

1月亮代表我的心 2甜蜜蜜

3在水一方 4小城故事

5夜来香 6又见炊烟

7漫步人生路 8妈妈呼唤你

9谁来爱我 10又听到那首歌

11何日君再来 12恰似你的温柔

13千言万语 14海韵

15我只在乎你 (日) 16小城故事

17路边野花不要采 18我只在乎你

19但愿人长久 20北国之春

21我一见你就笑 (Live) 22再见!我的爱人

23情人的天堂 24你怎么说

25不了情 26夜来香

27南海姑娘 28星

29初次尝到寂寞 30高山青 (Live)

31漫步人生路 32你在我心中

33雪中莲 34丝丝小雨

35漫步人生路 (粤) 36甜蜜蜜

37四个愿望 38又见炊烟

39月亮代表我的心 40找回我自己

41水上人 42留不住你的心

43酒醉的探戈 44偿还 (日)

45三年 46小窗相思

47美酒加咖啡 48何日君再来

49谁在改变 50奈何

51我只在乎你 52小村之恋

53爱的箴言 54空港 (日)

55爱人 (日) 56爱像一首歌

57请你别再找我 58东山飘雨西山晴

59泪的小雨 60几多愁

61船歌 62忘记他 (粤)

63原乡情浓 64爱人女神

65海韵 66但愿人长久

67春在岁岁年年 68小小的秘密

69恰似你的温柔 70难忘初恋的情人

71月亮代表我的心 72漫步人生路

73如果能许一个愿 74势不两立

75帝女花 76想你想断肠

77恩爱夫妻 78晶晶

79路边的野花不要采 80胭脂泪

81悄悄的告诉你 82小媳妇回娘家

83说说笑笑 84访问 - [演唱]

85十一哥 86星愿

87别离的预感 (日) 88小薇

89忘不了 90路边的野花不要采

91人面桃花 92阵阵春风柔

93独上西楼 94云河

95爱你一万倍 96娜奴娃情歌

97Medley:叹十声 & 天涯歌女 & 四季歌 98在水一方

99不了情 100梅花

101情人再见 102雪中情

103酒醉的探戈 104高山青

105海韵 106你怎么说

107甜蜜蜜 108山茶花

109我只在乎你 110少年爱姑娘

111凤阳花鼓 112独上西楼

113香港之夜 114恭喜发财

115夜来香 116我要对你说

117何日君再来(日语) 118爱情

119只要你心里有我 120别再来找我

121难忘的初恋情人 (闽南语) 122我飞向前方

123唱歌的人 124襟裳岬

125乖乖 126无情荒地有情天

127浪子心声 128一见你就笑

129爱の阳差し~アモーレミオ 130花开在心头

131想起你 132帝女花

133卖馄饨 134海棠姑娘

135不了情 136爱在心怀

137真夏の果实 (日)(原曲 每天爱你多一些) 138梅花


(Live) 140访问 -


141采红菱 142我没有骗你

143心中喜欢就说爱 144想你想断肠

145当我已经知道爱 146小河边

147说一声再见 148后悔爱上你

149翠湖寒 150爱像一首歌

151原乡人 152风从那里来

153向日葵 (国) 154风中的早晨

155万年红 156像故事般温柔

157爱人 158势不两立

159空港 160香港假期

161碎心恋 (闽南语) 162小城故事

163我和你 164谢谢你常记得我

165任时光在身旁流逝 166甜蜜蜜

167又见炊烟 168中华民族

169爱惜花 170Medley:千言万语 + 我怎能离开你

171风霜伴我行 172恰似你的温柔

173今夜想起你 174使爱情更美丽

175谁有我的情意长 176海边のホテル

177人约黄昏后 178九月的故事

179迎春花 180不着痕迹

181访问 - [爱情] 182天黑黑

183微风细雨 184一水隔天涯

185小城故事 186你怎么说

187千言万语 188人约黄昏后

189你可知道我爱谁 190我就是爱你

191恋人们神话 (日) 192寂寞的泪影

193来电是有缘 194今夜想起你

195黄昏里 196假如梦儿是真的

197我了解你 198古树下

199南海姑娘 200你在我心中

201难忘的初恋情人 (福建语) 202一个小心愿

203又甜蜜有美丽 204甜蜜蜜

205小路 206枫叶飘飘

207心路过黄昏 208恰似你的温柔

209谁来同情我 210为君愁

211安平追恋曲 212情人的关怀

213但愿人长久 214海韵

215相见在明天 216如果你喜欢这首歌

217少年爱姑娘 218想你想断肠

219一心一意爱到底 220谁是心上人

221追梦 222装做不知道

223访问 - [突破] 224何日君再来

225我俩在一起 226美丽的故乡

227三声无奈 228有谁知我此时情

229一封情书 230遇见你

231槟城艳 232多情的玫瑰

233青色的回忆 234我的心你的心

235千言万语 236雪化妆 (日)

237襟裳岬 238爱的理想

239我要咖啡 240有人呼唤你

241今晚要的爱 242我怎能离开你


245想把情人留 246雨中的点点滴滴

247偿还 248思君

249雨不停心不定 250浓情万缕

251脸儿微笑花儿香 252非龙非影

253访问 -

[团队] 254访问 -


255泪之条件 256在水一方

257夜来香 258爱人

259忘记他 260冬之恋情

261爱人 262一水隔天涯

263水上人 264甜蜜的小雨

265三年 266思君

267后悔爱上你 268水涟漪

269只有我和你 270小村的故事

271盼望有一份爱 272小路

273窗外 274第一次见到你

275北国の春 (日) 276无奈

277雨夜花 278莫忘今宵

279手纸 280清夜悠悠

281访问 - [目标] 282假如我是真的

283遇见你 284我心深处

285再见我的爱人 286小城故事

287君心我心 288爱人

289我和你 290香港之夜

291恨不相逢未嫁时 292不管你是谁

293清夜悠悠 294江水悠悠泪长留

295空港 (日) 296不要再想起

297情花 298The way we were

299风儿雨儿 300泪的小雨

301旅愁 302逍遥自在

303初恋的地方 304梦

305偶然的相遇 306拜年

307恭喜恭喜 308夏日圣诞

309访问 - [传统] 310甜蜜蜜

311漫步人生路 312爱情一二三

313相聚更甜蜜 314偿还

315美酒加咖啡 316把爱埋藏在心窝

317世界多美丽 318夜来香

319我只在乎你 320一年四季都有爱

321情人山坡只有我 322嘿嘿小可爱

323谁来爱我 324雨夜花 (闽南语)

