看看 MySQL令人咋舌的隐式转换

看看 MySQL令人咋舌的隐式转换,第1张

概述看看 MySQL令人咋舌的隐式转换 MysqL教程栏目介绍相关的隐式转换



root@MysqLdb 22:12:  [xucl]> show create table t1\G*************************** 1. row ***************************       table: t1Create table: CREATE table `t1` (  `ID` varchar(255) DEFAulT NulL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAulT CHARSET=utf81 row in set (0.00 sec)root@MysqLdb 22:19:  [xucl]> select * from t1;+--------------------+| ID                 |+--------------------+| 204027026112927605 || 204027026112927603 || 2040270261129276   || 2040270261129275   || 100                || 101                |+--------------------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


root@MysqLdb 22:19:  [xucl]> select * from t1 where ID=204027026112927603;+--------------------+| ID                 |+--------------------+| 204027026112927605 || 204027026112927603 |+--------------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)





int Arg_comparator::compare_real(){  /*    Fix yet another manifestation of BUG#2338. 'Volatile' will instruct    gcc to flush double values out of 80-bit Intel FPU registers before    performing the comparison.  */  volatile double val1, val2;  val1= (*a)->val_real();  if (!(*a)->null_value)  {    val2= (*b)->val_real();    if (!(*b)->null_value)    {      if (set_null)        owner->null_value= 0;      if (val1 < val2)  return -1;      if (val1 == val2) return 0;      return 1;    }  }  if (set_null)    owner->null_value= 1;  return -1;}




MysqL string转成double的定义函数如下:
{  char buf[DTOA_BUFF_SIZE];  double res;  DBUG_ASSERT(end != NulL && ((str != NulL && *end != NulL) ||                              (str == NulL && *end == NulL)) &&              error != NulL);  res= my_strtod_int(str, end, error, buf, sizeof(buf));  return (*error == 0) ? res : (res < 0 ? -DBL_MAX : DBL_MAX);}


/*  strtod for IEEE--arithmetic machines.   This strtod returns a nearest machine number to the input decimal  string (or sets errno to EOVERFLOW). TIEs are broken by the IEEE round-even  rule.   Inspired loosely by William D. Clinger's paper "How to Read floating  Point Numbers Accurately" [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].   Modifications:    1. We only require IEEE (not IEEE double-extended).   2. We get by with floating-point arithmetic in a case that     Clinger missed -- when we're computing d * 10^n     for a small integer d and the integer n is not too     much larger than 22 (the maximum integer k for which     we can represent 10^k exactly), we may be able to     compute (d*10^k) * 10^(e-k) with just one roundoff.   3. Rather than a bit-at-a-time adjustment of the binary     result in the hard case, we use floating-point     arithmetic to determine the adjustment to within     one bit; only in really hard cases do we need to     compute a second resIDual.   4. Because of 3., we don't need a large table of powers of 10     for ten-to-e (just some small tables, e.g. of 10^k     for 0 <= k <= 22).*/


root@MysqLdb 23:30:  [xucl]> select * from t1 where ID=2040270261129276;+------------------+| ID               |+------------------+| 2040270261129276 |+------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)root@MysqLdb 23:30:  [xucl]> select * from t1 where ID=101;+------+| ID   |+------+| 101  |+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)


root@MysqLdb 22:19:  [xucl]> select * from t1 where ID='204027026112927603';+--------------------+| ID                 |+--------------------+| 204027026112927603 |+--------------------+1 row in set (0.01 sec)






1、If one or both arguments are NulL, the result of the comparison is NulL, except for the NulL-safe<=> equality comparison operator. For NulL <=> NulL, the result is true. No conversion is needed.2、If both arguments in a comparison operation are strings, they are compared as strings.3、If both arguments are integers, they are compared as integers.4、Hexadecimal values are treated as binary strings if not compared to a number.5、If one of the arguments is a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME column and the other argument is aconstant, the constant is converted to a timestamp before the comparison is performed. This isdone to be more ODBC-frIEndly. This is not done for the arguments to IN(). To be safe, alwaysuse complete datetime, date, or time strings when doing comparisons. For example, to achIEve bestresults when using BETWEEN with date or time values, use CAST() to explicitly convert the values tothe desired data type.A single-row subquery from a table or tables is not consIDered a constant. For example, if a subqueryreturns an integer to be compared to a DATETIME value, the comparison is done as two integers.The integer is not converted to a temporal value. To compare the operands as DATETIME values,use CAST() to explicitly convert the subquery value to DATETIME.6、If one of the arguments is a decimal value, comparison depends on the other argument. Thearguments are compared as decimal values if the other argument is a decimal or integer value, or asfloating-point values if the other argument is a floating-point value.7、In all other cases, the arguments are compared as floating-point (real) numbers.

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/1150264.html

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