Chinese dream and America dream in our school knows that there is a call Martin Ruud Kim leaders of the civil rights movement in the USA, his words "I have a dream" spread all over the world Let the world know USA power of dreams On the topic of American dream too much But, as Bai Yansong said, "to know, not only a English version of 'I have a dream' In the distant east, in an inherited thousands of years of China, also have a dream He is not ambitious slogan, it doesn't lie with the government, he belongs to everyordinary Chinese, but it Chinese 'I have a dream'" USA dream that long-standing, it is supporting America from thirteen colonies first step by step,become the sole superpower 300 years ago, when the England immigration in a May flower across the Atlantic to Maryland, looking for a piece of the Puritans can live "pure land", "American dream" (American Dream) has begun to quietly sprouting -- America gave the world everyone equal opportunity, as long as you work hard, can realize their dreams Everyone has a chance of success; success depends on his own talents and efforts, rather than family background and the background; all have equal rights; everyone has the freedom of conscience This is America dream, only in the Americathis young land to grow up dream USA dream is a dream of hope, the dream of success, the dream, the dream of happiness equal In the five thousand years of history of the Chinese before American is really too young Five thousand years of our country experienced the vicissitudes of life, there have been brilliant also suffered humiliation But never give up steps forward,because in each Chinese have the hearts of a person Chinese dreamChinese dream in the modern performance of the most obvious, maturityBecause modern our country started by the imperialist aggression, the Millennium ancient civilization was a heavy blow Sun Zhongshan from thecharacteristics of the three people's principles to Mao Zedong, after Marx'sChinese, Deng Xiaoping's China socialism, reveal what China dream, that is:innovation country, country characteristics
(American Dream)
The American Dream is the faith held by many in the United States of America that through hard work, courage, and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself, usually through financial prosperity These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent generations What the American Dream has become is a question under constant discussion, and some believe that it has led to an emphasis on material wealth as a measure of success and/or happiness
often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of American immigrants after oceanic voyages from Europe
The origin of the American Dream stems from the departure in government and economics from the models of the Old World This allowed unprecedented freedom, especially the possibility of dramatic upward social mobility Additionally, from the American Revolutionary War well into the later half of the nineteenth century, many of America's physical resources were unclaimed and held out the promise of land ownership and lucky investment in land or industry The development of the Industrial Revolution combined with the great natural resources of the enormous and as yet unsettled continent created the possibility of achieving wealth
Many early American prospectors headed west of the Rocky Mountains to buy acres of cheap land in hopes of finding deposits of gold The American Dream was a driving factor not only in the gold rushes of the mid to late 1800s, but also in the waves of immigration throughout that century and the following
Impoverished western Europeans escaping the Irish potato famines in Ireland, the Highland clearances in Scotland and the aftermath of Napoleon in the rest of Europe came to America to escape a poor quality of life at home They wanted to embrace the financial mobility and constitutional freedoms that existed in the United States
A sizable number of Chinese and Japanese immigrants also arrived in the US in the mid 19th century seeking the American Dream This led to the founding of several Chinatowns in locations such as San Francisco and New York City Many immigrants from these countries also worked as laborers on the First Transcontinental Railroad
