一、 MBA与MEM相同之处:
1 都要求工作经验:至少3~5年。(注:MEM现在有招收应届生的院校,一定看清学校招生政策)
2 都参加全国联考:都需要参加199管理类联考,考试科目、难度一样。
3 都是双证:毕业获得学历证和学位证。
4 都有全脱产和在职项目。
二、 MBA与MEM不同之处:
1 培养目标不同
2 学习课程不同
MBA: 这个专业的范围比较广,所学课程也较多,涵盖了经济学、管理学的很多课程,因此,工商管理是一门基础较宽的学科,个人可以就此根据自己的爱好选择专业方向。比如企业管理、市场营销、人力资源、财务管理、会计和企业投资等。
1 基于公司战略、市场需求、竞品分析及用户研究,负责产品的定位、规划及顶层设计;
2 协助业务部门完善产品从前端到内管的体系化需求,设计产品原型,编写产品需求文档,包括业务结构及流程等内容;
3 负责业务团队、研发团队共同确认产品可行性与执行方案;,协同开发、测试团队工作,推动配合产品开发进度,把控产品质量;
4 负责跟踪产品运营情况,收集产品问题、收集数据,针对性优化产品;总结、创新、迭代更新改进产品。
5 协助其他项目推广与领导交办其他事项,与相关部门保持良好沟通与协作。
Although "finance" is a very large category, finance is also a discipline that permeates life For example, we buy home loans, deposit savings, buy fund stocks, interest rate adjustments, price increases, etc, and there are financial shadows everywhere Therefore, finance has its fascinating and unpredictable aspects (such as the ups and downs of the stock market), but it also has a plain and inclusive aspect (penetrating into all aspects of life, almost no one can live out of finance) Finance, in fact, is to link the economy, currency and bank together, involving all aspects of banking, insurance, securities market, national finance, international trade and so on That is to say, finance is all economic activities related to currency and credit, which dooms everyone to finance
Finance is also an important indicator of the economic prosperity of a region, region, or even a country It is the core of the modern economy, and is directly related to the overall situation of economic and social development and reform and opening up Finance has developed through reforms and has continued to grow during development, effectively supporting steady and rapid economic growth and all-round social development Finance itself is also deepening and expanding through continuous innovation With the economic reform and rapid economic development, the financial industry must have a bright future
虽然“金融”是一个非常大的范畴,但是金融也是一门渗透于生活中的学科,像我们买房贷款、存款储蓄、购买基金股票,利率调整、物价上涨等等,到处都是金融的影子。所以说金融有其令人神往和高深莫测的一面(如股票市场的涨涨跌跌),但也有其平实普华的一面(渗透到生活的各个方面,几乎没有人的生活可以脱离金融)。 金融,实际上就是把经济、货币和银行联系在一起,涉及到银行、保险、证券市场、国家财政、国际贸易等各个方面。也就是说金融是与货币和信用有关的一切经济活动,这就注定了每个人都离不开金融。
Three The actual exchange rate and the relative purchasing, the nominal exchange rate make Rt are time the computation time t nominal currency, Pt are the computation time price index, Vt are the computation time nominal currency actual currency values, then does not appraise with the base period currency value either the base period (supposes is the actual currency value which 100) define (actual purchasing power or real purchasing power) may express is: Like this, the real exchange rate or the actual exchange rate which expressed with the currency actual currency value (direct costing) may define is:
In which, respectively is the trade object country computation time nominal currency actual currency value, the nominal currency, the price index Because, therefore (4) Obviously actual exchange rate (St) is to calculates the result with the inflation rate which the time nominal exchange rate carries on reduces, thus the actual exchange rate is does not appraise by the base period the exchange rate which (base period currency value) calculates
(4) type will carry on the transformation, might result in (5), will carry on it with purchasing formula (6) the comparison, when then the purchasing had been established, the actual exchange rate is opposite in the base period exchange rate maintenance is invariable When purchasing inadequate immediately, the actual exchange rate is opposite in the base period exchange rate can have the deviation The actual exchange rate is higher than the base period exchange rate, calls it the actual exchange rate depreciation Otherwise, then is called the revaluation Says from a national import-export trade angle, the former exports advantageously, but the latter as a result of the actual exchange rate rise, the foreign currency drops in our country actual purchasing power, causes our country commodity price to be high, finally does not favor our country commodity exportation
= May know by St, the computation time nominal exchange rate is an actual exchange rate St important decision thus not only is one in which pi (Pt and) decided by the inflation rate causes trouble the quantity, also is one receives the government currency authority exchange rate policy control the exogenous variable This meant, when the time nominal exchange rate is very difficult to avoid the distortion which occurs because of the currency authority exchange rate policy function For example, the currency authority possible artificial to overestimate or to underestimate works as the time nominal exchange rate, causes the deviation real exchange rate Because et is the actual exchange rate St important determining factor, also dSt/det>0, along with artificial overestimates or underestimated that, St will also overestimate or underestimated, thus will have the distortion Originally, one of solution actual exchange rate goals is for inspect the nominal exchange rate to the real exchange rate deviation, but this theoretically requests the actual exchange rate to have to be independent in works as the time nominal exchange rate, the actual exchange rate computation structure had decided the actual exchange rate not impossible to be independent in when the time name collects this, if defines generally the real exchange rate as the balanced exchange rate, then, the actual exchange rate St itself possibility deviates the balanced exchange rate From this significance, such which the actual exchange rate cannot like the people expect, may provide the more accurate real exchange rate information
Therefore St took after the inflation the current period purchasing power of money, it only is uses for to weigh the nominal exchange rate to the purchasing deviation Therefore the actual exchange rate, the purchasing and nominal exchange rate these three relations just like a person the composition: Nominal exchange rate namely somebody name, actual exchange rate namely somebody real existence, but the purchasing is this person's conduct Human's name is may by exterior factor decision, his conduct is actually, the outside strength which itself has cannot impose in him When we mentioned somebody name thought when his all sorts of conducts, these conducts are actually because this person's real existence only then can display Therefore the honorable person is links the personal name and the conduct bridge, through the honorable person we can determine personal name and conduct whether tallies Similarly, the actual exchange rate is the connection nominal exchange rate and the purchasing bridge, weighs the nominal exchange rate and the actual exchange rate deviation with it
主要课程: 汇编与接口技术、计算机组成原理、 *** 作系统、数据结构、软件项目管理、软件测试技术、Java高级程序设计、软件工程、电子技术、局域网与组网技术、TCP/IP与广域网、Linux基础及技术、网络管理与维护、计算机网络与通信、数据库原理与应用、信息安全概论、现代密码学、入侵检测与安全扫描、计算机病毒原理与防治、信息安全技术、容错与可信恢复技术等。
▪ 发展经济学 ▪ 经济制度 ▪ 新制度经济学 ▪ 环境经济学 ▪ 金融经济学 ▪ 博弈论 ▪ 信息经济学 ▪ 劳动经济学 ▪ 法律经济学 ▪ 管理经济学 ▪ 公共经济学 ▪ 福利经济学 ▪ 国际经济学 ▪ 社会经济学 ▪ 货币经济学 ▪ 政治经济学 ▪ 行为经济学