12 选择题
1,属于特高频(UHF)的频带范围是(D )。
A、400~2000MHz B、300~2000MHz
C、400~3000MHz D、300~3000MHz
2,IMP缩写代表(B )
A、放大增益 B、互调产物 C、网间协议 D、互调截获点
3,10W功率可由dBm表示为(D )。
A、10dBm B、20dBm C、30dBm D、40dBm
4,频率在(A )以下,在空中传播(不用人工波导)的电磁波叫无线电波。
A、3000GHz B、3000MHz C、300MHz D、300GHz
5,频率范围在30-300MHz的无线电波称为( A)。
A、米波 B、分米波 C、厘米波 D、毫米波
6,无线电监测中,常用一些单位有dBuv、dBm等,dBm是(C )单位。
A、电压 B、带宽 C、功率 D、 增益
7,目前中国移动的GSM系统采用的是以下哪种方式(B )。
8,PHS个人移动系统信道带宽为( A)。
A、288kHz B、200kHz C、25kHz D、30kHz
9,CDMA移动系统信道带宽为( A)。
A、123MHz B、15MHz C、175MHz D、185MHz
10,0dBW=( C)dBm
A、0 B、3 C、30
11,比25W主波信号低50dB的杂波信号功率是( B)μW。
A、25 B、25 C、250
A、射频带宽 B、分辨率带宽 C、视频带宽
13,根据GB12046—89规定,必要带宽为15MHz的符号标识为(A )。
A、1M50 B、15M0 C、150M
14,发射频谱中90%能量所占频带宽度叫做(A )。
A、必要带宽 B、占用带宽 C、工作带宽
15,一发射机发射功率为10W,天线增益10dB,馈线损耗5dB,则有效辐射功率为( B)。
A、25dBW B、15dBW C、5dBW
16,电视伴音载频比图像载频( A)。
A、高 B、低 C、相等
17,在微波段中表述频段,字母代码S和C对应的频段是( C)。
A、1—2GHz和4/6GHz B、18—40GHz和8/12GHz C、25GHz和4/6GHz D、48GHz和4/8GHz
18,联通CDMA下行与移动GSM上行频段之间只有(A )MHz保护带。
A、5 B、10 C、15
A、时间 B频率 C空间 D编码
21,超高频(SHF)波长范围 ( C )
A、 10—1米 B、 10—1分米 C 10—1厘米
A、01 B、05 C、1
23, 圆锥天线是( B )。
A、双极化 B、单极化
24, 螺旋天线天线在下列频段中更是用于( C)频段。
A、30kHz-30MHz B、30MHz-100MHz C、100MHz—1000MHz
25,杂散发射不包括( A )。
A、.带外发射 B、寄生发射 C、谐波发射 D、互调产物
26,标准对称偶极子天线增益为( D )。
A、.5dBi B.425dBi C.3dBi D.215dBi
27,400MHz频段上,应对卫星紧急示位标业务实施保护的频率范围是( B )。
A、.4605-4606MHz B.4600-4601MHz C.4601-4602MHz D.4602-4603MHz
28,利用一个或多个反射卫星所进行的地球站之间的通信属于( A )。
A、空间无线电通信 B空间地面无线电通信 C地面空间无线电通信 D地面无线电通信
29,射电天文是基于( C )的天文学。
30,供主要与沿国内或国际民航航线的飞行安全和飞行正常有关的通信使用的航空移动业务是( A )。
A、航空移动(R)业务 B、航空移动(OR)业务 C、卫星航空移动(R)业务 D、卫星航空移动(OR)业务
31,供主要是国内或国际民航航线以外的通信使用的卫星航空移动业务是( D )。
A、航空移动(R)业务 B、航空移动(OR)业务
C、卫星航空移动(R)业务 D、卫星航空移动(OR)业务
32,外部噪声包括(A C D)。
A、太阳噪声 B、接收机噪声 C、高频电器噪声 D、电力线噪声
A、25kHz B、3kHz C、 5kHz D、16kHz
34, 无线电波传播的方式有(A B C D)。
A、地波 B、天波
C、空间波 D、散射波
A、英国 B、法国 C、德国 D、俄罗斯
A、美国 B、英国 C、俄罗斯 D、加拿大
A、中国 B、印度 C、日本 D、澳大利亚
A、8m,6m B、5m,6m C、250m,9m
39,GB 6364-86《航空无线电导航台站电磁环境要求》中规定,全向信标台(VOR)在覆盖区内,对调频广播、工科医、其它业务的防护率分别为(C)dB。
A、 20 B、27,24,30 C、37,34,40
41, GBJ 20093-92《VHF/UHF航空无线电通信台站电磁环境要求》中规定,对1kW以上和1kW以下的调频广播干扰源的防护间距分别为(B) m。
A、1000,600 B、20000,12000 C、10000,6000
41, GJB 2081-94《87-108MHz频段广播业务和108-137MHz频段航空业务之间的兼容》中规定,航空业务台站的保护信号场强为:航向信标接收机、全向信标接收机、机载高频通信接收机分别为( B )dBμV/m。
A、12,19,18 B、32,39,38 C、42,49,48
42, 移动通信和广播电视信号常用的极化方式分别是( A )
A、垂直极化,水平极化 B、水平极化,圆极化 C、垂直极化、圆极化
43,小灵通(PHS)、GSM、CDMA系统采用的复用和多址方式分别是( A)
44,PHS系统使用的频率是______,与3G的频段____矛盾,在今后开展3G业务时,PHS系统____退出所使用的频率。答案:( B)
A、1900MHz – 1915MHz,没有,不必
B、1900MHz – 1920MHz,有,必须
C、1895MHz – 1918MHz,有,必须
45,在串联谐振电路里,谐振角频率为( A )。
A、W0 = 1/(LC)1/2 B、W0 = 1/LC
C、W0 = 1/2 π(LC)1/2 D、W0 = 1/2 πLC
46,用频谱分析仪来检测信号发生器的相对谐波含量时,应注意调节频谱分析仪的输入衰减器使其输入信号工作在它的( B )。否则,将会给测量带来较大误差。
A、最大输入电平 B、 最佳输入电平 C、最小输入电平
47,就测量方法的分类而言,用频谱仪等选频设备分别测出基波及各次谐波再计算出失真度的方法是一种( B )法。
A、直接测量 B、间接测量 C、组合测量 D、比对测量
48,分析表明,方波是由无穷多个( A )谐波所组成。
A奇次 B、偶次 C奇次和偶次
49,已知调频波的最高瞬时频率为FMax,最低瞬时频率为fmin,则最大频偏可表示为( B )。
A、FMax/ fmin B、(fmax—fmin)/2
C、(FMax+fmin)/2 D、(fmax—fmin)/(fmax+fmin)
A、脉冲无线电通信 B、超宽带无线通信技术
