<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="gb2312"?><!--SoftwareRelease配置文件--><Config Software="SoftwareRelease"> <!--DeBUG目录地址--> <DeBUGDir>D:\Example\bin\DeBUG</DeBUGDir> <!--打包完毕后软件包所在目录地址--> <ObjectDir>D:\ObjectPath</ObjectDir> <!--编译器路径 注意用 makensis.exe 而不是 makensisw.exe --> <CompilerPath>D:\NSIS\makensis.exe</CompilerPath> <!--"RAR压缩工具路径--> <WinRARPath>D:\WinRAR\rar.exe</WinRARPath> <!--编译脚本路径--> <ScriptList> <Script name="platform" Directory="D:\Packagetools\打包脚本" Script="Platform.nsi" /> <Script name="clIEnt" Directory="D:\Packagetools\打包脚本" Script="ClIEnt.nsi" /> </ScriptList></Config>
imports System.Xmlimports System.IO''' <summary>''' SoftwareRelease 软件自动打包工具''' </summary>''' <remarks></remarks>Module ModuleMain ''' <summary> ''' SoftwareRelease 软件自动打包工具 ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Sub Main() '设置控制台缓冲区大小 Console.BufferHeight = 5000 '控制台文字颜色 - 青色 Console.Foregroundcolor = Consolecolor.Cyan '程序使用的标准时间 Dim dateTimeUni As DateTime = DateTime.Now Console.Writeline("SoftwareRelease 软件自动打包工具") Console.Writeline("版本号:" & System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Getname().Version.ToString()) Console.Writeline(New String("=",20)) Console.Writeline(dateTimeUni.ToString) Console.Writeline() ' ----------- 1、读入参数即相关准备工作 ----------- ' Dim Args As String() = System.Environment.GetCommandlineArgs() Dim bNeedplatform As Boolean = False '打包平台端 Dim bNeedClIEnt As Boolean = False '打包客户端 Dim bNeedUpdate As Boolean = False '打包自动更新文件 '分析传入参数 If Args.Contains("/?") Or Args.Length = 1 Then '查看帮助 PrintUsage() Pause() Exit Sub ElseIf Args.Contains("/A") Or Args.Contains("/a") Then '全量包 bNeedplatform = True bNeedClIEnt = True bNeedUpdate = True Else If Args.Contains("/P") Or Args.Contains("/p") Then '打包平台端 bNeedplatform = True End If If Args.Contains("/C") Or Args.Contains("/c") Then '打包客户端 bNeedClIEnt = True End If If Args.Contains("/U") Or Args.Contains("/u") Then '打包自动更新文件 bNeedUpdate = True End If End If Console.Writeline("本次执行任务:") If bNeedplatform Then Console.Writeline("打包平台端") End If If bNeedClIEnt Then Console.Writeline("打包客户端") End If If bNeedUpdate Then Console.Writeline("打包自动更新文件") End If Console.Writeline() '编译完毕后程序目录地址 Dim deBUGDir As String = "" '打包完毕后软件包所在目录地址 Dim objectDir As String = "" '编译器路径 Dim compilerPath As String = "" 'WinRAR压缩工具路径 Dim winRARPath As String = "" '编译脚本所在目录:平台端 Dim scriptDirOfPlatform As String = "" '编译脚本名称:平台端 Dim scriptfileOfPlatform As String = "" '编译脚本所在目录:客户端 Dim scriptDirOfClIEnt As String = "" '编译脚本路径:客户端 Dim scriptfileOfClIEnt As String = "" '读取配置 Console.Writeline("正在读取配置...") Dim xmlDoc As Xmldocument = New Xmldocument() xmlDoc.Load("Config.xml") Dim xmlRoot As XmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Config") For Each xmlObj In xmlRoot.ChildNodes If xmlObj.GetType().ToString() = "System.Xml.XmlElement" Then Dim xmlEle As XmlElement = DirectCast(xmlObj,XmlElement) Select Case xmlEle.name Case "DeBUGDir" deBUGDir = xmlEle.InnerText.ToString.Trim Console.Writeline("编译完毕后程序目录地址:" & deBUGDir) Case "ObjectDir" objectDir = xmlEle.InnerText.ToString.Trim Console.Writeline("打包完毕后软件包所在目录地址:" & objectDir) Case "CompilerPath" compilerPath = xmlEle.InnerText.ToString.Trim Console.Writeline("编译器路径:" & compilerPath) Case "WinRARPath" winRARPath = xmlEle.InnerText.ToString.Trim Console.Writeline("WinRAR压缩工具路径:" & winRARPath) Case "ScriptList" For Each xmlObj2 In xmlEle.ChildNodes If xmlObj2.GetType().ToString() = "System.Xml.XmlElement" Then Dim xmlEle2 As XmlElement = DirectCast(xmlObj2,XmlElement) If xmlEle2.name = "Script" And xmlEle2.GetAttribute("name") = "platform" Then scriptDirOfPlatform = xmlEle2.GetAttribute("Directory").ToString