VB6基于Windows API的Modbus RTUASCIITCP的主站实现代码

VB6基于Windows API的Modbus RTUASCIITCP的主站实现代码,第1张

概述分三模块 modSerialPort.bas 串口 *** 作模块 modTCPClient.bas TCP *** 作模块 modModbusMaster.bas Modbus主站模块 实现代码例举如下 '打开hModbus=ModbusOpen("Com1",ModbusRTU) '或者hModbus=ModbusOpen("",ModbusTCP)'读取if M


modSerialPort.bas 串口 *** 作模块

modTCPClIEnt.bas TCP *** 作模块

modModbusMaster.bas Modbus主站模块


'打开hModbus=ModbusOpen("Com1",ModbusRTU) '或者hModbus=ModbusOpen("",ModbusTCP)'读取if ModbusRead(hModbus,1,inputStatus,IntArr,ModbusRTU)=True then'读取成功else'读取失败end'写入if ModbusWrite(hModbus,HoldingRegister,ModbusRTU)=True then'写入成功else'写入失败end'关闭ModbusClose(hModbus,ModbusRTU)




Option ExplicitPrivate Const DEFAulT_QUEUE = 1024Private Const DEFAulT_WAIT_TIME = 50Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3              'Private Const PURGE_RXABORT = &H2Private Const PURGE_RXCLEAR = &H8'UtilsPrivate Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000Private Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ = &H20000Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&Private Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002Private Const KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = &H8Private Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10Private Const KEY_query_VALUE = &H1Private Const KEY_READ = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ Or KEY_query_VALUE Or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS Or KEY_NOTIFY) And (Not SYNCHRONIZE))Private Const REG_DWORD = 4'COMPrivate Type COMMTIMEOUTS        ReadIntervalTimeout As Long        WritetotalTimeoutConstant As Long        ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long        WritetotalTimeoutMultiplIEr As Long        ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplIEr As LongEnd TypePrivate Type COMSTAT        fBitFIElds As Long        cbInQue As Long        cbOutQue As LongEnd TypePrivate Type DCB    DCBlength As Long    Baudrate As Long    fBitFIElds As Long 'See Comments in Win32API.Txt    wReserved As Integer    Xonlim As Integer    Xofflim As Integer    ByteSize As Byte    Parity As Byte    StopBits As Byte    XOnChar As Byte    XOffChar As Byte    ErrorChar As Byte    EofChar As Byte    EvtChar As Byte    wReserved1 As Integer 'Reserved; Do Not UseEnd TypePrivate Type OVERLAPPED    ternal As Long    hEvent As Long    offset As Long    OffsetHigh As Long    ternalHigh As LongEnd TypePrivate Type Security_ATTRIBUTES        nLength As Long        binheritHandle As Long        lpSecurityDescriptor As LongEnd Type'CommonPrivate Declare Sub Sleep lib "kernel32" (ByVal DWMilliseconds As Long)'COMPrivate Declare Function BuildCommDCB lib "kernel32" Alias "BuildCommDCBA" (ByVal lpDef As String,lpDCB As DCB) As LongPrivate Declare Function ClearCommError lib "kernel32" (ByVal hfile As Long,lpErrors As Long,lpStat As COMSTAT) As LongPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Createfile lib "kernel32" Alias "CreatefileA" (ByVal lpfilename As String,ByVal DWDesiredAccess As Long,ByVal DWShareMode As Long,lpSecurityAttributes As Security_ATTRIBUTES,ByVal DWCreationdisposition As Long,ByVal DWFlagsAndAttributes As Long,ByVal hTemplatefile As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function GetCommState lib "kernel32" (ByVal nCID As Long,lpDCB As DCB) As LongPrivate Declare Function PurgeComm lib "kernel32" (ByVal hfile As Long,ByVal DWFlags As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Readfile lib "kernel32" (ByVal hfile As Long,lpBuffer As Any,ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long,lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long,lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As LongPrivate Declare Function SetCommState lib "kernel32" (ByVal hCommDev As Long,lpDCB As DCB) As LongPrivate Declare Function SetCommTimeouts lib "kernel32" (ByVal hfile As Long,lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As LongPrivate Declare Function SetupComm lib "kernel32" (ByVal hfile As Long,ByVal DWInQueue As Long,ByVal DWOutQueue As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Writefile