325人约黄昏后 326甜蜜的小雨

327齐来迎接新年到 328一声恭喜大家好

329妈妈的歌 330访问 - [成熟]

331酒醉的探戈 332小村之恋

333一个小心愿 334劝世歌

335迎春花 336在水一方

337东山飘雨西山晴 338不了情

339原乡人 340三年

341我的身边有个你 342这里只有我们俩

343再见! 我的爱人 (Live) 344今夜かしら明日かしら

345你是否知道 346无语问苍天

347是你打来的电话 348恭喜你

349甜蜜蜜 350独上西楼

351望春风 352心爱的马车

353你怎么说 354星月泪痕

355我和你 356再见!我的爱人

357襟裳岬 358无语问苍天

359夜雾 360你可知道我爱谁

361心爱的马车 362甜蜜蜜

363玉兰花开时 364每当花开

365迷你迷你 366第一次见到你

367泪的小雨 368郊道 (现场演绎)

369难忘的一天 370不论今宵或明天

371Love story 372欲说还休

373凝望 374多少黎明多少黄昏里

375青色的回忆 376庙宇朝拜

377大拜年 378再见!我的爱人

379海韵 380一水隔天涯

381向日葵 382你在我心中

383我的爱情像星星 384背新娘

385快乐的恰恰姑娘 386你在我梦里

387云河 388向日葵

389我只在乎你 390难忘初恋的情人

391情人的关怀 392情湖

393是否 394你怎么说

395雪中情 396水上人

397小路 398难忘的一天

399恰似你的温柔 400东山飘雨西山晴

401漫步人生路 402甜蜜蜜

403但愿人长久 404娘心

405梦立ちぬ 406夕凪

407心路过黄昏 408别把眉儿皱

409万叶千声 410祈望

411永远爱我 412丝丝小雨

413小拜年 414贴春联

415访问 - [朋友] 416怎么开始

417雨中追忆 418但愿人长久

419在水一方 420云河

421苦海女神龙 422祖母的话

423我俩在一起 424谁来爱我

425梦向何处寻 426忘记他

427襟裳岬 428泪的小雨

429云深情也深 430奈何

431雨夜花 (福建语) 432我要问一问

433一曲情未了 434一见钟情

435陪我去买菜 436我就是爱你


439つぐなぃ 440海韵 (Live)

441时の流れに身をまかせ 442晩秋

443爱的箴言 444你在我心里

445彩霞回来吧 446小村之恋

447我不再迷惘 448I Just Called To Say I Love You

449又见炊烟 450微风细雨

451有谁知我此时情 452我心在祈祷

453花儿在微笑 454心酸酸

455缘投囝仔 456雨下的花朵

457原乡情浓 458难忘的一天

459野生花 460奈何

461让心儿圈起你 462芳草无情

463前生有缘 464恰似你的温柔

465我只在乎你 466风霜伴我行

467我怎能离开你 468香港~Hong Kong~ (日)

469情人恰恰 470沉醉在羞愧里

471想你 472永相爱

473把春天留在心中 474月亮晚安

475香港之夜 476香港HONG KONG

477香港之夜 478The power of love

479心事 480爱雨

481恰似你的温柔 482东山飘雨西山晴

483路边野花不要采 484但愿人长久

485难忘初恋的情人 486我没有骗你

487漫步人生路 488中华民族

489往事如昨 490雨下的花朵

491温情满人间 492漫步人生路

493浪子心声 494风从哪里来

495初恋的地方 496心爱的小马车

497小村之恋 498船歌 (Live)

499我已坠入情网 500小小水仙花

501爱情多美好 502把爱埋藏在心窝

503亲爱的, 我走了! 504爱人就是我

505冬天的回忆 506Medley:叹十声/天涯歌女/四季歌 (现场演绎)

507爱人 (日) 508何日君再来

509漫步人生路 510夜の乘客

511寝物语を听かせて 512如果我有勇气

513海恋 514春风满小城

515轻风 516假如我是真的

517多情的玫瑰 518让花儿为你开

519相见在明天 520星愿

521结识你那天 522遇见旧情人

523你怎么说 524相思泪

525襟裳岬 526梅花

527思想起 528再见我的爱人

529你是偷心的人 530相聚更甜蜜

531心爱的马车 532告诉你告诉我

533千言万语 534小村之恋

535我和你 536丝丝小雨

537一见钟情 538再见! 我的爱人

539月亮代表我的心 540四个愿望

541留不住你的心 542偿还

543相聚更甜蜜 544香港假期

545雨中恋人 546碎心花

547多少相思无从寄 548伤心泪

549谁来同情我 550春天在车厢里

551时光不再来 552我想天天看见你

553遇见你 554情话

555娜奴娃情歌 556不要逃避我

557东山飘雨西山晴 (粤) 558小城故事

559THE POWER OF LOVE (Live) 560雨にぬれた花

561冬のひまわり 562夜来香(日语)

563For once in my life 564明月来看我

565夜的投影 566风从那里来

567难忘的一天 568梅花

569当我在回忆 570爱人叼位去

571水涟漪 572快乐的恰恰姑娘

573一封情书 574月亮代表我的心

575挥别 576几多愁

577我心深处 578爱慕

579风霜伴我行 580小窗相思

581你照亮我的心 582爱你一万倍

583谁是心上人 584我要问问你

585永恒的爱 586深情默默

587微笑 588隐藏的情意

589告诉他我爱他 590月光恋曲

591有人呼唤你 592南海姑娘

593风从哪里来 594一水隔天涯 (粤)

