创新是把一种认识转化为实践的过程,其中存在较大的思维发散空间,结合PDCA循环在制造过程中对于质量改进的作用,按照“四阶段、八步骤”的提法,创新过程中PDCA循环的运用可以参考图1所示来完成。 在实施中应注意任何结论的获得都要以事实为依据,运用统计工具进行合理的分析。 1P阶段 即根据顾客的要求和组织的方针,为提供结果建立必要的目标和过程。 步骤一:选择课题 新产品设计开发所选择的课题范围应是与满足市场需求为前提,企业获利为目标的。同时也需要根据企业的资源、技术等能力来确定开发方向。 课题是本次研究活动的切人点,课题的选择很重要,如果不进行市场调研,论证课题的可行性,就可能带来决策上的失误,有可能在投人大量人力、物力后造成设计开发的失败。比如:一个企业如果对市场发展动态信息缺少灵敏性,可能花大力气开发的新产品,在另一个企业已经是普通产品,就会造成人力、物力、财力的浪费。选择一个合理的项目课题可以减少研发的失败率,降低新产品投资的风险。选择课题时可以使用调查表、排列图、水平对比等方法,使头脑风暴能够结构化呈现较直观的信息,从而做出合理决策。 步骤二:设定目标 明确了研究活动的主题后,需要设定一个活动目标,也就是规定活动所要做到的内容和达到的标准。目标可以是定性+定量化的,能够用数量来表示的指标要尽可能量化,不能用数量来表示的指标也要明确。目标是用来衡量实验效果的指标,所以设定应该有依据,要通过充分的现状调查和比较来获得。例如:一种新药的开发必须掌握了解政府部门所制定的新药审批政策和标准。制订目标时可以使用关联图、因果图来系统化的揭示各种可能之间的联系,同时使用甘特图来制定计划时间表,从而可以确定研究进度并进行有效的控制。 步骤三:提出各种方案并确定最佳方案 创新并非单纯指发明创造的创新产品,还可以包括产品革新、产品改进和产品仿制等。其过程就是设立假说,然后去验证假说,目的是从影响产品特性的一些因素中去寻找出好的原料搭配、好的工艺参数搭配和工艺路线。然而现实条件中不可能把所有想到的实验方案都进行实施,所以提出各种方案后优选并确定出最佳的方案是较有效率的方法。 筛选出所需要的最佳方案,统计质量工具能够发挥较好的作用。正交试验设计法、矩阵图都是进行多方案设计中效率高、效果好的工具方法。 步骤四:制定对策 有了好的方案,其中的细节也不能忽视,计划的内容如何完成好,需要将方案步骤具体化,逐一制定对策,明确回答出方案中的“5W1H”即:为什么制定该措施(Why)达到什么目标(What)在何处执行(Where)由谁负责完成(Who)什么时间完成(When)如何完成(How)使用过程决策程序图或流程图,方案的具体实施步骤将会得到分解。 2D阶段 即按照预定的计划,在实施的基础上,努力实现预期目标的过程。 步骤五:实施对策 对策制定完成后就进人了实验、验证阶段也就是做的阶段。在这一阶段除了按计划和方案实施外,还必须要对过程进行测量,确保工作能够按计划进度实施。同时建立起数据采集,收集起过程的原始记录和数据等项目文档。 3C检查效果 即确认实施方案是否达到了目标。 步骤六:效果检查。 方案是否有效、目标是否完成,需要进行效果检查后才能得出结论。将采取的对策进行确认后,对采集到的证据进行总结分析,把完成情况同目标值进行比较,看是否达到了预定的目标。如果没有出现预期的结果时,应该确认是否严格按照计划实施对策,如果是,就意味着对策失败,那就要重新进行最佳方案的确定。 4A阶段处置 步骤七:标准化。 对已被证明的有成效的措施,要进行标准化,制定成工作标准,以便以后的执行和推广。 步骤八:问题总结。 对于方案效果不显著的或者实施过程中出现的问题,进行总结,为开展新一轮的PDCA循环提供依据。例如:设计一个新型红外滤光膜,完成一轮循环后,进行效果检查时发现其中一项的光学性能指标未达到标准要求,总结经验后进人第二轮PDCA循环,按计划重新实施后达到了目标值。
软件开发流程分为: 需求确认——概要设计——详细设计——编码——单元测试——集成测试——系统测试——维护
1 可视化编程掌握程序设计方法及可视化技术,精通一种可视化平台及其软件开发技术。获取Delphi程序员系列、Java初级或VB开发能手认证。 就业方向:企业、政府、社区、各类学校等可视化编程程序员。
2 WEB应用程序设计 具有美工基础和网页动画设计能力,掌握交互式网页程序的设计技术,能进行网站建设和维护。获取Macromedia多媒体互动设计师或Delphi初级程序员或Delphi快速网络开发工程师认证。 就业方向:企业、政府、社区、各类学校等WEB应用程序员。
3 软件测试 掌握软件测试的基本原理、方法和组织管理,精通软件测试工具。获取ATA软件测试工程师或Delphi初级程序员或Java初级程序员认证。 就业方向:企业、政府、社区、各类学校等软件测试员。
4 数据库管理 能应用关系范式进行数据库设计,精通SQL语言,胜任数据库服务器管理与应用工作。获取Oracle数据库管理或SQL Server数据库应用或Windows XP应用认证。 就业方向:企业、政府、社区、各类学校等部门的中、大型数据库管理员。
5 图形图像制作 精通国际上流行的图形/图像制作工具(如CorelDraw、Photoshop、Pagemaker等)。获取平面设计师相关的认证。 就业方向:广告制作公司、建筑设计公司、包装装璜设计公司、居室装修公司、出版印刷公司。
参考资料来源:百度百科-软件开发Flowchart Symbols Defined
By Nicholas Hebb
The following is a basic overview, with descriptions and meanings, of the most common flowchart symbols - also commonly called flowchart shapes , flow diagram symbols or process mapping symbols , depending upon what type of diagram you're creating The table below lists the flowchart symbol drawing, the name of the flowchart symbol in Microsoft Office (with aliases in parentheses), and a short description of where and how the flowchart symbol is used
Excel Flowchart Wizard
FlowBreeze is a flowchart add-in for Microsoft Excel that makes creating flowcharts simple and pain free Free 30-Day Trial
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Process / Operation Symbols
ProcessShow a Process or action step This is the most common symbol in both process flowcharts and process maps
Predefined Process
