Options +FollowSymlinksRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{http_HOST} !www\.RewriteCond %{http_HOST} (.*)\.domain\.comRewriteRule .* index.PHP?username=%1 [L]
这很容易首先 – 不要将.htaccess文件从Laravel提供的默认文件中更改.默认情况下,您的域的所有请求将被路由到您的index.PHP文件,这正是我们想要的.然后在您的routes.PHP文件中,只需使用’before’过滤器,在其他任何 *** 作完成之前,该过滤器将过滤对应用程序的所有请求.
Route::filter('before',function(){ // Check if we asked for a user $server = explode('.',Request::server('http_HOST')); if (count($server) == 3) { // We have 3 parts of the domain - therefore a subdomain was requested // i.e. user.domain.com // Check if user is valID and has access - i.e. is logged in if (Auth::user()->username === $server[0]) { // User is logged in,and has access to this subdomain // DO WHATEVER YOU WANT HERE WITH THE USER PROfile echo "your username is ".$server[0]; } else { // Username is invalID,or user does not have access to this subdomain // SHOW ERROR OR WHATEVER YOU WANT echo "error - you do not have access to here"; } } else { // Only 2 parts of domain was requested - therefore no subdomain was requested // i.e. domain.com // Do nothing here - will just route normally - but you Could put logic here if you want }});
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的php – 用户名作为laravel的子域名全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决php – 用户名作为laravel的子域名所遇到的程序开发问题。