Filling this gap with a credit guarantee by a reliable intermediary such as a state-owned guarantee corporation may similarly ensure financial institutions about the future cash flow of the firm
Therefore, this should reduce its expected cost of lending and increase its willingness to provide funds
This section examines whether a credit guarantee lowers the interest rate charged by a financial institution
Using pooled cross-section data during the period 2000-2005, we estimate an ordinary least squares regression in the following form:
Ln(Interest rate利率 it )- β +β Private私人 it + u+β SICGC + β Ln(Loan Amount贷款金额 it )+β Ln(MOR最小透支率 it )
where i and t denote loan and time respectively
- i 和 t 分别表示贷款和时间。
Interest rate is the rate charged on the firm's loan i
SICGC is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1, if the portion of the total loan i is guaranteed by SBCG, and 0 otherwise
SICGC 是一个名义变数,如果整个贷款全部由SBCG担保,取值为1;否则,取值为0。
In the regression, we control for loan- and firm-specific characteristics as well as for the underlying cost of debt
The loan amount is the total loan size obtained from a financial institution at time t
To control for changes in the underlying cost of debt, we use the minimum overdraft rate (MOR), which is determined by the financial institution at time t
Private is a dummy variable with the value 1, if the financial institution is privately owned, and 0 otherwise
The sample of 94 loan transactions and other credit-related data has been obtained from the survey of SMEs and the credit files collected by SBCG
The regression result is presented as follows:
China's investments in securities intermediaries through more than ten years of development, has initially established its presence in China's economic development and reform in an important position in the securities intermediary has become the backbone of the securities market However, China's securities intermediaries in the development process, there are many problems, such as capital, the scale of strength is not strong, innovative ability is poor, as well as the integrity of the credit crisis, employment mechanism is not perfect, and many other problems have constrained the development of intermediary institutions This includes the status of securities investment intermediaries, issues and reform strategy of two parts Of the main issues raised and resolved for the response
Keywords: economies of scale, lack of credit talent incentive
Finance is the science of funds management
(1) The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance
(2) Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money, risk and how they are interrelated It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted
Financial engineering is a multidisciplinary field relating to the creation of new financial instruments and strategies, typically exotic options and specialized interest rate derivatives The field applies engineering methodologies to problems in finance, and employs financial theory and applied mathematics, as well as computation and the practice of programming; see computational finance
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社交礼仪学Guide to the Social Etiquette
消费者行为学Consumer Behavior Study
组织行为学 Organizational Behavior
金融中介学 Financial Intermediaries
中央银行与金融监管 Central Bank & Financial Supervision
保险学 Insurance
公司理财学Corporate Financial Management
金融信托 Finance Trust
商业银行经营管理学Management of Modern Commercial Bank
银行会计学Bank Accounting
国际金融市场International financial markets
金融专题 Special Topics in Finance
投资银行学Investment Bank
①暂时没有听过raise the burden能表“解除”负担的意思。文章清楚指出AMT意外侵害到了中产阶级的利益,明年将会加重2100万名收入低于75000纳税人的负担。因此可以肯定它是表达“增加”的意思。
②“Sth sacred had to go, and that's where mortgage deductions come in”这句话你翻译得很好,大显身手用得非常形象。因为作者在后一段话中作出了总结性发言:“不管怎样,房贷优惠在某种程度上已经失去其应有的作用了。它正在为那些购买旅游度假屋以及麦克豪宅的人提供资助,而非真正的首次购房者。”所以作者认为房贷优惠政策已是弊大于利了,必须予以废除。
在2007篇文章,一位前集团发出了警戒员工对Schwarzman和他的公司:“不会海报男孩。时代的变化,海报男孩得到掀掉了墙上。“嗯,这个时代确实改变了。金融危机和砂轮,永不停止的低迷状态后,玷污甚至收购的首领。赛布勒斯的大胆收购克莱斯勒和阿波罗的习得的亚麻布' n的东西都以羞辱旅行到破产法院。黑石集团的顶级对手,KKR和卡莱尔集团,不得不一次次推迟IPO计划。凯雷被迫关闭,一家对冲基金,它发动了利用这种热潮。