我们可以从以下用英文出版的爱因斯坦传记中,看看爱因斯坦是如何被描写和分析的,看看爱因斯坦的形象是如何随着时间发生变化的。爱因斯坦传记的历史也是现代传记风格演变的历史(国内没有翻译出版的传记的基本内容见Roger Smith Biographies of scientists: an annotated bibliography The Scarecrow Press,Inc1998。国内翻译出版的有关爱因斯坦的传记有:瓦朗坦的《爱因斯坦和他的私生活》、赫尔内克的《爱因斯坦》、塞立希的《爱因斯坦》、佩斯写的《上帝是微妙的》、《一个时代的神话:爱因斯坦的一生》、伯恩斯坦的《阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦》和《爱因斯坦与物理学的边疆》、库兹涅佐夫《爱因斯坦-生·死·不朽》、奥弗比的《恋爱中的爱因斯坦》,等等。)。
伽贝迪安(HGordon Garbedian)在1939年出版的《爱因斯坦,宇宙的建构者(Albert Einstein, Maker of Universes)》中,作者以赞美的语调、华丽的词藻、生动的细节描述了爱因斯坦的早期科学生活,满足了公众对爱因斯坦的好奇心。由于出版得比较早,这本传记没有涉及到爱因斯坦与玻尔等哥本哈根量子诠释的科学争论和爱因斯坦参与的各种政治活动,因此该书自然是不全面的。另外,过多的虚构性情节使该书显得臃肿和没有意义,也降低了其史学价值。
1954年,瓦伦廷(Antonina Vallentin)出版了一本《爱因斯坦的戏剧(The Drama of Albert Einstein)》。瓦伦廷是爱因斯坦第二个妻子的亲密朋友。这里的“戏剧”是指爱因斯坦因为自己的犹太人身份在德国受到迫害和逃离纳粹统治的生动场景。尽管该书也有对爱因斯坦的青年、教育、理论和声誉鹊起等过程的介绍,但作者把大量笔墨放在了爱因斯坦从德国出逃到在美国定居的这一段时间。像很多早期的传记那样,该书也把爱因斯坦当成偶像来描写。
克拉克(Ronald William Clark)在1971年出版的《爱因斯坦:生平与时代(Einstein: The Life and Times)》,被称为、是第一本比较中立的爱因斯坦传记。作者全面系统介绍爱因斯坦的一生,对他的科学理论、政治社会活动和个人生活等三个方面都倾注了同样的精力,大体上平均着墨,没有偏废。作者不仅简明扼要地介绍了爱因斯坦的相对论和量子理论的基本观点,也对爱因斯坦参与犹太复国主义的和反对纳粹政府给与了特别关注。尤为重要的是,作者谨慎地采用了大量的第一手资料,力图以不偏不倚的态度,耐心地纠正那些关于爱因斯坦的传奇并阻止虚假故事的进一步传播。
1972年,霍夫曼(Banesh Hoffman)和杜卡斯(Helen Dukas)出版了《爱因斯坦:创造者与反叛者(Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel)》,目的是“在这本书勾勒出一个完全简单的人的故事”。该书的两位作者中,霍夫曼与爱因斯坦供过事,杜卡斯则是爱因斯坦的秘书兼管家,该书的基调则是明显的出自朋友的崇拜。因为霍夫曼是一个物理学家兼作家,自然能够把把相对论解释得非常清楚,适合门外汉阅读;因为有杜卡斯的影响,该书以丰富的资料、生动的和一种最亲切的态度来观察爱因斯坦。1981年,他们又两人合作编写了《爱因斯坦:凡人的一面(Albert Einstein, The Human Side: New Glimpses From His Archives)》一书。该书通过摘录过去从未发表的爱因斯坦与其他人的来往书信、杂志短文和各种评论文章,展示了他人性中的有趣快乐的、友善谦恭的、睿智无惧的和孤独的一面,可以当成一本枕边书。令人遗憾的是,该书对爱因斯坦的具有戏剧色彩的爱情和婚姻生活却避而不提。
1982年,佩斯(Abraham Pais)撰写的爱因斯坦传记《上帝是微妙的:爱因斯坦的科学与生平(“Subtle Is the Lord…”:The Science and Life of Albert Einstein)》由牛津大学出版社出版。区别于把那些注意力倾斜在科学家的生活方面的传统的生活传记,该书是一本典型的科学传记。派斯是著名的理论物理学家,曾在美国普林斯顿高等研究院和晚年的爱因斯坦一起共事,可以说是一个对爱因斯坦的科学理论的最理想的阐释者。作者花了大量笔墨来解释爱因斯坦的科学理论的起源、形成及其意义,而爱因斯坦的个人生活如教育背景和职业经历则零星地穿插其中。这是一本对普通读者来说难度很大的传记,需要基本的物理学和微积分知识才能阅读,甚至可以作为大学生的物理教材。作为这本传记的补充,派斯在1994年出版了另一本关于爱因斯坦的书《爱因斯坦曾居于此(Einstein Lived Here)》。在这本易读的、散文式的传记里,派斯描写了爱因斯坦与妻子儿女的关系,与尼尔斯·玻尔、德布罗意的友谊,如何得到诺贝尔奖,与印度诗人泰戈尔的交流,如何出现在报纸版面上,以及爱因斯坦的哲学观点。
赛因(Jamie Sayen)1985年出版的《爱因斯坦在美国(Einstein in America)》着重描述了爱因斯坦居住在美国这一段时间(从1933年到1955年)的生活。除了与玻尔等人的科学争论外,当时的爱因斯坦已经大量卷入科学研究事业之外的活动中。在这本书里,作者详细地回顾了爱因斯坦的公共生活和私人生活,尤其是爱因斯坦参与国际主义活动、曼哈顿计划与核武器控制、犹太复国主义、和平主义运动以及反麦卡锡主义的种种场面。
1993年《爱因斯坦的私生活(The Private Lives of Albert Einstein)》出版,两位作者海菲尔德(Roger Highfield)和卡特(Paul Carter)试图通过解读新近得到的信函和档案文件,对爱因斯坦的人格特征进行重新评价。像书名指明的那样,该书的主题在于人性而不是科学。在作者看来,长期以来形成的高高在上的科学圣人形象,掩盖了爱因斯坦作为男人的激情和作为父亲和丈夫的弱点。通过对熟悉爱因斯坦生活的人的采访,作者把注意力放在了爱因斯坦与他的第一个妻子米列娃和两个子女、第二个妻子艾尔莎、以及他生活中的其他女人的关系上。该书因为过于喜欢暴露隐私,把爱因斯坦描写得象个“女性虐待狂”。
与《爱因斯坦的私生活》形成对比的,是同样在1993年出版的、由怀特(Michael White)和格里宾(John Gribbin)两人撰写的《爱因斯坦:科学的一生(Einstein: A Life in Science)》。两位作者发现,那些把焦点集中在爱因斯坦的性格方面的传记,明显地夸大了爱因斯坦的所谓对家庭的不负责人和玩弄女性的不良行为,其目的是强化反神秘化的特殊效果,以便打破已经非常牢固的关于爱因斯坦的形象。他们认为,爱因斯坦确实有道德方面的弱点,但是正是他的科学天才而不是失误值得人们欣赏和学习。因此,作者只是对爱因斯坦的有关争议进行了简单提及,着重对爱因斯坦在相对论、量子力学和其他创新思想以及政治信仰进行重点描述。
布里安(Denis Brian)1996年出版的《爱因斯坦的一生(Einstein: A Life)》,没有深入讨论爱因斯坦的物理学,而是力图纠正那些被严重扭曲了的爱因斯坦的私人生活和公众形象。在采访爱因斯坦的同事和朋友并查阅了80年代公开的爱因斯坦婚姻档案后,作者要给出对悬而未决的争议问题的新思考。他认为,爱因斯坦并不像很多传记描绘的那样,在政治上不成熟,对家庭很冷漠。布里安考察了爱因斯坦所谓的非法私生子的证据,确认爱因斯坦在男女关系上的不严肃,这在一定程度上也贬损了爱因斯坦的名声。克拉克、派斯和布瑞安的三人撰写的三部传记互为补充,可以完整地构成对爱因斯坦的基本认同。
