the city isn't what it used to be three years ago是什么意思

the city isn't what it used to be three years ago是什么意思,第1张



~ A ~

abut tuba

agar raga

agas saga

aider redia

ah ha

ajar raja

am ma

an na

and dna

amaroid diorama

animal lamina

annam manna

are era

ares sera

at ta

ate eta

atlas salta

auks skua

avid diva

~ B ~

bad dab

bag gab

ban nab

bard drab

bat tab

bats stab

bed deb

ben neb

bid dib

big gib

bin nib

bird drib

blub bulb

bog gob

boh hob

bonk knob

bows swob

boy yob

brag garb

bud dub

bulb blub

bun nub

buns snub

bur rub

burg grub

bus sub

but tub

buts stub

~ C ~

cam mac

cares serac

ceps spec

cod doc

cor roc

cos soc

cram marc

cran narc

~ D ~

dab bad

dace ecad

dag gad

dal lad

dam mad

dap pad

daraf farad

dart trad

darter retrad

daw wad

deb bed

debut tubed

decaf faced

decal laced

deem meed

deep peed

deeps speed

deer reed

dees seed

def fed

deifier reified

del led

deliver reviled

demit timed

denier reined

denies seined

denim mined

depot toped

dessert tressed

desserts stressed

deus sued

devil lived

dew wed

dial laid

diam maid

diaper repaid

dib bid

dig gid

dim mid

diorama amaroid

diva avid

dna and

do od

doc cod

dog god

doh hod

don nod

doom mood

door rood

dor rod

dos sod

dot tod

drab bard

dram mard

draw ward

drawer reward

draws sward

dray yard

drib bird

dual laud

dub bud


~ E ~

ecad dace

eciton notice

edit tide

eel lee

eh he

elides sedile

em me

emir rime

emit time

er re

era are

ergo ogre

eta ate

etas sate

evil live

~ F ~

faced decaf

farad daraf

fed def

fen nef

fires serif

flog golf

flow wolf

fool loof

~ G ~

gab bag

gad dag

gal lag

gals slag

gam mag

gar rag

garb brag

gas sag

gat tag

gats stag

gateman nametag

gel leg

get teg

gib big

gid dig

gip pig

girt trig

git tig

gnar rang

gnat tang

gnaws swang

gnus sung

gob bog

god dog

golf flog

got tog

grub burg

gulp plug

gum mug

gums smug

guns snug

gut tug

~ H ~

ha ah

hales selah

hap pah

harris sirrah

hay yah

he eh

ho oh

hob boh

hod doh

hoop pooh

~ I ~

it ti

~ J ~

jar raj

~ K ~

keel leek

keels sleek

keep peek

knaps spank

knar rank

knits stink

knob bonk

~ L ~

laced decal

lad dal

lag gal

lager regal

laid dial

lair rial

lamina animal

lap pal

led del

lee eel

laud dual

leek keel

leer reel

leg gel

leper repel

lever revel

liar rail

lion noil

live evil

lived devil

loof fool

loop pool

loops spool

loot tool

looter retool

loots stool

~ M ~

ma am

mac cam

macs scam

mad dam

mag gam

maid diam

manna annam

map pam

maps spam

mar ram

marc cram

M (cont) >>>

M (cont)