C、第四代通信技术 D、大容量无线通信
51,ITU规划3G核心频段是( D)
A.825—835/870-880 MHz B、.930—960 /885-915MHz
C.1710—1755/1805-1850MHz D.1885-2025/2110-2200 MHz
A天线有效接收面积 B、天线的有效长度 C、天线增益 D、ABC全不对
A效率高 B、具有很强的方向性 C、能使用于所有频段 D、波束较宽
A、传输电缆的校准 B、天线的校准 C、测量接收机的校准 D、测量场地的校准
55,以基准信号与从被测物体反射的无线电信号进行比较为基础的无线电测定系统是( A )。
A、一次雷达 B、二次雷达 C、雷达信标 D、脉冲雷达
A、单工 *** 作 B、双工 *** 作 C、半双工 *** 作 D、人工 *** 作
57,( C )指在无调制的情况下,发信机在一个射频周期内供给天线馈线的平均功率。
A、峰包功率 B、平均功率 C、载波功率 D、发射功率
58,干扰电平虽高于规定的允许干扰标准,但经两个或两个以上主管部门协商同意,且不损害其它主管部门利益的干扰,是( B )。
A、允许干扰 B、可接受干扰 C、有害干扰 D、无害干扰
59,深空是指离地球的距离约等于或大于( D )的空间。
A、2╳103km B、2╳104km C、2╳105km D、2╳106km
60,中国无线电频率划分表共分四栏,不包括( D )栏。
A、中国频率划分 B、国际频率划分 C、香港特别行政区频率划分 D、台湾地区频率划分
61,某调频信号的基带频率为FM,调制指数为mf,当其振幅至少为未调制载波振幅的10%时,必要的带宽是:( B )
A、B=2FM B、B=2(mf+1)fm C、B=2(mf+2)fm D、B=2mffm
62,CDMA系统(IS-95)使用( A )。
A、直接序列扩频 B、跳频扩频
C、直接序列扩频与跳频的混合 D、TDMA与跳频的混合
63,( A B )属于无线电测定业务。
A、无线电导航业务 B、无线电定位业务
C、气象辅助业务 D、射电天文业务
64,以下( ABCD )不是基地电台或基站。
A、海岸电台 B、微波站 C、广播电台 D、地球站
65,杂散发射包括( ABC )。
A、谐波发射 B、寄生发射 C、互调产物 D、带外发射
67,下列关于有源天线的叙述正确的有:( ABC )。
A、可以用于所有频段上的场强测量 B、有良好的宽频带特性
C、天线辐射方向图与频率无关 D、天线系数与频率有关
68,当模拟调幅信号产生过调制时,下列说法正确的是:( AD )。
A、调制深度m+>100 % B、调制深度m+≤100 %
C、过调制增加了载波振幅 D、接收过调制信号时产生大的失真
A、被截获概率低 B、频谱利用率高
C、抗干扰能力强 D、能在选择性衰落和多径衰落的场合改善通信质量
A、与频谱分析仪的扫描速率有关 B、与频谱分析仪的扫描宽度有关
C、与频谱分析仪的滤波器带宽有关 D、与频谱分析仪显示的电平有关
A、V Ka K Ku B、Ka V K Ku
C、 V K Ka Ku D、 V Ka Ku K
A、15GHz B、26GHz C、15GHz D、24GHz
A、越南 B、蒙古 C、俄罗斯 D、 土耳其
A、瞬时功率 B、峰包功率 C、平均功率 D、载波功率
A、 108MHz——136975 MHz
B、 2700 MHz——2900 MHz
C、 960 MHz——1215 MHz
D、5725 MHz——5850 MHz
76,3、我国信息产业部规定5725 MHz——5850 MHz频段作为(ABC)的共用频段。
A、36GHz B、24GHz C、76GHz D、58GHz
A、W/m2 B、dBuV C、dB(W/m2) D、dB(/m)
79,指配频率时,指配频带其带宽等于必要带宽加上频率容限绝对值的( B )
A、1倍 B、2倍 C、3倍 D、4倍
80,天线增益一般用dBi和dBd表示,请问同一天线的dBi比dBd多多少( C )
A、+125 B、-125 C、+215 D、-215
81,一般来说,数字集群电话实现的主要功能是( B )。
A、通话功能 B、移动中的调度功能 C、虚拟网功能 D、个人移动电话
A、广播电台和电视台 B、微波站
C、移动电话基站和手机 D、小灵通基站和手机
83, 国际卫星紧急指位无线电信标业务专用频段为( D )
A、1610—1610100MHz B、1320—1320100 MHz
C、810—810100 MHz D、406—406100 MHz
84,供给天线的功率与在指定方向上相对于短垂直天线的增益的乘积为( B )
A、有效辐射功率 B、有效单极辐射功率
C、有效全向辐射功率 D、无调制的载波功率
85, 频率容限可以表示为发射的特征频率偏离( A )的最大容许偏差。
A、参考频率 B、发射占用频带的中心频率
C、接收本振频率 D、指配频率
86, 某45米C波段静止卫星地球站天线,无需采用自动跟踪措施,其理由是( C )。
A、口径较大 B、交叉极化鉴别率较高 C、波束宽度较宽 D、旁瓣较低
87, 多单元振子天线可用作低端频率抛物面天线的馈源,应将馈源的( B )调试到抛物面焦点上。
A、反射盘 B、相位中心 C、有源振子 D、无源振子
88, 卫星转发器多载波应用时,控制其输出功率有一定的回退量,其目的是( B )
A、提高寿命 B、减少非线性夫真 C、减小线性失真 D、节省电能
89, CDMA移动通信应用了( C )技术。
A、跳频 B、时分多址 C、直接序列扩频 D、频分多址
90, 发射机互调产物属于( D )
A、谐波 B、带外发射
C、非无线电设备的无线电波辐射 D、杂散发射
91, 某雷达载波频率为2900MHz,可以称它为( B )波段雷达。
92, 16QAM大容量微波通信系统中,采用16电平正交调幅,每电平携带( D )bit的信息。
A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4
93, 宽带调频信号的载频分量的幅度( D )
A、等于未调载波的幅度 B、高于未调载波的幅度
C、恒为0 D、低于未调载波的幅度
94, 开阔场地垂直杆状短天线,实际长度小于01λ,λ为波长。此时,电流呈线性分布,其有效长度是实际长度的( D )
A、1/8 B、1/4 C、1/3 D、1/2
95, 双边带调幅调制指数为1时,边带功率为载波功率的( B )倍。
A、1/4 B、1/2 C、1 D、2
96, 网中任意一个结点的故障引起全网故障的网络是( A )
A、环形网 B、星型网 C、树型网 D、总线型网
97, 扩频通信包括( ACD )
A、跳频扩频 B、三角波能量扩散
C、FH/DS混合扩频 D、直接序列扩频
98,对( ABCD )这样的数字业务系统而言,仅测量场强值不足以分析接收质量,可以根据对所评估的信道的误码率测量来评估信号的质量。