1998年,《爱因斯坦传(Albert Einstein: A Biography)》在美国翻译出版,作者为德国科学记者弗尔辛。作者把传记的重点放在了爱因斯坦去美国前的日子里,只是简单提及了他在美国的生活,这样作者就能够集中精力来讲述爱因斯坦从少年到科学巅峰时期是如何一步步地做出杰出贡献的,又是在最艰难的时期如何面对种种生活难题的。面对普通读者,读者用异乎寻常的详细和清晰介绍了爱因斯坦的理论的基本概念及其形成过程,把爱因斯坦的相对论和量子力学观建立在广阔的科学与哲学的背景知识上。作者展示了爱因斯坦与其他物理学家相处、推进和平主义和支持犹太难民等方面的性格的复杂性,同时也谈论了爱因斯坦的爱情和遗弃了的女儿。
2000年,奥弗比(Dennis Overbye)出版的《恋爱中的爱因斯坦:一部科学浪漫史(Einstein in Love: A Scientific Romance)》一书,首次把爱因斯坦的理论形成的思维过程和他的恋爱过程结合起来。作者把传记时间限定在爱因斯坦最富创造力的1900~1920年,讨论了爱因斯坦作为一个科学家的成就和个人生活的种种插曲。在作者看来,爱因斯坦的伟大成就得益于第一个妻子米列娃·玛利奇(Mileva Maric)的爱情的激发:即使爱因斯坦没有剽窃米列娃的论文,米列娃也促进了爱因斯坦的科学理论的形成,但米列娃得到的回报只有伤心和背叛。作者受到批评的是,科学理论的形成主要来自于内部的自主性,任何把把外部的作用与爱因斯坦的发现用因果关系联系起来的做法都是值得怀疑的。
别尔克尼斯( Christopher Jon Bjerknes)在2002年出版了《爱因斯坦:不可救药的剽窃者(Albert Einstein:The Incorrigible Plagiarist)》。这是一本典型的反神秘化传记,意在从根基上摧毁爱因斯坦作为一个伟大科学家的形象。作者揭露爱因斯坦是通过借用、抄袭他的前辈或者同时代的科学家如洛伦兹、彭加勒和希尔伯特的论文的方法,来获取自己荣誉的,因为爱因斯坦不使用这些人的结果就无法推出自己的结果,却没有给出相应的参考文献。作者引用了大量同代科学家已经出版的言论,来证实他们对爱因斯坦的剽窃行为有所发觉。该书的批评者认为,作者犯了某种“圣人恐惧征”,挖空心思地对伟大人物施放毒剑。商业化和炒作使得这本传记的价值大打折扣。事实上,所有的科学家都是站在巨人的肩膀上取得成就的,爱因斯坦也不例外。不可否认,爱因斯坦从洛伦兹、彭加勒和希尔伯特等科学家那里获得了灵感,但与剽窃毫不相干。
2 学术声誉与社会名声
尽管爱因斯坦在其创造奇迹的1905年发表了革命性的5篇论文,包括引入光量子假说、诠释布朗运动、确定分子大小的一种新方法和诞生狭义相对论(详情可参见《爱因斯坦奇迹年—改变物理学面貌的五篇论文》一书,上海科技教育出版社2001年翻译出版),但爱因斯坦在学术上的名声稍微晚了几年,始于1909年10月,这是他首次被奥斯特瓦尔德提名为1910年诺贝尔物理学奖获奖人。奥斯特瓦尔德是1909年诺贝尔化学奖获得者,他提名的理由是爱因斯坦在狭义相对论方面的工作,因为这些工作可以与哥白尼和达尔文的工作相提并论。也就是在1909年10月,爱因斯坦开始担任苏黎世大学副教授,结束了自己的非职业科学家生涯;在伯尼尔大学他接受了第一个荣誉学位。1912年和1913年奥斯特瓦尔德重复了自己的提名。自那以后,爱因斯坦在很多方面得到了多个科学家的多次提名,提名他的科学家除奥斯特瓦尔德外,还有先后获奖的著名科学家如维恩(1911,获诺贝尔奖时间)、昂内斯(1913)、劳厄(1914)、普朗克(1918)、玻尔(1922)等,提名涉及的研究领域除狭义相对论外,还有广义相对论、布朗运动和光电效应等。由于古尔斯特兰德(1911年因有关眼睛屈光学方面的研究获生理医学奖,1911~1929年他是瑞典科学院物理学奖评奖委员会成员之一,1923~1929年还是该委员会主席)坚持对相对论的批评,1922年爱因斯坦因光电效应的规律方面的发现而获1921年的物理学奖。爱因斯坦未能因为相对论获奖,在我看来原因很简单,倒不是因为有物理学家反对相对论,而是因为诺贝尔奖的授奖原则是主要授予那些实验物理学或者得到实验多次验证的理论假设。关于爱因斯坦的获奖过程在佩斯(Abraham Pais)的著作《Einstein Lived Here》都有详细的介绍。也就是说,如果诺贝尔评奖委员会改变评奖原则的话,爱因斯坦是可能多次获奖的。这也是为什么霍金没能因为黑洞研究获奖、杨振宁没有因为规范场理论再次获奖。
3 爱情、婚姻与激情
爱因斯坦对妻子之外的女人的吸引听之任之,既是他的名声造成的,他不可避免地要被那些崇拜他的女性所包围;也与他对待爱情和婚姻的随意和悲观的态度有关。爱因斯坦没有拒绝其他女人的攻势,常与她们观赏歌剧、乘船出游。艾尔莎纵有醋意,也只好默默接受。与其说爱因斯坦需要的是艾尔莎的爱,还不说它需要的是艾尔莎的照顾。同样,与其说艾尔莎需要爱因斯坦的爱情,还不说爱因斯坦能够满足艾尔莎作为一个伟人的妻子的虚荣心。艾尔莎去死得早,因此也免除了爱因斯坦更多的感情约束。1936年艾而莎去死后,爱因斯坦再也没有结婚,可能是因为婚姻生活已经厌倦了。爱因斯坦多次表达了自己对婚姻的看法,可能是对于两次失败婚姻的真实感慨。例如,“婚姻是一种试图使某些出自偶然的东西持续下去的不会成功的尝试”,“ 一切婚姻都是危险的。婚姻的确是披着文明外衣的奴隶制”,“ 婚姻使得人们互相把对方看成是自己的财产,不再是一个自由的个人”。
4 爱因斯坦的个人主义与机会主义
《爱因斯坦全集》现任主编舒尔曼(Robert Schulman)给出了解释爱因斯坦行为的另一个原因。在回答传记作者布里安关于爱因斯坦为什么不关心私生子的问题时,舒曼提出了自己独到的看法:“大家都习惯于把他当作普林斯顿的圣人了,不过我认为,不应该排除他是一个机会主义者的可能。一般人都不愿意提到‘机会主义者’这个称呼,这个称呼其实是很中性的,那只是表示某人绝不放过估算利弊得失的机会罢了。一旦如此看待爱因斯坦,很多行径就可以理解了”。(转引自布莱安著邓德祥译《爱因斯坦(上)》,台湾天下远见出版公司,1998,第81页)以此类推,为什么爱因斯坦放弃了德国国籍却不反对别人称他为德国科学家,因为德国有认可他的科学理论的权威科学家,如能斯特、普朗克、费歇尔等;为什么作为一个和平主义者,他支持美国研制原子d,因为他认为纳粹德国如果更早地制造出原子d危害会更大;为什么他支持犹太复国而不愿意当以色列总统,因为他认为犹太人数量毕竟不是太多,在国际舞台上难有作为。由此看来,爱因斯坦的行为准则与普通人没有区别。
Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in the small town of Shrewsbury, England where he attended Shrewsbury School in 1818 The headmaster described Charles as a boy who was always fooling around with nonsense, while never doing anything useful By "useful", the headmaster was referring to Charles' studies in Greek and Latin verbs By "fooling around", he was referring, among many other things, to the fact that Charles usually spent his time collecting beetles of all kinds
In an attempt to give Charles a distinguished and respectable career, Robert Darwin (Charles' father) took Charles out of Shrewsbury and in 1825 sent him to Edinburgh University to study medicine Charles had no ambition or interest in medicine and found the medical curriculum extremely boring He was disgusted and outraged by the sounds and sights of autopsies and amputations Charles eventually ended up wasting as much time in Edinburgh as in Shrewsbury Although he thought his stay in Edinburgh was an incredible waste of time, it was quite significant
In Edinburgh, Charles made friends with a zoologist, Robert Grant, who was the first person to expose Charles to Lamarck's theory of evolution He also made friends with a taxidermist who taught him how to skin and stuff birds This skill proved to be very useful on his voyage around the world
Eventually, Robert Darwin saw that Charles was useless with medicine In result, he sent Charles to Cambridge University to study holy orders At Cambridge, Charles met a clergyman botanist, John Stevens Henslow, who would often take Charles on plant-collecting expeditions It was at Cambridge where Charles received the reputation of a natural scientist Charles graduated from Cambridge University in April 1831
In August of 1831, he received a letter from John Henslow that would change his life Henslow wrote, "I have been requested to recommend a naturalist to go as companion to Captain Fitzroy, who has been commissioned by the government to survey the southern coasts the southern coasts of South America I have stated that I consider you to be the best-qualified person I know of whom is likely to undertake such a situation As far as the financial side of it is concerned, I have no notion The voyage is to last two years
I have stated that I consider you to be the just qualified person I know of who is likely to undertake such as situation I state this no in the supposition of you being a finished naturalist, but as amply qualified for collecting, observing and noting anything worthy to be noted in Natural History
Captain Fitzroy wants a man (I understand) more as a companion than a mere collector, and would not take anyone, however good a naturalist who wan not recommended to him like-wise as a gentlemen
Don't put any doubts or fears about your disqualifications, for I assure you I think you are the very man they are in search of"
Charles dearly wished to take the opportunity, but in his days, nobody did anything without their parents' consent After much convincing and persuasion, his father still would not allow Charles to go on the trip Eventually, Josiah, Charles' uncle and the father of his future wife, would help Robert overcome the paternal opposition
Captain Fitzroy
tools that Captain Fitzroy had Darwin bring with him when he was on the Beagle
