

9月参加雅思考试的勇士们 首要面对的一大难题就是:




包括 Part1、Part2、Part3




1 新题—— 全新题,出现频次一般较高,重中之重!

2 旧题回库—— 去年或者是考过的题,回归到了题库,那就意味着9~12月会继续考,后期备考学生们要留意了。

3 重点老题—— 为各大考场出现频次极高的题,要重点准备~

9~12月雅思口语完整题库 新题+保留旧题















(1)Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience

(2)How long have you had your current haircut

(3)How often do you have a haircut

(4)Do you like having your hair cut

(5)What’s your last haircut


(1)Do you wear jeans

(2)How often do you wear jeans

(3)Do you like wearing jeans, why

(4)Why do you think jeans are popular

(5)Do you spend a lot on jeans


(1)Do you like your own voice

(2)Has your voice ever changed

(3)Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it


(1)When do you need to be focused

(2)What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

(3)What do you do to help you concentrate

(4)Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something


(1)Do you walk a lot

(2)Do you walk more often than in the past

(3)Do you think people will take a walk more often or not


(1)What languages can you speak

(2)Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language

(3)Will you learn other languages in the future


1科技产品 Describe an important technological product you bought You should say: What it is How you use it Why you bought it And explain why you think it is important

(1)What do you think is the most important equipment in the workplace

(2)Which technological product do you think is most useful at home

(3)Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future

(4)Do you think some technological products make people lazier Why

2人工智能 Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence You should say: What it is What it is used for How it is used And explain what you think of it

(1)How will artificial intelligence affect our lives

(2)Will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future

3去过的城市 Describe a city you once went to with your family You should say: What the city was Why you went there What the city was like And explain how you felt about it

(1)What kind of city do you like

(2)What are the advantages of living in a city

(3)Why do many people nowadays prefer living in the suburbs

4教老年人 Describe a time when you taught an older person something new You should say: When it happened Who you taught Why you taught this person And explain how you felt about it

(1)Do you think old people know more things than young people

(2)Is it easy for old people to use new technology

(3)Why do some old people refuse to use new technology

(4)What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use smart-phones

5开车旅行 Describe a journey that you went on by car You should say: When was is Where you went Who you were with And how you felt about the journey

(1)Do you think cars are a daily necessity

(2)What will cars look like in the future

(3)Is driving a skill that everybody must learn

(4)What are the downsides of having a car



打call 打call 打call




2、一级 :分为MS Office、WPS Office、永中和一级B四类,考核应试者计算机基本知识和使用微机系统的初步能力

二级:分为C语言、C++语言、Visual Basic语言、Java语言、Delphi语言、Visual Foxpro数据库以及Access数据库七类,考核应试者软、硬件基础知识和使用一种高级计算机语言或数据库程序设计编制程序、上机调试的能力。

三级:分为PC技术、信息管理技术、数据库技术和网络技术四科。“PC技术”考核PC机硬件组成和Windows *** 作系统的基础知识以及PC机使用、管理、维护和应用开发的基本技能;


























华为考试券,华为题库,oracle考试券,oracle题库,rhce题库,rhce报名 qq_909577120

51 OceanStor 18000 V3 容忍四个控制器里故障几个,业务不停

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


52 华为云桌面解决方案的分支结构场景下,分支站点与中心站点网络之间的最低管理带宽要求是

A 2M B  3M C  4M D  5M


53 以下应用到华为 FusionStorage 的案例有

A 招商银行 B 华为流程 IT 数据中心 C 欧洲最大教会医院 KWG D 浙江电信 E 以上都是


54 华为桌面云已在全球规模商用,已在全球()国家()企业商用

A 80+,800+ B 100+,1500+ C 120+,1000+ D 100+,1200+


55 华为 E9000 的 CH225 V3 全闪存节点支持多少个 NVMe SSD

A 4 B 8 C 12 D 16


56 当前 SAS 硬盘的主流转速是

A 7200转 B 10000转 C 5400转


57 XH321 V5 最多支持多少块 SSD

A 4 B 6 C 8 D 12


58 FusionCube 最多支持多少个节点

A 64 B 128 C 256 D 512


59 归档场景用到的特性主要是

A Hyper Lock B  Hyper Metro C  Smart Cache D  Smart Partition


60 JBOD 方案里,硬盘的 RAID 算法在

A 存储控制器 B 服务器的SCSI卡上


61 关于桌面云协议,错误的是

A 按照解码处理的不同,可支持服务端解码客户端解码两种方式;