marcs scram

mard dram

mart tram

maws swam

may yam

me em

meed deem

meet teem

mho ohm

mid dim

mined denim

mood doom

moor room

mot tom

mp pm

mu um

mug gum

mullahs shallum

~ N ~

na an

nab ban

nametag gateman

nap pan

naps span

narc cran

neb ben

neep peen

nef fen

net ten

nets sten

new wen

nib bin

nip pin

nips spin

nis sin

nit tin

no on

nod don

noil lion

nonet tenon

not ton

notice eciton

now won

nub bun

nus sun

nut tun

nuts stun

~ O ~

od do

ogre ergo

oh ho

ohm mho

on no

oohs shoo

os so

owt two

~ P ~

pacer recap

pad dap

pah hap

pal lap

pals slap

pam map

pan nap

pans snap

par rap

part trap

parts strap

pas sap

pat tap

paws swap

pay yap

peed deep

peels sleep

peek keep

peen neep

pees seep

per rep

pets step

pig gip

pilfer reflip

pin nip

pins snip

pit tip

plug gulp

pm mp

pooh hoop

pool loop

pools sloop

poor roop

ports strop

pot top

pots stop

pow wop

prat tarp

pupils slipup

pus sup

put tup

~ R ~

rag gar

raga agar

rail liar

raj jar

raja ajar

ram mar

rang gnar

rank knar

rap par

raps spar

rat tar

rats star

raw war

re er

rebut tuber

recap pacer

recaps spacer

redips spider

redia aider

redraw warder

R (cont) >>>

R (cont)

redrawer rewarder

reflip pilfer

reflow wolfer

regal lager

reed deer

reel leer

reified deifier

reined denier

reknit tinker

reknits stinker

relit tiler

remit timer

rennet tenner

rep per

repaid daiper

repat taper

repel leper

repins sniper

repot toper

retrad darter

retool looter

revel lever

reviled deliver

revotes setover

reward drawer

rewarder redrawer

rial lair

rime emir

rims smir

roc cor

rod dor

rood door

room moor

roop poor

roots stoor

rones señor

rot tor

rub bur

~ S ~

sag gas

saga agas

salta atlas

sap pas

saps spas

sate etas

saw was

scam macs

scares seracs

scram marcs

sedile elides

seed dees

seep pees

seined denies

selah hales

selahs shales

señor rones

sera ares

serac cares

seracs scares

serif fires

setover revotes

shales selahs

shallum mullahs

shoo oohs

sin nis

sit tis

skua auks

slag gals

sleek keels

sleep peels

sleets steels

slipup pupils

sloop pools

sloops spools

smart trams

smir rims

smug gums

snap pans

snaps spans

snip pins

sniper repins

snips spins

snoops spoons

snot tons

snub buns

snug guns

so os

soc cos

sod dos

spacer recaps

spam maps

span naps

spank knaps

spans snaps

spar raps

spas saps

spat taps

spay yaps

spec ceps

speed deeps

spider redips

spin nips

spins snips

spirt trips

spit tips

spool loops

spools sloops

spoons snoops

sports strops

spot tops

spots stops

sprat tarps

snug guns

stab bats

stag gats

star rats

stat tats

steels sleets

sten tens

S (cont) >>>

S (cont)

step pets

stew wets

stinker reknits

stinks knits

stool loots

stoor roots

stop pots

stops spots

strap parts

straw warts

stressed desserts

strop ports

strops sports

stows swots

stub buts

stun nuts

sub bus

sued deus

sung gnus

sup pus

sun nus

swam maws

swang gnaws

swap paws

sward draws

swat taws

sway yaws

swob bows

swot tows

swots stows

~ T ~

ta at

tab bat

tag gat

tang gnat

tap pat

taper repat

taps spat

tar rat

tarp prat

tarps sprat

tats stat

taw wat

taws swat

teem meet

teg get

ten net

tenon nonet

tens sten

tenner rennet

ti it

tide edit

tig git

tiler relit

time emit

timed demit

timer remit

tin nit

tinker reknit

tip pit

tips spit

tis sit

tod dot

tog got

tom mot

ton not

tons snot

tool loot

top pot

toped depot

toper repot

tops spot

tor rot

tort trot

tows swot

trad dart

tram mart

trams smart

trap part

tressed dessert

trig girt

trips spirt

slap pals

trot tort

trow wort

tub but

tuba abut

tubed debut

tuber rebut

tug gut

tun nut

tup put

two owt


um mu

~ W ~

wad daw

war raw

ward draw

warder redraw

warts straw

was saw

wat taw

way yaw

wed dew

wen new

wets stew

wolf flow

wolfer reflow

won now

wop pow

wort trow

~ Y ~

yah hay

yam may

yap pay

yaps spay

yard dray

yaw way

yaws sway

yob boy



Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by every one who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child Once she gave her a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else So she was always called little red-cap