In December of 1831, Charles set sail with Captain Fitzroy aboard the HMS Beagle The two years on the Beagle turned into five and the expedition to South America turned into a voyage around the world The Beagle sailed from Plymouth to South America, then across the Pacific to New Zealand, Australia and South Africa They then sailed back to South America before finally returning to London Darwin, himself, considered his time aboard the Beagle undoubtedly the most significant event in his life For the first years, the Beagle sailed up and down the coast of South America This allowed Darwin to study the Galapagos Islands, located in the Pacific west of South America It was in the Galapagos Islands where Darwin made some of his most important discoveries and observations
When Charles returned from his voyage, he started nursing and revising his theory of evolution It wasn't until 1856 when he finally published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life
Prior to writing The Origin of Species, Charles married Emma Wedgwood, his cousin and the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood, in November of 1838 While keeping a public front of traditional Christianity, he was privately sketching out a completely revolutionary theory In 1842, he wrote a 35-page outline of what he called "my theory" In 1844, Charles expanded his outline into a 230-page essay In the same year an anonymous book entitled The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation suggested that the succession of fossil types was evidence of an unceasing transformation of what God had created at the beginning of time The book caused such shock and controversy that Darwin delayed the publication of his own work
It may have been the pressure of keeping his theory secret that made Charles so ill that he retreated from city life and turned to a rural life in the countryside It may also have been the Chagas disease The Chagas disease is transmitted through a bug called the Benchuca The Benchuca may have bitten Charles while he was in the South American pampas
It was during the latter half of his life (he lived in the Down House which is shown below) when he was experiencing bouts of illness when Charles slowly developed his controversial theory of evolution
Einstein married Mileva Maric on 6 January 1903 They had two sons but their daughter Lieserl died in childhood At the time of Mileva's death in 1948 her eldest son Hans Albert was a Professor in Hydraulic Engineering at the University of California, Berkley Mileva Maric, a Serbian mathematician, was Einstein's companion, colleague and confidante whose influence was enormous during Einstein's most creative years
At the age of 21, Mileva enrolled with the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in 1896, the same year as Einstein, who was three-and-a-half years younger than Mileva Then, she was the only woman studying in the mathematical section of the School for Mathematics and Science teachers
Newly married Einstein was working 6 days a week at the Patent Office, and the rest of his time was spent on physics Mileva tried to cope with the loss of her career and the loss of her daughter Just before their second wedding anniversary, Marie and Pierre Curie were awarded Nobel Prize in Physics A stinging reminder that Mileva once hoped for a career
