


Mr Mcdreamy; dream lover; prince charming ; Mr Right


1 A fiere battle occurred between the deity and the devil 恶魔和男神进行了一场恶战

2 It contained two mansions -- Gladsheim for the gods, and Vingolf for the goddesses 山上有两幢房子——男神住在格莱茨海姆, 女神住在维哥夫殿

Alpha Male 男神,超男

The alpha-male is usually an excellent leader who is well-respected or feared, and who receives social privileges, such as better access to food or more attention from potential mates 男神,他的地位通常是极其受人们尊敬或敬畏的,享有社会特权的,诸如此类的更容易获得食物或引起潜在的伴侣更多关注的一个优秀领导者。

例句:His voice is deep and magnetic He has great personality He is tall and handsome What's more he always comes up with creative ideas for show He definitely is the Alpha Male in the radio (他声音低沉有磁性,性格好,又高又帅,尤其是他做节目时有创意,绝对是电台的男神。)

Queen Bee 女神/女蜂王

解释A girl who is the "leader of the pack" She doesn't always have to be the prettiest, but she is extremely confident, and because she thinks she's hot, others do too This girl will know all of the "important" gossip, and people emulate her style If the Queen Bee wears something new and different, others will wear it the next day一群女孩的领导者。她并不一定是最漂亮的,但她是极其有信心和因为她认为她很性感,其他方面也一样。这女孩知道所有重要的“是是非非”,人们模仿她的风格。如果女神的穿着新颖别致,其他人第二天就会跟风。

例句:Better relax and come down from the altar Being the Queen Bee arouses jealousy from people and it's a unique kind of hardship to always have to hold yourself up to these standards (放松些,别当女神了!当女神容易遭嫉妒,而且端着特别累。)


man of god


1 Mr Mcdreamy可以指someone is delicious and hot 流口水

Mr Mcdreamy is the boy who is perfect whom you cannot have

Mr Mcdreamy 男神指你无法拥有的完美至极的男人。

2 Dream man/the man of my dream梦中情人

He is the man of my dream


3 Hunk身材健硕、富有魅力的男子

That actor is such a hunk!



Who is that hunky guy


4 Me erizing催眠般的迷人,令人迷惑的


He has a pair of me erizing blue eyes



His voice is me erizing


5 Sharp


He's a sharp dresser



You're looking very sharp today


6 Drop-dead gorgeous

Drop-dead意为“令人惊奇的,艳羡的”。除了具有形容词性外,drop-dead还可以当副词用,表示“异常地,独特地”,drop-dead gorgeous在一起常用来形容“格外出众、极为吸引人”。

He is drop-dead gorgeous



7 Look like a million dollars


Wow, you look like a million dollars


Get 了吗赶快去男神面前耍酷吧!


My God -Wu Yifan

Wu Yifan is a famous singer and actor in our China ,he was born on November the 6th,1990 Taking it from me,he is my god,I love him so muchHe is amazing and adorable,he is also friendly and kindThe God give him a good looking,but he is not proud he still tries his best to practice so that he can show the best performance for us He always tries to do his own thing without any bitterness and plaint,at first,he has a few fans,cause people's wrong understanding of himPeople misunderstand that he was just made high cold and good looking but nothing elseHe said nothing about his bad rumours from all sidesAnd then he proved that he was not like the guy what people thought with his style , it turned out that he is a nice and kind big boy Finally, he achieved more and more fans cause his effortMany things happened on him,but he never give up what he want to do From him we can see someone who experienced the process of fall to success

I hope in the future FanFan will be better and better!




1 人物简历学习:

• 1 Name:

• Sex:

• Nationality:

• Profession:

• Carter loved to _________ new places during his life Such ____________ enabled him to discover many amazing things____about the world outside his hometown, he set ________for Alexandria, Egypt, where he found many important tombs of the _________kings

2 小短文词汇学习

apply various inspire

• In 1998, Yang Liwei __a_____ to be/for a member of Project Shenzhou , and became an __a_______ of it As an___a_______, he a__________ all that he learned in flight school to the study of spaceships and rockets and a__________ himself to being trained, which eventually resulted in his success Yang Liwei took ________ /a _______ of/________ of tests to prove he was fit for this important task

• As an astronaut, Yang’s devotion to his space career really __i_______ us _____ work hard to realize our wildest dreams in our lives We are all _i________ by his ________ achievements

• Summary the usage________________________________________




Introduction :

Yang Yang, 25, majored in the Department of Dance at People’s Liberation Army Arts College, a school in which students need to take part in military-style (军队风格) exercises His good looks, solider-like qualities and heart-warming smile have attracted audiences


Playing the lead role of the JiaBaoyu in TV drama A Dream of Red Mansions by the director Li Shaohong

Being cast as XIao Nai in the hit TV drama A Smile Is Beautiful, an adaptation of the best- selling book written by Gu Man