B 针对所有的 1080P 视频源,都可以支持流畅播放;

C 可区分自然图像和非自然图像,采取不同的压缩方式;

D 可实现对外设权限的精细化控制;


62 华为 2288H V5 最大支持多少个全高全长的 GPU 卡

A 0 B 1 C 2 D 4


63 华为桌面云解决方案的应用虚拟化增强特性值原生手势体验,配套的 *** 作系统应该是

A Windows81 B Windows Server 2008 C Windows10 D  Windows Server 2012


64 以下哪个是 G5500 的半宽异构服务器节点

A G560 B G530 V2 C G5500 D XH321 V5


65 V5 下面多个特性 NAS 同时具备的

A Hyper Lock B Hyper Metro C Smart Tier


66 SAN 方案中,文件系统位于

A 服务器 B 存储


67 以下哪款软件可以对接 esight 服务器

A SCOM B  Open NMS C  chef


68 OceanStor F V5/V5 中端系列相对于 V3 新增加哪张接口卡

答案:16GB 高密接口卡

69 华为 FusionCube 的内置存储引擎需要的最小节点数是多少


70 V5 NAS 双活支持部署几个仲裁


71 V5NAS 快照是基于什么机制的



72 华为 FusionCube 2000 使用那款服务器

A X6800 B E9000 C X6000 D RH2288H

73 华为桌面云解决方案中,将管理组件全部部署在统一的 Linux 平台下时,比装在 Windows 节省多少授权A 1-2

B 2-4

C 3-5

D 4-8

74 银行核心交易系统对存储最重要诉求

A 高可靠

B 低延时C 稳定性

75 桌面云分支机构站点支持多少个A 254

B 255

C 264

D 256

76 在最常见的 10GE/FCOE 交换场景,建议华为 E9000 使用哪种交换模块

A CX310 B CX311 C CX320 D CX620

77 以下阵列厂商中,哪个厂商可以生产 SSD 硬盘

A EMC B HP C Netapp D 华为 E 浪潮

78 OceanStor V5 相比 V3 主要变化是什么

A 硬件升级 B 软件重构 C 形态完全改变

79 华为 X6000 服务器的高度为多少

A 1U B 2U C 3U D 4U

80 华为桌面云方案实现了 VDI 与 SBC 的真正统一,主要体现在()

A 统一架构 B 统一用户接入 C 统一业务发放 D 统一运维 E 以上都是

81 RAID20+重构速度比传统 RAID 快。

A 10倍 B 20倍 C 5倍

82 V5 下面哪个属性只有 NAS 具备,SAN 不具备的

A HyperLock B  HyperMetro C  HyperReplication

83 华为桌面云解决方案中,支持双网口单系统的分区接入的瘦客户端是

A CT1000 B CT6100 C CT5100 D CT3200

84 在线重删的好处是

A 重删率高 B 不影响业务性能 C 提升SSD寿命

85 在管理节点 HA 特性中,管理节点的工作模式是:

A 主备状态 B Active-Active双活状态 C 多活状态

86 以下哪个是华为 E9000 刀片服务器的全宽 4 路服务器节点

A CH121 V5 B CH220 V3 C CH282 V3 D CH242 V5

87 以下哪个是 G530 V2 配 16 块 P4 卡的典型应用场景

A AI训练 B AI推理 C HPC D 以上全部

88 OceanStor 6800 V5 与 OceanStor 6800 V3 最大的不同是什么

A 支持硬盘数量 B 可扩展控制器数量 C 后端全互联,支持控制器4坏3

89 以下哪个厂商提供管理芯片

A 华为 B  Intel C  IBM D  AMD

90 华为 2288H V5 最大支持多少个 35 英寸硬盘(考试考了)