lib "kernel32" (ByVal hfile As Long,ByRef lpBuffer As Any,ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long,lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long,lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Long'UtilsPrivate Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx lib "advAPI32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long,ByVal lpSubKey As String,ByVal ulOptions As Long,ByVal samDesired As Long,phkResult As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function RegEnumValue lib "advAPI32.dll" Alias "RegEnumValueA" (ByVal hKey As Long,ByVal DWIndex As Long,ByVal lpValuename As String,lpcbValuename As Long,ByVal lpReserved As Long,lpType As Long,lpData As String,lpcbData As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function RegCloseKey lib "advAPI32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long'UtilsPublic Function EnumSerialPorts() As String  '枚举已存在的串口    Dim hKey As Long,ID As Long,Result As String    Dim Value As String,ValueLength As Long,Data As String,DataLength As Long    Result = ""    If RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM",0&,KEY_READ,hKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then        Do            ValueLength = 2000            DataLength = 2000            Value = String(ValueLength,Chr(32))  '注册项            Data = String(DataLength,Chr(32)) '值 Com 名称            If RegEnumValue(hKey,ID,ByVal Value,ValueLength,REG_DWORD,ByVal Data,DataLength) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then                Result = Result & IIf(Len(Result) = 0,"",",") & Trim(Replace(left(Data,DataLength),Chr(0),Chr(32)))            Else                Exit Do            End If            ID = ID + 1        Loop        RegCloseKey hKey    End If    EnumSerialPorts = ResultEnd Function'COMPublic Sub ComClose(ByRef Handle As Long)    If Handle = -1 Then Exit Sub    CloseHandle Handle    Handle = -1End SubPublic Function ComOpen(ByVal Port As String,Optional ByVal Settings As String = "9600,n,8,1",Optional ByVal DWInQueue As Long = DEFAulT_QUEUE,Optional ByVal DWOutQueue As Long = DEFAulT_QUEUE) As Long    Dim Result As Long,lpDCB As DCB,lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS,lpSA As Security_ATTRIBUTES    ComOpen = -1    If IsNumeric(Port) Then        Port = "\.\Com" & Port    Else        Port = "\.\" & Port    End If    Result = Createfile(Port,GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE,lpSA,OPEN_EXISTING,0&)    If Result = -1 Then Exit Function    If GetCommState(Result,lpDCB) = 0 Then        CloseHandle Result        Exit Function    End If    BuildCommDCB Settings,lpDCB    If SetCommState(Result,lpDCB) = 0 Then        CloseHandle Result        Exit Function    End If    SetupComm Result,DWInQueue,DWOutQueue  '分配串口缓冲区    '设定通讯超时参数    lpCommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 2    lpCommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 4    lpCommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplIEr = 3    lpCommTimeouts.WritetotalTimeoutConstant = 5000 '一次写入串口数据的固定超时。    lpCommTimeouts.WritetotalTimeoutMultiplIEr = 50 '写入每字符间的超时。    SetCommTimeouts Result,lpCommTimeouts    ComOpen = ResultEnd FunctionPublic Function ComreadByte(ByVal Handle As Long,ByRef Result() As Byte,Optional ByVal WaitTime As Long = DEFAulT_WAIT_TIME) As Long    Dim lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED,lpStat As COMSTAT,lpErrors As Long    If Handle = -1 Then Exit Function    ComreadByte = 0    If WaitTime > 0 Then Sleep WaitTime    ClearCommError Handle,lpErrors,lpStat    If lpStat.cbInQue > 0 Then        ReDim Result(DEFAulT_QUEUE - 1) '设置缓冲区大小1K        Readfile Handle,Result(0),lpStat.cbInQue,ComreadByte,lpOverlapped        If ComreadByte > 0 Then            ReDim Preserve Result(ComreadByte - 1)        Else            Erase Result        End If    End IfEnd FunctionPublic Function ComWriteByte(ByVal Handle As Long,ByRef Data() As Byte) As Long    Dim lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED,lpStat As COMSTAT    If (Handle = -1) Or (Len(StrConv(Data,vbUnicode)) = 0) Then Exit Function    PurgeComm Handle,PURGE_RXABORT Or PURGE_RXCLEAR  '清空输入缓冲区    Writefile Handle,Data(0),UBound(Data) + 1,ComWriteByte,lpOverlapped    Do        ClearCommError Handle,lpStat    Loop Until lpStat.cbOutQue = 0  '等待输出结束End Function