Starring in the films The Left Ear in 2014 and The lost Tomb in 2015,Yang started to gain morerecognition/ much popularity


别花痴了,要记住三种不同的表达,主演:play the lead role in/ be cast as/ star in


(a) [I, Tn] choose actors to play parts in (a play, film, etc) 挑选演员扮演(影剧等中的)角色:

• We're casting (the play) next week 我们下星期挑选(话剧)演员

(b) [Tn, Tnpr] ~ sb (as sb); ~ sb (in sth) give sb a part in a play, etc 选派某人扮演戏剧等中的角色:

• He was cast as Othello/cast in the role of Othello 选派他扮演奥赛罗的角色

cast light on sth 使更易理解;有助于说明

•The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct恐龙骨架的发现使人们对于恐龙灭绝的原因有了一些认识。

UK [kɑ:st] US [kæst] verb (cast, cast)


cast a look/glance/smile etc 看一眼/瞅一眼/向…一笑等

•She cast a quick look in the rear mirror她迅速看了一眼后视镜。

cast an/your eye over sth 迅速地看;匆匆浏览

•Could you cast an eye over this report for me你能替我看一眼这份报告吗

扔;投;抛;掷•The knight cast the sword far out into the lake骑士将剑远远地扔进湖中。


UK [stɑ:r] US [stɑ:r] verb intransitive + prep transitive (-rr-)


•Ben Kingsley starred in the film 'Gandhi'班•金斯利主演了**《甘地》。

•Fowles's novel 'The French Lieutenant's Woman' was turned into a film starring Meryl Streep福尔斯的小说《法国中尉的女人》被改编成**,由梅莉•史翠普领衔主演。


•Stars twinkled above them as they lay on the hill他们躺在小山上,头顶上繁星闪烁。

表演者 明星

•a rock/movie/football star摇滚歌星/影星/足球明星

•Kids wanting to be stars come to Hollywood from all over America想当明星的年轻人从美国各地来到好莱坞。



•How many stars (= symbols showing quality) has this restaurant got这家餐厅是几星级的


•She was born under a lucky/an unlucky star她生来命就好/不好。

something you say to someone when they have been kind and helpful to you (表示感激某人)你真是个大好人!


He looks righteous (正气的)and innocent(纯真的'), seemingly having no knowledge of the darkness in the world ------Li Shaohong



•He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime他坚信她是清白的。

•It was an innocent remark, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings那句话没有恶意,我并不想伤害他的感情。


•Several innocent bystanders were injured in the explosion几个无辜的旁观者在爆炸中受了伤。


Have no knowledge of 对-----不了解

Have a good knowledge of 对---很好的理解 同意词组:Have a good command of

对----充分的理解:Have a thorough understanding of

(idm 习语) 人所共知:

• It's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already 你们无谓将友情保密--其实已尽人皆知了

■ come to sb's `knowledge (fml 文) become known by sb 被某人知悉:

• It has come to our knowledge that you have been cheating the company 据我们了解你一直欺骗公司

■ to one's `knowledge (a) as far as one knows 据自己所知:

• To my knowledge, she has never been late before 据我所知, 她从未迟到过

• That is impossible, because to my (certain) knowledge he was in France at the time 那不可能, 因为我(确实)知道那时他在法国

He sold the car without his wife's knowledge 他瞒着妻子把汽车卖了

knowledgeable / -Ebl; -Ebl/ adj ~ (about sth) well-informed 消息灵通的; 在行的:

• She's very knowledgeable about art 她对艺术十分在行

knowledgeably / -EblI; -EblI/ adv:

• speak knowledgeably on the subject 对这学科谈得头头是道

So many times he felt his acting was not good enough and asked to try it again He couldn’t be more serious---------Alec SU, director of movie The Left Ear

Couldn't be more serious 再认真不过了,不能再认真了。双重否定表肯定哦



In my opinion, YangYang is a brave man When he was young, he planned to live as a dancer, but later, he became an actor At first, he didn’t know how to deal with it and felt lost in the world of acting However, he made up his mind to compete with himself Finally, he makes it Life is like a race, you either take the lead or fall behind He is ready to take on new challenges anytime


YangYang is handsome, the Chinese mainland actor, born in Shanghai His acting life started well as he starred in TV drama A Dream of Red Mansions (红楼梦) Not only is YangYang a famous actor, he also took part in military-style exercises as he majored in the Department of Dance at People’s Liberation Army Arts College(人民解放军艺术学院) It is his attitude --not giving up that counts Now a large number of people know about him and he has lots of fans I’m sure he will get better and that people will like him

本文作者:徐州七中 彭向梅 。(公众号:草根英语行思教)




man of god




the gods of Greece and Rome 希腊、罗马的诸神;

the god of day 太阳神(指 Apollo);

the god of fire 火神 (指 Vulcan);

the god of heaven 天神(指Jupiter);

the god of love 爱神(指Cupid);

the god of hell 地狱之神(指Pluto);

the god of the sea 海神 (指 Neptune);

the god of this world 魔王(指Satan);

the god of war 战神 (指Mars);

the god of wine 酒神 (指Bacchus)。

“被崇拜的男性偶像”可翻译为idol,指person or thing that is greatly loved or admired,即受崇拜与热爱的人或物。

As an only child he was the idol of his parents

他是独生子, 是父母的宠儿。

The Beatles were the pop idols of the 1960's



1 Hunk


例如:That actor is such a hunk!