A Predefined Process symbol is a marker for another process step or series of process flow steps that are formally defined elsewhere This shape commonly depicts sub-processes (or subroutines in programming flowcharts) If the sub-process is considered "known" but not actually defined in a process procedure, work instruction, or some other process flowchart or documentation, then it is best not to use this symbol since it implies a formally defined process
Alternate ProcessAs the shape name suggests, this flowchart symbol is used when the process flow step is an alternate to the normal process step Flow lines into an alternate process flow step are typically dashed
DelayThe Delay flowchart symbol depicts any waiting period that is part of a process Delay shapes are common in process mapping
PreparationAs the names states, any process step that is a Preparation process flow step, such as a set-up operation
Manual OperationManual Operations flowchart shapes show which process steps are not automated In data processing flowcharts, this data flow shape indicates a looping operation along with a loop limit symbol (which is not supported by Microsoft Office, but a Manual Operation symbol rotated 180° will do the trick)
Branching and Control of Flow Symbols
Flow Line
(Arrow, Connector)
Flow line connectors show the direction that the process flows
(Terminal Point, Oval)
Terminators show the start and stop points in a process When used as a Start symbol, terminators depict a trigger action that sets the process flow into motion
DecisionIndicates a question or branch in the process flow Typically, a Decision flowchart shape is used when there are 2 options (Yes/No, No/No-Go, etc)
Connector (Inspection) Flowchart : In flowcharts, this symbol is typically small and is used as a Connector to show a jump from one point in the process flow to another Connectors are usually labeled with capital letters (A, B, AA) to show matching jump points They are handy for avoiding flow lines that cross other shapes and flow lines They are also handy for jumping to and from a sub-processes defined in a separate area than the main flowchart
Process Mapping : In process maps, this symbol is full sized and shows an Inspection point in the process flow
[Just to confuse things further, some people will use a circle to indicate an operation and a square to indicate an inspection That's why it's important to include a symbol key in the flowchart]
Off-Page ConnectorOff-Page Connector shows continuation of a process flowchart onto another page When using them in conjunction with Connectors, it's best to differentiate the labels, eg use numbers for Off-Page Connectors and capital letters for Connectors In actual practice, most flowcharts just use the Connect shape for both on-page and off-page references
Flowchart : Shows the merging of multiple processes or information into one
Process Mapping : commonly indicates storage of raw materials
Extract (Measurement) Flowchart: Shows when a process splits into parallel paths Also commonly indicates a Measurement, with a capital 'M' inside the symbol
Process Mapping: commonly indicates storage of finished goods
OrThe logical Or symbol shows when a process diverges - usually for more than 2 branches When using this symbol, it is important to label the out-going flow lines to indicate the criteria to follow each branch