595人面桃花 596悲しみと踊らせて

597Smoke gets

in your eyes 598I’m conna

knock in your collar

599娘心 600夜雾

601夕阳问你在哪里 602前生有缘

603又见炊烟 604情人一笑

605再见!我的爱人 606三年

607雪中情 608独上西楼

609南海姑娘 610路边野花不要采

611雪中莲 612高山青

613寂寞的姑娘 614镜中的你

615台北姑娘 616我不该爱你

617谁来爱我 618一个小心愿

619伊人何处 620甜蜜蜜

621忘记他 622海韵

623爱像一首歌 624想起从前

625背新娘 626寂寞姑娘

627我俩在一起 628是否记得我

629你是魔鬼 630如果你是有情人

631你 632爱似轻风情似细雨

633空港 (日) 634难忘的一天

635碎心恋 636はぐれた小鸠

637女の生きがい 638まごころ

639スキャンダル 640あなたと共に生きてゆく

641爱し爱されて 642海风

643初次尝到寂寞 644几多愁

645眼泪中的爱 646愿你来看我

647假如我是真的 648何日君再来

649爱的你呀何处寻 650再见 ! 我的爱人

651向日葵 652遇见你

653高山青 654任时光在身旁流逝

655甜蜜蜜 656难忘初恋的情人

657缘深情亦深,云深情也深 658别再来找我

659烧肉粽 660爱人是个多情人

661爱的理想 662三笑姻缘

663寄语多情人 664艳红小曲

665爱的使者 666海棠姑娘

667Goodbye My

Love 668心酸孤单女


669忘记他 670唤不回的梦

671不是春雨没有来 672南海姑娘

673爱的世界 674快乐的恰恰姑娘

675雨中追忆 676相聚更甜蜜

677但愿人长久 678アカシアの梦

679ふたたびの 680つぐない

681Oh!Carol 682你照亮我的心

683我与秋风 684是否

685情飘飘 686月亮代表我的心

687千言万语 688海韵

689船歌 690忘记他

691你怎么说 692初次尝到寂寞

693泪的小雨 694路边野花不要采

695丝丝小雨 696温情满人间

697何必呢爱人 698人面桃花

699再见,我的爱人 700心事知多少

701海韵 702夜来香

703原乡情浓 704再见!我的爱人

705夜来香 706何日君再来

707你的爱人不是我 708你不爱我我爱你

709好梦太匆匆 710有了春天不知道

711等侯你来到 712噢! 琳达

713不能没有你 714昨夜梦魂中

715走遍天下无忧愁 716唯一的心愿

717可否多见一眼 718水涟漪

719问自己 720爱像一首歌

721月夜诉情 722一片落叶

723爱慕 724挂彩灯

725女人的勇气 726泪的小雨

727人面桃花 728一挥衣袖

729又见炊烟 730何日君再来

731雪中情 732忘记他

733风霜伴我行 734丝丝小雨

735几多愁 736迷你迷你

737爱你一万倍 738何日君再来

739假如我是真的 740路边的野花不要采

741但愿人长久 742爱的箴言

743在水一方 744海韵

745我到海边送夕阳 746你是偷心的人

747近水楼台 748三个梦

749寂寞拜拜 750小花夕阳下

751爱情与同情 752悲哀的梦

753寻找 754有谁知道我

755没有爱怎么活 756我爱你

757这里只有我们俩 758几多愁

759我只在乎你 760一个小心愿

761原乡情浓 (Live) 762暗くなるまで

763赤坂たそがれ 764ふるさとはどこですか

765あなたと生きる 766星のしずくに濡れて

767几时再见 768天外天上天无涯

769如果没有你 770说说笑笑

771芳草无情 772胭脂泪

773要去遥远的地方 774昨天 今天

775歌唱幸福年 776不管你是谁

777命运之川 778午夜微风

779香港 780恨不相逢未嫁时

781漫步人生路 782千言万语

783原乡人 784几多愁

785又见炊烟 786我怎能离开你

787香港之夜 788雨夜花

789月亮代表我的心 790你真叫人着迷

791情人的关怀 792甜蜜蜜

793梅花 794又见炊烟

795遇见你 796相思泪

797丝丝小雨 798再见!我的爱人

799假如我是真的 800好梦太匆匆

801我要对你说 802山茶花

803爱人 (日) 804冬天的回忆

805鬼马俏医生 806爱的季节

807把你印在心窝里 808有爱才有快乐

809永远是个小娃娃 810蓝色的姑娘

811我的情人就是你 812我已堕入情网

813偿还 814忘记他

815君在前哨 (Live) 816东山飘雨西山晴

817西海岸から 818逢う时はいつも他人

819伤心 820祈望

821情人的关怀 822别离

823我心深处 824难忘的眼睛

825有个女孩等着你 826娘心

827恨不相逢未嫁时 828何日君再来

829Let It Be Me 830有谁知我此时情

831小城故事 832何日君再来

833在水一方 834留不住你的心

835小城故事 836风从那里来

837情人的关怀 838遇见旧情人

839冬之恋情 840多情的玫瑰

841襟裳岬 842又见炊烟

843漫步人生路 844你是魔鬼

845莫忘今宵 846再来一杯

847夜雾下的姑娘 848逃避行

849难忘初恋的情人 850相思在梦里

851碎心花 852南海姑娘

853独上西楼 854但愿人长久

855有我不要怕 856青春乐

857花前月下独徘徊 858陪我在今宵

859山南山北走一回 860爱你永远不恨你

861何必呢! 爱人 862希望和你在相见

863沉醉在羞愧里 864千言万语

865再见!我的爱人 866你怎么说

867恋人たらの神话 (日) 868独上西楼

869川の流れのょぅに 870笑って干杯

871雨に濡れて 872冬之恋情

873Killing me softly with his songs 874遥远的路

875有谁知我此时情 876往事如昨

877我问我自己 878你为何不说

879秋光 880喜团圆

881午夜微风 882月亮代表我的心

883何日君再来 884何日君再来

885莫忘今宵 886雪中情

887爱像一首歌 888情人的关怀

889东山飘雨西山晴 890向日葵

891海韵 892月亮代表我的心

893泪的小雨 894Finale

895Goodbye My Love 896小村之恋

897旧梦何处寻 898我和你

899小笨象触了电 900碎心花

901只有我和你 902迎春花

903月亮代表我的心 904丝丝小雨

905有谁知我此时情 906爱的理想

907原乡情浓 908世界多美丽

909独上西楼 910从今日起

911偿还 912泪的小雨

913月亮代表我的心 914小城故事

915THE POWER OF LOVE (Live) 916孤雁

917新三笑姻缘 918总是笑一笑

919爱似轻风情似雨 920三个梦

921小小水仙花 922小路

923隐藏的情意 924小村之恋

925恰似你的温柔 926千言万语

927思君 928春を待つ花

929恋人たちの神话 930YES、爱につつまれ

931今夜想起你 932你装做不知道

933黄昏里 934何日君再来

935You don't have to say you love me 936相爱如往昔

937雪地上的回忆 938爱的使者

939情湖 940你在我心中

941那句诺言 942甜蜜蜜

943海韵 944What A Wonderful World

945雨中追忆 946再见!我的爱人

947水涟漪 948你我相伴左右

949忘记他 950浪子心声

951有谁知我此时情 952Opening Theme

953不管你是谁 954偿还

955原乡情浓 956水上人

957南海姑娘 958但愿人长久

959冬之恋情 960爱的你呀何处寻

961歹歹尪吃抹空 962总是笑一笑

963昨夜梦魂中 964请你别再找我

965冬之恋情 966爱像一首歌

967风霜伴我行 968月亮代表我的心

969风霜伴我行 970泪的小雨

971万叶千声 972但愿人长久

973天天陪我在一起 974希望有一天

975为什么你会烦恼 976猜不透的你

977镜中的你 978爱的寂寞

979情人山坡只有我 980不要逃避我

981把爱埋藏在心窝 982My Way (现场演绎)