100, 我国在800/900MHz频段,将798-960MHz(B)给移动业务做主要业务使用,在900MHz频段中将2 6MHz频率(A)给中国联通集团公司使用;我国将某个280MHz无线寻呼频率(D)给某寻呼台使用。
A、分配 B、划分 C、规划 D、指配
Ⅰ 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)
A) 根据语境及所给汉语提示写出所缺单词。
1 The ________(获胜者) of the match are from different countries
2 He thought of a plan of ________(整体的) interest Everyone was happy
3 You can find all kinds of ________(女衬衣) in the store They are beautiful
4 The training is up to the ________(标准) It’s enough
5 The people ________(冲) to the train after the bell rang
B) 根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。
feeling, subject, recently, menu, tonight
6 Here is the ________ What would you like to eat
7 There will be a photo exhibition ________ How about visiting it
8 I have a ________ that Susan must come to my birthday party
9 The ________ of the photo is People and Nature
10 I didn’t see you ________ Does everything go well
Ⅱ 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)
( )11 To protect the machines ________ the rain, the workers covered them
A with B to
C for D against
( )12 I sent congratulations ________ David ________ winning in the high jump just now
A to; to B on; on
C to; on D on; to
( )13 Jim has watched the movie ________, but he still wants to see it ________ time
A three times; a second
B twice; a third
C twice; third
D three times; second
( )14 The green tea ________ grows in South China is quite popular in China
A who B that
C when D where
( )15 The young man ________ is taking photos over there is my friend
A whose B whom
C which D who
( )16 —Do you still keep the photo ________ your father took of you ten years ago
—Of course I do
A who B which
C whom D what
( )17 —Do you really want to buy that kind of camera
—Of course I do, ________ I have to pay more money
A if B because
C even though D as soon as
( )18 Paul fell off the high place He has ________ in standing up now
A interest B difficulty
C influence D ability
( )19 Please _______ the beef to the soup, and it’ll be more delicious
A cut B replace
C add D count
( )20 The match is over Now the headmaster is ________ the prize to the best player
A setting B recording
C presenting D buying
( )21 The manager and his workers are standing outside to welcome us ________ their factory
A visit B to visit
C visiting D visited
( )22 —Why don’t you ________ some photos of the animals
—That’s a good idea
A take B taking
C to take D takes
( )23 The photo is interesting, and it shows a kangaroo ________ across the street
A jump B to jump
C jumping D to jumping
( )24 ________ the old car, I prefer the new one The new one is quicker and more comfortable
A According to B Compared with
C Depending on D Just like
( )25 —Are you going camping with us next weekend
—________! What should I do to get ready
A Congratulations B You bet
C I don’t think so D No, thanks
Ⅲ 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)
易读度 ★★☆☆☆
