指针获得的合法性全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c – 使用 *** 作符删除从放置新的指针获得的合法性所遇到的程序开发问题。