

The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour

So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport They can take a bus or the light rail They can even go by underground These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution They can also improve the traffic conditi Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier

In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel

The Group of Twenty (G20) Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy was held Saturday local time in Washington, the first of its kind for the Group of 20 since it was founded in 1999 Heads of state of the Group of 20, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and leaders of the international organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund attended the meeting Being held amid serious challenges to the world economy and financial markets, the summit issued a declaration, in which leaders say they are determined to enhance cooperation and work together to restore global growth and achieve needed reforms in the world's financial system As widely expected before the summit, the leaders vow to implement reforms in order to strengthen financial markets and regulatory regimes so as to avoid future crisis




第一部分: 1-5 ABACC 6-10 BACBC 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 CBACA

第二部分: 21-23 DBA 24-27 BCDA 28-31 CBDB 32-35 BDBC 36-40 GEBCF 第三部分: 41-45 BADAC 46-50 BDACB 51-55 ADACB 56-60 ABCDA


61 Rather/Instead 62 full 63 with 64 Having 65 the

66 which 67 it 68 that 69 what 70 will be


第一节:  key university, I entered this

ago a/the 或 peasant


although/though/while have

progress/achievements favors off


One Possible Version

As for me, reading an instructive book is just like talking with a learned person It is universally acknowledged that reading lays a solid foundation for further learning Additionally, a wide range of reading can broaden our horizons and enrich our amateur life As a matter of fact, I believe, only through reading can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved

When it comes to the books I’ve read, A Global History has had a far-reaching influence on me The book gives the history of the world from the historical age to modern times Not only has it incredibly enlarged my knowledge and benefited me to see the world logically, but also got me enthusiastic about history




Text 1

W: Why don’t you go outside You’re always sitting inside the house—mostly watching TV It’s summertime Go for a bike ride with your friends or play basketball at the park

M: I don’t feel like it Summer is for being lazy I work hard all year at school, and all I want to do in the summer is sit around and relax

Text 2

W: Give me the keys I’ll drive

M: No way! You drive like a crazy person I can’t let you touch my car

W: You’ve been drinking too much You can’t drive in that condition Give me the keys, or else you can walk Text 3

M: Gas prices are up again We’re going to have to stop driving everywhere I think we should buy some bikes W: Or we could move to another state California’s gas is the highest in the nation

Text 4

W: If I could go with you, I would But I can’t

M: Why not It’s not far

W: What are we going to do there, though Buy some things, or sell some things

M: Both I’m bringing some of my chickens’ eggs We could trade them, or we could get money for them Text 5

W: Stop!

M: What’s the problem

W: A black cat just walked across the road in front of us Now we have to walk backwards until we reach the street we just passed We’ll have to take that road instead of this one It’s bad luck to keep going in the same direction after a black cat crosses your path

Text 6

W: Is it really all-you-can-eat for only $1250 That price is not bad

M: That’s what the sign says But take your time Otherwise, you might become ill

W: Ill From the food here

M: Yes, if you eat too much food too fast, you might start to feel sick

W: Wow, I never thought about that Any other advice

M: Yes, try the cherry pie It’s delicious

W: I don’t like sweets I will stick to the meat and vegetables

Text 7

M: Where is the camera

W: In my suitcase

M: Take it out

W: In a minute I need a break first

M: But I can’t wait to see the pictures we just took

W: I said in a minute

M: Please

W: Fine Here

M: Great Let me see This is you in front of the cabin, and you on the beach, and you in the sea All pictures of you!

W: So not true

M: Then show me one without you in it

W: This one


M: This is just a picture of the sky What about me You didn’t take any photos of me

W: I guess I was a little bit too self-involved

M: You think

W: I was just joking All your pictures have been copied into your PC

Text 8

M: Recently, I have been thinking that I should break up with my girlfriend

W: Why You and Sarah are a great couple How long have you been together

M: Almost two years She is great but the new job I was offered is not in this city It’s not even in this state W: Are you sure you will take the job

M: Yes, I will move next month I just don’t want to have a long-distance relationship

W: Yes, those rarely work out But Sarah is really nice You two get along so well

M: I know, but think about it, how can we have a meaningful relationship when we are hundreds of miles apart W: You will always miss each other so much It will be painful Maybe you are right

M: I want her to be happy I think at first it will be difficult but eventually she will see we made the right decision W: Well, first you are going to have to tell her That will not be easy

