

Oct1st is the national day of China In 1949Oct1st,was the first year of the national day of China At that time,people were very happy, because China has been free ,the war has just stopped We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrateAt the capital of China——Peking, there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day Everybody was happy and very exciting It was very lively Do you want to know and see it Come and visit us for the national day of China

October 1st is the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the whole country


It’s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC


On that day, there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country, from the central government to the general people


And public places, including big squares, parks are decorated in festive theme In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expect to With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for them Besides, for those people who would not go out, it’s a good time to have a good rest as well Therefore, the national day means a lot to the Chinese






A visit to Beijing On Oct 1st, the National Day of China this year, dad, mom and I went to Beijing on a package tour arranged by the travel agency I was so happy because it’s the first time that I visit the Great Wall The。



(1)A visit to Beijing

On Oct 1st, the National Day of China this year, dad, mom and I went to Beijing to have a vacation I was so happy because it's the first time that I visit the Great Wall

The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the worldWe took the bus to arrive at the foot of the Great Wall I began to climb the dreamed Great Wall At first I did not feel tired, but after I stepped a thousands of steps I felt tired and thirsty At last, we stood on the highest point of the Great Wall A Chinese saying goes like that, “you are not a real hero until you have climbed the Great Wall” The view outside and inside the Great Wall was so beautiful in this autumn!What a wonder today!




(2)National day was coming i had seven days of holiday our family had a vacation in beijing it was a beautiful city we stayed in a week the hotel we lived in was very beautifulwe enjoyed the special coffee and listen to the popular music we learned the people's lives and the custom therewe liked the beautiful view there !we more liked people there because they are friendly! i enjoyed myself if i have the another chance, i would like to come


(3)In National Days,I went to the beach with my parentsThe sun was so shining and the sea was so beautifulI was so excited that I ran into the sea as soon as we reachedAlthough it was in October,the water was also so warm in the seaI felt very pleasent because I had not go out to swim for a long timewhen I swam into the place that far from the beach my parents shouted that it was very dangerousSo I swim to the deep seabut it is also interesting I was happy in that day


(4)I played cards with my classmates and I lost So we went out to have luch together Of course it was my treat After luch we walked around the street There were thousands of people in the street and there were beautiful decoration in the street Then we walked into a large shop We bought some books there We really had a good time that day


(5)National Day is comingI like traveling very much I want to travel all over the world Because I think traveling is quite interesting At the same time, we can watch beautiful scenery It also can open our eyes

If I have the chance, I want to go to Beijing first,because it's our capital There are many famous places of interest to go, such as the Great Wall,Tian‘anmen Square, Beihai Park and so on I'll take many photos,because they will help me remember the trip forever We know the Olympic Games has been held in Beijing All people in Beijing have being trying their best to make beijing more beautiful I hope I can watch the best beautiful beijing I will go there by train I think traveling by train is far more comfortable and cheaper国庆节快到了。我非常喜欢旅游。我想要环游世界。因为我认为旅游是相当有趣的。与此同时,我们还能看到美丽的风景。它也可以打开我们的眼睛。



1One person that is very special to me is my younger cousin I remember when I first saw her we just smiled at each other and she offered to share her food with me, I thought we was really nice so I immediately liked her After getting home i found out she was sleeping over at my house that day and i was so excited since I find her to be a very nice and fun person At night we played games, we laughed, smiled, screamed, and had so much fun After that day she became not only a family member to me but also a very good friend who I can share secrets with

2 I'm for taking home doggie bags because I think wasting is a big problem in this society we live in already if we don't take home doggie bags it would be a bigger problem Many homeless people don't even have the money to afford food, we shouldn't waste the food that can be eaten and just throw it away We can take home doggie bags and either eat it ourselves or even give it to the homeless who can't afford to buy food Some people think it's rather embarrassing to take home doggie bags but I find nothing wrong with it and people should be proud of it

33 I remember I had a very weird dream I was about 8 years old, the dream is still stuck in my mind because of how strange it was to me The dream was about me getting chased by some giant snake that came to my cousin's house The snake was trying to eat everyone and everyone was running for their lives I ran out the door and it came after me which scared me and made me run really fast When i woke up from the dream I found myself crying, I guess it was because I was too scared and cried in my sleep since I was still too young to know there aren't really any monsters in this world

