use Educ;
select * from Student;
select Sname,YEAR(Sbrithday),Sno from Student;
select distinct(sno) from Student;--distinct去除重复行
select sno,sname from Student where Sdept='SE';
select sname,YEAR(sbrithday),YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(Sbrithday)
from Student
where YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(Sbrithday) between 18 and 22;
select * from Student where Sno like '%1' or Sno like '%2' or Sno like '%3';
select * from Student where Sdept in ('SE','CH');
select * from Student where Sname like '李%';
select * from Student where Sname not like '李%';
select * from SC where Grade IS NulL;
select Sno,Cno from SC where Grade is not null;
select * from SC where Cno ='C002' order by Grade;
select * from Student order by Sdept desc,GETDATE() - Sbrithday ASC; -- 多字段排序
select SUM(Grade) as 总分数 from SC;
select COUNT(distinct sno) from SC;
select AVG(Grade) from SC;
select MAX(Grade) as C001最高分数 from SC;
select Sdept,COUNT(Sno) as 人数 from Student group by Sdept;
select Cno,AVG(Grade) as 平均成绩 from SC group by Cno;
select Cno,COUNT(*) as 选课人数 from SC group by Cno;
select * from Student;
select Sdept,Ssex,COUNT(*) from Student
group by Sdept,Ssex
order by Sdept; --多字段分组
select sno from SC group by Sno having COUNT(*)>=3; --分组后的条件查询group by xxx having xxx
select cno,AVG(grade) from SC group by Cno having AVG(Grade)>=60;
--24.使用compute by子句按学院对学生进行明细汇总
select * from Student order by Sdept compute Count(Sno) by sdept; --依据某个字段排序后,进行明细
select * from Student where Sdept = 'SE' and Ssex = '男' compute Count(Sno); --明细
select * into 女生信息表 from Student where Ssex = '女'; --采用select * into AA from BB 复制表和结构(要求表不存在)
--采用insert into A(字段) select 字段 from B只复制表内数据(要求表A存在)
select * from 女生信息表;
select SC.Sno,Sname,SUM (Grade) as SumGrade
into GradeList
from Student A,SC
WHERE SC.Sno = A.Sno
group by SC.Sno,A.Sname,Ssex having (SUM(SC.Grade)>=50);
drop table GradeList;
select * from GradeList;
--declare @Grade int --定义变量
declare @Grade int --声明变量
select @Grade = Grade
from SC
where Sno = '20121323012'
print @Grade;
--常常使用在分页 *** 作中
select top 3 * from SC where Cno = 'C001' order by Grade Desc;
--------------------------------表连接 --------------------------------------
select Sname
from Student,SC
where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno and SC.Cno = 'C001';
select * from Student,SC
where Student.Sno = '20121323001' and Student.Sno = SC.Sno;
select Course.Cno,Cname,COUNT(*)as 选修人数,AVG(Grade) as 平均分 from
where Course.Cno = SC.Cno group by Course.Cno,Course.Cname; --Cname分组显示
select Student.Sno,Grade
from Student,SC
where Student.Sno = SC . Sno and Cno = 'C003';
select Course.Cno,cname,COUNT(*) as 选修人数,AVG(Grade) as 平均分
from Course,SC
where Course.Cno = SC.Cno
group by Course.Cno,Cname ;
select b.sno,b.Sname,b.Ssex,b.Sdept,b.Smajor
from Student a,Student b
where a .Sname = '何燕' and a.Sdept = b.Sdept; --自身连接的妙用(查询同一张表中的数据)
select distinct a.Sno,a.Sname,YEAR(a.Sbrithday) as 年龄,a.sadress,a.Sdept,a.Sgrade,a.Smajor
from Student a,Student b
where YEAR(a.Sbrithday) = YEAR(b.Sbrithday) and a.Sno <>b.Sno;
select * from
where Student.Sno = SC.Sno; --等值连接(内连接的一种)
Select * from
Student Inner JOIN SC
on Student.sno = SC.Sno; --内连接(两个表相匹配的行才能在结果集中出现)
--OUTER JOIN(外连接:可以指定左右表不加限制)
--A right outer join B on XXX (显示右表内的所有数据,左边的表无限制)
--A left outer join B on xxx (显示左边表内的所有数据,右边的表无限制)
--A full outer join B on xxx (显示左右表内的所有数据,左右表都要匹配,无发匹配的用null补齐)
select * from Student right outer join SC
on Student.Sno = SC.Sno;
create vIEw 试图名
select .....;
create vIEw SE_Student
select Sno,Sbrithday,Sadress,Sgrade,Smajor,Sdept
from Student
where Sdept = 'SE'; --视图是虚表,定义的视图并不存储记录信息,视图中的信息仍然存放在原来的表中
create vIEw DS_Teacher
select Course.Cno,Course.Cname,Teacher.Tname
from Course,Teacher,TC
where Course.Cno = TC.Cno and TC.TID = Teacher.TID and TC.Cno = Course.Cno;
select * from SE_Student;
select * from DS_Teacher;
sp_help SE_Student;
sp_helpText SE_Student;
drop vIEw SE_Student;