imports System.Data.sqlClIEntimports System.ThreadingModule Program Sub Main() ’输入异步 *** 作结果
Console.Writeline("***** Fun with ASNYC Data Readers *****" & vbLf) ' Create and open a connection that is async-aware. '创建并打开一个异步连接
Dim cn As New sqlConnection() cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local)" & _ ";Integrated Security=sspI;" & _ "Initial Catalog=newdb;Asynchronous Processing=true" ‘ Asynchronous Processing=true 这个是必须的
cn.open() ' Create a sql command object that waits for approx 2 seconds. '两秒后执行sql
Dim strsql As String = "WaitFor Delay '00:00:02';Select * From tbdata" Dim myCommand As New sqlCommand(strsql,cn) ' Execute the reader on a second thread. ' 定义异步线程并启用第二线程
Dim itfAsynch As IAsyncResult itfAsynch = myCommand.BeginExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
'当线程执行时,执行其它工作 ' Do something while other thread works. While Not itfAsynch.IsCompleted Console.Writeline("Working on main thread...") 'Thread.Sleep(1000) End While Console.Writeline() ’所有完成后,读出所有数据
' All done! Get reader and loop over results. Dim myDataReader As sqlDataReader = myCommand.EndExecuteReader(itfAsynch) While myDataReader.Read() Console.Writeline("-> 序号: {0},临时号: {1},车船号: {2}.",_ myDataReader("ID").ToString().Trim(),_ myDataReader("序号").ToString().Trim(),_ myDataReader("车船号").ToString().Trim()) End While myDataReader.Close() Console.Readline() End SubEnd Module总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的vb.net数据库异步 *** 作(二)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决vb.net数据库异步 *** 作(二)所遇到的程序开发问题。