Option ExplicitPrivate Const DEFAulT_QUEUE = 1024Private Const DEFAulT_WAIT_TIME = 50'TCPPrivate Const WSA_DescriptionLen = 256Private Const WSA_DescriptionSize = WSA_DescriptionLen + 1Private Const WSA_SYS_STATUS_LEN = 128Private Const WSA_SysstatusSize = WSA_SYS_STATUS_LEN + 1Private Const AF_INET = 2Private Const SOCK_STREAM = 1Private Const IPPROTO_TCP = 6Private Const INADDR_NONE = &HFFFFPrivate Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1Private Type HostEnt    hname As Long    hAliases As Long    hAddrType As Integer    hLength As Integer    hAddrList As LongEnd TypePrivate Type SockAddr    Sin_Family As Integer    Sin_Port As Integer    Sin_Addr As Long    Sin_Zero(7) As ByteEnd TypePrivate Type WSADataType    wVersion As Integer    wHighVersion As Integer    szDescription As String * WSA_DescriptionSize    szSystemStatus As String * WSA_SysstatusSize    iMaxSockets As Integer    iMaxUdpDg As Integer    lpvendorInfo As LongEnd Type'CommonPrivate Declare Sub Sleep lib "kernel32" (ByVal DWMilliseconds As Long)'TCPPrivate Declare Function CloseSocket lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "closesocket" (ByVal hSocket As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Connect lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "connect" (ByVal hSocket As Long,Addr As SockAddr,ByVal nameLen As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Sub copyMemory lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any,Source As Any,ByVal Length As Long)Private Declare Function GetHostByname lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "gethostbyname" (ByVal Hostname As String) As LongPrivate Declare Function Htons lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "htons" (ByVal HostShort As Integer) As IntegerPrivate Declare Function iNet_Addr lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "inet_addr" (ByVal S As String) As LongPrivate Declare Function Recv lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "recv" (ByVal hSocket As Long,Buf As Any,ByVal BufLen As Long,ByVal Flags As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Send lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "send" (ByVal hSocket As Long,ByVal Flags As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Socket lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "socket" (ByVal af As Long,ByVal sType As Long,ByVal Protocol As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function WSACleanup lib "ws2_32.dll" () As LongPrivate Declare Function WSAStartup lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal wVR As Long,lpWSAD As WSADataType) As Long'================================='名称   GetHostBynameAlias'参数   Hostname  String 主机名'返回   Long'说明   将主机名转换成IP地址'日期   2015-04-08'=================================Public Function GetHostBynameAlias(ByVal Hostname As String) As Long    Dim Result As Long,hHost As HostEnt    GetHostBynameAlias = iNet_Addr(Hostname)    If GetHostBynameAlias = INADDR_NONE Then        Result = GetHostByname(Hostname)        If Result <> 0 Then            copyMemory hHost,ByVal Result,LenB(hHost)            copyMemory Result,ByVal hHost.hAddrList,LenB(Result)            copyMemory GetHostBynameAlias,hHost.hLength        End If    End IfEnd FunctionPublic Sub TCPClose(ByRef Handle As Long)    CloseSocket Handle    WSACleanup    Handle = -1End SubPublic Function TCPOpen(ByVal Host As String,Optional ByVal Port As Long = 502) As Long    Dim WSAData As WSADataType,SA As SockAddr,Result As Long    If WSAStartup(&H202,WSAData) <> 0 Then        WSACleanup    Else        If (InStr(Host,":") > 0) Then            If IsNumeric(Right(Host,Len(Host) - InStr(Host,":"))) = True Then                Port = CLng(Right(Host,":")))            End If            Host = left(Host,InStr(Host,":") - 1)        End If        Result = Socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP)        SA.Sin_Family = AF_INET        SA.Sin_Port = Htons(CInt("&H" & Hex(Port)))        SA.Sin_Addr = GetHostBynameAlias(Host)        If Connect(Result,SA,LenB(SA)) = SOCKET_ERROR Then            WSACleanup            Result = -1        End If    End If    TCPOpen = ResultEnd FunctionPublic Function TCPReadByte(ByVal Handle As Long,Optional ByVal WaitTime As Long = DEFAulT_WAIT_TIME) As Long    Dim T As Double,I As Integer    If Handle = -1 Then Exit Function    If WaitTime > 0 Then Sleep WaitTime    ReDim Result(DEFAulT_QUEUE - 1)    TCPReadByte = Recv(Handle,UBound(Result) + 1,0)    If TCPReadByte > 0 Then        ReDim Preserve Result(TCPReadByte - 1)    Else        Erase Result    End IfEnd FunctionPublic Function TCPWriteByte(ByRef Handle As Long,ByRef Data() As Byte) As Boolean    TCPWriteByte = -1    If (Len(StrConv(Data,vbUnicode)) = 0) Or (Handle = -1) Then Exit Function '检查数据包大小    TCPWriteByte = Send(Handle,0)    If TCPWriteByte = -1 Then  '通讯故障        Select Case Err.LastDllError            Case 10053                TCPClose Handle            Case Else                'DeBUG.Print Err.LastDllError        End Select    Else        TCPWriteByte = True    End IfEnd Function



Option ExplicitPrivate Const DEFAulT_QUEUE = 1024Private Const DEFAulT_WAIT_TIME = 50Private Const DEFAulT_RETRY_COUNT = 3Private Const DEFAulT_PROTOCol = 0'ModbusPublic Enum ModbusProtocolType    ModbusRTU = 0    ModbusASCII = 1    ModbusTCP = 2End EnumPublic Enum ModbusRegistersType    CoilStatus = 1    inputStatus = 2    HoldingRegister = 3    inputRegister = 4End EnumPrivate Declare Sub copyMemory lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any,ByVal Length As Long)'ModbusPrivate Function ArrToHex(ByRef Arr() As Byte) As String    Dim I As Integer,Result As String    For I = 0 To UBound(Arr)        Result = Result & Hex(Arr(I),2)    Next    ArrToHex = ResultEnd FunctionPrivate Function Hex(ByVal Number As Variant,Optional ByVal Length As Integer = 0) As String    Dim Result As String    Result = VBA.Hex(Number)    If Len(Result) < Length Then Result = String(Length - Len(Result),"0") & Result    Hex = ResultEnd FunctionPrivate Sub HexToArr(Str As String,ByRef Result() As Byte)    Dim C As Integer,I As Integer,CH As String    C = Len(Str) \ 2 - 1    ReDim Result(C)    For I = 0 To C        CH = MID(Str,I * 2 + 1,2)        Result(I) = CByte("&H" & CH)    NextEnd SubPrivate Sub GetCRC16(ByRef Data() As Byte,Optional ByVal offset As Integer = 0,Optional ByVal Length As Integer = 0)    Dim CRC16Lo As Byte,CRC16Hi As Byte      'CRC寄存器    Dim CL As Byte,CH As Byte                '多项式码&HA001    Dim SaveHi As Byte,SaveLo As Byte    Dim I As Integer    Dim Flag As Integer        CRC16Lo = &HFF    CRC16Hi = &HFF    CL = &H1    CH = &HA0    Length = IIf(Length < 1,UBound(Data) - offset,Length - 1)   'Update 2007-03-15    For I = offset To offset + Length        CRC16Lo = CRC16Lo Xor Data(I) '每一个数据与CRC寄存器进行异或        For Flag = 0 To 7            SaveHi = CRC16Hi            SaveLo = CRC16Lo            CRC16Hi = CRC16Hi \ 2            '高位右移一位            CRC16Lo = CRC16Lo \ 2            '低位右移一位            If ((SaveHi And &H1) = &H1) Then '如果高位字节最后一位为1                CRC16Lo = CRC16Lo Or &H80      '则低位字节右移后前面补1            End If                           '否则自动补0            If ((SaveLo And &H1) = &H1) Then '如果LSB为1,则与多项式码进行异或                CRC16Hi = CRC16Hi Xor CH                CRC16Lo = CRC16Lo Xor CL            End If        Next    Next    ReDim Result(1)    Result(0) = CRC16Lo              'CRC低位    Result(1) = CRC16Hi              'CRC高位End Sub'================================='名称   GetLRC'参数   Data    Byte()  数据内容'       Offset  Integer 数组起始位置,默认值 0(从数组第一个元素开始)'       Length  Integer 计算长度,默认值 0(计算整个数组)'返回   Byte'说明   计算LRC值,Modbus ASCII中的校验码'日期   2014-10-05'=================================Private Function GetLRC(Data() As Byte,Optional ByVal Length As Integer = 0) As Byte    Dim I As Integer,Result As Byte    If