Along the seashore(海边),the tall coconut(椰子)trees waved in he wind The sand was white in the

Along the seashore(海边),the tall coconut(椰子)trees waved in he wind The sand was white in the,第1张

格温·高-风它座落在一个山丘上是个寂寞的牧羊人,lay-od-lay-od-lay-he-hooYodell回来,lay-od-lay-od-lowWind女孩,牧羊人,它要是呃,呃,呃,uhYodellay,yodallay,yodal-lowThis是一把钥匙,让我们打风upWhen发病,女孩子们全都线upAnd所有的男孩都看了一眼,但是不,他们不能touchBut的女生都想知道为什么男孩子喜欢我们这么muchThey像我们跳舞,他们像我们workThey喜欢的方式是LAMB穿越我的shirtThey喜欢我的裤子,它赞扬我的形状(她太疯狂了,对吗),他们像我们每一次我们danceEverytime低音反应刘海,实现它呼唤你的nameLet节拍风你了,而不要等到你的时间是在nowWind upGet线,呃,呃,呃,uhYodellay,yodallay,yodal-lowYou得让你得到了skinYou下有打开,让它所有的inBut看,一旦得到,你会发现歌词- - - beginsThen,为什么所有的男孩都stareThey正试图咬我们的styleTrying学习我们的approachThey像我们这么做,所以originalI猜测他们是迟缓,所以他们应该把roomThis节拍是活动,以及汽车的低音goEverytime刘海,实现它呼唤你的nameLet节拍风你了,而不要等到你的时间是upGet排队,嗯,哦,nowUh上发条,呃,呃,呃,uhWind吧,嗯,嗯,哦,,,yodal-lowUh uhYodellay yodallay吧,那是你的momentUh哈,别这样的女孩,你知道你自己的itUh啊,你知道你的钥匙还tick-tockin 'Hell是啊,你知道他们正在watchin 'Get这女孩,得到它,把它girlGet这女孩,得到它,把它girlTo的字体,到边,后面,但不要让他rideKeep对话的女孩,这是你的nightDon不让他偷你的lightI知道他认为你很好,不知道如何stuffBut风你吗风,嗯,嗯,哦,,,yodal-low uhYodellay yodallay,嘿!

wind wind[waInd;

waind](wound[wa nd; waund])不及物动词1 蜿蜒,曲折,纡曲The river ~s to the bay那条河弯弯曲曲地流入海湾A path wound up [down] the valley一条小径沿著山谷蜿蜒而上[下]The steamer ~s in and out among the

islands那汽船在岛屿间时显时隐地迂回前进2 缠绕,缠住[…] [about,around,round]Some climbing plant has wound about the

pole某种藤蔓植物缠绕在那根柱子上3 上 <钟表的> 发条This watch ~s easily这个表容易上发条及物动词1 a 上紧 <螺丝、钟表的发条>~ up one's watch上紧某人手表的发条b (旋转把手等) 转动~ down a window把 (车子的) 窗子摇下~ up a bucket from [out of] a well (旋转绞盘) 把水桶自井中吊上来2 a 绕,卷 <毛线等>~ yarn卷纱,绕毛线b 卷绕 <线、绳子等> [于…上][to]~ a rope (on) to a stick把绳索卷绕于木棒上c 卷绕 <毛线等> [成…][into]Wool is wound (up) into a ball毛线被卷成一个球状3a [用…]将 <婴儿、身体等> 包紧,层层包起[in, with]She wound her baby in her shawl她将婴儿裹在披肩里His right leg was wound with a supporter他的右腿裹著绷带b 将…绕 [于婴儿、身体等] [about,around,round]She wound her shawl round her baby她用披肩裹著婴儿The girl wound her arms about her mother那个女孩用双臂抱住她的母亲4 [~ one's way]迂回前进,蜿蜒而流They wound their way through the narrow

valley他们在狭窄的山谷中迂回前进The river ~s its way to the sea那条河弯弯曲曲地流向大海5 [~ oneself 或 ~ one's way] 讨 [某人的喜欢等]

[into]He wound himself [his way] into his boss's

confidence他以巧妙的手段赢得了老板的信任wind down(1) → vt 1b(2) 逐渐结束 [终止] <事业、活动等>The company is ~ing down operations in

England那家公司逐渐结束在英国的营业(3) <钟表等的 (发条) > 松弛My watch has wound down我手表的发条已经松了(4)<人> (在活动后到平静下来这段时间的) 休息,放松wind off解开 <卷著的东西> ,摊开wind a person (a) round one's little finger →

fingerwind up(1) → vt 1(2) 使<人> (在精神上) 紧张,使…振作,使…兴奋The man was wound up to a fury那个人大发雷霆Now, now ! Don't get too wound up好了,好了 ! 别那样紧张了(3) 结束 <说话、聚会等> [by,

with]Now, let's ~ up this evening with the national

anthem现在,就让我们以国歌来结束这个晚会He wound up his speech by announcing that he

would fight it out他以宣布他会奋战到底来结束他的演讲(4) 结束 <店、公司等的营业> ,解散,清算~ up one's affairs (停业前) 清理业务(5) <谈话、开会等> 终止,结束[with]The story ~s up with a happy ending那个故事以快乐的结局收场(6)<公司等>解散(7) 结果 (以…) 收场He wound up in jail结果他锒铛入狱You'll ~ up feeling disappointed你最后会感到失望(8)‘棒球’<投手>在投球前挥转手臂可数名词1 弯曲,蜿蜒,曲折2 (钟表、线等的) 绕卷一次,一圈wind[waInd, wInd;