Text 9

M: Yes, madam, can I help you

W: Oh, yes, please, but you’re just closing, aren’t you

M: Well, yes, we are, madam The shop closes in five minutes

W: I won’t keep you long then It was about some saucepans you had in your window last week

M: Last week, madam I can’t remember which ones you mean What were they like

W: Oh, they were lovely! Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style, you know, and if I remember correctly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it a flower pattern

M: That’s strange I don’t recognize any of the ones we had from that description Are you sure they were in this shop

W: Well, you must know the ones I mean They were on sale, a real bargain, reduced to a quarter of the original price I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw them

M: I’m afraid the sales are over now, madam, and I know we sold out of all the saucepans

W: I don’t think you did, actually At least, my neighbor, Mrs Cliffe, told me she saw some here only yesterday M: Well, it’s all new stock in the window now

W: May I have a look, to see if there’s anything else

M: Uh, well, madam, as you know, we were just closing And perhaps, madam, if you come tomorrow, I could show you everything we have in our range of kitchenware And there are still one or two things on sale W: Oh, look! That one there! That’s the sort of thing I was looking for!

Text 10

One day last summer I was traveling on the London Underground, on the Piccadilly Line We stopped at Green Park and a few people got on Among them were an elderly lady and an elderly gentleman, maybe her husband Actually, he didn’t quite get on the train because the automatic doors closed on him as he was getting on I know from experience that this isn’t really a problem — you just push your arms out and the doors move back However, this couple appeared to be unfamiliar with the underground and this man did the worst thing possible — he stepped back but somehow leaned forward This meant that the doors closed on his neck so his head was inside the train and the rest of his body was outside He had a most peculiar expression on his face and he was waving his arms up and down His wife, who had found a seat, didn’t seem to be the least disturbed I realized that there was a real danger that he might be dragged along the platform and seriously injured, so I leapt from my seat and, along with two other men, pulled at the doors, which soon sprang back Nobody else did anything, apart from one person who said, “Pull the communication button” but remained seated The man took his seat next to his wife They were both completely calm and didn’t say a word


Let's Go by G20

Let`s go Let`s go Let`s go

Let`s go Let`s go Let`s go

Y`all ready for this G20 in Seoul 2010

Just take my hand and fly 나와 같이 걸어가

Just take my hand and fly和我一起去吧

너와 나 모두가 다 기다려왔던 시간이 눈앞에 Let`s go

你我一同等待着的那时刻就在眼前 Let`s go

네가 기쁠 때나 슬플 때 우린 항상 옆에 있을께


외롭다고 느낄때도 우린 곁에 있을께


어려워말고 두 손을 내 밀어요


모두 모여 함께 두 손을 잡고 hey, let`s go

大家相聚一堂握住双手hey, let`s go

누구라도 모두 같이 (let`s go)달려봐 세상 끝까지 (let`s go)

无论是谁大家一起(let`s go)向着世界尽头奔跑(let`s go)

항상 우리 하나 되어 지금부터 let`s get started

让我们从现在开始团结一心let`s get started

Now we are one (one one)모두 다 손을 잡고 (go go)

Now we are one (one one)大家都握起手(go go)

[钟铉]다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

[钟铉]모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

Let`s trust in love (우리 모두 다 같이)

Let`s trust in love (我们所有人都一起)

Let`s start it now (손을 잡고 끝까지)

Let`s start it now (牵着手直到终点)

다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go go go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

우리가 눈을 맞추고 서롤 향해 웃어주고


두 팔로 안아주면 뭐든지 할 수 있어


that that that`s alright 웃으면서 all night

that that that`s alright笑着all night

모두 모여 함께 마음을 열고 hey, let`s go

大家相聚在一起敞开心扉hey, let`s go

지금부터 모두함께

Let's Go by G20

Let`s go Let`s go Let`s go

Let`s go Let`s go Let`s go

Y`all ready for this G20 in Seoul 2010

Just take my hand and fly 나와 같이 걸어가

Just take my hand and fly和我一起去吧

너와 나 모두가 다 기다려왔던 시간이 눈앞에 Let`s go

你我一同等待着的那时刻就在眼前 Let`s go

네가 기쁠 때나 슬플 때 우린 항상 옆에 있을께


외롭다고 느낄때도 우린 곁에 있을께


어려워말고 두 손을 내 밀어요


모두 모여 함께 두 손을 잡고 hey, let`s go

大家相聚一堂握住双手hey, let`s go

누구라도 모두 같이 (let`s go)달려봐 세상 끝까지 (let`s go)

无论是谁大家一起(let`s go)向着世界尽头奔跑(let`s go)