The following year went well Albert got a raise and Mileva gave birth to Hans Albert
In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein published fundamental contributions to three different areas of physics, a unique event in the history of science In 1921, Einstein was nominated for the Nobel Prize for those contributions, but received the Prize in 1922
Mileva came into Einstein's life in a crucial period of his scientific achievements and helped him in his endeavor This marriage was an intellectual partnership Einstein admired Mileva's calm independence and intellectual ambitions He considered himself lucky to have “a creature who is my equal and who is strong and independent as I am”
In 1909, Einstein resigned from the University of Bern, quit his job at the Patent Office, and became a Professor in Zurich There were some marital problems and to restore peace, the Einsteins went on vacation Their second son, Eduard, was born in 1910
The following year, Albert moved with his family to Prague It was a horrible experience and in 1912, they returned to Zurich, but not to happiness
The crisis comes during 1914, when Albert accepts a job in Berlin; and Mileva, at first, refused to join him Finally, she joined him in April and Albert delivered a long list of rules to Mileva to follow In July, the situation did not work and she takes the boys back to Zurich
The onset of the Einstein's family feud coincides with the start of World War I Mileva and her sons stay in a boardinghouse, waiting for Albert's return During that period, Albert completes his General Theory of Relativity
In 1916, he demands a divorce, where Mileva breaks down and is hospitalized In August, Mileva's friend, Helene Savic comes to check on her and finds her bedridden Helene takes the boys for a month, giving Mileva time to recover In October, still ill, her sister, Zorka, is sent to take care of the boys, but she too has a medical problem
The family feud finally ends, and Mileva agrees to a divorce, on the condition that any future Nobel Prize money will be hers Oddly enough Albert agrees
A Brief Chronology of Edison's Life:>
Einstein's profile
In Britain the hero selection millennium (Reuters), the first rank, Marx is Einstein by one second, Reuters reported, "said the communist manifesto of marxism and the capital over the past more than a century of global political and economic thoughts produced profound effect"
Albert Einstein (on, Albert, Einstein, March 14, 1879-1955), April 18, American physicists, the jews said IQ reaches 160, the founder of modern physics and founder, relativity - "energy", "the interpretation of quantum mechanics theory of particle vibration defender (-) of the dice On December 26, 1999, Einstein was American time magazine voted "great men"