During the mid-to-late 19th century prolific dime novel writer Horatio Alger, Jr became famous for his novels that idealized the American Dream His novels about down-and-out bootblacks who were able to achieve wealth and success helped entrench the dream within popular culture Nearing the twentieth century, major industrialist personalities became the new model of the American Dream, many beginning life in the humblest of conditions but later controlling enormous corporations and fortunes Perhaps most notable here were the great American capitalists Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller This acquisition of great wealth demonstrated to many that if you had talent, intelligence, and a willingness to work extremely hard, you were likely to be a success in life as a result
Throughout the 19th century, immigrants fled the monarchies of Western Europe and their post-feudal economies, which actively oppressed the peasant class These economic systems required high levels of taxation, which stymied development The American economy, however, was built up by people who were consciously free of these constraints
Settlement in the new world provided hope for egalitarianism Martin Luther King invoked the American Dream in what is perhaps his most famous speech: "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream"
Ellis Island is the historical processing and welcoming center for newly arrived immigrants in New York City
Ellis Island is the historical processing and welcoming center for newly arrived immigrants in New York City
The American dream, along with escape from persecution or war in one's home country, has always been the primary reason for immigrants wanting to come to America Throughout its history, America has been seen as a place with high opportunity for entrepreneurs relative to other regions of the world
By the turn of the 20th century, the promise of the American Dream had begun to lure substantial numbers of immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe Huge numbers of Italians, Poles, Greeks, Jews, Russians and others came to find work in industrial cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit This wave of immigration continued until the outbreak of World War I Following the war, nativist sentiment led to new restrictions on immigration, which would continue until the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, which allowed larger scale immigration to resume
The American Dream appears to have enduring appeal to many in other countries The United States remains a magnet for immigrants today, receiving 1 million legal entrants annually — the largest influx in the world Whereas past generations of immigrants tended to come from Europe, a majority of contemporary immigrants hail from Latin America and Asia
The American Dream today
In the 20th century, the American Dream had its challenges The Great Depression caused widespread hardship during the Thirties, and was almost a reverse of the dream for those directly affected Racial instability did not disappear, and in some parts of the country racial violence was almost commonplace There was concern about the undemocratic campaign known as McCarthyism carried on against suspected Communists
Silicon Valley initiated the Computer Age and the dot-com boom Companies such as Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Intel, Google, Apple, and Oracle remain headquartered there
Silicon Valley initiated the Computer Age and the dot-com boom Companies such as Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Intel, Google, Apple, and Oracle remain headquartered there
Since the end of World War II, young American families have sought to live in relative comfort and stability in the suburbs that were built up around major cities This led to the rise of the relatively conservative 1950s, when many pursued the "perfect family" as a part or consequence of the American Dream This period was shattered by a new generation of young people who embraced the hippie values of the 1960s, denying traditional values such as the American Dream In modern times, the American Dream is seen as a possible accomplishment, as all children can go to school and get an education Though the drive to it waned during those years, the dream itself has never died out
In the 1990s, the pursuit of the American Dream could be seen in the Dot-com boom People in US, as well as the world poured their energy into the new Gold Rush - the Internet It was again driven by the same faith that by one's ingenuity and hardwork, anyone can become successful in America Ordinary people started new companies from their garages and became millionaires This new chapter of the American Dream again became the beacon to the world and attracted many entrepreneurial people from China and India to Silicon Valley to form startups, and seek fortune in America
