这里简单介绍下vb script 脚本的基本语法:
Sub 创建任务脚本_Click()Dim line As String Dim ColumnStr As String Dim Substr As String Dim Str,Val,n max_line = 20000 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject") sfilename = ThisWorkbook.Path + "\..\..\Sources\sql\output.sql" Set fhandle = fs.CreateTextfile(sfilename,True) i = 1 For i = 1 To 200 '显示修改历史记录预设200行 If (Cells(i,1) = "修改历史") And UCase(Cells(i,2)) = "BEGIN" Then j = i + 1 fhandle.Writeline ("-- 修改历史:") While Not (Cells(j,1) = "修改历史" And UCase(Cells(j,2)) = "END") fhandle.Writeline ("-- " & Cells(j,1) & " -" & Cells(j,2) & " -" & Cells(j,3) & " -" & Cells(j,4)) j = j + 1 Wend Exit For End If Next '1.定位到第一条数据所在行数 menu_start = 0 For i = 1 To max_line If Cells(i,2) = "交易市场" Then menu_start = i + 1 Exit For End If Next If menu_start = 0 Then Exit Sub End If fhandle.Writeline (" ") fhandle.Writeline (" ") '3.生成任务脚本 For i = menu_start To max_line If Cells(i,2) = "" Then Exit For End If fhandle.Writeline ("--" & Cells(i,15) & " start") fhandle.Writeline ("declare") fhandle.Writeline (" iCountNum number;") fhandle.Writeline ("begin") fhandle.Writeline (" iCountNum := 0;") line = " select count(*) into iCountNum from TCONVERTSET where vc_module = '" & Cells(i,7) & "' and vc_function = '" & Cells(i,8) & "';" fhandle.Writeline (line) fhandle.Writeline (" if (iCountNum = 0) then") line = " insert into TCONVERTSET (L_SERIAL_NO,L_OPERATOR_NO,C_MARKET_NO,C_CONVERT_TYPE,L_THREAD_COUNT,L_BEGIN_TIME,L_END_TIME,VC_MODulE,VC_FUNCTION,C_CONVERT_STATUS,L_PRIORITY_LEVEL,VC_REMARKS,VC_INIT_FUNCTION,C_RUN_ONCE,C_VERSION )" fhandle.Writeline (line) line = " values ( SeqConvertSetNo.nextval,1000,'" & Cells(i,2) & "',3) & "'," & Cells(i,4) & ",5) & ",6) & ",7) & "',8) & "',9) & "',10) & ",11) & "',12) & "',13) & "',14) & "');" fhandle.Writeline (line) fhandle.Writeline (" end if; ") fhandle.Writeline ("end; ") fhandle.Writeline ("/ ") fhandle.Writeline ("") ' End FOR Next fhandle.Writeline ("commit; ") fhandle.Close MsgBox "任务脚本创建成功!" & Chr(10) & "文件名:" & sfilenameEnd Sub总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的VB script 入门全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决VB script 入门所遇到的程序开发问题。