Adodc1RecordSource = "select top 1 from 学生表 order by rnd(id)",随机1个
Adodc1RecordSource = "select top 10 from 学生表 order by rnd(id)",随机10个
declare @tmp table(id int default(0), deptID int)
insert into @tmp(deptid)select distinct deptID from doc
update a set aid=bid from @tmp as a,doc as b where adeptID=bdeptID
select a,b from dept as a,doc as b,@tmp as c where aid=cdeptID and bid=cid
可以参考使用如下写法\x0d\如果要全部数据则可以\x0d\\x0d\select from table T1 where 字段 = (select max(字段) from table T2 where T1字段2 = T2字段2)\x0d\或\x0d\select from table T1 where not exists(select from table T2 where T1字段2 = T2字段2 and T1字段 回答于 2022-11-16
create trigger test_tri on [dbo][表]
for insert
declare @id varchar(20)
select @id=id
from inserted
update sum set sum=ifnull(bqxx,0)+ifnull(bqtz,0)where id=@id 因我数据库是sqlserver,,mysql写法有差异,,你具体看下吧
以上就是关于如何从数据库中随机抽取不重复数据全部的内容,包括:如何从数据库中随机抽取不重复数据、sql server 数据库 查询不重复的记录、SQL语句怎么筛选表中某一字段不重复的数据行数等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!