983你在我心中 984三年

985东京夜景 986旅人

987黄昏 988小村之恋

989午夜微风 990凝望

991Jambalaya 992Lipstick on your collar

993姑娘的祈祷 994冬之恋情

995云深情也深 996月亮代表我的心

997你我相伴左右 998水上人

999初次尝到寂寞 1000难忘初恋的情人

1001风霜伴我行 1002槟城艳

1003浪子心声 1004相思泪

1005遇见你 1006海韵

1007小城故事 1008甜蜜蜜

1009彩霞回来吧 1010夜来香

1011心中喜欢就说爱 1012谁来爱我

1013冬之恋情 1014小村之恋

1015我和你 1016爱像一首歌

1017千言万语 1018假如我是真的

1019槟城艳 1020浪子心声

1021相思泪 1022Killing Me Softly With His Song

1023星愿 1024何日君再来

1025小城故事 1026东山飘雨西山晴

1027情人的关怀 1028爱像一首歌

1029天下一大笑 1030月下送君

1031留下我自己 1032小村之恋

1033酒醉的探戈 1034水上人

1035风的传说 1036相思在梦里

1037爱情123 1038希望和你再相见

1039他和她 1040我和你

1041东山飘雨西山睛 1042噢!琳达

1043月亮代表我的心 1044说说笑笑

1045爱人 1046酒醉的探戈

1047硝子の摩天楼 1048悲しい自由

1049月夜诉情 1050情人的关怀

1051爱的开始 1052诗意

1053又见雪花 1054莫忘今宵

1055Heaven Help

My Heart 1056恨不相逢未嫁时


1057忘记他 1058一水隔天涯

1059夜来香 1060漫步人生路

1061思君 1062恰似你的温柔

1063一封情书 1064在水一方

1065我心深处 1066丝丝小雨

1067水上人 1068小村之恋

1069浪子心声 1070忘记他

1071一水隔天涯 1072甜蜜蜜

1073原乡人 1074爱像一首歌

1075有谁知我此时情 1076海韵

1077甜蜜蜜 1078东山飘雨西山晴

1079假如我是真的 1080南海姑娘

1081何日君再来 1082何日君再来

1083我只在乎你 1084情人的关怀

1085迷你迷你 1086何必呢!爱人

1087我俩在一起 1088再见!我的爱人

1089水上人 1090不管你是谁

1091原乡人 1092初次尝到寂寞

1093风从那里来 1094小城故事

1095槟城艳 1096冬之恋情

1097想你想断肠 1098Finale

1099有个你有个我 1100初见你一面

1101小乖乖 1102何必再相恋

1103我的爱情像星星 1104天下一大笑

1105匆匆岁月多少年 1106乖乖

1107记得你记得我 1108爱惜花

1109小花夕阳下 1110爱的寂寞

1111LOVE STORY 1111309ジェルソミーナノの歩343嗨! 我告诉你 1344你 391爱情与同情 13921427恰似你的温柔


205 - Birmingham, Hoover, Tuscaloosa

251 - Bay Minette, Mobile, Monroeville

256 - Anniston, Florence, Huntsville

334 - Auburn, Dothan, Montgomery


907 - Statewide


480 - Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale

520 - Casa Grande, Sierra Vista, Tucson

602 - Phoenix - City

623 - Avondale, Glendale, Peoria

928 - Flagstaff, Lake Havasu City, Yuma


479 - Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Russellville

501 - Hot Springs, Little Rock, Searcy

870 - Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, Texarkana


209 - Merced, Modesto, Stockton

213 - Los Angeles - Downtown

310 - Inglewood, Santa Monica, Torrance

323 - Hollywood, Huntington Park, Montebello

408 - San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale

415 - Novato, San Francisco, San Rafael

510 - Fremont, Hayward, Oakland

530 - Davis, Redding, South Lake Tahoe

559 - Fresno, Madera, Visalia

562 - Downey, Long Beach, Whittier

619 - Chula Vista, El Cajon, San Diego

626 - Alhambra, Pasadena, West Covina

650 - Daly City, Palo Alto, San Mateo

661 - Bakersfield, Lancaster, Santa Clarita

707 - Eureka, Santa Rosa, Vallejo

714 - Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana

760 - Oceanside, Palm Springs, Victorville

805 - Oxnard, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara

818 - Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando

831 - Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz

858 - La Jolla, Linda Vista, Poway

909 - Ontario, Riverside, San Bernardino

916 - Folsom, Roseville, Sacramento

925 - Antioch, Concord, Livermore

949 - Costa Mesa, Irvine, Mission Viejo


303 - Boulder, Denver, Littleton

719 - Alamosa, Colorado Springs, Pueblo

720 - Overlay Area Code 303

970 - Durango, Fort Collins, Grand Junction


203 - Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury

860 - Hartford, New London, Torrington


302 - Statewide

District of Columbia

202 - Statewide


239 - Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples

305 - Hialeah, Key West, Miami

321 - Cocoa, Melbourne, Titusville (1)

