print "It matched!\n";
} Expression /abba/ trIEs to find 'abba' from $_,if found then true otherwise false. All skills used in " " can be used in RE patten. There are some magic characters do magic match in RE. * is 0 or more times of character before it.
+ is 1 or more times of character before it.
? is o or 1 times of character before it. a* means 0 or more 'a',like a aa aaaaaa or nothing(0 times).
a+ means 1 or more 'a',like a aa aaaaa.
a? means 0 or 1 'a',that's a or thing. () can make group in patten. /fred+/ matches 'fre' with 1 or more 'd',like fred fredd fredddddd
/(fred)+/ matches 1 or more 'fred',like fred fredfred fredfredfredfred () can also catch the patten and put in \1 \2 \3 ... accordingly. $_="abba";
if(/(.)\1){ # matched bb
print "It matched same character next to itself!\n";
} $_="yabba dabba doo";
if(/y(....) d\1){
print "It matched the same after y and d!\n";
} $_="yabba abba doo";
print "It matched the same after y and d!\n";
} If there are () in (),we count the left ( refer to the number \1 \2 \3 ...... ( # The first one,\1
(.) # The second,\2
(.) # The third,\3
) $_="aa11bb";
print "It matched!\n";
} Perl trIEs to explain \111,which fails. In Perl 5.10,we can use \g{1} to catch \1 $_="aa11bb";
print "It matched!\n";
} /fred|barney|betty/ matches fred OR barney OR betty,if one of them exists,then matches. /fred( |\t)+barney/ matches fred and barney with one or more space to tab in them. /fred (and|or) barney/ matches 'fred and barney' OR 'fred or barney'.
/fred and barney|fred or barney/ matches the same as above. [] matches ONE of the characters in it. [abcwxyz] matches anyone of the 7 characters 'abcwxyz'
[^ab] matches any character but not 'a' or 'b'
[abcwxyz] is same as [a-cw-z],[a-zA-Z] matches all 52 English characters.
[0-9] matches all numberic characters. [0-9] cab be written as \d
[A-Za-z0-9_] can be written as \w
[\f\t\n\r ] can be written as \s [^\d] can be written as \D
[^\w] can be written as \W
[^\s] can be written as \S . matches any character but not "\n"
[\d\D] matches any numberic or non-numberic,that's any character including "\n"
[^\d\D] matches nothing at all! Exercises: 1. Write a program,read data from input,print the line when meets 'fred'. #!/usr/bin/perl while(<>){
########################## 2. Modify above program,also print the line with Fred in it. #!/usr/bin/perl while(<>){
########################## 3. Write a program,print only if the input line has a '.' #!/usr/bin/perl while(<>){
########################## 4. Write a program,print the lines that has words with first char upper case. !/usr/bin/perl while(<>){
########################## 5. Write a program,print the line with a non-space character stands besIDes itself. #!/usr/bin/perl while(<>){
########################## 6. Write a program,print the lines with both wilma and fred. #!/usr/bin/perl while(<>){
} ########################## OR #!/usr/bin/perl while(<>){ if(/fred/){ if(/wilma/){ print; } } }########################## 总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Perl Learning - 12 (Perl RE)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Perl Learning - 12 (Perl RE)所遇到的程序开发问题。