Another recent example of the American Dream being realized is the case of Tamir Sapir An immigrant from the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Sapir arrived in America in 1973 and started as a taxicab driver in New York City Saving up to buy an electronics store, he catered primarily to Russian clientele Eventually he made contacts with the Soviet contingent to the United Nations in New York, and traded electronics for oil contracts, which he then sold to American companies Investing the profits in Manhattan real estate, he became a billionaire by 2002, less than thirty years after arriving penniless in America Like many rags to riches stories, his is a unique one that would be hard to replicate Yet today Sapir is becoming known as America's "billionaire cabbie"
Harvard University offers a free college education to all accepted students from low-income US families
Harvard University offers a free college education to all accepted students from low-income US families
The concept of the American Dream has been the subject of much criticism by, for example, Joseph Stiglitz The main criticism is that the American Dream is misleading These critics say that, for various reasons, it simply is not possible for everyone to become prosperous through determination and hard work alone The consequences of this belief can include the poor feeling that it is their fault that they are not successful It can also result in less effort towards helping the poor since their poverty is seen as "proof" of their laziness The concept of the American Dream also ignores other factors of success such as luck, family, language, and wealth one is born into (although proponents of the dream would claim that starting wealth is irrelevant because of the belief that there is no level of poverty one cannot rise from with hard work) It also fails to take inheritable traits such as intelligence quotient and physical attributes including height, shape, and beauty into account
The American Dream is seen by critics as being somewhat superficial or meaningless Many literary works level exactly that criticism at the American Dream, such as Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman The play, a classic American work of literature, finds the main character Willy Loman struggling to come to grips with the fact that his American Dream is unattainable Such arguments are essentially rehashes of the old adage "Money doesn't buy happiness", and that perhaps not everyone's dream should be to achieve great monetary gain
In particular some of the criticisms are:
In the US there is wide availability of financial aid, and the poorest students are increasingly being given guarantees of a high proportion (up to 100%) of grants, removing the obligation to pay back their university Harvard University became the first private university to offer 100% grants to accepted students from US families earning less than US$40,000 a year in 2003, and in 2004 the University of Virginia became the first public university to offer a similar full-grant program, on incomes up to 200% of the poverty line, or about US$37,700 at that time
Wealth retention – Certain laws allow the wealthy to keep more of their money For example, the recent lessening of inheritance tax and capital gains taxes may work to further solidify wealth once it is earned
Economies of scale – It can be difficult to successfully start a business One reason is because of the economies of scale necessary to survive in a commoditized market, although many markets today are not commoditized
Genetic lottery – Research has suggested that features like IQ and extroversion may give certain people some advantages over others when it comes to making smart business decisions or career choices, and in establishing a social network
Ethical differences – As in other countries, actions considered ethical vary between Americans For example, a CEO who sees certain stock options as excessive monetary gain would find it harder to attain great wealth than one with a different viewpoint
真正让人焦虑的是,他自小就对公认有助于「精神向上提升」的优良课外读物诸如《白雪公主》、《安博公爵》(The Amboy Dukes)、……无甚反应,吸引他废寝忘食钻读、赶场的书籍和**,几无例外都是关于火星人、吸血鬼、僵尸、盗墓、活死人、蛇发魔女、开膛手杰克……这种直到今天还是被教育人士视为「儿童不宜」的「低劣」创作,并且要越血腥越恐怖越能让他感到兴奋满足。写作反映人生,你读了些什么、想了些什么,动之于心,很自然形诸于笔,尤其对于中学八年级生而言。
1961年某月的某一天,史蒂芬‧金把他所看到、自认为最精彩无比的彩色恐怖片《陷坑与钟摆》(The Pit and the Pendulum,根据爱伦坡短篇小说改编。)改写成小说,自编自印,带到学校去兜售,一个上午便卖了36本,现赚九块钱,成了他的「第一本畅销书」,也让穷苦人家小孩的他,大受鼓舞,深感「钱」途有望,更多零用金终于不是梦。下午两点钟,他被叫到校长室,校长要他把钱退还同学,还训了他一顿:「我真搞不懂,史蒂芬,你明明有才华,却为什么老爱写这些垃圾东西,白白糟蹋天分呢?」史蒂芬‧金羞愧地遵命退钱,却不认输,那年暑假,他又自写自编自印了个《外星人入侵》的故事,大卖一场。然而,赚足了零用钱的他,内心还是感到羞愧,耳边不停浮现校长的话:为何要糟蹋天分?为何要浪费时间?为何要写这些垃圾?
1973年的史蒂芬‧金:大学毕业二年,27岁,已婚,眼镜镜片越来越厚重,卡其裤已快装不下日益向外扩张的啤酒肚。育有一子一女的他,好不容易在高中找到一份教职,却入不敷出,暑假里还得到洗衣工厂打工,老婆塔比莎(Tabitha Spruce)则穿着粉红制服在甜甜圈店里当服务生。全家人住在一辆拖车里,电话被断线了,更没钱修理代步用的破烂「别克」车。他终日担心会有额外的账单,也被教学跟行政会议搞得兴味索然:「这不是我该拥有的生活!」跟所有人一样,史蒂芬‧金被生活压得喘不过气,却看不到任何改变的曙光。