352 - Gainesville, Leesburg, Ocala

386 - Daytona Beach, Deltona, Lake City

407 - Kissimmee, Orlando, Sanford

561 - Boca Raton, Jupiter, West Palm Beach

727 - Clearwater, New Port Richey, Saint Petersburg

754 - Overlay Area Code 954

772 - Fort Pierce, Stuart, Vero Beach

786 - Overlay Area Code 305

813 - Plant City, Tampa, Zephyrhills

850 - Panama City, Pensacola, Tallahassee

863 - Clewiston, Lakeland, Sebring

904 - Fernandina Beach, Jacksonville, Saint Augustine

941 - Bradenton, Punta Gorda, Sarasota

954 - Coral Springs, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood


229 - Albany, Americus, Valdosta

404 - Atlanta, Decatur, East Point

470 - Overlay Area Codes 404, 678, and 770

478 - Macon, Milledgeville, Swainsboro

678 - Overlay Area Codes 404 and 770

706 - Athens, Augusta, Columbus

770 - Gainesville, Griffin, Marietta

912 - Brunswick, Savannah, Waycross


808 - Statewide


208 - Statewide


217 - Champaign, Quincy, Springfield

309 - Bloomington, Moline, Peoria

312 - Chicago - Inside Loop

618 - Belleville, Carbondale, Mount Vernon

630 - Aurora, Naperville, Wheaton

708 - Calumet City, Cicero, Tinley Park

773 - Chicago - Outside Loop

815 - Joliet, Kankakee, Rockford

847 - Elgin, Evanston, Waukegan


219 - Gary, La Porte, Rensselaer

260 - Angola, Fort Wayne, Wabash

317 - Franklin, Indianapolis, Noblesville

574 - Elkhart, Logansport, South Bend

765 - Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie

812 - Evansville, New Albany, Terre Haute


319 - Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo

515 - Ames, Des Moines, Fort Dodge

563 - Davenport, Decorah, Dubuque

641 - Marshalltown, Mason City, Ottumwa

712 - Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Spencer


316 - El Dorado, Newton, Wichita

620 - Emporia, Garden City, Hutchinson

785 - Lawrence, Salina, Topeka

913 - Kansas City, Leavenworth, Overland Park


270 - Bowling Green, Owensboro, Paducah

502 - Bardstown, Frankfort, Louisville

606 - Ashland, Pikeville, Somerset

859 - Covington, Lexington, Richmond


225 - Baton Rouge, Donaldsonville, New Roads

318 - Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport

337 - Lafayette, Lake Charles, New Iberia

504 - Gretna, Kenner, New Orleans

985 - Hammond, Houma, Morgan City


207 - Statewide


240 - Overlay Area Code 301

301 - Bowie, Frederick, Hagerstown

410 - Annapolis, Baltimore, Salisbury

443 - Overlay Area Code 410


339 - Overlay Area Code 781

351 - Overlay Area Code 978

413 - Amherst, Pittsfield, Springfield

508 - Brockton, New Bedford, Worcester

617 - Boston, Cambridge, Quincy

774 - Overlay Area Code 508

781 - Lynn, Waltham, Weymouth

857 - Overlay Area Code 617

978 - Fitchburg, Lawrence, Lowell


231 - Cheboygan, Muskegon, Traverse City

248 - Farmington Hills, Pontiac, Troy

269 - Battle Creek, Benton Harbor, Kalamazoo

313 - Dearborn, Detroit, Grosse Pointe

517 - Coldwater, Jackson, Lansing

586 - Mount Clemens, Sterling Heights, Warren

616 - Grand Rapids, Holland, Ionia

734 - Ann Arbor, Livonia, Monroe (2)

810 - Flint, Lapeer, Port Huron

906 - Marquette, Menominee, Sault Sainte Marie

947 - Overlay Area Code 248

989 - Alpena, Mount Pleasant, Saginaw


218 - Brainerd, Duluth, Moorhead

320 - Hutchinson, Saint Cloud, Willmar

507 - Mankato, Rochester, Worthington

612 - Minneapolis, Richfield, Saint Anthony

651 - Eagan, Red Wing, Saint Paul

763 - Coon Rapids, Elk River, Plymouth

952 - Apple Valley, Bloomington, Minnetonka


228 - Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula

601 - Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian

662 - Columbus, Greenville, Tupelo


314 - Florissant, Kirkwood, Saint Louis

417 - Branson, Joplin, Springfield

573 - Cape Girardeau, Columbia, Jefferson City

636 - Chesterfield, Festus, Saint Charles

660 - Kirksville, Maryville, Sedalia

816 - Independence, Kansas City, Saint Joseph


406 - Statewide


308 - Grand Island, North Platte, Scottsbluff

402 - Lincoln, Norfolk, Omaha


702 - Henderson, Las Vegas, Laughlin

775 - Carson City, Elko, Reno

New Hampshire

603 - Statewide

New Jersey

201 - Bayonne, Hackensack, Jersey City

551 - Overlay Area Code 201

609 - Atlantic City, Trenton, Willingboro

732 - Long Branch, New Brunswick, Toms River

848 - Overlay Area Code 732

856 - Camden, Cherry Hill, Vineland

862 - Overlay Area Code 973

908 - Elizabeth, Flemington, Phillipsburg

973 - Morristown, Newark, Paterson

New Mexico

505 - Statewide

New York

212 - New York City - Manhattan

315 - Syracuse, Utica, Watertown

347 - Overlay Area Code 718

516 - Long Island (Nassau - Hempstead, Levittown, Valley Stream)

518 - Albany, Glens Falls, Plattsburgh

585 - Batavia, Geneva, Rochester

607 - Binghamton, Elmira, Oneonta

631 - Long Island (Suffolk - Commack, Islip, Southampton)

646 - Overlay Area Code 212

716 - Buffalo, Jamestown, Niagara Falls

718 - New York City - Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island

845 - Middletown, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie

914 - New Rochelle, White Plains, Yonkers

917 - New York City (Cellulars and Pagers) (3)

North Carolina

252 - Greenville, New Bern, Rocky Mount

336 - Greensboro, Lexington, Winston-Salem

704 - Charlotte, Concord, Gastonia

828 - Asheville, Boone, Hickory

910 - Fayetteville, Jacksonville, Wilmington

919 - Chapel Hill, Goldsboro, Raleigh

980 - Overlay Area Code 704

North Dakota

701 - Statewide


216 - Cleveland, Euclid, Lakewood

234 - Overlay Area Code 330

330 - Akron, Canton, Youngstown

419 - Lima, Mansfield, Toledo

440 - Lorain, Mentor, Parma

513 - Cincinnati, Hamilton, Middletown

567 - Overlay Area Code 419

614 - Columbus, Reynoldsburg, Westerville

740 - Marion, Portsmouth, Steubenville

937 - Bellefontaine, Dayton, Springfield


405 - Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater

580 - Ada, Enid, Lawton

918 - Bartlesville, Muskogee, Tulsa


503 - Astoria, Portland, Salem

541 - Eugene, Medford, Pendleton

971 - Overlay Area Code 503 (4)


