RSpec::Matchers.define :be_the_downcased_version_of do |actual| match do |actual| @actual = actual @expected = expected @actual == @expected.downcase end failure_message do |actual| "Expected #{@actual.inspect} to be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}.\nIt was not: #{@actual.inspect}" end failure_message_when_negated do |actual| "Expected #{@actual.inspect} to not be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}.\nIt was: #{@actual.inspect}" end description do "be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}" endendRSpec::Matchers.define :return_the_downcased_version_of do |actual| match do |actual| @actual = actual @expected = expected @actual == @expected.downcase end failure_message do |actual| "Expected #{@actual.inspect} to be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}.\nIt was not: #{@actual.inspect}" end failure_message_when_negated do |actual| "Expected #{@actual.inspect} to not be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}.\nIt was: #{@actual.inspect}" end description do "be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}" endend
alias_method :foo_meth,:bar_meth解决方法 是的,您可以为使用RSpec的匹配器DSL定义的匹配器添加别名.我知道这样做最方便的方法是在before块中重新打开示例上下文的类,并在那里为方法添加别名.
在spec / support / be_the_downcased_version_of.rb中:
RSpec::Matchers.define :be_the_downcased_version_of do |expected| match do |actual| actual == expected.downcase end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "Expected #{actual.inspect} to be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}.\nIt was not: #{actual.inspect}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "Expected #{actual.inspect} to not be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}.\nIt was: #{actual.inspect}" end description do "be the downcased version of #{expected.inspect}" endend
要在spec / spec_helper.rb中为该匹配器定义的方法添加别名:
config.before :each do class << self alias_method :return_the_downcased_version_of,:be_the_downcased_version_of endend
这是另一种方法.我实际上不会这样做,因为它需要更多的样板,但它比以前的方法使用更少的魔力,因此它可能提供信息.只需在没有DSL的情况下实现匹配器并正常使用该方法.在spec / support / be_the_downcased_version_of.rb中:
alias_method :return_the_downcased_version_of,:be_the_downcased_version_ofdef be_the_downcased_version_of(actual) actualendclass BeTheDowncasedVersionOf def initialize(expected) @expected = expected end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual @actual == @expected.downcase end def failure_message_for_should "Expected #{@actual.inspect} to be the downcased version of #{@expected.inspect}.\nIt was not: #{@actual.inspect}" end def failure_message_for_should_not "Expected #{@actual.inspect} to not be the downcased version of #{@expected.inspect}.\nIt was: #{@actual.inspect}" end def description "be the downcased version of #{@expected.inspect}" endend总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ruby – 我可以为RSpec匹配器添加别名吗?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ruby – 我可以为RSpec匹配器添加别名吗?所遇到的程序开发问题。