항상 우리 하나 되어 지금부터 let`s get started

让我们从现在开始团结一心let`s get started

Now we are one (one one)모두 다 손을 잡고 (go go)

Now we are one (one one)大家都握起手(go go)

[钟铉]다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

[钟铉]모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

Let`s trust in love (우리 모두 다 같이)

Let`s trust in love (我们所有人都一起)

Let`s start it now (손을 잡고 끝까지)

Let`s start it now (牵着手直到终点)

다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go go go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

우리가 눈을 맞추고 서롤 향해 웃어주고


두 팔로 안아주면 뭐든지 할 수 있어


that that that`s alright 웃으면서 all night

that that that`s alright笑着all night

모두 모여 함께 마음을 열고 hey, let`s go

大家相聚在一起敞开心扉hey, let`s go

지금부터 모두함께

(let`s go)뛰어봐 저 하늘까지 (let`s go)

从现在开始大家一起(let`s go)跳跃吧向着天空(let`s go)

너와 내가 하나되어 지금부터 let`s get started

你与我合而为一从现在开始let`s get started

Now we are one (one one)모두 다 손을 잡고 (go go)

Now we are one (one one)大家都握起手(go go)

다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

Let`s trust in love (우리 모두 다 같이)

Let`s trust in love (我们所有人都一起)

Let`s start it now (손을 잡고 끝까지)

Let`s start it now (牵着手直到终点)

다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

손에 손에 손, 내손을 잡고


손에 손에 손, 두손을 잡고


손에 손에 손, 다 같이 잡고


Everyone tonight`s the night

Everything`s alright now let let let let let`s go

Now we are one 모두 다 손을 잡고

Now we are one 大家都握起手

다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go

Let`s trust in love (우리 모두 다 같이)

Let`s trust in love (我们所有人都一起)

Let`s start it now (손을 잡고 끝까지)

Let`s start it now (牵着手直到终点)

다 같이 하나 되어 let`s go let`s go let`s go

大家团结一心let`s go let`s go let`s go

모두 다 let`s go let`s go let`s go go go

一起let`s go let`s go let`s go go go

TOKYO -- Japan sank into recession in the third quarter, even before it felt the full force of the financial crisis, and world leaders at a weekend summit gave investors little hope they could rescue the global economy With the euro zone also in recession, the US economy shrinking in the third quarter and China slowing sharply, markets shrugged off pledges to stimulate growth from leaders of the Group of 20 nations The yen and US dollar pressed higher as investors pulled cash away from emerging markets and riskier assets Oil fell more than $1 to below $56 a barrel and stock markets slid in early Asian trading While the Japanese economy was weakening, the pace of the decline was unexpected Analysts polled by Reuters had predicted the economy would expand 01 percent Instead it shrank by 01 percent as exports crumbled faster than they had thought The third-quarter data did not capture the full impact of the crisis that exploded in September, destroying Wall Street banks and threatening to rupture the global financial system Japan had largely escaped the first shockwaves of the crisis triggered last year by US mortgage defaults It felt the first major tremors in October when the Tokyo stock market crashed forcing banks to try to replenish capital and the yen surged, sideswiping exporters facing their toughest markets in decades "I think that it is possible for the negative growth to continue in the second half of the fiscal year," said Tatsushi Shikano, a senior economist at Tokyo's Mitsubishi UFJ Securities "The economy abroad, especially the United States, is slowing down and it is likely that exports will remain weak," he said Fiscal And Monetary Steps The euro zone is in its first recession and the US economy only avoided one earlier this year because of a stimulus plan Most economists say the United States is probably already in recession, although official data confirming that will not come until January Leaders of the world's 20 largest economies, meeting in Washington over the weekend to address the worst financial crisis in 80 years, agreed on a host of fiscal and monetary steps to rescue the global economy But they left it to individual governments to tailor their response to their own circumstances and troubled industries "Taken as a whole, it does not appear that the outcome of the summit will be sufficient to stem the financial crisis This was a high bar from the start," said Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy with Brown Brothers Harriman in New York

以上就是关于(英语作文)请以绿色出行为题,写一写杭州的交通以及如何为G20创造更好的交通环境 GreenTravelling全部的内容,包括:(英语作文)请以绿色出行为题,写一写杭州的交通以及如何为G20创造更好的交通环境 GreenTravelling、简单介绍G20峰会的英语短文.........谢谢、江淮g20省示范高中发展联盟高三联考英语答案等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8773178.html

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