4 One of my best shopping experience is probably the time when I shopped with 3 of my friends It was right after Chinese New Year so we all had a pretty decent amount of money to shop for pretty much anything we want We all had fun because we didn't have to worry we won't have money and it's funner when everyone your shopping with is buying too instead of only yourself buying something That was one shopping experience I'll never forget and I hope to have another shopping experience like that again the next time Chinese New Year comes


Water is very important for living things Without water there can be no life on earth All animals and plants need water Man also needs water

Water is found atmosteverywhere Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air

As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a gasWhen it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a container When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel it

Although about 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water So we should make good use of water on earth

6 The time resembles the sword livelihood like shuttle! In a moment I could not see old friend's faseDream West "has been operated successfully for three years, to further improve the service, many gamers have been approved, the number of online repeated gloryWith the "Dream West", the ROC, some of the illegal profits were also Daohao claws of the game

7There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and IMy family is pretty good I’m really happy

7My brother is shy and funny He is good at sports and does well in volleyballBut he hates studying and his grades are bad He like telling jokes He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh

My father is a doctor He works in a hospital of Sanya He doesn’t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night

My mother is a waitress She works in a restaurant She has good habits She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day But I don’t like milk It is awful She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time She says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed

My families are always doing what is best for meThey are always on my side

I love each person in my family I love my sweet warm home

8 A summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not on the Earth, but in the Sun; in fact, at the Sun's very center It is here that is to be found the source of the energy that the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat This energy is librated at the center of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide with each other and fuse together to form nuclei of helium, and in doing so, release some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second This the Sun has been doing for several thousands of millions of year

9The nuclear energy is released at the Sun's center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms inside the Sun to be reemitted at slightly longer wavelengths This radiation , in its turn is absorbed and reemitted As the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior, it passes through the X-ray part of the spectrum eventually becoming light At this stage, it has reached what we call the solar surface, and can escape into space without being absorbed further by solar atoms A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth

10 I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend So I do my homework on Saturday morning

In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home

On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents In the afternoon, we are going to the park together Because there is a kite show And my grandparents likes making kites I think, we can see many beautiful kites there And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that’s fun In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner We are going to have fish for dinner Because my grandparents likes eating fish And my grandma cooks fish well After dinner, we are going to watch TV together We are going to be very happy

This is my happy weekend I like my weekend very much What about your weekend Can you tell me

1 国庆一天安排 英语作文

My National Day is ingI'm very happy,because I like vacation

I think I can sleep long time

I plan some time for look after my motherMy mather isn't feeling well,so I help my mother to wash clothes,wash dishes or clean the room in the evening

I play with my friendsWe're all having a good time!

My vacation is very busy ,but my vacation is very happy!

国庆节到了,我很高兴,因为我喜欢放假 我想我可以睡很久 我计划在过一段时间去看看我妈妈,我妈妈身体不是很好,所以在晚上的时候,我帮助我妈妈洗衣服,洗盘子,还有打扫房间 我和我的朋友们玩,我们玩得很开心 虽然我的假期非常忙,但是我的假期过得非常愉快!

2 求(我的国庆一天)英语作文,很急

My day of the National Day我的国庆一天Time in a hurry, 11 National Day long vacation, he arrived The whole country, was transported with joy During the eleven of this year, I decided to go to the countryside grandma's to play with my fatherHaven't into grandma house, rhubarb dog running immediately affectionately shake shake tail elongation tongue to lick my hand, duck beside my lady gaga, as if in wele me As early as when I e back the eldest brother e and took my hand and I play together I suggest to go to catch the grasshopper, he happily agreed We holding hands a bouncing ran to the village in the woods behind Saw many grasshopper jumped in the grass, I left the flapping right, along while also didn't jump to a, I saw my o elder brothers like o flexible "hunters", jump, jump, grasp, each grasshopper has bee a "prize" I also learn to their appearance, soon will catch a lot Ha ha, the three of us not long time to catch the half bottle of the grasshopper!Autumn is the harvest season, is also a busy season Grandpa, grandma, hard work, not busy drying corn at home, he is picking cotton in the field That day I told grandma to cotton field, cotton tree as high as I, cotton Snow White, in the shape of leaf of cotton like orange segments I curiously into cotton, soft segments of cotton disc picked by hand, cotton, soft, warm, pick a full handed grandma is in the bag Grandma kua I do!This year's National Day is really of, both full and very meaningful I not only had a National Day of fun, but also learn how to do things to help grandma, this year, is really a happy National Day!参考翻译时光匆匆,转眼十一国庆节长假,就到来了。








