1. Groovy官方知识库: Groovy官方知识库
2. 网络教程:
2.关键字as | assert | break | case |
catch | class | const | continue |
def | default | do | else |
enum | extends | false | finally |
for | goto | if | implements |
import | in | instanceof | interface |
new | null | package | return |
super | switch | this | throw |
throws | trait | true | try |
while | - | - | - |
def person=[as: “dabao”] //这是一个map集合。稍后会介绍。
println person.as; //在这里引用as,其作为标识符是有效的。
person.name或者 person.”name” 或者person.’name’.
def map = [:]map."an IDentifIEr with a space and double quotes" = "ALLOWED"map.'with-dash-signs-and-single-quotes' = "ALLOWED"assert map."an IDentifIEr with a space and double quotes" == "ALLOWED"assert map.'with-dash-signs-and-single-quotes' == "ALLOWED"
map.'single quote'map."double quote"map.'''triple single quote'''map."""triple double quote"""map./slashy string/map.$/dollar slashy string/$
def firstname = "Homer"map."Simson-${firstname}" = "Homer Simson"assert map.'Simson-Homer' == "Homer Simson"4.字符串
4.1. 单引号字符串Single quoted stringSingle quoted strings are a serIEs of characters surrounded by single quotes:
'a single quoted string'
单引号字符串是 java.lang.String,不支持插值。
4.2. 拼接字符串String concatenation在Groovy中所有的字符串都支持拼接,通过加号:
assert 'ab' == 'a' + 'b'4.3.三个单引号括起来的字符串 Triple single quoted string
'''a triple single quoted string'''
三个单引号括起来的字符串 是java.lang.String,不支持插值。
def aMultilinestring = '''line oneline twoline three'''
def strippedFirstNewline = '''\line oneline twoline three'''4.3.1.转义特殊字符EscaPing special characters
'an escaped single quote: \' needs a backslash''an escaped escape character: \ needs a double backslash'
Some special characters also use the backslash as escape character:
例如:’\t’ 代表制表符,其他的不再一一列举,可以去官网查看。
'The Euro currency symbol: \u20AC'4.4. 双引号字符串Double quoted string
"a double quoted string"
4.4.1. 字符串插值String interpolation重点来了,这才是GString不同于java.lang.String的地方
def name = 'Guillaume' // a plain stringdef greeting = "Hello ${name}"assert greeting.toString() == 'Hello Guillaume'
def sum = "The sum of 2 and 3 equals ${2 + 3}"assert sum.toString() == 'The sum of 2 and 3 equals 5'
def name = 'Guillaume' // a plain stringdef greeting = "Hello $name"assert greeting.toString() == 'Hello Guillaume'
4.4.2.插入闭包表达式的特殊例子 Special case of interpolating closure Expressions至于什么是闭包,以后会涉及。如果觉得难以理解这一小节可以先跳过。
def sParameterLessClosure = "1 + 2 == ${-> 3}" //①assert sParameterLessClosure == '1 + 2 == 3'def sOneParamClosure = "1 + 2 == ${ w -> w###4.4.3. 与Java的互 *** 作性Interoperability with Java### 当一个方法(无论是在Java或是Groovy中实现)预期需要一个java.lang.String,而我们传递了一个groovy.lang.GString实例,GString的toString()方法将会被自动调用。这个应该不难理解。我感觉称不上是一个特性。
String takeString(String message) { assert message instanceof String return message}def message = "The message is ${'hello'}" assert message instanceof GString def result = takeString(message) assert result instanceof Stringassert result == 'The message is hello'####4.4.4. GString和String的哈希值GString and String hashCodes#### 尽管插入值字符串(GString)可以被当做普通Java字符串使用,但它们依然是不同的字符串,特别表现在:它们的哈希值不同。普通Java字符串的哈希值是不变的,但GString却是可变的,GString的哈希值依赖于他的插入值。即使是同样值的字符串,GString和String的哈希值衣然不同。
assert "one: ".hashCode() != "one: 1".hashCode()
GString and Strings having different hashCode values,using GString as Map keys should be avoIDed,especially if we try to retrIEve an associated value with a String instead of a GString.
