perl Win32::Process 进程管理

perl Win32::Process 进程管理,第1张

概述NAME Win32::Process - Create and manipulate processes. SYNOPSIS       useWin32::Process;useWin32;subErrorReport{    printWin32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );}Win32::Process::Cr name

Win32::Process - Create and manipulate processes.

useWin32::Process;useWin32;subErrorReport{    printWin32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );}Win32::Process::Create($ProcessObj,                            "C:\\winnt\\system32\\notepad.exe",                            "notepad temp.txt",                            0,                            norMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,                            ".")||dIEErrorReport();$ProcessObj->Suspend();$ProcessObj->Resume();$ProcessObj->Wait(INFINITE);

This module provIDes access to the process control functions in the Win32 API.

METHODS Win32::Process::Create($obj,$appname,$cmdline,$iflags,$cflags,$curdir)

Creates a new process.

Args:    $objcontainerforprocess object    $appnamefull path name of executable module    $cmdlinecommand line args    $iflagsflag: inherit calling processes handles or not    $cflagsflagsforcreation (see exported vars below)    $curdirworking dir of new process

Returns non-zero on success,0 on failure.


Creates a handle Perl can use to an existing process as IDentifIEd by $pID. The $iflags is the inherit flag that is passed to OpenProcess. Currently Win32::Process objects created using Win32::Process::Open cannot Suspend or Resume the process. All other calls should work.

Win32::Process::Open returns non-zero on success,0 on failure.


Terminates any process IDentifIEd by $pID. $exitcode will be set to the exit code of the process.


Suspend the process associated with the $ProcessObj.


Resume a suspended process.


Kill the associated process,have it terminate with exit code $ExitCode.


Get the priority class of the process.


Set the priority class of the process (see exported values below for options). Note that the ABOVE_norMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS and BELOW_norMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS classes only work on windows 2000 and later.


Get the process affinity mask. This is a bitvector in which each bit represents the processors that a process is allowed to run on.


Set the process affinity mask. Only available on windows NT.


RetrIEve the exitcode of the process. Will return STILL_ACTIVE if the process is still running. The STILL_ACTIVE constant is only exported by explicit request.


Wait for the process to dIE. $timeout should be specifIEd in milliseconds. To wait forever,specify the constant INFINITE.


Returns the Process ID.


Returns the current process ID,which is the same as $$. But not on cygwin,where $$ is the cygwin-internal PID and not the windows PID. On cygwin GetCurrentProcessID() returns the windows PID as needed for all the Win32::Process functions.


The following constants are exported by default:


The following additional constants are exported by request only:


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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