A 12 B 16 C 20 D 24

91 华为 2288H V5 最大支持多少个 NVMe SSD 硬盘

A 8 B 12 C 24 D 28

92 华为桌面云解决方案中,将管理组件全部部署在统一的 Linux 平台下时,可节省的 Windows License 个数为

A 1-3个 B 2-4个 C 3-5个 D 4-6个

93 华为桌面云解决方案在分支机构场景下,最大可支持的节点数是

A 248 B 255 C 264 D 265

94 华为 FusionCube 9000 使用哪款服务器

A X6800 B E9000 C RH8100 V3 D RH5885

95 华为不提供以下哪种服务器(考试考了)

A 刀片服务器 B 机架服务器 C 塔式服务器 D 高密服务器

96 OceanStor V5 产品性能最大值(IOPS@SPC-1)可以达到多少

A 6百万IOPS@1ms

B 4百万IOPS@05ms

C 3百万IOPS@1ms

D 4百万IOPS@1ms

97 下列哪个桌面云解决方案场景属于限制销售

AVDI 标准桌面云

BVDI 高级桌面云

CSBC 标准桌面云

DSBC 高级桌面云

98 比亚迪采购了下列哪个存储使原有 SAP 业务系统性能提升 70%

COceanStor Dorado

92 下列哪个应用场景属于桌面云限制销售


9310TB 72K RPM NL SAS 硬盘单元是多大尺寸

B35 寸

99 以下哪个是华为 X6000 服务器的 2 路节点 单选

A XH622 V3 B XH629 V3 C XH320 V2 D XH321 V5


100 华为桌面云解决方案中,将管理组件全部部署在统一的 Linux 平台下时,最少 Windows License 个数为 单选





1 A visiting B resting C making

2 A waiting B playing C staying

3 A vacation B weeks C invitations

4 A phone B show C snow

5 A thinking of B knowing about C thinking about


6 Where is Tom going for vacation

A Shanghai B England C Italy

7 What’s Jane doing tomorrow

A She is babysitting her sister

B She is playing basketball

C She is going sightseeing

8 When is John going camping

A Next week B Next month C Next Sunday

9 How long is Mary staying in Hawaii

A For two weeks B For three weeks C For three days

10How is the weather in Beijing

A Yes, it is B No, it isn’t C It’s cold



11 What will the boy do tonight

A Do his homework B Watch TV C Go to a birthday party

12 What will the boy take

A Some flowers B A notebook C Some CDs


13 How was Jack’s vacation

A It was interesting B Not very good C It was exciting

14 What did Jack do during the vacation

A He helped his pa rents B He played computer games

C He did his homework

15 What was the weather like in Beijing

A It was very cold B It was very cool C It was very warm


Reasons why hiking is popular

General reasons It’s 16 and 17

Reason 1 It’s good 18 that improves people’s health without hurting you

Reason 2 It’s simple and 19

Reason 3 It’s the best way to get away from your everyday 20



21 —You’ll be relaxed when you return from your vacation —

A You’re right B I hope so C All right D I hope not

22 —What are you going to give your mother for her birthday

—I’m not sure But I’ll buy her

A something special B anything special C special something D special anything

23 —When is he leaving for Beijing —He’s leaving the 11th

A in B at C of D on

24 Oh, I forgot my ruler with me Can I use yours

A bring B brought C to bring D bringing

25 —Where are you going

—I’m going to Pairs a week

A to B on C for D at

26 — are they staying

—Two days

A How many B How often C How long D When

27 When you take a vacation,you must take enough money you

A in B from C for D with

28 It’s hot outside Please a sunhat you

A take; to B bring; to C bring; with D take; with

29 —What are you doing for vacation

—I am time with my grandparents

A visiting B staying C taking D spending

30 —I am playing soccer this afternoon

—I’m visiting my grandparents

A Where are you going B How about you

C It’s great D That sounds interesting


The summer vacation is the best time for students They can go outdoors and have fun They can go to big cities to 31 , or go to the countryside to enjoy the bea uty of 32

