Firebird is a database with 20 years of history,full set of features (including transactions,stored procedures,hot-backup,excellent scalability,etc.) and a frIEndly open source license. It is an overlooked but compelling alternative to Microsoft Jet and Microsoft MSDE 2000/SQL Express 2005. Let's take a look at how it can be used embedded in your desktop application. What makes Embedded Firebird IDeal for embedding:
The embedded runtime is < 2 MB (starting at just one DLL + one .NET assembly). The runtime is deployed by simple copying,no installation or component registration is required. The database file (it's just a single file) can have any name and extension. You can associate the extension with your application. The migration to a standalone server Couldn't be easIEr. Just copy the database file to the server and change a connection string on your clIEnt.Compare Firebird with other database engines.
Firebird vs. Microsoft Jet 4.0 Firebird vs. Microsoft MSDE 2000 Firebird vs. Microsoft SQL Server Express Firebird vs. PostgreSQLFirebird in .NET:http://www.dotnetfirebird.org管理工具:
DDEX and Firebird .NET Data Provider
Deploying the ASP.NET application which is using Firebird .NET Data Provider (with design-time support)
Data Application Block for Firebird SQL 总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Firebird 数据库资源全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Firebird 数据库资源所遇到的程序开发问题。