ID col1 anotherColumn2 1 1 any2 2 1 any2 3 2 any2 4 3 any2 5 3 any2 6 3 any2 7 any2
col1 col2 anotherColumn1 1 Hi any1 2 Bye any1 3 Later any1 4 Never any1
ID col1 col2 anotherColumn1 anotherColumn2 1 1 Hi any1 any2 2 1 Hi any1 any2 3 2 Bye any1 any2 4 3 Later any1 any2 5 3 Later any1 any2 6 3 Later any1 any2 7 any2
我可以使用常规的Datatable *** 作,liNQ或其他.
dtblA.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {dtblA.Columns["col1"]}Datatable dtblJoined = new Datatable();dtblJoined.Merge(dtblA,false,MissingSchemaAction.AdDWithKey);dtblJoined.Merge(dtblB,MissingSchemaAction.AdDWithKey);
dtblJoined = (from t1 in dtblA.Rows.Cast<DaTarow>() join t2 in dtblB.Rows.Cast<DaTarow>() on t1["col1"] equals t2["col1"] select t1).copyToDatatable();
Datatable targettable = dtblA.Clone();var dt2Columns = dtblB.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>().Select(dc =>new DataColumn(dc.Columnname,dc.DataType,dc.Expression,dc.ColumnMapPing));var dt2FinalColumns = from dc in dt2Columns.AsEnumerable() where targettable.Columns.Contains(dc.Columnname) == false select dc;targettable.Columns.AddRange(dt2FinalColumns.ToArray());var rowData = from row1 in dtblA.AsEnumerable() join row2 in dtblB.AsEnumerable() on row1["col1"] equals row2["col1"] select row1.ItemArray.Concat(row2.ItemArray.Where(r2 => row1.ItemArray.Contains(r2) == false)).ToArray(); foreach (object[] values in rowData) targettable.Rows.Add(values);
解决方法 感谢所有的帮助.这是我根据多种资源提出的:public static class DatatableHelper{ public enum JoinType { /// <summary> /// Same as regular join. Inner join produces only the set of records that match in both table A and table B. /// </summary> Inner = 0,/// <summary> /// Same as left Outer join. left outer join produces a complete set of records from table A,with the matching records (where available) in table B. If there is no match,the right sIDe will contain null. /// </summary> left = 1 } /// <summary> /// Joins the passed in Datatables on the colToJoinOn. /// <para>Returns an appropriate Datatable with zero rows if the colToJoinOn does not exist in both tables.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="dtblleft"></param> /// <param name="dtblRight"></param> /// <param name="colToJoinOn"></param> /// <param name="joinType"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks> /// <para>https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2379747/create-combined-datatable-from-two-datatables-joined-with-linq-c-sharp?rq=1</para> /// <para>http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb397895.aspx</para> /// <para>http://www.Codinghorror.com/blog/2007/10/a-visual-explanation-of-sql-joins.HTML</para> /// <para>https://stackoverflow.com/questions/406294/left-join-and-left-outer-join-in-sql-server</para> /// </remarks> public static Datatable JoinTwoDatatablesOnOneColumn(Datatable dtblleft,Datatable dtblRight,string colToJoinOn,JoinType joinType) { //Change column name to a temp name so the liNQ for getting row data will work properly. string strTempColname = colToJoinOn + "_2"; if (dtblRight.Columns.Contains(colToJoinOn)) dtblRight.Columns[colToJoinOn].Columnname = strTempColname; //Get columns from dtblleft Datatable dtblResult = dtblleft.Clone(); //Get columns from dtblRight var dt2Columns = dtblRight.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>().Select(dc => new DataColumn(dc.Columnname,dc.ColumnMapPing)); //Get columns from dtblRight that are not in dtblleft var dt2FinalColumns = from dc in dt2Columns.AsEnumerable() where !dtblResult.Columns.Contains(dc.Columnname) select dc; //Add the rest of the columns to dtblResult dtblResult.Columns.AddRange(dt2FinalColumns.ToArray()); //No reason to continue if the colToJoinOn does not exist in both Datatables. if (!dtblleft.Columns.Contains(colToJoinOn) || (!dtblRight.Columns.Contains(colToJoinOn) && !dtblRight.Columns.Contains(strTempColname))) { if (!dtblResult.Columns.Contains(colToJoinOn)) dtblResult.Columns.Add(colToJoinOn); return dtblResult; } switch (joinType) { default: case JoinType.Inner: #region Inner //get row data //To use the Datatable.AsEnumerable() extension method you need to add a reference to the System.Data.DataSetExtension assembly in your project. var rowDataleftInner = from rowleft in dtblleft.AsEnumerable() join rowRight in dtblRight.AsEnumerable() on rowleft[colToJoinOn] equals rowRight[strTempColname] select rowleft.ItemArray.Concat(rowRight.ItemArray).ToArray(); //Add row data to dtblResult foreach (object[] values in rowDataleftInner) dtblResult.Rows.Add(values); #endregion break; case JoinType.left: #region left var rowDataleftOuter = from rowleft in dtblleft.AsEnumerable() join rowRight in dtblRight.AsEnumerable() on rowleft[colToJoinOn] equals rowRight[strTempColname] into gj from subRight in gj.DefaultIfEmpty() select rowleft.ItemArray.Concat((subRight== null) ? (dtblRight.NewRow().ItemArray) :subRight.ItemArray).ToArray(); //Add row data to dtblResult foreach (object[] values in rowDataleftOuter) dtblResult.Rows.Add(values); #endregion break; } //Change column name back to original dtblRight.Columns[strTempColname].Columnname = colToJoinOn; //Remove extra column from result dtblResult.Columns.Remove(strTempColname); return dtblResult; }}