3 求(我的国庆一天)英语作文,很急

l have a long vacation for 7 daies at first, l could not wait for the vacation but now,l think it was a little boring such as today in the morning l had a breakfast with my family membersthen l spent much time on shopping with my friendswe bought all kinds of things

after dinner ,l planed to play football with my brother in the park but the windy was too strong so we did not do that l just stayed at home to do my homework this is a day of my vacvtion如果有什么错误请见谅

4 以《国庆节计划》为题写英语作文(7 8句左右)

National Day is the birthday of our party It's on the first day of October It is my happy day, because I don't need to go to school and have a rest for seven days And my parents will take my elder sister and me out to play on national day every year This year my parents took us to amusement park Having breakfast, we set out When we arrived the destiny, it has already 11o'clock So we had to have lunch and then entered the park We played lot of things, such as giant wheel, spacewalk,sea rover and so on I like play sea rover the most At first, I despised of it But when the ship started to shake, I was afraid to death I had to shout out to relieve my fears When we got down on the ground, I found that my sister was pale around the gills She said she would never play this again But I felt excited, though I was a little afraid of it I would play it again next time It was a exciting and happy holiday I will memorize it forever国庆节是我们党的生日。










5 英语国庆计划作文

National Day's plansNational Day is ingHow are you spending the vacationDo you have an exciting planSome of my pen pals told me their plansPercy form Changsha,HunanI am going to GuilinMy aunt lives thereI am staying at my aunt's houseShe is showing me around the beautiful cityIam taking some photosI am sure I'll have a good time thereMary form Wuhan,Hubei I plan to visit Beijing for vacationThere are many places of interest in Beijing,such as the Great Wall ,Tian'anmen Square,ectI'm going to Beijing by planeIt's very fastI plan to stay in Beijing for five days翻译:国庆计划国庆节马上就要到了你会怎样度过这七天假日呢?你有没有一个让人兴奋的计划呢?我的一些笔友告诉了我一些他们的计划湖南长沙的珀西:我会去桂林旅游,我的阿姨住在那儿,我去就住在她家她会带我参加那个美丽的城市,我也会照一些照片我相信在那儿我会玩得很开心湖北武汉的玛丽:我想在节日去北京北京有许多有趣的地方,像是长城,天坛等等我会乘飞机去北京,因为那样比较快我可能会在北京待五天参考资料4399作文网。

6 国庆节计划英语作文40字左右

Suddenly, the National Day has arrived The seven days I can not waste time, so I have to arrange for each day! In seven days, I want to finish work, and to double-check again We need to do to buy their own practice, what to do after the reference to the answer I would also do more to help my mother home, like vegetables to help his mother Every day will drag on the floor at home This is my National Day plans 转眼间,国庆节又到了。



国庆: National Day


1 十月一日是中国的国庆节。

October first is the National Day of China

2 国庆节就要到来了。

National Day was approaching

3 今年国庆节刚好是星期日。

National Day falls on a Sunday this year

4 7月14日被宣布为他们的国庆。

July14 was declared their National Day


China's National Day parade


a national enterprise


We commemorated the founding of our Nation with a public holiday


The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA


July14was declared their National Day


Today we celebrate our day of independenceIt's a national holiday


Today we celebrate our day of independenceIt's a National holiday


All the parks have been spruced up for Nationals Day


Bastil(l)e Day

The People's Republic of China has been set up for 60 yearsAfter the dark and defficult time, we become much stronger,richerThe quality our people's life has improved a lot

When we look back,we can see the poor and weak in the past yearsOnce none one in the world respected us,or our countryBut that had been the PAST!

We are proud of theseWe are proud that our great country is becoming stronger and stronger!