Einstein in 1900, graduated from university of Zurich in Switzerland nationality merged into industry In 1905 by university of Zurich PhD Patent Office in Bern Zurich polytechnic university, Prague deutsche university professor In 1913, RenBaiLin William emperor to Germany Berlin university physics research institute, and professors, and was elected Prussian academy of sciences In 1933, by the Nazi regime persecution, move, the American institute for advanced study in theoretical physics, professor, 1940 into American citizenship A familiar motto is "everything is relative But Einstein's theory is the philosophy of cliches type, it is a kind of precise with mathematics method of expression This method, scientific measure is relative Obviously, the subjective feeling of time and space depend on themselves
At the time, Einstein's imperial team one day by Munich city street, curious people are flocking to the window, children are cheering for the fun of bright and clean helmet soldiers of longing, but Einstein but fear to hide, he despised and fear that these "war", and the devil of his mother took him to his never become the devil's land Secondary school, mother met Einstein's request, and brought him to Italy Einstein gave up his German citizenship, but he does not apply to join the Italian citizenship, and he will make a don't any attachment to the citizens of the world After the war, Einstein tried in reality based on his dreams of world peace, and in the "enemy" made in a series of "peaceful" speech His thoughts and actions, that he had a fatal disaster: XianZao Russian imperialist ambitions of the muzzle aristocratic woman assassin he secretly alignment, Germany assassins right-wing also appeared on the list of names of Albert Einstein, Hitler's reward 20,000 mark to his head In order to make themselves and the world remain "harmony", Einstein had moved from Italy, Holland, and from the US, and move an American citizen He thinks that the kingdom in the United States, classes in the people can coexist in the managed to get by on friendship Since the extract (academic journal of applied writing in 1985, 5-6 "Einstein's reflection"
At the end of 19th century is the great changes of physics, Einstein from experimental facts, to investigate the basic concept, in physics to the fundamental theoretical breakthrough Some of his achievement greatly promoted the development of astronomy He quantum theory of astrophysics, especially the theoretical astrophysics has very big effect Theoretical astrophysics first ripe - star is in the atmosphere, the theory of quantum theory and based on the theory of radiation Einstein's relativity successfully reveal the relationship between energy and quality and clung to "god not dice" quantum interpretation and translation (micro particle vibration of vector and) determinism positions, solved the long-standing problem of the star energy sources In recent years, found more high-energy physics, relativity explain such phenomena has become one of the most basic theoretical tool The general relativity is a mystery astronomically years later, and deduce the light bending verified, also became the theoretical foundation of many astronomical concept
Einstein quote
1 and in truth and understanding, with the authority of any person, will laugh at the downfall of god!