如:Who is that hunky guy


2 Mesmerizing


比如:He has a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes



His voice is mesmerizing


3 Sharp


He's a sharp dresser



You're looking very sharp today


4 Drop-dead gorgeous

Drop-dead意为“令人惊奇的,艳羡的”。除了具有形容词性外,drop-dead还可以当副词用,表示“异常地,独特地”,drop-dead gorgeous在一起常用来形容“格外出众、极为吸引人”。

例如:He is drop-dead gorgeous



5 Looks like a million dollars


如:Wow, you look like a million dollars



Winning looks key to success

There is no shortage of pretty faces in South Korean drama - the problem, rather, is choosing the prettiest ones Let’s check out today’s most popular Korean drama stars and see how their hallmark handsomeness can be described in the English language



1 no shortage of…不缺乏,也可以fall/be short of…

2 Korean drama: 韩国电视剧

3 Check out: 看看,这是特别地道的表达,经常可以在美剧里听到go check it out就是去瞧




Lee Min-ho, 26, actor/singer


Basics: Best known for his leading role in romantic comedy drama The Inheritors In July 2012 in South Korea, Lee was voted the most attractive male celebrity in TV commercials for cosmetics brands



1 Leading role: 主角,

主角还有一个词是protagonist他们之间的区别是说某人在某部影片中领衔主演,用leading role或play the lead in the film。protagonist在影评和小说评论中更为常见,当主人公讲。

2 Inheritor: 继承者 v inherit n inheritance

3 Celebrity: 名人

4 TV commercial 电视广告。Commercial既可以作为adj商业的也可以作为n广告

5 Cosmetics: 化妆品 plastic surgery: 整容这两项内容都是韩国最有名的。

Characteristic: In his fans’ eyes, Lee’s physique is leggy (having attractively long and slender legs) and his personality introverted while still radiating a kind and vibrant warmth




1 Physique: 体型;身形

2 Slender: 细长的 slim: 苗条的;修长的 thin:瘦的

3 Introvert: v/n 使内向;内向的人 introverted: adj 内向的反义是extrovert

4 Radiate: v 发出;辐射 radiation: n 辐射 radiant: adj 容光焕发的



Kim Soo-hyun, 25, actor/singer


注释:aloof: adj 孤僻的

Basics: Kim’s popularity skyrocketed when he starred in the hit period drama Moon Embracing the Sun (捧日之月), which was the most popular in its time slot and, at its peak, had viewer ratings of 422 percent in South Korea Known as the “Professor” in the hit drama Man From the Stars, Kim’s popularity has hit the roof in China

基本资料:金秀贤因出演热门古装剧《捧日之月》而迅速蹿红,该剧成为韩国同时段收视冠军,创下 422%的超高收视率。现在,因出演时下大热的韩剧《来自星星的你》中“教授”一角,金秀贤在中国可谓人气爆棚。


1 Skyrocket: n/v n表示冲天火箭 v表示猛涨

2 hit period: 黄金时间 hit drama: 火的剧这里的hit都表示成功,火的意思

3 time slot: 时间段

4 viewer ratings: 收视份额

Characteristic: His character in the show has stirred a lot of discussion among fans, with his omnipotent ability to walk through walls, read minds, and engage in psychic interfacing The alien he depicts appears to have an icy exterior and seems very aloof Kim’s perfectly proportioned figure also means everything on him is a showcase of good fashion

特点:他在《来自星星的你》中所饰演的角色可谓上天入地无所不能,具备了穿墙术、读心术以及意念 *** 控等特异功能,从而引发粉丝热议。他饰演的外星教授外表冷若冰霜、看起来有些“面瘫”。“黄金比例”的身材也意味着金秀贤的着装无处不展示着绝佳的时尚品味。


1 omnipotent: adj 无处不在的omni-这个前缀表示遍的意思

2 phychic interfacing: 表示精神或心灵连接

3 alien: n/v 外星的;外国的

4 icy exterior: 冷冰冰的外表 exterior相对的词是interior,既可以作为adj也可以作为n

5 perfectly proportioned figure:比例完美的身材。这也是“长腿欧巴”的hallmark

6 showcase:陈列橱窗这里用了一个比喻。非常形象。


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