When I was at university, every night there was at least one concert — and sometimes two or three The UK has a lot of 26 music It is loud with guitars and drums So almost every band that played at university was a rock band
The tickets were very cheap, 27 the venues (演出地点) were small and most bands were not famous They were just a group of friends who played music part-time This meant my friends and I could go to see a band whenever 28 wanted to
The atmosphere (氛围) at a rock concert full of 29 was great Everyone went pretty crazy Some students just listened to the band but most students sang 30 the band It was easy to get close to the band The room was crowded and 31 People jumped up and down with the music
After the concerts, band members and their friends stood outside 32 T-shirts or CDs After four years of university, half of my clothes were from those 33
Many of my friends were also in bands — or wanted to be Posters on the school notice boards said that bands were 34 new members Many famous bands started at university by friends who shared the same interest in 35
( )26 A country B rock
C pop D dance
( )27 A because B though
C if D but
( )28 A he B she
C they D we
( )29 A artists B soldiers
C students D relatives
( )30 A to B with
C like D for
( )31 A strange B magical
C noisy D dangerous
( )32 A copying B preparing
C making D selling
( )33 A concerts B friends
C universities D stores
( )34 A looking after B looking for
C looking through D looking up
( )35 A movies B science
C sports D music
Ⅳ 情景交际(共5分,每小题1分)
A: Good morning Can I help you
B: Yes, please (36)________
A: We have many cameras here Some are m ade in China, and some are made in other countries
B: (37) ________ Where is it made
A: In Japan
B: How much is it
A: 6,000 yuan (38) ________
B: Wow, that’s too expensive! (39) ________ Do you have a cheaper one
A: Sure What about this one
B: Well, this one looks good, too (40) ________ I’ll take it
A It is a digital camera (数码相机)
B And the price is OK
C I don’t have enough money to buy it
D This one looks very nice
E I’d like to buy a camera
Ⅴ 阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)
Some movies are unusual stories and the actors need lots of imagination to act 15-year-old Canadian actress Erin Pitt has been in movies like that But in her latest movie, Isabelle Dances into the Spotlight, Erin only needed to act herself
Erin plays Isabelle Palmer, a serious ballet ( 芭蕾舞 ) student and talented designer (设计师) Isabelle goes to a school for kids who are performers (表演者) and artists, and she faces troubles both in dancing classes and outside them She’s hard on herself and needs to learn to relax
“This movie is much my life,” says Erin “I go to a performing arts school I do ballet This character is a lot like me”
Erin studies ballet at a school much like Isabelle’s And there is an even bigger coincidence Before Erin played in the movie, she became interested in clothing design and went to a sewing (缝纫) class!