2 and all things on truth, the attitude rashly in great also insufficient
3, a sweet and bitter from yourself and outside, and strong from within, from a people unremitting efforts!
4 and wisdom, but not YuXueLi generated from the knowledge for lifelong unremitting pursuit
5, we are defined as follows: the education of wisdom never deviate a target So-called school education, it is forgotten all learn after the rest of the skill
6 and truly valuable things not from ambition or simple sense of responsibility, But out of things to and love and concentration
7, A = X + Y + Z! A is successful, X, Y is hard work is the correct method, Z is less talk bosh!
8 and if there is an able to cope with the demand of modern science and religion and scientific nature, it must be a buddhist
9 I never take ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself - the ethical foundation, I call it the pigsty
The scientific research as drilling, someone like wood drill, and I like the thin drill thick
11 Everyone has certain ideals, the ideal determines the direction of his endeavors and his judgments
12 the true greatness to human suffering only one of the channel
13 - regardless of the trend of The Times and social fashion, people always can with noble quality, beyond time and society, walk oneself the correct road
14 a person with real tuk, only the strength and the whole of his career, to a certain to become a real masters Therefore, only the best can master
15 I don't have any special ability, but like the roots of the problem to dig for it
16 not sacrifice, there is no possibility of real progress
But the value of a man shall see him, what contribution, but should not see what he has
18 Imagination is more important than knowledge
The compound X time = the eighth wonder of the world
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日-1955年4月18日),美国物理学家,犹太人,据说智商达到160,现代物理学的开创者和奠基人,相对论——“质能关系”的提出者,“决定论量子力学诠释”的捍卫者(振动的粒子)——不掷骰子的上帝。 1999年12月26日,爱因斯坦被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人”。
在爱因斯坦小的时候,有一天德皇军队通过慕尼黑的市街,好奇的人们都涌向窗前喝彩助兴,小孩子们则为士兵发亮的头盔和整齐的脚步而神往,但爱因斯坦却恐惧得躲了起来,他既瞧不起又害怕这些“打仗的妖怪”,并要求他的母亲把他带到自己永远也不会变成这种妖怪的国土去。中学时,母亲满足了爱因斯坦的请求,把他带到意大利。爱因斯坦放弃了德国国籍,可他并不申请加入意大利国籍,他要做一个不要任何依附的世界公民……大战过后,爱因斯坦试图在现实的基础上建立他的世界和平的梦想,并且在“敌国”里作了一连串“和平”演说。他的思想和行动,使他险遭杀身之祸:一个抱有帝国主义野心的俄国贵族女刺客把q口偷偷对准了他;德国右翼刺客们的黑名单上也出现了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的名字;希特勒悬赏两万马克要他的人头。为了使自己与这个世界保持“和谐”,爱因斯坦不得不从意大利迁到荷兰,又从荷兰迁居美国,而且加入了美国国籍。他认为,在美国这个国度里,各阶级的人们都能在勉强过得去的友谊中共存下去。 (节选自《应用写作》学术月刊1985年第5-6期《爱因斯坦的反省》)
7、A=X+Y+Z! A就是成功,X是艰苦的劳动,Y是正确的方法,Z是少谈空话!