GString 和 String具有不同的哈希值,应该避免使用GString作为Map集合的键,特别是如果我们试图使用String代替GString作为键来获取值的时候。 def key = “a”
def m = [“${key}": "letter ${key}”]
assert m[“a”] == null
Triple double quoted strings behave like double quoted strings,with the addition that they are multiline,like the triple single quoted strings.
def name = 'Groovy'def template = """ Dear Mr ${name},You're the winner of the lottery! Yours sincerly,Dave"""assert template.toString().contains('Groovy')Neither double quotes nor single quotes need be escaped in triple double quoted strings. 无论双引号字符串还是单引号字符串在三个单引号的字符串中都需要被转义。##4.6. 斜杠字符串Slashy string## 斜杠分正斜杠( forward slash '/' )和反斜杠( backslash '\') 引自:[百度百科-斜杠](http://baike.baIDu.com/vIEw/1463371.htm) Beyond the usual quoted strings,Groovy offers slashy strings,which use / as delimiters. Slashy strings are particularly useful for defining regular Expressions and patterns,as there is no need to escape backslashes. 除了一些平常的引号字符串之外,Groovy提供了正斜杠字符串,使用/作为分隔符。正斜杠字符串在定义正则表达式和pattern是特别有用,这时将不需要反斜线。
def fooPattern = /.*foo.*/assert fooPattern == '.*foo.*'
仅仅正斜杠需要使用反斜杠转义: def escapeSlash = /The character \/ is a forward slash/
assert escapeSlash == 'The character / is a forward slash'
正斜线字符串支持跨行,也支持插入值例如: def multilineslashy = /one
assert multilineslashy.contains('\n')
插入值: def color = 'blue'
def interpolatedSlashy = /a ${color} car/
assert interpolatedSlashy == 'a blue car'
Dollar slashy strings are multiline GStrings delimited with an opening
上面的翻译太罗嗦,总之一句话:$或/转不转义都行,\ 无法被转义,\ $ 必须被转义。
示例如下: def name = “Guillaume”
def date = “April,1st”
def dollarslashy = $/
Hello $name,
today we’re ${date}.
$ dollar sign
$$ escaped dollar sign
\ backslash
/ forward slash
$/ escaped forward slash
$/$ escaped dollar slashy string delimiter
assert [
‘$ dollar sign’,
‘$ escaped dollar sign’,
‘\ backslash’,
‘/ forward slash’,
‘$/ escaped forward slash’,
‘/$ escaped dollar slashy string delimiter’
].each { dollarslashy.contains(it) }
String name | String Syntax | Interpolated | Multiline | Escape character |
Single quoted | ‘…’ | \ | ||
Triple single quoted | ”’…”’ | √ | \ | |
Double quoted | “…” | √ | \ | |
Triple double quoted | “”“…”“” | √ | √ | \ |
slashy | /…/ | √ | √ | \ |
Dollar slashy | | √ | √ | $ |
与Java不同,Groovy没有显式的字符文本,然而你可以通过三种不同方式,可以将Groovy字符串实际作为一个字符使用。 char c1 = ‘A’ //(1)当定义变量时,通过指定char类型,使变量包含字符
assert c1 instanceof Character //(2)通过as *** 作符使用类型强制转换
def c2 = ‘B’ as char //
assert c2 instanceof Character
def c3 = (char)’C’ //(3)通过char *** 作符做类型转换
assert c3 instanceof Character
5.1. 整数值Integral literalsThe integral literal types are the same as in Java:
你可以创建这些类型的整数值,通过以下声明形式: // primitive types基本类型
byte b = 1
char c = 2
short s = 3
int i = 4
long l = 5
// infinite precision无穷大
BigInteger bi = 6
对于正数: def a = 1
assert a instanceof Integer
// Integer.MAX_VALUE
def b = 2147483647
assert b instanceof Integer
// Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1
def c = 2147483648
assert c instanceof Long
def d = 9223372036854775807
assert d instanceof Long
// Long.MAX_VALUE + 1
def e = 9223372036854775808
assert e instanceof BigInteger
同样,对于负数: def na = -1
assert na instanceof Integer
// Integer.MIN_VALUE
def nb = -2147483648
assert nb instanceof Integer
// Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1