waind]及物动词( ~ed,wound [wa nd; waund])(文语诗)1 吹 <号角、喇叭等> (blow)2 (吹) <信号等> 通知, (吹) 出<声音>wind[wInd;

wind]不可数名词1 [常 the ~; 与 much,no 等表示程度的形容词连用时为(U); 与形容词连用而指种类时为(C)] (强) 风a cold ~冷风a north ~北风a blast of ~一阵 (强) 风a seasonal ~季风a fair [contrary] ~顺 [逆] 风constant ~s恒风variable ~s方向不定的风~ and weather风雨run like the ~ (像风般) 疾驰,急行The ~ was rising [falling]风正吹起 [平静下去]There wasn't much [was no] ~ this morning今晨风势不大 [全然无风]the ~ of a speeding car疾驶的车子引起的风 [风压]2 (肠、胃内的) 气体The baby is troubled with ~那婴儿因气胀而不舒服break [make] ~ (委婉语)放屁3 [常 one's ~,the ~; 又作 a ~] 气息,呼吸→ second windget [recover] one's ~喘 (一口) 气,喘息lose one's ~喘不过气have a good [bad] ~呼吸顺畅[困难],呼吸长[短]Running took all the ~ out of [from] me我跑得上气不接下气The blow knocked the ~ out of me那一击打得我透不过气来4 (口语)空话,废话His promises are merely ~他的诺言仅是空话5[the ~; 集合称]‘音乐’ (交响乐的) 管乐器; 管乐器演奏者The ~ was [were] playing too loud在演奏的 (交响乐) 管乐器声音太大before the wind(1)‘航海’顺风向run [sail] before the ~ <船> 顺风行驶(2) 顺利地between wind and water(1)‘航海’在 (船的) 吃水线部位(2) 在要害处,在易受损害的部位down the wind在下风,顺风方向fling to the winds(1) 使…任风吹走(2) 把…抛到九霄云外,置之不顾,不再考虑fling caution to the ~s变得大胆; 冒险get the wind up(口语)吃惊,吓一跳,害怕get wind of 听到… (的风声) ,风闻…; 察觉get ~ of a plot察觉某项阴谋hang in the wind(1) 未作决定(2) <生死、结果等> 不确定,不明have in the wind(1) 嗅出<猎物>(2) 听到…的风声,察觉到…in the teeth of the wind冒著风,逆风in the wind(1)‘航海’在上风(2) 即将发生,酝酿中; (秘密地) 进行There is something in the ~有事即将发生 [在酝酿中]off the wind‘航海’顺风航行on the[a]wind逆风,顶风put the wind up a person(口语)使<人>吓一跳,使<人>害怕sail near [close to] the wind(1)<船>逆风 [抢风] 航行(2) 几乎犯规 [犯法,出事]see how [which way] the wind blows[lies](1) 知道风向(2) 知道舆论的动向 [趋势]sound in wind and limb完全健康take the wind out of a person's sails(在议论等中) 先发制人, [抢先下手] 而占上风,使对方出洋相the four winds → fourthrow to the winds = fling to the winds →wind

成语under the wind‘航海’在下风up the wind逆风,迎著风with the wind(1) 随著风gone with the ~随风飘散(2) =before the WIND及物动词1 给…吹风,使…透风 [通风]2 使<人>喘气,使…呼吸急促I was quite ~ed from running all the way to

school我因一路跑到学校而几乎喘不过气来3 使<马>喘口气








小题2:细节题。根据文章But today was a holiday, and everyone was  preparing for the celebration that was going to take place that evening可知,渔船停在岸边,因为今天是一个节日。故选A

小题3:细节题。根据文章The climbers just laughed at the monkeys and continued to pick the fruits可知,男人爬到椰子树上为了摘椰子。故选A

小题4:推断题。根据文章The monkeys were jumping up and down and screaming angrily可知,猴子上下跳动,生气地大声叫着。故选D






He who seeks good finds goodwill,


but evil comes to him who searches for it


28Whoever trusts in his riches will fall,


but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf


29He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind,


(就是一贫如洗的感觉,如果一个人他对家人不好,他不会得到财富,也不会得到爱和智慧,他将会一无所有, 这里是比喻,因为是什么也没有,无论是精神上的还是物质上的,所以就如一缕清风拂过什么也没留下。)

and the fool will be servant to the wise


The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,


and he who wins souls(其实不是灵魂,其实是指一个人善良,正义, 基本就好人的意思,因为英文中邪恶的人都是没有灵魂的,他们的灵魂是给了魔鬼的)is wise(也不是单纯的智慧,就是提前吾到人生真理的意思)


31If the righteous receive their due on earth,


how much more the ungodly and the sinner!


不知道你明不明白, 其实英文尤其是旧约或诗歌类的,他们都是一种比喻,还要理解到圣经所推广的道理,正义真理。就能明白了。 不要咬文嚼字,原本的旧约翻译都是比较文言的。应该意译就明白很多了!

以上就是关于求Wind It Up的中文翻译。全部的内容,包括:求Wind It Up的中文翻译。、wind是什么意思、Along the seashore(海边),the tall coconut(椰子)trees waved in he wind. The sand was white in the等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!



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