One day her mother said to her, come, little red-cap, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine Take them to your grandmother, she is ill and weak, and they will do her good Set out before it gets hot, and when you are going, walk nicely and quietly and do not run off the path, or you may fall and break the bottle, and then your grandmother will get nothing And when you go into her room, don't forget to say, good-morning, and don't peep into every corner before you do it

I will take great care, said little red-cap to her mother, and gave her hand on it

The grandmother lived out in the wood, half a league from the village, and just as little red-cap entered the wood, a wolf met her Red-cap did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him

"Good-day, little red-cap," said he

"Thank you kindly, wolf"

"Whither away so early, little red-cap"

"To my grandmother's"

"What have you got in your apron"

"Cake and wine Yesterday was baking-day, so poor sick grandmother is to have something good, to make her stronger"

"Where does your grandmother live, little red-cap"

"A good quarter of a league farther on in the wood Her house stands under the three large oak-trees, the nut-trees are just below You surely must know it," replied little red-cap

The wolf thought to himself, what a tender young creature What a nice plump mouthful, she will be better to eat than the old woman I must act craftily, so as to catch both So he walked for a short time by the side of little red-cap, and then he said, "see little red-cap, how pretty the flowers are about here Why do you not look round I believe, too, that you do not hear how sweetly the little birds are singing You walk gravely along as if you were going to school, while everything else out here in the wood is merry"

Little red-cap raised her eyes, and when she saw the sunbeams dancing here and there through the trees, and pretty flowers growing everywhere, she thought, suppose I take grandmother a fresh nosegay That would please her too It is so early in the day that I shall still get there in good time And so she ran from the path into the wood to look for flowers And whenever she had picked one, she fancied that she saw a still prettier one farther on, and ran after it, and so got deeper and deeper into the wood

Meanwhile the wolf ran straight to the grandmother's house and knocked at the door

"Who is there"

"Little red-cap," replied the wolf "She is bringing cake and wine Open the door"

"Lift the latch," called out the grandmother, "I am too weak, and cannot get up"

The wolf lifted the latch, the door sprang open, and without saying a word he went straight to the grandmother's bed, and devoured her Then he put on her clothes, dressed himself in her cap, laid himself in bed and drew the curtains

Little red-cap, however, had been running about picking flowers, and when she had gathered so many that she could carry no more, she remembered her grandmother, and set out on the way to her

She was surprised to find the cottage-door standing open, and when she went into the room, she had such a strange feeling that she said to herself, oh dear, how uneasy I feel to-day, and at other times I like being with grandmother so much She called out, "good morning," but received no answer So she went to the bed and drew back the curtains There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange

"Oh, grandmother," she said, "what big ears you have" "The better to hear you with, my child," was the reply "But, grandmother, what big eyes you have," she said "The better to see you with," my dear "But, grandmother, what large hands you have" "The better to hug you with" "Oh, but, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have" "The better to eat you with"

And scarcely had the wolf said this, than with one bound he was out of bed and swallowed up red-cap

When the wolf had appeased his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, fell asleep and began to snore very loud The huntsman was just passing the house, and thought to himself, how the old woman is snoring I must just see if she wants anything

So he went into the room, and when he came to the bed, he saw that the wolf was lying in it Do I find you here, you old sinner, said he I have long sought you Then just as he was going to fire at him, it occurred to him that the wolf might have devoured the grandmother, and that she might still be saved, so he did not fire, but took a pair of scissors, and began to cut open the stomach of the sleeping wolf When he had made two snips, he saw the little red-cap shining, and then he made two snips more, and the little girl sprang out, crying, ah, how frightened I have been How dark it was inside the wolf And after that the aged grandmother came out alive also, but scarcely able to breathe Red-cap, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf's belly, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he collapsed at once, and fell dead

Then all three were delighted The huntsman drew off the wolf's skin and went home with it The grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine which red-cap had brought, and revived, but red-cap thought to herself, as long as I live, I will never by myself leave the path, to run into the wood, when my mother has forbidden me to do so