人的命运难说,事后回想,一个小动作,往往决定了一生的走向。要不是老婆塔比莎始终认定史蒂芬‧金有才华,写作绝不是浪费时间,总是鼓励他多花时间在写作上;要不是她从字纸篓里把已经被揉掉《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)草稿给检了回来,抖掉烟灰,摊平开来阅读,还贴心地对老公说:这个有搞头,你一定行的!其实史蒂芬‧金能否挣脱金锁走蛟龙,平地一声起高楼?只怕还在未定之天呢。但不管怎么说,1974年,《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)出版已经是一个历史事实了。这本书像个实现了的「美国梦」,让史蒂芬‧金一鸣惊人、一飞冲天、一夜成名,也造就了美国文学史上最重要的一位畅销书作家——接下来,他将花三十年时间,以只手之力,开创出「社会恐怖小说」(social horror fiction)这一类型阅读,与安‧莱丝(Anne Rice)、狄恩‧昆兹(Dean Koontz)、彼得‧斯陶伯(Peter Straub)、约翰‧法瑞斯(John Farris)等人共同铺设出一条宽阔的大道来。
版税之外,从第一本小说起,史蒂芬‧金的另一笔财富就是来自影视收入。由于他实在会讲故事,且惊悚悬疑还带着血腥杀戮的内容,又格外适合改编影视,因此几乎每一本小说都被搬上银幕,让八○年代过着相对太平却也单调日子的美国民众,获得了刺激的宣泄。有人曾私下统计过,1990年秋天,不到一个月的时间里,史蒂芬‧金同时有一部小说在电视播出,两部小说在**院放映,另一部正在拍摄中。其利益之庞大,可想而知。事实上,今天我们所熟知的好莱坞工业与出版市场紧密结合,「小说还在写,**就说好会开拍」的这一生产模式,几乎就是由史蒂芬‧金始作俑者,再经过约翰‧格里逊(John Grisham)、麦克‧克莱顿(Michael Crichton)、汤姆‧克兰西(Tom Clancy)这几位畅销天王发扬光大而确立的。
史蒂芬‧金写得快又卖得好,名利双收,出版等于印钞票,昔日戏言富贵事,今朝都到眼前来。然而,他似乎又焦虑起来了。本来就爱喝两杯的他,到了1985 年,酒瘾、药瘾纷纷上身,不但酗酒,还吸食古柯碱。这是为什么呢?「成名症候群」的患得患失以及定期出版的压力,都可能是原因,但以史蒂芬‧金在此时期的出书质量来看,大约都不成问题。只怕还是隐藏在意识底层的,「为何要糟蹋天分?为何要浪费时间?为何要写这些垃圾?」,如影随形,如蛆附骨,老校长的魔咒还在蠢蠢作祟着。
1982年,史蒂芬‧金已经接连写出《午夜行尸》(Salems Lot)、《幽光》(The Shining,又名《鬼店》)、《玉米田的孩子》(Night Shift)、《再死一次》(The Dead Zone)、《燃烧的凝视》(Firestarter)、《狂犬库丘》(Cujo)这些轰传一时的叫座小说,声名大噪,隐隐然具备「畅销霸王」气象之时,他却出版了《四季奇谭》(Different Seasons)。这一本书,颇出读者跟出版界意料之外,是由四个中篇小说组成,前三个与恐怖几乎沾不上边,最后一个虽颇惊悚,但跟之前的「超能力」、「吸血鬼」、鲜血满地滚流相较起来,简直是小巫见大巫了。关于这本书,史蒂芬‧金后来曾透露:「我花在上面的精神比任何一本书都多。」「也许一生再也不会出版另一本完全相同的书了。」为什么要花这么多精神?为什么再也不会有第二本了?问题的答案还是得从这本书里去探索。
史蒂芬‧金在《四季奇谭》的〈后记〉里追述,当他出版《魔女嘉莉》后,又写了《午夜行尸》(Salems Lot),编辑替他有点担心,原因是怕他被「定型」为「专写恐部小说的作家」。史蒂芬‧金对这事看得较轻松,要他等几年再说,原因是「在美国,没有人能专靠写恐怖小说赚钱」。言下之意,当然是指他还会转型的。后来,《幽光》又大卖,编辑更担心「定型」问题了。史蒂芬‧金却还是一派轻松,认为被定型也无妨,「如果读者喜欢,我就写恐怖小说好了,这样也不错。」等到《四季奇谭》出来了,他的编辑还是在担心,重点却不一样了:「我看里面大概没有一篇是恐怖故事的了。是不是?只要一篇就好。」「我大概可以加强一点恐怖气氛。」「好极了!还有那本新小说——」「写一辆闹鬼的车如何?」「这才对呀!」
A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is
B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way
A: Why do you think so
B: Because it is the fastest and the safest
A: Of course it is when you are talking about a long distance
B: That's true For shorter distance I think I will have to say, car
A: And why is that
B: Well, it is quite obvious that you will not find an airport everywhere, but a carparking space is a lot more easier to find
A: What about bicycles then
B: Eh I don't think so The area I live in is in the mountains It takes a strong sport-man to ride on those hilly roads
Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are they’ll say, “Success” The dream of individual opportunity has been home in American since Europeans discovered a “new world” in the Western Hemisphere Early immigrants like Hector St Jean de Crevecoeur praised highly the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land His glowing descriptions of a classless society where anyone could attain success through honesty and hard work fired the imaginations of many European readers: in Letters from an American Farmer (1782) he wrote “We are all excited at the spirit of an industry which is unfettered (无拘无束的) and unrestrained, because each person works for himself … We have no princes, for whom we toil (干苦力活),starve, and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world” The promise of a land where “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor” drew poor immigrants from Europe and fueled national expansion into the western territories
Our national mythology (神化) is full of illustration the American success story There’s Benjamin Franklin, the very model of the self-educated, self-made man, who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist, philosopher, and statesman In the nineteenth century, Horatio Alger, a writer of fiction for young boys, became American’s best-selling author with rags-to-riches tales The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to “make a fortune in real estate with no money down,” and “dressing for success” The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it’s as important to be “successful” in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business
But dreams easily turn into nightmares Every American who hopes to “make it” also knows the fear of failure, because the myth of success inevitably implies comparison between the haves and the have-nots, the stars and the anonymous crowd Under pressure of the myth, we become indulged in status symbols: we try to live in the “right” neighborhoods, wear the “right” clothes, eat the “right” foods These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all, yet strive as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens