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Sub copyChartsIntopowerPoint()''' copY SELECTED EXCEL CHARTS INTO POWERPOINT' Set a VBE reference to Microsoft PowerPoint Object libraryDim pptApp As PowerPoint.ApplicationDim iShapeIx As Integer,iShapeCt As IntegerDim myShape As Shape,myChart As ChartObjectDim bcopIEd As BooleanSet pptApp = Getobject(,"PowerPoint.Application")If ActiveChart Is nothing Then ''' SELECTION IS NOT A SINGLE CHART On Error Resume Next iShapeCt = Selection.ShapeRange.count If Err Then MsgBox "Select charts and try again",vbCritical,"nothing Selected" Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 For Each myShape In Selection.ShapeRange ''' IS SHAPE A CHART? On Error Resume Next Set myChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(myShape.name) If Not Err Then bcopIEd = copyCharttopowerPoint(pptApp,myChart) End If On Error GoTo 0 NextElse ''' CHART ELEMENT OR SINGLE CHART IS SELECTED Set myChart = ActiveChart.Parent bcopIEd = copyCharttopowerPoint(pptApp,myChart)End IfDim myPptShape As PowerPoint.ShapeDim myScale As SingleDim iShapesCt As Integer''' BAIL OUT IF NO PICTURES ON SLIDEOn Error Resume NextiShapesCt = pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlIDeRange.Shapes.countIf Err Then MsgBox "There are no shapes on the active slIDe","No Shapes" Exit SubEnd IfOn Error GoTo 0''' ASK USER FOR SCAliNG FACTORmyScale = inputBox(Prompt:="Enter a scaling factor for the shapes (percent)",_ Title:="Enter Scaling Percentage") / 100''' LOOP THROUGH SHAPES AND RESCALE "PICTURES"For Each myPptShape In pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlIDeRange.Shapes If myPptShape.name like "Picture*" Then With myPptShape .ScaleWIDth myScale,msoTrue,msoScaleFromMIDdle .ScaleHeight myScale,msoScaleFromMIDdle End With End IfNextSet myChart = nothingSet myShape = nothingSet myPptShape = nothingSet pptApp = nothingEnd SubFunction copyCharttopowerPoint(oPPtApp As PowerPoint.Application,_ oChart As ChartObject)copyCharttopowerPoint = FalseoChart.Chart.copyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen,Format:=xlPicture,Size:=xlScreenoPPtApp.ActiveWindow.VIEw.PastecopyCharttopowerPoint = TrueEnd Function