It is also related that once when red-cap was again taking cakes to the old grandmother, another wolf spoke to her, and tried to entice her from the path Red-cap, however, was on her guard, and went straight forward on her way, and told her grandmother that she had met the wolf, and that he had said good-morning to her, but with such a wicked look in his eyes, that if they had not been on the public road she was certain he would have eaten her up Well, said the grandmother, we will shut the door, that he may not come in Soon afterwards the wolf knocked, and cried, open the door, grandmother, I am little red-cap, and am bringing you some cakes But they did not speak, or open the door, so the grey-beard stole twice or thrice round the house, and at last jumped on the roof, intending to wait until red-cap went home in the evening, and then to steal after her and devour her in the darkness But the grandmother saw what was in his thoughts In front of the house was a great stone trough, so she said to the child, take the pail, red-cap I made some sausages yesterday, so carry the water in which I boiled them to the trough Red-cap carried until the great trough was quite full Then the smell of the sausages reached the wolf, and he sniffed and peeped down, and at last stretched out his neck so far that he could no longer keep his footing and began to slip, and slipped down from the roof straight into the great trough, and was drowned But red-cap went joyously home, and no one ever did anything to harm her again





奶奶住在村子外面的森林里,离小红帽家有很长一段路。小红帽刚走进森林就碰到了一条狼。小红帽不知道狼是坏家伙,所以一点也不怕它。“你好,小红帽,”狼说。 “谢谢你,狼先生。” “小红帽,这么早要到哪里去呀?”“我要到奶奶家去。”“你那围裙下面有什么呀?”“蛋糕和葡萄酒。昨天我们家烤了一些蛋糕,可怜的奶奶生了病,要吃一些好东西才能恢复过来。” “你奶奶住在哪里呀,小红帽?”“进了林子还有一段路呢。她的房子就在三棵大橡树下,低处围着核桃树篱笆。你一定知道的。”小红帽说。



就在此时,狼却直接跑到奶奶家,敲了敲门。 “是谁呀?”“是小红帽。”狼回答,“我给你送蛋糕和葡萄酒来了。快开门哪。”“你拉一下门栓就行了,”奶奶大声说,“我身上没有力气,起不来。”狼刚拉起门栓,那门就开了。狼二话没说就冲到奶奶的床前,把奶奶吞进了肚子。然后她穿上奶奶的衣服,戴上她的帽子,躺在床上,还拉上了帘子。


一位猎人碰巧从屋前走过,心想:“这老太太鼾打得好响啊!我要进去看看她是不是出什么事了。”猎人进了屋,来到床前时却发现躺在那里的竟是狼。 “你这老坏蛋,我找了你这么久,真没想到在这里找到你!”他说。他正准备向狼开q,突然又想到,这狼很可能把奶奶吞进了肚子,奶奶也许还活着。猎人就没有开q,而是 *** 起一把剪刀,动手把呼呼大睡的狼的肚子剪了开来。他刚剪了两下,就看到了红色的小帽子。他又剪了两下,小姑娘便跳了出来,叫道:“真把我吓坏了!狼肚子里黑漆漆的。”接着,奶奶也活着出来了,只是有点喘不过气来。小红帽赶紧跑去搬来几块大石头,塞进狼的肚子。狼醒来之后想逃走,可是那些石头太重了,它刚站起来就跌到在地,摔死了。



New Words and Expressions 生词和词组

1 velvet n 丝绒,天鹅绒

2 plump vt 丰满的;鼓起的

3 latch n 门闩,门锁

4 appease v 使平静

5 snip v 剪断

6 entice v 诱惑

7 sausage n 香肠,腊肠

the city isn't what it used to be three years ago


used to be three years ago



The cut-and-paste technique, invented only three years ago, can be used on fledgling genomes to snip out bits of DNA and, if required, insert new stretches