国庆节是一个国家政治性最浓重的节日。但是,各国国庆节的名称以及日期的确定却不尽相同。从名称上说,世界上称“国庆节”或“国庆日”的有中国、法国等约40个国家;称“独立日”或日食奇观“独立节”的有美国、墨西哥、菲律宾、缅旬等约60个国家,称“共和日”或“共和国日”的有南斯拉夫、扎伊尔、冰岛等国家;称“革命节”的有原苏联、阿尔巴尼亚、匈牙利;称“联邦成立日”的有瑞士;称“联合日”的汽车探索有坦桑尼亚;还有的直接以国名加上“日”的,如“澳大利亚日”和“巴基斯坦日”。从日期的含义上说,全世界包括我国在内,约有30个国家以建国日为国庆节;有的是以宪法颁布日为国庆节,如联邦德国;有的以革命起义探索发现全部视频日为国庆节,如法国;有的则以国家元首生日为国庆节,如日本、泰国、荷兰、丹麦、英国等国。有趣的是,这些国家随着国王、天皇或女王的更换而改变国庆节的日期。一般一个国家只有一个国庆日,但是,尼泊尔、瑞典、乌日全食奇观干达、几内亚共和国的丹麦却有两个国庆节。在尼泊尔,一个是“国家民主日”(2月18日),一个是国王的生日;在瑞典,一个是“国旗日”(6月6日),一个是国王的生日;在古巴,一个是“解放日”(1月1日),一ufo a380个是“全国起义日”(7月26日);在乌干达,一个是“独立日”(10月9日),一个是“第二共和日”(1月25日);在几内亚共和国,一个是“宣布共和日”(10月2日),一个是“人民战胜侵略纪念日”(11月北京天文馆22日):在丹麦,一个是“宪法日”(6月5日),另一个是女王生日。


Various countries National Day

The National Day is a national political nature strondawn of discoverygest holiday But, the various countries' National Day name as well as the date determination is different actually

Said from the name that, in the world called “National Day” or “National Day” has China, France and so on approximately 40 countries; Called “independent date” or “independendiscovery tfestival” has American, Mexican, Philippine, the Burmese ten-day period and so on approximately 60 countries, was called “republican date” or “republic date” has countries and so on the Yugoslavia, Zaire, Iceland; Called “revolutionary festival” has the former USSR, Albania, Hungary; Called “federation establishment date” has Switzerland; Called “union date” has Tanzania; Also some directly adds on “the date” by the country's name, like “Australian date” and “Pakistani date”

Said from the date meaning that, the world including our country, approximately some 30 countries take founds a nation Japan as a National Day; Some are take the constitution promulgation date as the National Days, like Federal Republic of Germany; Some take revolutionizes the revolt date as the National Day, like France; Some take the head of state birthday as the National Day, like countries and so on Japan, Thailand, Holland, Denmark, England Interesting is, these countries along with king, the emperor of Japan or queen's replacement change the National Day the date

General country only then a National Day, but, Nepalese, Sweden, Ugandan, Republic of Guinea Denmark has two National Days actually In Nepal, one is “the national democratic date” (on February 18), one is kings birthday; In Sweden, one is “the national flag date” (on June 6), one is king's birthday; In Cuba, one is “the liberation date” (on January 1), one is “the national revolt date” (on July 26); In Uganda, one is “the independent date” (on October 9), one is “the second republican date” (on Juary 25); In the Republic of Guinea, one is “the announcement republican date” (on October 2), one is “the people defeats the aggression commemoration day” (on November 22): In Denmark, one is “the constitution date” (on June 5), another is queen the birthday

National Day of the long history and goes back to ancient times Therefore, the basis for the rest of the world have established the National Day bizarre According to statistics, countries all over the world to establish the time of the country's National Day 35 China to the founding of the National Day on October 1, 1949 Occupying the capital of the day as the National Day of Cuba, Cambodia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia Some of the country's Independence Day as the National Day of the country January 1, 1804, the Haitian people annihilated the Napoleonic expedition to the 60,000 troops in Port-au-Prince to declare independence, and thus put to the annual National Day on January 1 Mexico, Ghana and other countries as well Some countries to the armed intifada anniversary as a national holiday Romania, the Communist Party led an armed uprising to overthrow the reactionary rule of Antonescu, to the anti-fascist war on August 23, 1944 as National Day France to destroy symbols of the authoritarian period for its National Day Some countries have a great day as the National Day of the meeting July 4, 1776 the United States adopted the "Declaration of Independence" mainland date for the National Day Canada is July 1, 1867 the British Parliament passed the "British North America Act" that day as the National Day Japan is the birthday of Emperor Hirohito of Japan for the National Day There is the head of state's birthday a national holiday, Nepal, Thailand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and other countries

" National Day", in celebration of the state, the first in the Western Jin dynasty Western Jin Dynasty writer Lu Ji in" five other princes theory" a paper once a" national day alone for its benefit, the main worry about Mo and its harm " records, China's feudal era, the national celebration event, a great over-the emperor ascended the throne, birthday ( birthday of the Qing Dynasty emperor called for long live Festival ) Thus our country ancient times the emperor ascended the throne, the birthday is called" national day" Today is the anniversary of the founding of state for national day



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8857582.html

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