Erin’s years of dance training prepared her for the challenge of dancing in the movie Not all kids like strict teachers, but Erin does “They know how good you can be,” she says “If you have potential (潜质), they can tell, and they will push you They push you to be the best you can be”
In the movie, Erin plays a dancer who pushes herself to improve For her, the movie is an excellent chance to use two of her hobbies in one project “I have always loved dancing,” says Erin, who started classes at age two “And I’ve wanted to act since I was seven When I found out I got this role, I was running around, so excited” Will there be a moment like that in the movie, too You’ll have to watch to find out!
( )41 What can we learn about Isabelle
A She works hard to do better
B She has many troubles at home
C She studies at a designing school
D She is the best student in her class
( )42 The underlined word “coincidence” means “________” in Chinese
A 收获 B 机遇
C 考验 D 巧合
( )43 Erin’s ________ might help her get the role in the movie
A good imagination
B love for designing
C years of dance training
D wonderful feeling for music
( )44 Why was Erin excited to get the role in the movie
A She thought it would make her famous
B She could show two of her hobbies in it
C She could learn how to dance better in it
D She was a good friend of Isabelle Palmer
( )45 Which of the following is TRUE
A Erin went to a dancing class when she was seven
B Erin shows strong interest in singing and dancing
C Erin believes strict teachers can help her go further
D Isabelle Dances into the Spotlight was Erin’s first movie
Children across the world are taking pictures of their school meals They are sending these pictures over the Internet to a young girl in Scotland Then she shares the pictures and stories with people around the world
The girl’s name is Martha She likes to write So Martha decided to start her own blog (博客) Every day, Martha writes on the Internet about the meals she eats at school She also takes pictures of the food
Martha is very honest about the food She does not just describe the food She judges (评价) the taste of the food She also judges how healthy the food is Sometimes she likes the food, and sometimes she does not Now, other people send pictures to Martha Students around the world share their pictures of their school food!
Martha also started her blog for another important reason She began to raise money for the organization (组织) Mary’s Meals Mary’s Meals works in the East African country of Malawi It provides food for children in schools Martha encourages her readers to send money to Mary’s Meals to help build a kitche n
Martha hoped to raise about 10,000 dollars But the total reached 100,000 dollars and still keeps on growing!
Martha’s blog has also helped to improve meals at her school Martha and her school friends found their meals improved since she started writing her blog
No one knows what will happen to Martha’s blog in future But already this girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing pictures of her school meals
( )46 Martha started her blog to ________
A ask her school to improve meals
B invite readers to judge school meals
C show school meals around the world
D express her opinions about school meals
( )47 According to the passage, we can know Mary’s Meals ________
A works in Scotland
B provides food for school children in Malawi
C was set up by Martha
D builds kitchens for poor families in Malawi
( )48 How much money did Martha hope her readers to send to Mary’s Meals at first
A About $1,000,000 B About $100,000
C About $10,000 D About $1,000
( )49 Martha ________ through her blog
A changed her eating habits
B helped poor children at her school
C made meals at her school improve
D raised money for many organizations
( )50 What’s the best title for the passage
A Martha shares her food
B Cooking healthy school meals
C Martha starts a blog
D Having school meals together
When you think about competitions, you probably think of sports such as basketball and football Not all competitions are sports, though One example is the Rock Paper Scissors World Championship
Rock-Paper-Scissors is a simple game that is played between two people Each player counts to three and then “throws” one hand forward (向前), making one of three gestures (手势) Rock wins against Scissors, Scissors win against Paper, and Paper wins against Rock Although the game is simple, many players say that they have developed some skills for winning
Some people might consider the Rock-Paper-Scissors competition to be strange Around the world, though, people compete in many events that others think are crazy In England, an unusual competition is organized every year Hundreds of people run down a hill and run after a huge wheel of cheese (3)最初,这个比赛是为住在当地村子里的人举办的。 But now people from all over the world come to attend it In Finland, many people compete in the Air Guitar World Championships They play guitars that cannot be seen in front of other people
(4)These competitions are just a few of the crazy games that people play With some practice and training, maybe you could be a winner in one of these competitions yourself!