~ A ~

abut tuba

agar raga

agas saga

aider redia

ah ha

ajar raja

am ma

an na

and dna

amaroid diorama

animal lamina

annam manna

are era

ares sera

at ta

ate eta

atlas salta

auks skua

avid diva

~ B ~

bad dab

bag gab

ban nab

bard drab

bat tab

bats stab

bed deb

ben neb

bid dib

big gib

bin nib

bird drib

blub bulb

bog gob

boh hob

bonk knob

bows swob

boy yob

brag garb

bud dub

bulb blub

bun nub

buns snub

bur rub

burg grub

bus sub

but tub

buts stub

~ C ~

cam mac

cares serac

ceps spec

cod doc

cor roc

cos soc

cram marc

cran narc

~ D ~

dab bad

dace ecad

dag gad

dal lad

dam mad

dap pad

daraf farad

dart trad

darter retrad

daw wad

deb bed

debut tubed

decaf faced

decal laced

deem meed

deep peed

deeps speed

deer reed

dees seed

def fed

deifier reified

del led

deliver reviled

demit timed

denier reined

denies seined

denim mined

depot toped

dessert tressed

desserts stressed

deus sued

devil lived

dew wed

dial laid

diam maid

diaper repaid

dib bid

dig gid

dim mid

diorama amaroid

diva avid

dna and

do od

doc cod

dog god

doh hod

don nod

doom mood

door rood

dor rod

dos sod

dot tod

drab bard

dram mard

draw ward

drawer reward

draws sward

dray yard

drib bird

dual laud

dub bud


~ E ~

ecad dace

eciton notice

edit tide

eel lee

eh he

elides sedile

em me

emir rime

emit time

er re

era are

ergo ogre

eta ate

etas sate

evil live

~ F ~

faced decaf

farad daraf

fed def

fen nef

fires serif

flog golf

flow wolf

fool loof

~ G ~

gab bag

gad dag

gal lag

gals slag

gam mag

gar rag

garb brag

gas sag

gat tag

gats stag

gateman nametag

gel leg

get teg

gib big

gid dig

gip pig

girt trig

git tig

gnar rang

gnat tang

gnaws swang

gnus sung

gob bog

god dog

golf flog

got tog

grub burg

gulp plug

gum mug

gums smug

guns snug

gut tug

~ H ~

ha ah

hales selah

hap pah

harris sirrah

hay yah

he eh

ho oh

hob boh

hod doh

hoop pooh

~ I ~

it ti

~ J ~

jar raj

~ K ~

keel leek

keels sleek

keep peek

knaps spank

knar rank

knits stink

knob bonk

~ L ~

laced decal

lad dal

lag gal

lager regal

laid dial

lair rial

lamina animal

lap pal

led del

lee eel

laud dual

leek keel

leer reel

leg gel

leper repel

lever revel

liar rail

lion noil

live evil

lived devil

loof fool

loop pool

loops spool

loot tool

looter retool

loots stool

~ M ~

ma am

mac cam

macs scam

mad dam

mag gam

maid diam

manna annam

map pam

maps spam

mar ram

marc cram

M (cont) >>>

M (cont)

marcs scram

mard dram

mart tram

maws swam

may yam

me em

meed deem

meet teem

mho ohm

mid dim

mined denim

mood doom

moor room

mot tom

mp pm

mu um

mug gum

mullahs shallum

~ N ~

na an

nab ban

nametag gateman

nap pan

naps span

narc cran

neb ben

neep peen

nef fen

net ten

nets sten

new wen

nib bin

nip pin

nips spin

nis sin

nit tin

no on

nod don

noil lion

nonet tenon

not ton

notice eciton

now won

nub bun

nus sun

nut tun

nuts stun

~ O ~

od do

ogre ergo

oh ho

ohm mho

on no

oohs shoo

os so

owt two

~ P ~

pacer recap

pad dap

pah hap

pal lap

pals slap

pam map

pan nap

pans snap

par rap

part trap

parts strap

pas sap

pat tap

paws swap

pay yap

peed deep

peels sleep

peek keep

peen neep

pees seep

per rep

pets step

pig gip

pilfer reflip

pin nip

pins snip

pit tip

plug gulp

pm mp

pooh hoop

pool loop

pools sloop

poor roop

ports strop

pot top

pots stop

pow wop

prat tarp

pupils slipup

pus sup

put tup

~ R ~

rag gar

raga agar

rail liar

raj jar

raja ajar

ram mar

rang gnar

rank knar

rap par

raps spar

rat tar

rats star

raw war

re er

rebut tuber

recap pacer

recaps spacer

redips spider

redia aider

redraw warder

R (cont) >>>

R (cont)

redrawer rewarder

reflip pilfer

reflow wolfer

regal lager

reed deer

reel leer

reified deifier

reined denier

reknit tinker

reknits stinker

relit tiler

remit timer

rennet tenner

rep per

repaid daiper

repat taper

repel leper

repins sniper

repot toper

retrad darter

retool looter

revel lever

reviled deliver

revotes setover

reward drawer

rewarder redrawer

rial lair

rime emir

rims smir

roc cor

rod dor

rood door

room moor

roop poor

roots stoor

rones señor

rot tor

rub bur

~ S ~

sag gas

saga agas

salta atlas

sap pas

saps spas

sate etas

saw was

scam macs

scares seracs

scram marcs

sedile elides

seed dees

seep pees

seined denies

selah hales

selahs shales

señor rones

sera ares

serac cares

seracs scares

serif fires

setover revotes

shales selahs

shallum mullahs

shoo oohs

sin nis

sit tis

skua auks

slag gals

sleek keels

sleep peels

sleets steels

slipup pupils

sloop pools

sloops spools

smart trams

smir rims

smug gums

snap pans

snaps spans

snip pins

sniper repins

snips spins

snoops spoons

snot tons

snub buns

snug guns

so os

soc cos

sod dos

spacer recaps

spam maps

span naps

spank knaps

spans snaps

spar raps

spas saps

spat taps

spay yaps

spec ceps

speed deeps

spider redips

spin nips

spins snips

spirt trips

spit tips

spool loops

spools sloops

spoons snoops

sports strops

spot tops

spots stops

sprat tarps

snug guns

stab bats

stag gats

star rats

stat tats

steels sleets

sten tens

S (cont) >>>

S (cont)

step pets

stew wets

stinker reknits

stinks knits

stool loots

stoor roots

stop pots

stops spots

strap parts

straw warts

stressed desserts

strop ports

strops sports

stows swots

stub buts

stun nuts

sub bus

sued deus

sung gnus

sup pus

sun nus

swam maws

swang gnaws

swap paws

sward draws

swat taws

sway yaws

swob bows

swot tows

swots stows

~ T ~

ta at

tab bat

tag gat

tang gnat

tap pat

taper repat

taps spat

tar rat

tarp prat

tarps sprat

tats stat

taw wat

taws swat

teem meet

teg get

ten net

tenon nonet

tens sten

tenner rennet

ti it

tide edit

tig git

tiler relit

time emit

timed demit

timer remit

tin nit

tinker reknit

tip pit

tips spit

tis sit

tod dot

tog got

tom mot

ton not

tons snot

tool loot

top pot

toped depot

toper repot

tops spot

tor rot

tort trot

tows swot

trad dart

tram mart

trams smart

trap part

tressed dessert

trig girt

trips spirt

slap pals

trot tort

trow wort

tub but

tuba abut

tubed debut

tuber rebut

tug gut

tun nut

tup put

two owt


um mu

~ W ~

wad daw

war raw

ward draw

warder redraw

warts straw

was saw

wat taw

way yaw

wed dew

wen new

wets stew

wolf flow

wolfer reflow

won now

wop pow

wort trow

~ Y ~

yah hay

yam may

yap pay

yaps spay

yard dray

yaw way

yaws sway

yob boy


sit down please

音标是英 [sit daun pli:z]  美 [sit daʊn pliz]



1、What's your name, please Stand up, please! Sit down, please!


2、Tax official: Sit down, please Let us discuss it Your nationality


3、Come in, please! Sit down, please! Wait a moment, please! Have some tea, please!


4、Will you please sit over, so I can sit down 'Please be seated', said the chairman


5、'Oh do come in and sit down a minute, Susan, please,'said Polly


以上就是关于跪求可以转换的英语单词如:tub(桶)——but(但是)全部的内容,包括:跪求可以转换的英语单词如:tub(桶)——but(但是)、一分钟英语故事、the city isn't what it used to be three years ago是什么意思等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!



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