Summing JunctionThe logical Summing Junction flowchart shape is shows when multiple branches converge into a single process The merge symbol is more common for this use, though This symbol and the Or symbol are really more relevant in data processing flow diagrams than in process flowcharts
Input and Output Symbols
The Data flowchart shape indicates inputs to and outputs from a process As such, the shape is more often referred to as an I/O shape than a Data shape
DocumentPretty self explanatory - the Document flowchart symbol is for a process step that produces a document
Multi-DocumentSame as Document, except, well, multiple documents This shape is not as commonly used as the Document flowchart shape, even when multiple documents are implied
DisplayIndicates a process step where information is displayed to a person (eg, PC user, machine operator)
Manual InputManual Input flowchart shapes show process steps where the operator/ user is prompted for information that must be manually input into a system
CardThis is the companion to the punched tape flowchart shapes This shape is seldom used
Punched TapeIf you're very good at stretching all the life out of a machine, you may still have use for the Punched Tape symbol - used for input into old computers and CNC machines
File and Information Storage Symbols
Stored DataA general Data Storage flowchart shape used for any process step that stores data (as opposed to the more specific shapes to follow next in this table)
Magnetic Disk (Database)The most universally recognizable symbol for a data storage location, this flowchart shape depicts a database
Direct Access StorageDirect Access Storage is a fancy way of saying Hard Drive
Internal StorageUsed in programming flowcharts to mean information stored in memory, as opposed to on a file
Sequential Access Storage
(Magnetic Tape)
Although it looks like a 'Q', the symbol is supposed to look like a reel of tape
Data Processing Symbols
CollateThe Collate flowchart shape indicates a process step that requires organizing data, information, or materials according into a standard format or arrangement
SortIndicates the sorting of data, information, materials into some pre-defined order
Caveat: The descriptions given above are written from the perspective of someone using them to create process flow charts , whereas many of the flowchart symbols actually have their roots in the data processing diagrams and programming flow charts So, not all the flowcharting shapes shown below may be relevant to your needs
The flowchart symbol names in parentheses are common alternates for a given shape Sometimes a flowchart shape can have more than one meaning, as with the Circle shape, which depicts a jump node in flow charts and inspection point in business process mapping Other times, there are just multiple names for the same flow chart symbol - such as Terminator and Terminal Point
The Most Commonly used Flowchart Symbols
The majority of flowcharts rely on just a few of the process-related symbols to do all the heavy lifting: Terminator , Process , Decision , Document , and Connector In fact, if you use other flowcharting shapes, many people won't know what they are for, so you may want to add a symbol key to your flowchart
About the Flowchart Symbols
You might think that an expensive flowchart software package is required to make presentation-quality flowcharts It isn't All the shapes used in this article were created in Microsoft Excel