In this sunny day, my mother and I came to the cinema of the people watching "Cars 2"
The film is about the story of the "die" and "Lightning McQueen" two cars to participate in the international racing tournament Toilet "die" During this period, an international spy secretly by intelligence gathered quietly installed in the car at the end of the "die" completely uninformed, it is so confused by the "die" when on spy, after a series of things, I learned the truth
The original invention of the PhD of "Aye energy" because he found a lot of oil field exploitation, so would like to take this fortune Dr decided to give up before the public "Aye energy Dr in the contest before you want to research "Aye energy" vehicles-destruction, so the United another car to the destruction of "Aye energy" Dr expand their plots Finally, it is only "Lightning McQueen" one "Aye energy" car had, but when the "Lightning McQueen" has been Egypt Energy replaced out of gas, so, PhD, also took the second program, installation in the car of the "die" time bomb, but as a "die" best friend - "Lightning McQueen" and "die" together in the end at the last minute to unlock a time bomb
In this film, I felt the wisdom of the "die" and "Lightning McQueen" brave, they can lose their precious lives for their partners I would also like to, like solidarity, not selfishness
意大利奢侈品牌Versace被美国时尚集团Michael Kors收购了。
米兰时装周刚刚结束后,意大利晚报《Corriere della Sera》就在9月24日的一篇报道中报道中提到了关于Versace有计划出售的消息,同时提到的还有两位潜在买家,美国奢侈品集团Michael Kors和Tiffany&Co。除此之外,报道中还称,其他的潜在买家如法国奢侈品集团Kering等,皆由于价格太高而选择了退出。
然而,就在各方还在猜测Versace将花落谁家的时候,9月25日,奢侈品集团Michael Kors控股有限公司宣布,该集团已经以212亿美元(约1457亿元人民币)的最终价格收购了意大利奢侈品牌Gianni Versace SpA,并提供给了Versace家族价值15亿欧元的股份收购价。紧接着,Michael Kors宣布,集团名称将从Michael Kors控股有限公司( Michael Kors Holdings)更名为Capri控股有限公(Capri Holdings)。
Michael Kors双肩包广告 来源:canadadz
“收购完成后,Versace的首席执行官将继续由原任Jonathan Akeroyd担任。Jonathan Akeroyd与Donatella是推动Versace近年来业绩增长的重要合伙人。我们非常幸运能够收购这样一个团队。”Michael Kors控股有限公司(以下称Capri控股有限公司)的主席兼首席执行官John D Idol在声明中表示。
诞生于1978年的Versace由意大利设计师Gianni Versace与他的兄弟Santo以及妹妹Donatella创立,在被收购前是意大利现如今为数不多的独立奢侈品牌。在1997年Gianni于去世后,Donatella接管了该品牌,并担任 Versace的创意总监,长达21年。
Versace 2019年春夏秀场 来源:DANSK Magazine
“与Prada和菲拉格慕不同,Versace家族实际上很难确保品牌的延续性,它不像另外两个品牌一样可以放心交由下一代接管。”米兰博科尼大学时装管理教授Salvo Testa对此曾解释道。
早在2014年,Versace集团的估值仅为10亿欧元(约11亿美元)的时候,Versace家族持有该品牌80%的股份,美国私人股本集团Blackstone(现已退出该品牌)则拥有剩余的20%股权。然而,在2016年5月,Donatella任命Alexander McQueen原首席执行官Jonathan Akeroyd接替Gian Giacomo Ferraris担任该品牌新的首席执行官。
这一举动遭到了很多人的质疑,因为仅在2016年,Jonathan Akeroyd就投入了近4500万欧元(约36亿元人民币)用于重组该品牌的管理团队以及投资零售业,除此之外,为了集中发展集团核心品牌Versace,Jonathan Akeroyd还在去年关闭了集团旗下其他品牌的42家店铺。
Versace 2019年春夏秀场 来源:Versace
实际上,Capri收购Versace的出发点之一,也是为了摆脱其一直以来依靠单一品牌Michael Kors发展的原始模式,通过增加产品组合使该集团能够更加多样化发展。而Versace也并不是该集团收购的首个高于自身定位的品牌。
早在2017年,Capri就曾以12亿美元的价格,打败了竞争对手收购了英国鞋履品牌Jimmy Choo。尽管当时也有诸多质疑的声音,但从2018/2019财年数据来看,Jimmy Choo与Capri的合作也并不算是一个错误的决定。根据8月初公布的2018/2019财年第一季度核心财务数据显示。Capri的总销售额同比增长263%,至12亿美元,超过分析师预期的114亿美元;毛利润同比增长306%,至7508亿美元,经营性利润则达到2151亿美元。其中,Jimmy Choo品牌的销售额为1727亿美元,远高于分析师预期的1437亿美元。
与Jimmy Choo相比,Versace具有更多的传统奢侈品牌的特征以及良好的知名度,对该品牌的收购可以使Capri走向更高端的市场。尽管其在奢侈品管理方面还尚未有充足的经验,但是与进入更大的奢侈品集团相比,Versace显然可以成为该集团接下来的重点发展对象。
除此之外,由于Capri集团旗下品牌Michael Kors目前主要专注于配饰,Versace的加入刚好在成衣方面可以弥补该集团的不足。
Okay, here we goFocusSpeed I am speedOne winnerFourty-two losers
I eat losers for breakfastBreakfast Maybe I should have breakfastBrakie could be good for me
No, no Stay focusedSpeedI'm faster than fast,quicker than quickI am Lightning!