Length = 0 Then Length = UBound(Data) + 1    Result = 0    For I = offset To offset + Length - 1        Result = (CInt(Result) + Data(I)) Mod 256    Next    Result = (Not Result) + 1    GetLRC = ResultEnd FunctionPrivate Sub PacketFrom(ByRef Data() As Byte,ByVal Protocol As ModbusProtocolType,Optional ByVal TCPID As Long = 0)  '协议校验    Dim I As Integer,C As Long,Str As String    Dim CRC() As Byte,Arr() As Byte    If Len(StrConv(Data,vbUnicode)) = 0 Then Exit Sub    C = UBound(Data) + 1    If C < 5 Then Exit Sub      '数据包长度过滤    Select Case Protocol        Case ModbusRTU    '0            GetCRC16 Data,CRC,C - 2            If CRC(0) = Data(C - 2) And CRC(1) = Data(C - 1) Then 'CRC检查                ReDim Result(C - 3)                copyMemory Result(0),C - 2            End If        Case ModbusASCII  '1            If (Data(0) = 58) And (Data(C - 1) = 10) And (Data(C - 2) = 13) Then '头尾标记检查                Str = StrConv(Data,vbUnicode)                HexToArr MID(Str,2,Len(Str) - 3),Arr                C = UBound(Arr)                If GetLRC(Arr,C - 1) = Arr(C) Then 'LRC检查                    ReDim Result(C - 1)                    copyMemory Result(0),Arr(0),C - 1                End If            End If        Case ModbusTCP    '2            If Data(2) * 256 + Data(3) = 0 Then 'Modbus标记检查                C = Data(4) * 256 + Data(5)                If C = UBound(Data) - 5 Then '数据长度检查                    ReDim Result(C - 1)                    copyMemory Result(0),Data(6),C                End If            End If        Case Else            '    End Select    Erase Arr    Erase CRCEnd SubPrivate Sub PacketTo(ByRef Data() As Byte,Optional ByVal TCPID As Long = 0) '协议封包    Dim CRC() As Byte,L As Long,Str As String    If Len(StrConv(Data,vbUnicode)) = 0 Then Exit Sub    L = UBound(Data) + 1    Select Case Protocol        Case ModbusRTU   '0            ReDim Result(L + 1)            GetCRC16 Data,CRC            copyMemory Result(0),L            copyMemory Result(L),CRC(0),2        Case ModbusASCII  '1            ReDim CRC(L)            copyMemory CRC(0),L            CRC(L) = GetLRC(Data)            Result = StrConv(":" & ArrToHex(CRC) & vbCrLf,vbFromUnicode)        Case ModbusTCP    '2            ReDim Result(L + 5)            copyMemory Result(6),L            Result(0) = TCPID \ 256            Result(1) = TCPID Mod 256            Result(2) = 0            Result(3) = 0            Result(4) = L \ 256            Result(5) = L Mod 256        Case Else            '    End Select    Erase CRCEnd SubPublic Sub ModbusClose(ByRef Handle As Long,Optional ByVal Protocol As ModbusProtocolType = DEFAulT_PROTOCol)    Select Case Protocol        Case ModbusASCII,ModbusRTU            ComClose Handle        Case ModbusTCP            TCPClose Handle    End SelectEnd SubPublic Function ModbusOpen(ByVal ModbusPort As String,Optional ByVal Protocol As ModbusProtocolType = DEFAulT_PROTOCol,Optional ByVal ModbusSettings As String = "9600,1") As Long    Dim Result As Long    Select Case Protocol        Case ModbusASCII,ModbusRTU            Result = ComOpen(ModbusPort,ModbusSettings)        Case ModbusTCP            If IsNumeric(ModbusSettings) = False Then ModbusSettings = "502"            Result = TCPOpen(ModbusPort,CLng(ModbusSettings))    End Select    ModbusOpen = ResultEnd FunctionPublic Function ModbusRead(ByVal Handle As Long,ByVal ID As Byte,ByVal RegType As ModbusRegistersType,ByVal Address As Long,ByRef Registers As Variant,Optional ByVal WaitTime As Integer = DEFAulT_WAIT_TIME,Optional ByVal ReTryCount As Byte = DEFAulT_RETRY_COUNT) As Boolean    Dim Result As Boolean,I As Long,Count As Long,Data() As Byte,Arr() As Byte,ArrR() As Byte,TryCount As Integer    If Handle = -1 Then Exit Function    If IsArray(Registers) Then        Count = UBound(Registers) + 1    Else        Count = 1    End If    If Count < 1 Then Exit Function        ReDim Data(5)    Data(0) = ID '设备地址    Data(1) = RegType '功能码    Data(2) = (Address And &HFF00&) \ 256 '寄存器地址高字节    Data(3) = Address Mod 256 '寄存器地址低字节    Data(4) = Count \ 256  '寄存器数量高字节    Data(5) = Count Mod 256 '寄存器数量低字节    TryCount = 1    Do Until TryCount > ReTryCount        PacketTo Data,Arr,Protocol        Select Case Protocol            Case ModbusASCII,ModbusRTU                ComWriteByte Handle,Arr            Case ModbusTCP                TCPWriteByte Handle,Arr        End Select        Erase Arr        If ID = 0 Then '特殊情况,群发了一条读指令            Erase Data            ModbusRead = True            Exit Function        Else            Select Case Protocol                Case ModbusASCII,ModbusRTU                    ComreadByte Handle,WaitTime                    PacketFrom Arr,ArrR,Protocol                Case ModbusTCP                    TCPReadByte Handle,Protocol            End Select            Erase Arr            If Len(StrConv(ArrR,vbUnicode)) > 0 Then Exit Do        End If        TryCount = TryCount + 1    Loop    Erase Data    If Len(StrConv(ArrR,vbUnicode)) > 0 Then        Select Case ArrR(1)            Case &H1,&H2 '0x01[读写量] 0x02[只读量]                If IsArray(Registers) Then                    If ArrR(2) <> IIf(Count Mod 8 = 0,Count \ 8,Count \ 8 + 1) Then                        Erase ArrR                        Exit Function                    End If                    For I = 0 To Count - 1                        Registers(I) = CByte(IIf((ArrR(I \ 8 + 3) And 2 ^ (I Mod 8)) = 0,1))                    Next                Else                    If UBound(ArrR) < 3 Then                        Erase ArrR                        Exit Function                    End If                    Registers = CByte(ArrR(3))                End If                Result = True            Case &H3,&H4 '0x03[读写寄存器] 0x04[只读寄存器]                If IsArray(Registers) Then                    If ArrR(2) <> Count * 2 Then                        Erase ArrR                        Exit Function                    End If                    For I = 0 To Count - 1                        Select Case VarType(Registers(I))                            Case vbLong                                Registers(I) = CLng("&H" & Hex(ArrR(I * 2 + 3),2) & Hex(ArrR(I * 2 + 4),2))                            Case vbInteger                                Registers(I) = CInt("&H" & Hex(ArrR(I * 2 + 3),2))                        End Select                    Next                Else                    If UBound(ArrR) < 4 Then                        Erase ArrR                        Exit Function                    End If                    Select Case VarType(Registers)                        Case vbLong                            Registers = CLng("&H" & Hex(ArrR(3),2) & Hex(ArrR(4),2))                        Case vbInteger                            Registers = CInt("&H" & Hex(ArrR(3),2))                    End Select                End If                Result = True            Case Else                '        End Select    End If    Erase ArrR    ModbusRead = ResultEnd FunctionPublic Function ModbusWrite(ByVal Handle As Long,Optional ByVal SingleWrite As Boolean = False,FunCode As Byte,TryCount As Integer,Value As Long    If Handle = -1 Then Exit Function    If IsArray(Registers) Then        Count = UBound(Registers) + 1    Else        Count = 1    End If    Select Case RegType        Case CoilStatus ' 1            FunCode = IIf((Count = 1) And (SingleWrite = True),&H5,&HF)        Case HoldingRegister ' 3            FunCode = IIf((Count = 1) And (SingleWrite = True),&H6,&H10)        Case Else            FunCode = 0    End Select    If (Count < 1) Or (FunCode = 0) Then Exit Function    Result = False    Select Case FunCode        Case &H5,&H6 '0x05[写单个点]  0x06[写单个寄存器]            ReDim Data(5)            Data(0) = ID            Data(1) = FunCode            Data(2) = (Address And &HFF00&) \ 256 '寄存器地址高字节            Data(3) = Address Mod 256 '寄存器地址低字节            If FunCode = &H5 Then                If IsArray(Registers) Then                    Value = IIf(Registers(0) = 0,&HFF00&)                Else                    Value = IIf(Registers = 0,&HFF00&)                End If            Else                If IsArray(Registers) Then                    Value = CLng("&H" & Hex(Registers(0)))                Else                    Value = CLng("&H" & Hex(Registers))                End If            End If            Data(4) = Value \ 256  '写入值高字节            Data(5) = Value Mod 256 '写入值低字节        Case &HF '0x0F 写多个点            ReDim Data(6 + IIf(Count Mod 8 = 0,Count \ 8 + 1))            Data(0) = ID            Data(1) = FunCode            Data(2) = (Address And &HFF00&) \ 256 '寄存器地址高字节            Data(3) = Address Mod 256 '寄存器地址低字节            Data(4) = Count \ 256  '寄存器数量高字节            Data(5) = Count Mod 256 '寄存器数量低字节            Data(6) = IIf(Count Mod 8 = 0,Count \ 8 + 1) '字节数            If IsArray(Registers) Then                For I = 0 To Count - 1                    If Registers(I) <> 0 Then Data(7 + I \ 8) = Data(7 + I \ 8) Or 2 ^ (I Mod 8)                Next            Else                Data(7) = IIf(Registers <> 0,0)            End If        Case &H10 '0x10 写多个寄存器            If Count > &H78 Then Exit Function '写入数量过多            ReDim Data(6 + Count * 2)            Data(0) = ID            Data(1) = FunCode            Data(2) = (Address And &HFF00&) \ 256 '寄存器地址高字节            Data(3) = Address Mod 256 '寄存器地址低字节            Data(4) = Count \ 256 '寄存器数量高字节            Data(5) = Count Mod 256 '寄存器数量低字节            Data(6) = Count * 2 '字节数            If IsArray(Registers) Then                For I = 0 To Count - 1                    Value = CLng("&H" & Hex(Registers(I))) And &HFFFF&                    Data(7 + I * 2) = Value \ 256 '高字节                    Data(8 + I * 2) = Value Mod 256 '低字节                Next            Else                Value = CLng("&H" & Hex(Registers)) And &HFFFF&                Data(7) = Value \ 256  '高字节                Data(8) = Value Mod 256  '低字节            End If        Case Else            '    End Select    If Len(StrConv(Data,vbUnicode)) > 0 Then        TryCount = 1        Do Until TryCount > ReTryCount            PacketTo Data,Protocol            Select Case Protocol                Case ModbusASCII,ModbusRTU                    ComWriteByte Handle,Arr                Case ModbusTCP                    TCPWriteByte Handle,Arr            End Select            Erase Arr            If ID = 0 Then '特殊情况,群发了一条读指令                ModbusWrite = True                Exit Function            Else                Select Case Protocol                    Case ModbusASCII,ModbusRTU                        ComreadByte Handle,WaitTime                        PacketFrom Arr,Protocol                    Case ModbusTCP                        TCPReadByte Handle,Protocol                End Select                Erase Arr                If Len(StrConv(ArrR,vbUnicode)) > 0 Then Exit Do            End If            TryCount = TryCount + 1        Loop        Erase Data        If Len(StrConv(ArrR,vbUnicode)) > 0 Then            Result = CBool(FunCode = ArrR(1))        End If    End If    Erase ArrR    ModbusWrite = ResultEnd Function'UtilsPublic Function Readbit(ByVal Address As Long,ByRef Registers() As Byte) As Integer    Readbit = IIf(Registers(Address \ 8) And CByte(2 ^ (Address Mod 8)),0)End FunctionPublic Sub Writebit(ByVal Address As Long,ByVal Value As Long,ByRef Registers() As Byte)    If Value = 0 Then        Registers(Address \ 8) = Registers(Address \ 8) And (Not CByte(2 ^ (Address Mod 8)))    Else        Registers(Address \ 8) = Registers(Address \ 8) Or CByte(2 ^ (Address Mod 8))    End IfEnd SubPublic Function ReaDWord(ByVal Address As Long,ByRef Registers() As Byte) As Integer    copyMemory ReaDWord,Registers(Address * 2),2End FunctionPublic Sub WriteWord(ByVal Address As Long,ByVal Value As Integer,ByRef Registers() As Byte)    copyMemory Registers(Address * 2),Value,2End Sub

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的VB6基于Windows API的Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP的主站实现代码全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决VB6基于Windows API的Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP的主站实现代码所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1267856.html

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