def nc = -2147483649
assert nc instanceof Long
def nd = -9223372036854775808
assert nd instanceof Long
// Long.MIN_VALUE - 1
def ne = -9223372036854775809
assert ne instanceof BigInteger
二进制数Binary literal
int xInt = 0b10101111assert xInt == 175short xShort = 0b11001001assert xShort == 201 as shortbyte xByte = 0b11assert xByte == 3 as bytelong xLong = 0b101101101101assert xLong == 2925lBigInteger xBigInteger = 0b111100100001assert xBigInteger == 3873gint xNegativeInt = -0b10101111assert xNegativeInt == -175
八进制Octal literal
int xInt = 077assert xInt == 63short xShort = 011assert xShort == 9 as shortbyte xByte = 032assert xByte == 26 as bytelong xLong = 0246assert xLong == 166lBigInteger xBigInteger = 01111assert xBigInteger == 585gint xNegativeInt = -077assert xNegativeInt == -63
十六进制Hexadecimal literal
int xInt = 0x77assert xInt == 119short xShort = 0xaaassert xShort == 170 as shortbyte xByte = 0x3aassert xByte == 58 as bytelong xLong = 0xffffassert xLong == 65535lBigInteger xBigInteger = 0xaaaaassert xBigInteger == 43690gDouble xDouble = new Double('0x1.0p0')assert xDouble == 1.0dint xNegativeInt = -0x77assert xNegativeInt == -1195.2. 小数Decimal literals
float double java.lang.BigDecimalYou can create decimal numbers of those types with the following declarations:
// primitive typesfloat f = 1.234double d = 2.345// infinite precisionBigDecimal bd = 3.456
Decimals can use exponents,with the e or E exponent letter,followed by an optional sign,and a integral number representing the exponent:
assert 1e3 == 1_000.0assert 2E4 == 20_000.0assert 3e+1 == 30.0assert 4E-2 == 0.04assert 5e-1 == 0.5
注意: 1_000.0的下划线有没有都可以,后续会介绍。
When writing long literal numbers,it’s harder on the eye to figure out how some numbers are grouped together,for example with groups of thousands,of words,etc. By allowing you to place underscore in number literals,it’s easIEr to spot those groups:
long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456Llong socialSecurityNumbers = 999_99_9999Ldouble monetaryAmount = 12_345_132.12long hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5Elong hexWords = 0xFFEC_DE5Elong maxLong = 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffLlong alsoMaxLong = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807Llong bytes = 0b11010010_01101001_10010100_10010010
5.4.数值类型后缀Number type suffixes我们可以强制一个数(包括二进制,八进制,和十六进制)表示指定类型通过添加后缀的方式,后缀可以大写也可以小写。
Type | Suffix |
BigInteger | G or g |
Long | L or l |
Integer | I or i |
BigDecimal | G or g |
Double | D or d |
float | F or f |
assert 42I == new Integer('42')assert 42i == new Integer('42') // lowercase i more readableassert 123L == new Long("123") // uppercase L more readableassert 2147483648 == new Long('2147483648') // Long type used,value too large for an Integerassert 456G == new BigInteger('456')assert 456g == new BigInteger('456')assert 123.45 == new BigDecimal('123.45') // default BigDecimal type usedassert 1.200065D == new Double('1.200065')assert 1.234F == new float('1.234')assert 1.23E23D == new Double('1.23E23')assert 0b1111L.class == Long // binaryassert 0xFFi.class == Integer // hexadecimalassert 034G.class == BigInteger // octal5.5.数学运算符 Math operations
尽管关于 *** 作符的介绍后续还会有专门介绍,但是讨论数学 *** 作符的使用和运算后结果的类型仍然是重要的。