Peter is an American middle school student and he loves 33 very much He always travels in his country

This summer vacation he wants to do 34 He is interested in Chinese history 35 he is flying to Beijing and Xi’an for the summer vacation He is leaving on July 12th and 36 New York on the last day of the month He plans 37 a fantastic vacation During the 38 , he is visiting places of interest and going shoppi ng At night, he is 39 to enjoy the night views He is sure he will have a 40 time

31 A watch TV B exercising C go sightseeing D go fishing

32 A buildings B city C farm D nature

33 A travelling B shopping C fishing D hiking

34 A something difference B different something

C something different D difference something

35 A Because B So C But D Although

36 A getting back to B get back to C getting back D gets back to

37 A having B to have C to having D had

38 A weekend B week C night D day

39 A take a walk B taking walks C takes a walk D take walks

40 A great B well C terrible D boring



What do we do when we go camping First, we make a plan We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating We take things to keep us away from insects and the sun

Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods We look for a place for campers(露营者) and we look for a good place for our tent(帐篷) The place should have a lot of moving air This will keep some insects away High land with water on both sides of it is good Then we put up our tent We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing

In the evening we come back to the tent, and we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away We sit around the fire and talk We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs

At night we lie down on the grass We can look up at the stars It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early

Everything is dark Everything is quiet We hope we won’t hear music from the radio in the next tent We hope it won’t rain

41 Before going camping we should first ______

A make a plan B take some food

C take things to keep us warm D take somethin g for cooking and eating

42 We go to camp ______

A by bus B by car C by bike D on foot

43 Campers can take part in ______ activities

A one or two B only a few C ma ny  D two or three

44 In the evening we build a fire because ______

A it is cold at night  B it can keep us warm

C it can keep the insects away D it is dark and quiet

45 Campers like to ______ at night

A hear music from the radio B go to sleep early

C have rain D be busy


The westerners have more vacation days than us

Some people like to stay at home during their vacation They work in the garden, visit their friends, read books or watch television Many families take their lunch to a park or somewhere far from the city They like to eat under some trees or near a nice lake If they live near the sea, they often go to the seaside There they can fish, swim or enjoy the sun

The westerners like travelling They think travelling and outdoor activities are the parts of their lives They work hard to save money, but their main purpose(目的) is to travel

Most western students often make use of their vacation to camp There are thousands of camp interesting bases(基地) in western countries They can swim, go fishing, attend lectures, and take part in many other recreational(娱乐性的`) activities there It can help them wrest from the secrets of nature, train(训练) their viability(生存能力), and teach them how to be self-reliant (自立)

46 Some westerners like to ______ at home during their vacation

A clean their rooms B cook their meals

C work in the garden and watch TV D go fishing

47 Many families often take their lunch out and have it ______

A under some trees B near the city C near the sea D in the restaurants (餐馆)

48 ______ is very important for the westerners

A Working hard B Travelling C Saving money D Going camping

49 What does the underlined phrase “wrest from” mean here

A取得 B保守 C认识 D探索

50 The passage mainly tells us ______

A how the westerners spend their vacation

B the westerners have more vacation days than us

C different views on vacation between the westerners and the easterners

D teach the western students how to be self-reliant

IV任务型阅读 (每小题1分,共5分)

John’s family is going on vacation next week They’re renting a house in the mountain for a week John plans to have a relaxing time He’s taking some books because he wants to read He’s going hiking and bike riding John is going to the mountains on Monday, and coming home on Friday He’s going to a party on Saturday night

John’s mother is going on Monday, too She’s staying all week and coming home on Sunday She plans to take walks with her husband in the beautiful countryside