任务一:判断下列 句子 正(T)误(F)。
( )51 Paragraph 2 mainly tells us the rules of Rock-Paper-Scissors
( )52 According to the passage, some unusual competitions are thought to be crazy because they’re dangerous
53 ___________________________________________
54 ___________________________________________
55 How many unusual competitions are introduced in the passage
Ⅵ 完成句子(共5分,每小题1分)
56 答案是他在五岁时开始d钢琴。
________________, he began to play the piano at the age of five
57 周末咱们一起放风筝吧。
Let’s ________________ together at the weekend
58 我们认为在这场比赛中詹妮有获胜的机会。
We think Jenny ________________ in the match
59 刚才老师要求我们朗读那篇课文。
Just now the teacher asked us ________________ that text
60 教练对运动员的成绩很满意。
The coach ________________ the marks of the players
Ⅶ 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)
wheel, side, bef ore, collect, tall, money, work, fly, how, build
The students at the American International School were excited They worked hard to raise (61)________ for a trip They washed cars, sold magazines, and (62) ________ bottles Finally, they (63) ________ to Cairo to visit the pyramids of Egypt!
The students studied the pyramids in school (64) ________ the trip They learned about the Pharaohs, the rulers of ancient Egypt They also learned that the Egypti ans considered the Pharaohs to be living gods, and that the pyramids were (65)________ as tombs (陵墓) of the Pharaohs
On the first day of the trip, the students went to the Great Pyramid at Giza It was built for the Pharaoh Khufu around 2,560 BC It’s the (66)________ pyramid in the world The students measured (测量) all four (67)________ of the Great Pyramid at Giza
No one knows (68)________ the ancient Egyptians built these huge things Scientists believe Egyptians didn’t invent the (69)________ at the time They guess people moved the stones very slowly Thousands of Egyptians (70)________ for many years on each pyramid
When the students returned home, they prepared speeches and invited the community
Ⅷ 书面表达(共10分)
1 你对这次获奖感到非常幸运;
2 你想感谢你的老师们,他们鼓励你参赛并教给你许多拍照技巧;
3 你想感谢你的叔叔,他在你13岁生日时送给你一台照相机。
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon!
Than ks!
Ⅰ 1 winners 2 general 3 blouses 4 standard
5 rushed 6 menu 7 tonight 8 feeling
9 subject 10 recently
Ⅱ 11-15 DCBBD 16-20 BCBCC 21-25 BACBB
Ⅲ 26-30 BADCB 31-35 CDABD
Ⅳ 36-40 EDACB
Ⅴ 41-45 ADCBC 46-50 DBCCA
51-52 TF
53 At first, the competition was (held) for the people who lived in the local village
54 这些比赛仅仅是人们参加的疯狂比赛中的几种。
55 Three
Ⅵ 56 The thing is 57 fly kites
58 is in with a chance 59 to read out
60 is pleased with
Ⅶ 61 money 62 collected 63 flew 64 before
65 built 66 tallest 67 sides 68 how
69 wheel 70 worked
Ⅷ One possible version:
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon!
I am lucky to have won the photo competition in our school First, I’d like to thank my teachers They encouraged me to enter the competition and also taught me many skills in taking photos Then, I’d like to thank my uncle At the age of 1 2, I became interested in taking photos When I was 13, he gave me a camera as my birthday present Since then, I have become more and more interested in taking photos
一 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)
( )1 Dalian is ______ most beautiful city and it is one of ______ most beautiful
cities I have ever visited
A a; a B the; the C a; the D the; a
( )2 Mr Green decided to turn the garden ______ a playground ______ his
A from; to B from; for C into; for D into; to
( )3 —Mom, I’m a bit thirsty
—There are several bottles of juice in the fridge You can take ______
A these B this C ones D one
( )4 The numbers of the South China tiger ______ fallen in the last few years
A have been B have C had D had been
( )5 The hotel is not very modern, but it does have the ______ of being close to the city center
A advantage B transportation C inspiration D creativity
( )6 It’s ______ for the elephant called EmilJula to be locked by chain for fifty years
A ugly B cruel C relaxing D proud
( )7 —The latest computer is too expensive I can’t ______ it
—What if I lent you some money
A recycle B require C afford D cancel
( )8 Claire thought it ______ more to live in the city, so she moved back to the countryside00
A produced B spent C paid D cost
( )9 —What do you think of your mother
—She is ______ a good mother, ______ a good teacher I love her a lot
A either; or B not only; but also
C neither; nor D both; and
( )10 —What are you going to order
—Well, I think I ______ try mapo tofu, but I’m not sure
A might B must C can’t D shouldn’t
( )11 My teacher often says that mistakes should ______ in time
A correct B be correcting
C have corrected D be corrected
( )12 —Sally, it’s 10 o’clock already ______ the TV and go to bed
—OK, Dad
A Turn on B Put on
C Turn off D Put off
( )13 —David, ______ you ______ your report
—No I finished writing it this morning
A have; written B are; writing
C did; write D were; writing
( )14 —Do you know the girl ______ has got an A in the English exam
—Yes She is my deskmate
A who B which C whom D whose
( )15 —The traffic is becoming worse and worse in Beijing because of private cars
—______ People should use public transport more often
A I agree B Sounds boring
C I hope not D Never mind
二 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)
About 230 years ago, some rats (老鼠) got to Hawadax Island and they killed the birds on the island Now thanks to several years of hard work, “Rat Island” as it had been 1 for many years, has been returned to its real owners — 2 !