division and power binary operations asIDe (covered below),
1. byte char short和int进行二元 *** 作的结果是int
2. 使用long与byte char short int进行二元 *** 作的结果是long
3. 使用BigInteger与任意其他整数类型进行二元 *** 作结果是BigInteger
4. float double与BigDecimal进行二元运算的结果是double
5. 两个BigDecimal进行二元运算的结果是BigDecimal
6. 自身之间的二元运算结果还是自身的类型
由于Groovy *** 作符重载,BigInteger与BigDecimal通常也能进行运算 *** 作,与Java不同,在Java中你不得不明确的使用方法 *** 作这些数字。
如果任何一个 *** 作数是float或double,那么除法运算符/(和/= 用于除法和赋值)产生double结果,否则(当两个 *** 作数是一个与整型类型short,char,byte,int,long,BigInteger or BigDecimal的任意组合)是一个BigDecimal结果。
BigDecimal division is performed with the divIDe() method if the division is exact (i.e. yIElding a result that can be represented within the bounds of the same precision and scale),or using a MathContext with a precision of the maximum of the two operands’ precision plus an extra precision of 10,and a scale of the maximum of 10 and the maximum of the operands’ scale.这一段没看懂
**注:**For integer division like in Java,you should use the intdiv() method,as Groovy doesn’t provIDe a dedicated integer division operator symbol.
int a=4;int b=3;assert a.intdiv(b) == 1;5.5.2. 幂的运算类型The case of the power operator
// base and exponent are ints and the result can be represented by an Integerassert 2 ** 3 instanceof Integer // 8assert 10 ** 9 instanceof Integer // 1_000_000_000// the base is a long,so fit the result in a Long// (although it Could have fit in an Integer)assert 5L ** 2 instanceof Long // 25// the result can't be represented as an Integer or Long,so return a BigIntegerassert 100 ** 10 instanceof BigInteger // 10e20assert 1234 ** 123 instanceof BigInteger // 170515806212727042875...// the base is a BigDecimal and the exponent a negative int// but the result can be represented as an Integerassert 0.5 ** -2 instanceof Integer // 4// the base is an int,and the exponent a negative float// but again,the result can be represented as an Integerassert 1 ** -0.3f instanceof Integer // 1// the base is an int,and the exponent a negative int// but the result will be calculated as a Double// (both base and exponent are actually converted to doubles)assert 10 ** -1 instanceof Double // 0.1// the base is a BigDecimal,and the exponent is an int,so return a BigDecimalassert 1.2 ** 10 instanceof BigDecimal // 6.1917364224// the base is a float or double,and the exponent is an int// but the result can only be represented as a Double valueassert 3.4f ** 5 instanceof Double // 454.35430372146965assert 5.6d ** 2 instanceof Double // 31.359999999999996// the exponent is a decimal value// and the result can only be represented as a Double valueassert 7.8 ** 1.9 instanceof Double // 49.542708423868476assert 2 ** 0.1f instanceof Double // 1.071773463643296. 布尔值Booleans
Boolean values can be stored in variables,assigned into fIElds,just like any other data type:
def myBooleanVariable = trueboolean untypedBooleanVar = falsebooleanFIEld = true
7. List集合ListsGroovy uses a comma-separated List of values,surrounded by square brackets,to denote Lists. Groovy Lists are plain JDK java.util.List,as Groovy doesn’t define its own collection classes. The concrete List implementation used when defining List literals are java.util.ArrayList by default,unless you decIDe to specify otherwise,as we shall see later on.