John’s father is working on Monday and Tuesday, so he can’t be in the mountains then He’s going on Wednesday morning He plans to go fishing, and he’s coming home with John’s mother

John’s sister is staying at home She’s taking classes this summer and visiting friends


Going to the mountains Coming home

John On Monday 51______

John’s mother 52______ 53______

John’s father 54______ 55______


56 这个周末我将去钓鱼。

I’m ______ ______ this weekend

57 我的叔叔现在正在巴黎度假。

My uncle is ______ ______ ______ in Paris

58 假期你要做什么

What ______ you ______ ______ ______

59 我太累了,确实需要放松一下。

I’m ______ ______ I really need ______ ______

60 那听起来很有趣。祝你过得愉快。

That ______ ______ ______ Have a ______ ______


61 Let’s go (hike) this weekend

62 Look! The boys ________(play) soccer on the playground ( *** 场)

63 Lucy ________(go) shopping twice a month

64 Mom, can I go bike ________(ride) with my classmates

65 Yesterday I ________(spend) two hours in washing my clothes


66 Mike’s going to Hawaii on August 3rd (改为一般疑问句)

________Mike _______ _______ Hawaii on August 3rd

67 Dave is studying for the math test this weekend (对画线部分提问)

_______ ________ Dave ________ this weekend

68 I’m going there with my grandfather (对画线部分提问)

_______ ________ you ________ _______ _______

69 How’s the weather there (改为同义句)

______ the weather ______ there

70 Show me your ID card (改为同义句)

Show ________ __________ __________ __________ __________


根据下列表格内容写一篇短文,介绍你的周末计划, 不少于60词。

when activities

Saturday morning go bike riding

afternoon go fishing

evening go to the movies

Sunday all the day go sightseeing

evening rest

________________________ ______________________________________________________

_________UNIT 1 Where did you go on vacation



Ⅰ 听句子,选择你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读一遍。

1 Jim is visiting his friend in Hong Kong

2 She is staying there for a week

3 My parents always go to Europe for their vacations

4 Please show me your photos next week

5 He was thinking about going to Beijing

Ⅱ 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。

6 W: Tom, where are you going for vacation


7 W: What’s Jane doing tomorrow

M: She is babysitting her sister

8 W: John, are you going camping

M:Yes, I’m going camping next week

9 W: Where is Mary

M:She has gone to Hawaii for a holiday

W:How long is she staying there

M:For three weeks

10 W:What’s the weather like in Beijing

M:It’s cold



M: Mom, I am going to Maria’s birthday party tonight What should I do

W: You should give her a present

M: What present should I take

W: Why not bring her a notebook

M: No, it is not special enough

W: How about some flowers Girls always like flowers

M: Sounds good


W: Hi, Jack How was your vacation

M: Not very good

W: What was wrong

M: My parents were not free and I had to stay at home

W: Then what did you do at home

M: I only did my homework every day It was boring What about your vacation, Betty

W: Oh, I went to Beijing

M: It’s great What was t he weather like there

W:It was very cold there

M: Did you have a good time

W: Yes, I had gr eat fun

Ⅳ 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。

Most people enjoy hiking Hiking is not only a healthy but also relaxing activity The reason why people go hiking is different from person to person Here are some of the most popular reasons why people go hiking First of all, hiking is very good exercise, which will improve people’s health It’s good exercise that doesn’t hurt your body Secondly, hiking is simple and cheap All you need to do is wear a pair of hiking boots and a smile to start Finally, hiking is the best way to get away from your everyday life You could hike alone or go with your friends Hiking helps clear mind so that you can return to work with confidence So why not plan a hiking trip right away