Hey Lightning, you're ready
Oh yeah, Lightning is ready!
Got gas, come on here!Not bad run, sweetie!
Welcome back to the Dinoco 400I'm Bob Cutlass Here with my good friend Darrell Cartrip
We're midway through what may turn out to be a historic day of a racing
I'm all fresh with student Ruth right now
If this gets any more exciting, they're gonna have to toll me out of the booth!
Right you are, DarrellThree cars are tied for the season's point sleeve
Heading into the final race of the season
And the winner of this race,Darrell will win the season's titleAnd the Piston Cup
Of the cage Strip Weathers have one more victory before retiring
He's been down to coast golden boy for years!Can he win the one last Piston Cup
And there's always for the second placeBob, we're buying Chick Hicks
He's been shaking that tail then his entire careerChick tough this was his year, Bob
He's chance to finally emerge to the Kind ShadowBut the last thing he expected wasLightning McQueen!
You know, I don't think anybody expected thisRookie sensation came in at the season unknown
But everyone knows him nowWill he be the first rookie to win Piston CupAnd land Dinoco
The legend, the runner up and the rookie!Three cars, one champion!
Go get him!
Dinoco is all mine
Get through that, McQueen!
Huge crash! Unbelievable!
Wait a second Darrell,McQueen is in the rackage
There's no way that rookie can make it through!
Not one piece that isLightning!
Look at him!McQueen made it through!
Man, a spectacular move by Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Good jump!
Yeah McQueen! Gotchaaa!
Everyone else heads for the pimps but McQueen stays outTo take it for lead!
Don't pick me out,I can still race!
Ha, what do you think, boys
What a beauty
- McQueen made it through!
- What
He's got pidding!
Go! Get me out of here, let's go!
Get me back up there, come on!
McQueen not going into the pits
You know the rookie just fired his crutie
That's the third one this season
Well, he says he likes working alone, Darrell
It looks like Shet got caught up in the pits
Yeah, after a start like that he's got a lot of ground to make up!
Get ready boys, we're coming into the restart
Come on, come on, come on!
We need tires down!Come on, let's go!
No, no, no!No tires! Just gas!
You need tires, you idiot!
Looks like it's all gas and goes for McQueen todayThat's right, no tires againNormally I'd say after a short term game long term walkBut it sure is working for himHey, maybe he knows something we don't know
This is it Darrell One lap to go and Lightning McQueen has a huge lead
Ah, he's gotten into the bay,calling it nose, put down a fire
We knew it grab us a new chaseChecker flag, here I come!
Oh no! McQueen has blown the tire!
In beholding one time to go,can he make it
You fool!
McQueen blew a tire,McQueen blew a tire!He's lost another tire!
- McQueen checkers coming up fast
- They are in term three
Come on!
I don't believe what I'm watching, Bob!
Lightning McQueen is a hundred feet from his Piston Cup!
The King and Chick rounding turn four
The Piston Cup and it's And it's
- It's too close to call!
- I don't believe it!
The most spectacular, amazing,unbelievable in the history of a world!
And we don't even know who won!
Hey no cameras!
Get out of here!
We're here in Victory Lane awaiting the race results
McQueen, that was quite a risky move not taking the tires
Tell me about it
Are you sorry you don't have a crutchie out there
Kori, there's a lot more to racing than just winning
I mean taking a race by a full lap,where's the entertainment then
No, no, I want to give the falks a little sizzleSizzleAm I sorry I don't have a crutchieNo, I'm not Cause I'm a one man show
What Yeah right
That was a very confident Lightning McQueen
Coming to you live from Victory Lane
Hey, get out of the shot!
Yo, Chuck! Chuck what are you doing,you're blocking the camera!
Everyone wants to see the bulb
- What
- Now back away
That's it! Come on, guys!
- Wow! Jee! Where are you going
- We quit, Mr One Man Show!
Okay, leave Fine
How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas
Adios, Chuck
- And my name is not Chuck!
- Oh, whatever
Hey Lightning!
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