O(∩_∩)O哈哈~这段比较好翻译。 def numbers = [1,2,3]
assert numbers instanceof List
assert numbers.size() == 3
def heterogeneous = [1,"a",true]
def arrayList = [1,3]assert arrayList instanceof java.util.ArrayListdef linkedList = [2,3,4] as linkedList assert linkedList instanceof java.util.linkedListlinkedList otherlinked = [3,4,5] assert otherlinked instanceof java.util.linkedList
可以通过索引和[]来访问元素,索引可以是整数也可以是负数。使用<<可以向后追加。也可以使用缩略来访问部分元素。使用比较灵活,常用的访问方式如: def letters = [‘a’,‘b’,‘c’,‘d’]
assert letters[0] == ‘a’
assert letters[1] == ‘b’
assert letters[-1] == ‘d’
assert letters[-2] == ‘c’
letters[2] = ‘C’
assert letters[2] == ‘C’
letters << ‘e’
assert letters[ 4] == ‘e’
assert letters[-1] == ‘e’
assert letters[1,3] == [‘b’,‘d’]
assert letters[2..4] == [‘C’,‘d’,‘e’]
多维度集合: def multi = [[0,1],[2,3]]
assert multi[1][0] == 2
Groovy reuses the List notation for arrays,but to make such literals arrays,you need to explicitely define the type of the array through coercion or type declaration.
例子如下: String[] arrStr = [‘Ananas’,‘Banana’,‘Kiwi’]
assert arrStr instanceof String[]
assert !(arrStr instanceof List)
def numArr = [1,3] as int[]
assert numArr instanceof int[]
assert numArr.size() == 3
同样你也可以创建多维度数组: def matrix3 = new Integer[3][3]
assert matrix3.size() == 3
Integer[][] matrix2
matrix2 = [[1,2],[3,4]]
assert matrix2 instanceof Integer[][]
Access to elements of an array follows the same notation as for Lists:
访问数组的元素和集合访问元素没有区别: String[] names = [‘Cédric’,‘Guillaume’,‘Jochen’,‘Paul’]
assert names[0] == ‘Cédric’
names[2] = ‘Blackdrag’
assert names[2] == ‘Blackdrag’
Java’s array initializer notation is not supported by Groovy,as the curly braces can be misinterpreted with the notation of Groovy closures.
Sometimes called dictionarIEs or associative arrays in other languages,Groovy features maps. Maps associate keys to values,separating keys and values with colons,and each key/value pairs with commas,and the whole keys and values surrounded by square brackets.
在其他语言中有时被称作字典或者关联数组,在Groovy中称为映射。映射是的键和值建立了关联,使用冒号分隔键和值,键值对使用逗号隔开,所有的键值对使用方括号括起来就构成了map集合。 def colors = [red: ‘#FF0000’,green: ‘#00FF00’,blue: ‘#0000FF’]
assert colors[‘red’] == ‘#FF0000’
assert colors.green == ‘#00FF00’
colors[‘pink’] = ‘#FF00FF’
colors.yellow = ‘#FFFF00’
assert colors.pink == ‘#FF00FF’
assert colors[‘yellow’] == ‘#FFFF00’
assert colors instanceof java.util.linkedHashMap
When using names for the keys,we actually define string keys in the map.Groovy creates maps that are actually instances of java.util.linkedHashMap.
当使用名称作为键,我们实际上定义的是字符串作为映射的键。 Groovy创建映射,其实创建的是java.util.linkedHashMap的实例。
assert colors.unkNown == null
In the examples above,we used string keys,but you can also use values of other types as keys:
def numbers = [1: 'one',2: 'two']assert numbers[1] == 'one'
Here,we used numbers as keys,as numbers can unambiguously be recognized as numbers,so Groovy will not create a string key like in our prevIoUs examples. But consIDer the case you want to pass a variable in lIEu of the key,to have the value of that variable become the key:
这是重点 def key = ‘name’
def person = [key: ‘Guillaume’]
assert !person.containsKey(‘name’)
assert person.containsKey(‘key’)
如果你非要使用变量的值的话,你可以将这个变量用小括号括起来。 person = [(key): ‘Guillaume’]
assert person.containsKey(‘name’)
assert !person.containsKey(‘key’)
Groovy备注: 1.初识Grovvy时你可能会感到疑惑,为什么Groovy里的函数可以直接用,比如println究其原因无非有两种:①方法静态导入②继承自父类。
groovy.lang.*groovy.util.*java.lang.*java.util.*javautil.regex.*java.net.*java.io.*java.math.BigDecimaljava.math.BigInteger介绍一些题外知识 1.groovy源码生成class字节码文件,并反编译
groovy -d 存放class文件的目录 **.gradle