

概述下面的代码演示了在C++和lua脚本之间传递数据。 首先在C++中创建一个table,添加元素,然后放置到lua的全局表中。在lua脚本中可以使用C++创建的这个表。 然后在脚本中创建一个表,以脚本返回值的方式返回给C++,在C++中可以读取表中的值。   例子代码需要一个args.lua的lua文件,要手工创建,我把它放到了C盘根目录下。 // cpplua.cpp : Defines the






// cpplua.cpp : defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"extern "C"{#include <lua.h>#include <lauxlib.h>#include <lualib.h>}#include <iostream>/* args.lua文件的内容io.write( "[lua] These args were passed into the script from C/n" );for i=1,table.getn(arg) doprint(i,arg[i])endio.write("[lua] Script returning data back to C/n")local temp = {}temp[1]=9temp[2]=8temp[3]=7temp[4]=6temp[5]=5temp["test1 key"]="test1 value"temp[6]="test 6"temp["test 99"]=99for i,n in pairs(temp)do print (i,n)endreturn temp,9,1*/int _tmain(int argc,_TCHAR* argv[]){	int status;	// lua_open: 创建一个新的lua环境	lua_State* state = lua_open();	// 在state环境上打开标准库,	// 标准库包括:	// luaopen_base	// luaopen_package	// luaopen_table	// luaopen_io	// luaopen_os	// luaopen_string	// luaopen_math	// luaopen_deBUG	luaL_openlibs(state);  /* open librarIEs */	status = luaL_loadfile( state,"c://args.lua" );	std::cout << "[C++] Passing 'arg' array to script" << std::endl;	// 创建一个新的表	lua_newtable( state );	//	// set first element "1" to value 45	//	// 调用lua的函数,都是通过压栈出栈来完成的	// 为表执行一个t[k]=v的 *** 作,则需要先将k压栈,再将v压栈,再调用 *** 作函数	// lua_rawset直接赋值(不触发Metamethods方法)。 		// lua_rawset/lua_settable使用:	// 它从栈中获取参数。以table在栈中的索引作为参数,	// 并将栈中的key和value出栈。	// lua_pushnumber函数调用之前,	// table是在栈顶位置(索引为-1)。index和value入栈之后,	// table索引变为-3。	lua_pushnumber( state,1 );	lua_pushnumber( state,45 );	lua_rawset( state,-3 );	// set second element "2" to value 99	lua_pushnumber( state,2 );	lua_pushnumber( state,99 );	lua_rawset( state,-3 );	// set the number of elements (index to the last array element)	// lua_pushliteral压入一个字符串,不需要指定长度	// 如果lua_pushlstring,则需要指定长度	lua_pushliteral( state,"n" );	lua_pushnumber( state,2 );	lua_rawset( state,-3 );	// set the name of the array that the script will access	// Pops a value from the stack and sets it as the new value of global name.	// 从栈顶d出一个值,并将其设置全局变量"arg"的新值。	lua_setglobal( state,"arg" );	std::cout << "[C++] Running script" << std::endl;	int result = 0;	if (status == 0)	{		result = lua_pcall( state,LUA_MulTRET,0 );	}	else	{		std::cout << "bad" << std::endl;	}	if (result != 0)	{		std::cerr << "[C++] script Failed" << std::endl;	}	std::cout << "[C++] These values were returned from the script" << std::endl;	// lua_gettop返回栈顶的索引	// 如果索引为0,则表示栈为空	while (lua_gettop( state ))	{		switch (lua_type( state,lua_gettop( state ) ))		{		case LUA_TNUMBER:			{				std::cout << "script returned " << lua_tonumber( state,lua_gettop( state ) ) << std::endl; 				break;			}		case LUA_Ttable:  			{				std::cout << "script returned a table" << std::endl; 								// 简单的遍历表的功能				// ***好像lua不保存表的元素的添加顺序***				// 压入第一个键				lua_pushnil(state);  /* 第一个 key */				int t = -2;				while (lua_next(state,t) != 0)				{					/* 'key' (索引-2) 和 'value' (索引-1) */					const char* key = "unkNown";					const char* value;					if(lua_type(state,-2) == LUA_TSTRING)					{						key = lua_tostring(state,-2);						value = lua_tostring(state,-1);					}					else if(lua_type(state,-2) == LUA_TNUMBER)					{						// 因为lua_tostring会更改栈上的元素,						// 所以不能直接在key上进行lua_tostring						// 因此,复制一个key,压入栈顶,进行lua_tostring						lua_pushvalue(state,-2);						key = lua_tostring(state,-1);						lua_pop(state,1);						value = lua_tostring(state,-1);					}					else					{						value = lua_tostring(state,-1);					}					std::cout   <<"key="<< key 								<< ",value=" << value << std::endl;					/* 移除 'value' ;保留 'key' 做下一次迭代 */					lua_pop(state,1);				}				break;			}		case LUA_TSTRING: 			{				std::cout << "script returned " << lua_tostring( state,lua_gettop( state ) ) << std::endl;				break;			}		case LUA_TBOolEAN:			{				std::cout << "script returned " << lua_toboolean( state,lua_gettop( state ) ) << std::endl;				break;			}		default: 			std::cout << "script returned unkNown param" << std::endl; 			break;		}		lua_pop( state,1 );	}	lua_close( state );	return 0;}


[C++] Passing 'arg' array to script [C++] Running script [lua] These args were passed into the script from C 1       45 2       99 [lua] Script returning data back to C 1       9 2       8 3       7 4       6 5       5 6       test 6 test 99 99 test1 key       test1 value [C++] These values were returned from the script script returned 1 script returned 9 script returned a table key=1,value=9 key=2,value=8 key=3,value=7 key=4,value=6 key=5,value=5 key=6,value=test 6 key=test 99,value=99 key=test1 key,value=test1 value






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