The rats arrived at Hawadax Island before 1780 when a Japanese 3 carrying them broke down at sea nearby They killed the birds on the island 4 the environment of the island was not built to save its birds from the rats There were 5 trees on the island and the birds were used to building their homes on the ground That gave the rats 6 to eat the eggs and baby chicks
In 2007, the US Fish and Wildlife Service started a(n) 7 to make the rats stay away from the island and try to bring back the beautiful birds There were a large number of rats living on the “Rat Island”, so it was a(n) 8 job But in 2009, there were no more rats on the island!5
Then slowly but surely, the birds began to 9 Sadly, some of the birds were killed by the rat poison (毒药) that had been used to 10 the rats But now it seems that things are becoming better and better and the island is starting to look like its former (以前的) self
( )1 A called B made C taken D used
( )2 A rats B birds C fish D humans
( )3 A car B train C bus D ship
( )4 A if B because C although D unless
( )5 A many B some C no D more
( )6 A chances B time C hope D methods
( )7 A idea B action C factory D industry
( )8 A easy B hard C interesting D boring
( )9 A sing B fly C return D leave
( )10 A find B help C study D kill
三 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)
Hi! My name is Nicholas I am 12 years old I am from Liverpool and I live there with my parents and my siblings — Sean, who is 10 years old, and Diana, who’s 4
Our day starts at 7 o’clock Everybody gets up and gets ready to leave home at 7:45 I usually take a shower in the evening, so I just have to wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on my school uniform We all have breakfast at 7:30
After breakfast, Sean and I catch the bus to school Classes begin at 8 o’clock Mom and Dad drive to work after leaving Diana at the kindergarten (幼儿园) My dad is a doctor and my mom is a nurse They both work at the local hospital
When school finishes at 3 o’clock, Sean and I take the bus home We have a glass of milk and some bread and then we do our homework On Wednesdays we go home late Sean goes to the Internet Club and I go to the Music Club I want to be a famous musician That’s why at the weekend I go to LIPA — the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts It is one of the best performing art schools in Britain I have drama, singing and dancing lessons8
I’ve always loved music and I started playing the piano when I was 4 years old I’ve also learned to play the drums and the guitar When I grow up, I want to take a music degree (学位) at LIPA I must study hard to get high grades because they only have 35 places available each year One of those places has to be for me!
( )1 The underlined word “siblings” in Paragraph 1 means “______”
A classmates B friends and relatives
C neighbors D brothers or sisters 04
( )2 According to Paragraph 2, Nicholas ______
A usually takes a shower in the morning
B wears uniform to school
C has breakfast at school
D gets up at 7:45
( )3 Nicholas goes to school ______
A by bike B on foot C by bus D by car
( )4 On Wednesdays Nicholas goes home late because he ______
A takes classes at LIPA
B goes to the Music Club
C goes to the Internet Club
D does homework at school
( )5 The last paragraph mainly tells us about Nicholas’ ______
A school life B interest in music
C weekend activities D favorite places to go
Were dinosaurs (恐龙) warm-blooded or cold-blooded According to a new study, scientists have found that they were somewhere in the middle This new study shows that dinosaurs were very different from most of today’s animals that are either warm or cold-blooded6
“I think we were all surprised by this,” said Felisa Smith from the University of New Mexico “The idea certainly took some getting used to”
The last dinosaurs lived on the earth more than 60 million years ago However, there is always more to discover about these ancient animals 0:21•3•7•网
A study by a team of scientists led by John M Grady of the university studied many different kinds of dinosaurs in their research They looked at growth rate (比率), body temperature and body size of different kinds of dinosaurs
How are warm-blooded animals different from cold-blooded animals Warm-blooded animals like humans can control their body temperature They eat a lot, and burn calories (卡路里) quickly They have a more active lifestyle than cold-blooded animals While cold-blooded animals such as snakes do not control their body temperature Instead, they must use sunlight to keep warm, and they move much more slowly Cold-blooded animals do not need to eat very much Their bodies slow down in colder temperatures
Dinosaurs were in the middle because they didn’t completely control their body temperature, but their body temperature didn’t only depend on the environment either This helped dinosaurs and allowed them to live for so many years
Besides dinosaurs, there are other animals that are not completely warm-blooded or cold-blooded, such as great white sharks
( )6 According to the new study, ______
A dinosaurs were cold-blooded
B dinosaurs were warm-blooded
C dinosaurs were not completely warm-blooded or cold-blooded
D some dinosaurs were warm-blooded and some were cold-blooded
( )7 The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means that ______
A it’s bad news to get the idea
B it’s good news to get the idea