1~5 ACABC 6~10 CAABC 11~15 CABCA 16 healthy 17 relaxing

18 exercise 19 cheap 20 life


Ⅰ 21 B I hope so“希望如此”。

22 A 形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词常放在它的后面,something常用在肯定句中。

23 D 在具体的某一天用介词o n。

24 C forget to do sth忘记去做某事; forget doing sth忘记做过了某事。

25 C 句意:“你将去哪儿”“我将去巴黎一周。”这里for a week表示一段时间,故选C。

26 C 由two days表示一段时间可知,应用how long提问。

27 D 考查take sth with sb结构,意为“随身携带某物”。

28 D take…with表示 “随身携带……”。

29 D 句意:“你假期准备干什么”“我准备和我的爷爷奶奶一起度过。”visit意为“参观;拜访”;stay意为“停留”;take意为“拿走,取走”;spend意为“度过”。根据句意选D。

30 B 句意:“我今天下午打算踢足 球,你呢”“我准备去看望我的爷爷奶奶。”How about you意为“你呢”。根据句意选B。

Ⅱ 31 C 由go to big cities可知去大城市的目的是观光,而不是“看电视”“锻炼”或“去钓鱼”。go sightseeing意为“观光”,所以选C。

32 D 由go to the countryside可知应选nature,意为“自然,自然界”。

33 A 由He always travels in his country可知选A。

34 C difference是名词,而different为形容词,形容词different修饰不定代词应该放在不定代词的后边,故选C。

35 B 由He is interested in Chinese history和下文he is flying to Beijing and Xi’an可知前后句是因果关系,故选B。

36 A get back意为“回来”,后跟宾语时要加to,由He is leaving on July 12th…可知,get要用-ing形式,故选A。

37 B plan to do sth“计划做某事”,plan后接动词不定式,故选B。

38 D 由下文At night…可知选与之相对的“在白天”。

39 B take a walk和take walks都为“散步”之意。但根据he is…可知take要用现在分词 形式。

40 A 由上下文可知应是“玩得愉快”,have a great time意为“玩得很愉快”,


Ⅲ 41 A 由第一段第二句First, we make a plan可知选A。

42 B 由第二段第一句Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods可知是开车去野营的,故选B。

43 C 由第二段末尾We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing和第三段末尾We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs可知野营活动丰富多彩。

44 C 第三段的第一句In the evening we come back to the tent, and we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away可知生火可以驱走昆虫,故答案选C。

45 B 由第四段最后一句It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early可知答案选B。

46 C 根据第二段第一、二句Some people like to stay at home during their vacation They work in the garden, visit their friends, read books or watch television可知选C。

47 A 根据第二段第四句They like to eat under some trees or near a nice lake可知“他们喜欢在树下或在美丽的湖边吃饭”。故选A。

48 B 根据第三段最后一句They work hard to save money, but their main purpose is to travel可排除A、C、D三项,而选B。

49 D 由下文的“自然的秘密”和“训练他们的生存能力”可推测出“这可以帮助他们探索自然的秘密……”,故选D。

50 A 短文主要介绍了西方人是如何度假的。故选A。

IV51 On Friday 由第一段中的John is going to the mountains on Monday, and coming home on Friday可知答案。

52 On Monday 由第二段第一句John’s mother is going on Monday, too可知 答案。

53 On Sunday 由第二段第二句She’s staying all week and coming home on Sunday可知答案。

54 On Wednesday morning 由第三段第二句He’s going on Wednesday morning可知答案。

55 On Sunday 由第三段最后一句He plans to go fishing, and he’s coming home with John’ s mother 可知答案。

Ⅴ 56 going fishing 57 taking his vacation 58 are, doing for vacation 59 too tired, to relax

60 sounds very interesting, good time

Ⅵ 61 hiking 62 are playing 63 goes 64 riding 65 spent

Ⅶ 66Is, going to 67 What is, doing 68 Who are, going there with 69 What’s, like

70 your ID card to me

VIIIOne possible version:

I am going to have fun this weekend On Saturday morning I’m going bike riding with my best friend In the afternoon I’m going fishing with my father I like fishing very much And in the evening, I’m going to the movies with my family We’re going to watch a comedy I think it’s very interestin g Then on Sunday, I am going sightseeing in our city all the day Maybe it can help me know much about our city And on Sunday evening I’m going to have a rest, because I’m going to school the next day A great vacation! I can’t wait!




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