Console.Writeline("编译脚本所在目录(平台端):" & scriptDirOfPlatform) scriptfileOfPlatform = xmlEle2.GetAttribute("Script").ToString Console.Writeline("编译脚本名称(平台端):" & scriptfileOfPlatform) End If If xmlEle2.name = "Script" And xmlEle2.GetAttribute("name") = "clIEnt" Then scriptDirOfClIEnt = xmlEle2.GetAttribute("Directory").ToString Console.Writeline("编译脚本所在目录(客户端):" & scriptDirOfClIEnt) scriptfileOfClIEnt = xmlEle2.GetAttribute("Script").ToString Console.Writeline("编译脚本名称(客户端):" & scriptfileOfClIEnt) End If End If Next Case Else End Select End If Next '释放资源 xmlDoc.RemoveAll() xmlDoc = nothing '判断配置合法性 Dim isConfigLegal As Boolean = True If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deBUGDir) Then Console.Writeline("编译完毕后程序目录地址缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectDir) Then Console.Writeline("打包完毕后软件包所在目录地址缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(compilerPath) Then Console.Writeline("编译器路径缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(winRARPath) Then Console.Writeline("RAR压缩工具路径缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scriptDirOfPlatform) Then Console.Writeline("编译脚本所在目录(平台端)缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scriptfileOfPlatform) Then Console.Writeline("编译脚本名称(平台端)缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scriptDirOfClIEnt) Then Console.Writeline("编译脚本所在目录(客户端)缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scriptfileOfClIEnt) Then Console.Writeline("编译脚本名称(客户端)缺失") isConfigLegal = False End If If Not isConfigLegal Then Pause() Exit Sub End If Console.Writeline("配置读取完毕!") Console.Writeline() ' ----------- 2、检查DeBUG目录 ----------- ' If Not Directory.Exists(deBUGDir) Then Console.Writeline("待打包程序目录不存在!") Pause() Exit Sub End If If Not file.Exists(deBUGDir + "\Example.exe") Then Console.Writeline("待打包程序不存在!") Pause() Exit Sub End If If Not file.Exists(deBUGDir + "\Example.exe.config") Then Console.Writeline("待打包程序关键配置文件缺失!") Pause() Exit Sub End If '清理掉所有pdb文件,这些文件是不需要的 Console.Writeline("正在清理PDB文件") DeleteallPdb(New DirectoryInfo(deBUGDir)) Console.Writeline("正在清理登录信息") '清理登录信息,打包后的登录信息必须是干净的 If file.Exists(deBUGDir + "\Config\LoginData.xml") Then 'Todo:清理登陆信息 End If Console.Writeline("待打包程序目录检查完毕") Console.Writeline() ' ----------- 3、将DeBUG目录中的程序配置成平台端 ----------- ' If bNeedplatform Or bNeedUpdate Then Console.Writeline("将程序设置为平台端") If (SetAppConfig(deBUGDir + "\Example.exe.config","platform")) Then Console.Writeline("设置完毕") Console.Writeline() Else Console.Writeline("设置失败!") Pause() Exit Sub End If End If ' ----------- 4、复制一份,用于之后自动更新 ----------- ' If bNeedUpdate Then If (Directory.Exists(objectDir & "\platform")) Then Console.Writeline("目录【" & objectDir & "\platform】已存在,正在删除该目录") Directory.Delete(objectDir & "\platform",True) Console.Writeline("删除完毕!") End If Console.Writeline("正在复制文件到目录【" & objectDir & "\platform】") My.Computer.fileSystem.copyDirectory(deBUGDir,objectDir & "\platform",True) Console.Writeline("复制完毕!") Console.Writeline("正在删除冗余文件") 'Todo:删除冗余文件(即不用自动更新下来的文件) Console.Writeline("冗余文件删除完毕!") Console.Writeline() End If ' ----------- 5、为DeBUG目录中内容打包 ----------- ' If bNeedplatform Then Console.Writeline("正在打包:平台端") Shell(compilerPath & " " & scriptDirOfPlatform & "\" & scriptfileOfPlatform) Console.Writeline("平台端打包完毕") '压缩到RAR文件 Dim packagename = scriptDirOfPlatform & "\平台端打包后文件.exe" '这里要做对应修改! If file.Exists(packagename) Then Dim rarname As String = dateTimeUni.