C the idea is the same as what scientists predicted
D the idea is different from what people usually think
( )8 John M Grady and his team studied many things about different kinds of dinosaurs EXCEPT their ______
A body size B eating habit
C growth rate D body temperature
( )9 Warm-blooded animals ______
① live an active life ② eat a lot
③ need sunlight to keep warm ④ don’t control their body temperature
A ①② B ③④ C ①③ D ②④
( )10 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A Great white sharks are cold-blooded
B Most of today’s animals are either warm or cold-blooded
C Cold-blooded animals move slowly in colder temperatures
D Dinosaurs’ body temperature didn’t only depend on the environment
Jayson Fann talks with a reporter about creating art with natural materials
Reporter: What is your job
JF: I’m an environmental artist, and I build human-sized nests My nests are all over the world
Reporter: (11)_________
JF: People can have dinner parties in my nests They can also read and relax in them Some of my nests even have several rooms, so people can also use my nests as hotel rooms
Reporter: (12)_________
JF: First, I draw a design (设计图样) for the nest Then I discuss the design with my customer After the design is finished, I collect wood and work with a team to build it
Reporter: (13)_________
JF: I use eucalyptus (桉树) wood, which is soft and easy to bend (弯曲) when it is young and freshly cut But when it is dried, it becomes very hard So it holds its shape and can support people
Reporter: (14)_________
JF: Sometimes I get the wood by cutting young branches from trees This actually helps keep the trees healthy Other times, I collect wood from the forest floor
Reporter: (15)_________
JF: You have to be able to draw and use different artistic mediums (媒介) And you also have to know how to speak to people — your customers and the people who work with you
Reporter: What is the best part of your job
JF: I get to be creative in a way that doesn’t hurt the environment!
A What makes your nests strong enough to hold people
B What skills do you need for your job
C What can people do in your nests
D Where do you get your materials
E How do you make a nest
11 _____ 12 _____ 13 _____ 14 _____ 15 _____0:4
四 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)
A: Hi, Carol I called you yesterday afternoon, but nobody picked it up
B: (1)________________________
A: At 4 o’clock
B: Well, I was shopping with my sister at Meetall Supermarket
A: Oh By the way, (2)________________________
B: No, we didn’t We just used the plastic bags offered by the supermarket
A: Oh, no! You should take your own shopping bags
B: (3)________________________ Next time I will
A: Well, tomorrow we will go to plant trees in the city park (4)________________
B: Yes, I’d like to It’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment (5)___________
A: Let’s meet at 8:00 am at the school gate
1 The river is polluted seriously so ________(fisherman) can’t catch any fish
2 A ________(science) discovery is often made long before someone is able to put it to use
3 To cut down waste, you should buy a pair of ________(reuse) chopsticks to take with you when you eat out
4 In today’s world, anything is possible with a bit of ________(creative) and hard work
5 He opened the ________(wood) box, and found very surprisingly that it was full of his mother’s old photos
六 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)
1 喝酒太多对你的健康有害。
Drinking too much __________________ your health
2 他参加比赛的那天,身体不大舒服。
The day he __________________ the competition, he was not feeling well
3 成为飞行员是我的梦想,你不知道我为此付出了多少。
To be a pilot is my dream You don’t know how much I’ve __________________ it21032
4 爸爸教我如何好好利用旧玩具。
Dad taught me how to __________________
5 许多房子在暴风雨中被摧毁了。
Many houses were __________________ in the rainstorm
七 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)
decide, however, good, realize, recall, never, year, it, rule, with
In 1953, Ron Webster borrowed a book at the University of Liverpool’s library And recently he returned the book, 61 (1)________ late!02
Ron was working in the university when he (2)________ to borrow the book, Structure and Function in Primitive Society Later, Ron took the book (3)________ him when he left the university to work in London And recently, while checking books at his home, Ron (4)________ that the book was not actually his and that he had (5)________ returned it
Believing that the book was so (6)________, Ron thought it was a pity for other students if they had no chance to read it So Ron, now 91, decided to return (7)________
Phil Sykes, a librarian at the university, (8)________, “ They called me to come down They said there was a man trying to return a book he took out in 1953, and that he was 91 years old!”2:217
According to the library (9)________, Ron would get a fine (罚款) of $7,651 (10)________, the librarian kindly decided to forgive (原谅) him because Ron agreed to return all his books on time in the future!
八 书面表达(20分)
提示:1 节约用水、用电;
2 节约纸张;
3 不乱丢杂物;
4 回收利用废品。
要求:1 根据提示内容进行写作,可适当发挥;
2 90词左右。演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Hello, everyone!
The earth is our home, so we should protect it well To do this, we should do the following things in our daily life_____________________________________________________
Thanks for listening!
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