select 科目ID、学生ID、学生成绩 b最高成绩 from 成绩表 a
left join
(select 科目ID,max(学生成绩) as 最高成绩 from 成绩表 group by 科目ID) b
on (a科目ID=b科目ID and a学生成绩=b最高成绩)
where b最高成绩 is not null;
---1 计算每个人的总成绩并排名(要求显示字段:姓名,总成绩)
select name,sum(cast(score as bigint)) as allscore from stuscore group by name order by allscore desc
---2 计算每个人的总成绩并排名(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,总成绩)
select stuid,name,sum(cast(score as bigint)) as allscore from stuscore group by stuid,name order by allscore desc
---3 计算每个人单科的最高成绩(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,课程,最高成绩)
SELECT t1stuid,t1name,t1subject,t1score from stuscore t1,(SELECT stuid,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2 where t1stuid=t2stuid and t1score=t2maxscore
---4 计算每个人的平均成绩(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,平均成绩)
select distinct t1stuid,t1name,t2avgscore from stuscore t1,(select stuid,avg(cast(score as bigint)) as avgscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2 where t1stuid=t2stuid
---5 列出各门课程成绩最好的学生(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,科目,成绩)
select t1stuid,t1name,t1subject,t2maxscore from stuscore t1,(select subject,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by subject) t2 where t1subject=t2subject and t1score=t2maxscore
---6 列出各门课程成绩最好的两位学生(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,科目,成绩)
select distinct t1 from stuscore t1 where t1stuid in(select top 2 stuscorestuid from stuscore where subject = t1subject order by score desc)order by t1subject
---7 统计报表(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,各科成绩,总分,平均成绩)
select stuid as 学号,name as 姓名,sum(case when subject='语文' then score else 0 end) as 语文,sum(case when subject='数学' then score else 0 end) as 数学,sum(case when subject='英语' then score else 0 end) as 英语,sum(cast(score as bigint)) as 总分,(sum(cast(score as bigint))/count()) as 平均分 from stuscore group by stuid,name order by 总分 desc
---8 列出各门课程的平均成绩(要求显示字段:课程,平均成绩)
select subject,avg(cast(score as bigint)) as avgscore from stuscore group by subject
---9 列出数学成绩的排名(要求显示字段:学号,姓名,成绩,排名)
select from stuscore where subject ='数学' order by score desc
---10 列出数学成绩在2-3名的学生(要求显示字段:学号,姓名,科目,成绩)
select t3 from(select top 2 t2 from (select top 3 name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学' order by score desc) t2 order by t2score) t3 order by t3score desc
---11 求出李四的数学成绩的排名
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)
insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学' order by score desc
declare @id int
set @id=0;
update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@id
select from @tmp where name='李四'
---12 统计各科目及格人数
select subject,
(select count() from stuscore where score<60 and subject=t1subject) as 不及格,
(select count() from stuscore where score between 60 and 80 and subject=t1subject) as 良,
(select count() from stuscore where score >80 and subject=t1subject) as 优
from stuscore t1 group by subject
declare @s varchar(1000)
set @s=''
select @s =@s+','+name+'('+convert(varchar(10),score)+'分)' from stuscore where subject='数学'
set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,'')
print '数学:'+@s
use 数据库名go
select 姓名,Max(分值) As 最高分 from 表名 group by 姓名;
select max(单分数)as 最高分数,min(单分数) as 最低分数 --单分数为列名
from TTABLE --表名
where 1=1 --条件区
SELECT childabc,childcource,aname
FROM (select max(bpoint) as abc,ccource from `student` as a join `achievement` as b join `course` as c on asex = 1 and bsid=aid and bcid=cid group by ccource) as child
join `student` as a join `achievement` as b join `course` as c on asex = 1 and bsid=aid and bcid=cid where childabc=bpoint and childcource=ccource