215 - Lansdale, Levittown, Philadelphia

267 - Overlay Area Code 215

412 - Bethel Park, McKeesport, Pittsburgh

484 - Overlay Area Code 610

570 - Pottsville, Scranton, Williamsport

610 - Allentown, Reading, West Chester

717 - Harrisburg, Lancaster, York

724 - Indiana, New Castle, Washington

814 - Altoona, Erie, Johnstown

878 - Overlay Area Codes 412 and 724

Rhode Island

401 - Statewide

South Carolina

803 - Aiken, Columbia, Rock Hill

843 - Charleston, Florence, Hilton Head Island

864 - Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg

South Dakota

605 - Statewide


423 - Chattanooga, Johnson City, Morristown

615 - Franklin, Murfreesboro, Nashville

731 - Dyersburg, Humboldt, Jackson

865 - Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Sevierville

901 - Covington, Memphis, Somerville

931 - Clarksville, Columbia, Cookeville


210 - Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Universal City

214 - Dallas, Irving, Plano (5)

254 - Killeen, Temple, Waco

281 - Same as Area Code 713

325 - Abilene, Brownwood, San Angelo

361 - Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Victoria

409 - Beaumont, Galveston, Jasper

430 - Overlay Area Code 903

432 - Alpine, Midland, Odessa

469 - Overlay Area Codes 214 and 972

512 - Austin, Georgetown, San Marcos

682 - Overlay Area Code 817

713 - Houston, Pasadena, Sugar Land (6)

806 - Amarillo, Lubbock, Plainview

817 - Arlington, Cleburne, Fort Worth

830 - Eagle Pass, Kerrville, New Braunfels

832 - Overlay Area Codes 281 and 713

903 - Longview, Sherman, Tyler

915 - Dell City, El Paso, Sierra Blanca

936 - Huntsville, Liberty, Nacogdoches

940 - Denton, Mineral Wells, Wichita Falls

956 - Brownsville, Laredo, McAllen

972 - Same as Area Code 214

979 - Angleton, Bay City, Bryan


385 - Effective 03/30/05 (801)

435 - Logan, Saint George, Vernal

801 - Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City


802 - Statewide


276 - Bluefield, Bristol, Martinsville

434 - Charlottesville, Danville, Lynchburg

540 - Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Roanoke

571 - Overlay Area Code 703

703 - Alexandria, Arlington, Manassas

757 - Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg

804 - Petersburg, Richmond, Tappahannock


206 - Mercer Island, Richmond Beach, Seattle

253 - Auburn, Kent, Tacoma

360 - Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver

425 - Bellevue, Everett, Renton

509 - Kennewick, Spokane, Yakima

West Virginia

304 - Statewide


262 - Kenosha, Racine, West Bend

414 - Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, West Allis

608 - Janesville, La Crosse, Madison

715 - Eau Claire, Superior, Wausau

920 - Green Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan


307 - Statewide



403 - Calgary

780 - Edmonton

British Columbia

250 - Victoria

604 - Vancouver

778 - Overlay Area Code 604


204 - Province Wide

New Brunswick

506 - Province Wide


709 - Province Wide

Northwest Territories

867 - Province Wide

Nova Scotia

902 - Province Wide


867 - Province Wide


226 - Effective 02/19/05 (519)

289 - Overlay Area Code 905

416 - Toronto

519 - London

613 - Ottawa

647 - Overlay Area Code 416

705 - North Bay

807 - Thunder Bay

905 - Hamilton

Prince Edward Island

902 - Province Wide


418 - Quebec City

438 - Effective 09/24/05 (514)

450 - Laval

514 - Montreal

819 - Sherbrooke


306 - Province Wide

Yukon Territory

867 - Province Wide


Anguilla - 264

Antigua & Barbuda - 268

Bahamas - 242

Barbados - 246

Bermuda - 441

British Virgin Islands - 284

Cayman Islands - 345

Dominica - 767

Dominican Republic - 809

Grenada - 473

Jamaica - 876

Montserrat - 664

Puerto Rico - 787/939

Saint Kitts & Nevis - 869

Saint Lucia - 758

Saint Vincent & Grenadines - 784

Trinidad & Tobago - 868

Turks & Caicos - 649

US Virgin Islands - 340


American Samoa - 684

Guam - 671

Northern Marianas - 670

Palau - 680


311 - Non-Emergency Access

411 - Local Directory Assistance

456 - International Inbound

500 - Personal Communication Services

600 - Services in Canada

611 - Repair Services

700 - IC Services

710 - US Government

711 - TRS Access

800 - Toll Free Calling

855 - Toll Free Calling

866 - Toll Free Calling

877 - Toll Free Calling

880 - Toll Free Calling (Paid 800 Service)

881 - Toll Free Calling (Paid 888 Service)

882 - Toll Free Calling (Paid 877 Service)

883 - Toll Free Calling (Paid 866 Service)

888 - Toll Free Calling

900 - Paid Service Calls

911 - Emergency Services

976 - Paid Service Calls

880, 881, 882, and 883 are Toll Free Calls from Canada and the Caribbean, but the receiving party in the United States is charged

NOTE: Some cities appear in more than one area code Example: The major portion of Los Angeles appears in area code 213, but other areas of the city are in area codes 310, 323, and 818


213 - Downtown and Echo Park

310 - Bel Air, Brentwood, Century City, San Pedro, Venice, West Los Angeles, Westwood, and Wilmington

323 - Crenshaw, Eagle Rock, Hollywood, and Watts

818 - San Fernando Valley - Canoga Park, Chatsworth, Encino, Granada Hills, North Hollywood, Northridge, Pacoima, Panorama City, Reseda, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Sunland, Tarzana, Tujunga, Van Nuys, and Woodland Hills

Florida (1) :

Area Code 321 covers all of Brevard County, but in addition it also is an entire overlay for Area Code 407

Example: Orlando is both area codes 407 and 321

Michigan (2) :

The city of Livonia is area code 734, but surrounding areas that use Livonia as a mailing address are located in the 248 and 313 area codes

New York (3) :

Area code 917 is predominantly cellulars and pagers in New York City Some regular lines in Manhattan have recently been assigned the 917 area code The new overlay area codes of 347 and 646 have also been assigned cellulars and pagers, in addition to regular land lines

Oregon (4) :

Area Code 971 does not overlay Clatsop and Tillamook Counties These areas are entirely served by Area Code 503

Texas (5 and 6) :

Area Codes 713/281/832:

The introduction of area code 832, in the form of an overlay, officially erased the 713 and 281 area codes To date, a majority of the 713 and 281 area codes are assigned to specific areas

713 - Bellaire, Galena Park, Houston, Jacinto City, Pasadena, South Houston, and West University Place

281 - Alvin, Baytown, Deer Park, Humble, Katy, La Porte, League City, Missouri City, Pearland, and Sugar Land

While a majority of Houston is area code 713, some sections of the city are located in area code 281

201 - New Jersey (Bayonne, Hackensack, Jersey City)

202 - District of Columbia (Statewide)

203 - Connecticut (Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury)

204 - Manitoba (Province Wide)

205 - Alabama (Birmingham, Hoover, Tuscaloosa)

206 - Washington (Mercer Island, Richmond Beach, Seattle)

207 - Maine (Statewide)

208 - Idaho (Statewide)

209 - California (Merced, Modesto, Stockton)

210 - Texas (Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Universal City)

212 - New York (New York City - Manhattan)

213 - California (Los Angeles - Downtown)

214 - Texas (Dallas, Irving, Plano)

215 - Pennsylvania (Lansdale, Levittown, Philadelphia)

216 - Ohio (Cleveland, Euclid, Lakewood)

217 - Illinois (Champaign, Quincy, Springfield)

218 - Minnesota (Brainerd, Duluth, Moorhead)

219 - Indiana (Gary, La Porte, Rensselaer)

225 - Louisiana (Baton Rouge, Donaldsonville, New Roads)

226 - Ontario (Effective 02/19/05)

228 - Mississippi (Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula)

229 - Georgia (Albany, Americus, Valdosta)

231 - Michigan (Cheboygan, Muskegon, Traverse City)

234 - Ohio (Overlay Area Code 330)

239 - Florida (Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples)

240 - Maryland (Overlay Area Code 301)

242 - Bahamas

246 - Barbados

248 - Michigan (Farmington Hills, Pontiac, Troy)

250 - British Columbia (Victoria)

251 - Alabama (Bay Minette, Mobile, Monroeville)

252 - North Carolina (Greenville, New Bern, Rocky Mount)

253 - Washington (Auburn, Kent, Tacoma)

254 - Texas (Killeen, Temple, Waco)

256 - Alabama (Anniston, Florence, Huntsville)

260 - Indiana (Angola, Fort Wayne, Wabash)

262 - Wisconsin (Kenosha, Racine, West Bend)

264 - Anguilla

267 - Pennsylvania (Overlay Area Code 215)

268 - Antigua & Barbuda

269 - Michigan (Battle Creek, Benton Harbor, Kalamazoo)

270 - Kentucky (Bowling Green, Owensboro, Paducah)

276 - Virginia (Bluefield, Bristol, Martinsville)

281 - Texas (Same as Area Code 713)

284 - British Virgin Islands

289 - Ontario (Overlay Area Code 905)

301 - Maryland (Bowie, Frederick, Hagerstown)

302 - Delaware (Statewide)

303 - Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Littleton)

304 - West Virginia (Statewide)

305 - Florida (Hialeah, Key West, Miami)

306 - Saskatchewan (Province Wide)

307 - Wyoming (Statewide)

308 - Nebraska (Grand Island, North Platte, Scottsbluff)

309 - Illinois (Bloomington, Moline, Peoria)

310 - California (Inglewood, Santa Monica, Torrance)

311 - Non-Emergency Access

312 - Illinois (Chicago - Inside Loop)

313 - Michigan (Dearborn, Detroit, Grosse Pointe)

314 - Missouri (Florissant, Kirkwood, Saint Louis)

315 - New York (Syracuse, Utica, Watertown)

316 - Kansas (El Dorado, Newton, Wichita)

317 - Indiana (Franklin, Indianapolis, Noblesville)

318 - Louisiana (Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport)

319 - Iowa (Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo)

320 - Minnesota (Hutchinson, Saint Cloud, Willmar)

321 - Florida (Cocoa, Melbourne, Titusville - Overlay Area Code 407)

323 - California (Hollywood, Huntington Park, Montebello)

325 - Texas (Abilene, Brownwood, San Angelo)

330 - Ohio (Akron, Canton, Youngstown)

334 - Alabama (Dothan, Mobile, Montgomery)

336 - North Carolina (Greensboro, Lexington, Winston-Salem)

337 - Louisiana (Lafayette, Lake Charles, New Iberia)

339 - Massachusetts (Overlay Area Code 781)

340 - US Virgin Islands

345 - Cayman Islands

347 - New York (Overlay Area Code 718)

351 - Massachusetts (Overlay Area Code 978)

352 - Florida (Gainesville, Leesburg, Ocala)

360 - Washington (Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver)

361 - Texas (Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Victoria)

385 - Utah (Effective 03/30/05)

386 - Florida (Daytona Beach, Deltona, Lake City)

401 - Rhode Island (Statewide)

402 - Nebraska (Lincoln, Norfolk, Omaha)

403 - Alberta (Calgary)

404 - Georgia (Atlanta, Decatur, East Point)

405 - Oklahoma (Norman,


00:01:53,046 --> 00:01:58,348

Good luck


00:03:37,417 --> 00:03:41,615

Hi Uh, I have an appointment

with Emily Charlton


00:03:41,721 --> 00:03:45,213

- Andrea Sachs

- Yes


00:03:45,325 --> 00:03:48,817

Great Human Resources certainly

has an odd sense of humor


00:03:48,928 --> 00:03:50,896

Follow me


00:03:52,699 --> 00:03:55,133

Okay, so I was Miranda's

second assistant


00:03:55,235 --> 00:03:58,363

but her first assistant recently got promoted,

and so now I'm the first


00:03:58,471 --> 00:04:00,769

- Oh, and you're replacing yourself

- Well, I am trying


00:04:00,873 --> 00:04:03,273

Miranda sacked the last two girls

after only a few weeks


00:04:03,376 --> 00:04:05,776

We need to find someone who can survive here

Do you understand


00:04:05,878 --> 00:04:07,812

Yeah Of course Who's Miranda


00:04:07,914 --> 00:04:11,213

Oh, my God I will pretend

you did not just ask me that


00:04:11,317 --> 00:04:14,150

She's the editor in chief of <i>Runway</i>,

not to mention a legend


00:04:14,254 --> 00:04:18,247

You work a year for her, and you can

get a job at any magazine you want


00:04:18,358 --> 00:04:20,690

A million girls would kill for this job


00:04:20,793 --> 00:04:23,591

It sounds like a great opportunity

I'd love to be considered


00:04:26,132 --> 00:04:29,568


<i>Runway</i> is a fashion magazine


00:04:29,669 --> 00:04:32,638

so an interest in fashion is crucial


00:04:32,739 --> 00:04:35,105

What makes you think

I'm not interested in fashion


00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:39,109

Oh, my God


00:04:39,212 --> 00:04:41,112

No! No! No!


00:04:41,214 --> 00:04:43,375

What's wrong


00:04:48,688 --> 00:04:51,384

She's on her way Tell everyone!


00:04:51,491 --> 00:04:53,959

She's not supposed to be here

until 9:00


00:04:54,060 --> 00:04:57,029

Her driver just text messaged,

and her facialist ruptured a disk


00:04:57,130 --> 00:05:00,327

- God, these people!

- Who's that


00:05:00,433 --> 00:05:03,630

That I can't even talk about


00:05:03,736 --> 00:05:06,227

All right, everyone! Gird your loins!


00:05:06,339 --> 00:05:10,002

Did somebody eat an onion bagel


00:06:11,871 --> 00:06:13,771

Sorry, Miranda


00:06:23,850 --> 00:06:27,547

Move it! Ooh!


00:06:27,653 --> 00:06:30,747

I don't understand why it's so difficult

to confirm an appointment


00:06:30,857 --> 00:06:33,826

I know I'm so sorry, Miranda

I actually did confirm last night


00:06:33,926 --> 00:06:36,053

Details of your incompetence

do not interest me


00:06:36,162 --> 00:06:39,996

Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl

that she sent me for the Brazilian layout


00:06:40,099 --> 00:06:43,660

I asked for clean, athletic, smiling

She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy


00:06:43,770 --> 00:06:45,738

And RSVP yes

to the Michael Kors party


00:06:45,838 --> 00:06:49,831

I want the driver to drop me off at 9:30

and pick me up at 9:45 sharp


00:06:49,942 --> 00:06:54,174

- 9:45 sharp

- Call Natalie at Glorious Foods,

tell her no for the 40th time


00:06:54,280 --> 00:06:57,374

No, I don't want dacquoise I want tortes

filled with warm rhubarb compote


00:06:57,483 --> 00:07:00,782

Then call my ex-husband and remind him the

parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight


00:07:00,887 --> 00:07:05,347

Then call my husband, ask him to meet me

for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo


00:07:05,458 --> 00:07:10,122

Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent

for that feature on the female paratroopers


00:07:10,229 --> 00:07:12,026

and they're all so deeply unattractive


00:07:12,131 --> 00:07:15,328

Is it impossible to find a lovely,

slender female paratrooper


00:07:15,435 --> 00:07:19,166

- No

- Am I reaching for the stars here Not really


00:07:19,272 --> 00:07:24,141

<i>Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel</i>

<i>has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try</i>


00:07:24,243 --> 00:07:27,110

<i>I wonder if she's lost any</i>

<i>of that weight yet Who's that</i>


00:07:27,213 --> 00:07:29,511

Nobody Um, uh-


00:07:29,615 --> 00:07:33,949

Human Resources sent her up about the new

assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her


00:07:34,053 --> 00:07:36,954

But she's hopeless

and totally wrong for it


00:07:37,056 --> 00:07:39,957

Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself

because the last two you sent me


00:07:40,059 --> 00:07:41,959

<i>were completely inadequate</i>


00:07:42,061 --> 00:07:45,462

So send her in That's all


00:07:46,766 --> 00:07:48,734



00:07:51,737 --> 00:07:53,864

- She wants to see you

- Oh! She does


00:07:53,973 --> 00:07:55,873



00:07:59,011 --> 00:08:02,640

- This is foul Don't let her see it Go!

- That's-


00:08:09,155 --> 00:08:11,419

Who are you


00:08:11,524 --> 00:08:14,118

Uh, my name is Andy Sachs


00:08:14,227 --> 00:08:17,219

I recently graduated

from Northwestern University


00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:20,026

And what are you doing here


00:08:20,132 --> 00:08:24,592

Well, I think I could do a good job

as your assistant


00:08:24,704 --> 00:08:28,037

<i>And, um-</i>


00:08:28,140 --> 00:08:32,406

Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist

and sent letters out everywhere


00:08:32,512 --> 00:08:34,776

and then finally got a call

from Elias-Clarke


00:08:34,881 --> 00:08:37,509

<i>and met with Sherry</i>

<i>up at Human Resources</i>


00:08:37,617 --> 00:08:40,950

Basically, it's this or <i>Auto Universe</i>


00:08:41,053 --> 00:08:45,456

- So you don't read <i>Runway</i>

- Uh, no


00:08:45,558 --> 00:08:49,085

<i>And before today,</i>

<i>you had never heard of me</i>


00:08:49,195 --> 00:08:51,095



00:08:51,197 --> 00:08:54,360

And you have no style

or sense of fashion


00:08:54,467 --> 00:08:59,268

Well, um, I think that depends

on what you're-


00:08:59,372 --> 00:09:02,739

No, no That wasn't a question


00:09:04,677 --> 00:09:09,239

Um, I was editor in chief

of the <i>Daily Northwestern</i>


00:09:09,348 --> 00:09:13,808

I also, um, won a national competition

for college journalists


00:09:13,920 --> 00:09:16,787

<i>with my series on the janitors' union,</i>

<i>which exposed the exploitation-</i>


00:09:16,889 --> 00:09:19,255

<i>That's all</i>


00:09:25,031 --> 00:09:27,522

Yeah You know, okay


00:09:27,633 --> 00:09:29,601

You're right I don't fit in here


00:09:29,702 --> 00:09:32,830

I am not skinny or glamorous


00:09:32,939 --> 00:09:35,134

<i>and I don't know that much</i>

<i>about fashion</i>


00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:37,732

<i>But I'm smart</i>


00:09:37,843 --> 00:09:39,868

I learn fast

and I will work very hard


00:09:39,979 --> 00:09:42,447

I got the exclusive

on the Cavalli for Gwyneth


00:09:42,548 --> 00:09:45,915

but the problem is, with that huge

feathered headdress that she's wearing


00:09:46,018 --> 00:09:48,612

she looks like she's working

the main stage at the Golden Nugget


00:09:48,721 --> 00:09:52,452

Thank you for your time



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