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & "_PLATFORM.rar" 'a表示压缩文件,-r表示递归,-ep表示忽略路径信息 Shell(winRARPath & " a -ep " & objectDir & "\" & rarname & " " & packagename,AppWinStyle.normalFocus,True) End If End If ' ----------- 6、将DeBUG目录中的程序配置成客户端 ----------- ' If bNeedClIEnt Or bNeedUpdate Then Console.Writeline("将程序设置为客户端") If (SetAppConfig(deBUGDir + "\Example.exe.config","clIEnt")) Then Console.Writeline("设置完毕") Console.Writeline() Else Console.Writeline("设置失败!") Pause() Exit Sub End If End If ' ----------- 7、复制一份,用于之后自动更新 ----------- ' If bNeedUpdate Then If (Directory.Exists(objectDir & "\clIEnt")) Then Console.Writeline("目录【" & objectDir & "\clIEnt】已存在,正在删除该目录") Directory.Delete(objectDir & "\clIEnt",True) Console.Writeline("删除完毕!") End If Console.Writeline("正在复制文件到目录【" & objectDir & "\clIEnt】") My.Computer.fileSystem.copyDirectory(deBUGDir,objectDir & "\clIEnt",True) Console.Writeline("复制完毕!") Console.Writeline("正在删除冗余文件") 'Todo:删除冗余文件(即不用自动更新下来的文件) Console.Writeline("冗余文件删除完毕!") Console.Writeline() End If ' ----------- 8、为DeBUG目录中内容打包 ----------- ' If bNeedClIEnt Then Console.Writeline("正在打包:客户端") Shell(compilerPath & " " & scriptDirOfClIEnt & "\" & scriptfileOfClIEnt) Console.Writeline("客户端打包完毕") '压缩到RAR文件 Dim packagename = scriptDirOfPlatform & "\客户端打包后文件.exe" '这里要做对应修改! If file.Exists(packagename) Then Dim rarname As String = dateTimeUni.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & "_CLIENT.rar" 'a表示压缩文件,-r表示递归,-ep表示忽略路径信息 Shell(winRARPath & " a -ep " & objectDir & "\" & rarname & " " & packagename,True) End If End If ' ----------- 9、打包自动更新包 ----------- ' If bNeedUpdate Then Dim rarnameUpdate As String = dateTimeUni.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & "_UPDATE.rar" 'a表示压缩文件,-r表示递归,-ep1表示忽略被压缩的根文件夹 Dim command As String = winRARPath & " a -r -ep1 " & objectDir & "\" & rarnameUpdate & " " & objectDir & "\platform" & " " & objectDir & "\clIEnt" Shell(command,True) End If Console.Writeline("打包工作全部完成!") Pause() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' 配置AppConfig中的客户端类型 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="appConfigPath">AppConfig文件路径</param> ''' <param name="clIEntType">客户端类型字符串</param> ''' <returns>true:修改成功,false:修改失败</returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Function SetAppConfig(appConfigPath As String,clIEntType As String) Dim xmlAppConfig As Xmldocument = New Xmldocument xmlAppConfig.Load(appConfigPath) Dim xmlRoot As XmlNode = xmlAppConfig.SelectSingleNode("configuration") 'Todo:更改App.config中配置,更改成功则 GoTo 到 END_CONfig Return FalseEND_CONfig: xmlAppConfig.Save(appConfigPath) xmlAppConfig.RemoveAll() xmlAppConfig = nothing Return True End Function ''' <summary> ''' 删除所有PDB文件 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="dif"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Private Sub DeleteallPdb(dif As DirectoryInfo) '遍历各个子文件夹 For Each di As IO.DirectoryInfo In dif.GetDirectorIEs DeleteallPdb(di) Next For Each f As System.IO.fileInfo In dif.Getfiles If f.Extension.Tolower = ".pdb" Then f.Delete() End If Next End Sub ''' <summary> ''' 打印程序用法 ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Sub PrintUsage() Dim Usage(7) As String Usage(0) = "程序使用方法" Usage(1) = "SoftwareRelease [ /? | /p | /c | /u | /a ]" Usage(2) = "没有参数:显示帮助,这与键入 /? 是一样的" Usage(3) = "/p:打包平台端" Usage(4) = "/c:打包客户端" Usage(5) = "/u:打包自动更新包" Usage(6) = "/a:打包全部内容,相当于 /p /m /u 同时存在" Console.Writeline(Join(Usage,vbCrLf)) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' 按任意键继续 ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Sub Pause() Console.Writeline("按任意键继续") System.Console.ReadKey() System.Console.Write(Chr(8) + " ") '删除按下的“任意键”字符 End SubEnd Module
2、WinRAR程序(rar.exe)和NSIS编译工具(makensis.exe)都提供了功能强大的命令,可以利用这些命令完成很多自动化 *** 作内容。注意NSIS编译工具使用makensis.exe而不是makensisw.exe,后者是一个具备GUI的工具,前者是为命令行提供的工具。
3、本程序接收的命令行参数为 /p(打包平台端)、/c(打包客户端)、/u(打包自动更新)、/a(打包全部)和/?(帮助),如果无参数则默认显示帮助
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的VB.NET 自动打包程序全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决VB.NET 自动打包程序所遇到的程序开发问题。