Heroku正试图安装sqlite3 gem,即使它不在Gemfile中

Heroku正试图安装sqlite3 gem,即使它不在Gemfile中,第1张

概述我试图在Heroku上首次部署一个Rails 3.1应用程序。我把它设置到雪松堆栈,删除sqlite3宝石,但当我把代码推送到Heroku我得到这个错误: —–> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.1.rc Running: bundle install –without development:test –path vendor/bu 我试图在Heroku上首次部署一个Rails 3.1应用程序。我把它设置到雪松堆栈,删除sqlite3宝石,但当我把代码推送到Heroku我得到这个错误:

—–> Installing dependencIEs using Bundler version 1.1.rc
Running: bundle install –without development:test –path vendor/bundle –deployment
Fetching gem Metadata from 07000……. (…)

Installing rails (3.1.0)
Installing sqlite3 (1.3.4) with native extensions Unfortunately,a Fatal error has occurred. Please report this error to
the Bundler issue tracker at
07001 so that we can fix it.
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/installer.rb:483:in `rescue in block in build_extensions’: ERROR: Failed to build gem native
extension. (Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError)
/usr/local/bin/ruby extconf.rb
checking for sqlite3.h… no



source 'http://rubygems.org'gem 'rails','3.1.0'gem 'Json'gem 'pg'gem 'thin'# Gems used only for assets and not required# in production environments by default.group :assets do#  gem 'sass-rails',"  ~> 3.1.0"#  gem 'coffee-rails',"~> 3.1.0"  gem 'uglifIEr'endgem 'jquery-rails'


GEM   remote: http://rubygems.org/   specs:    actionmailer (3.1.0)      actionpack (= 3.1.0)      mail (~> 2.3.0)    actionpack (3.1.0)      activemodel (= 3.1.0)      activesupport (= 3.1.0)      builder (~> 3.0.0)      erubis (~> 2.7.0)      i18n (~> 0.6)      rack (~> 1.3.2)      rack-cache (~> 1.0.3)      rack-mount (~> 0.8.2)      rack-test (~> 0.6.1)      sprockets (~> 2.0.0)    activemodel (3.1.0)      activesupport (= 3.1.0)      bcrypt-ruby (~> 3.0.0)      builder (~> 3.0.0)      i18n (~> 0.6)    activerecord (3.1.0)      activemodel (= 3.1.0)      activesupport (= 3.1.0)      arel (~> 2.2.1)      tzinfo (~> 0.3.29)    activeresource (3.1.0)      activemodel (= 3.1.0)      activesupport (= 3.1.0)    activesupport (3.1.0)      multi_Json (~> 1.0)    arel (2.2.1)    bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)    builder (3.0.0)    daemons (1.1.4)    erubis (2.7.0)    eventmachine (0.12.10)    execJs (1.2.9)      multi_Json (~> 1.0)    hike (1.2.1)    i18n (0.6.0)    jquery-rails (1.0.14)      railtIEs (~> 3.0)      thor (~> 0.14)    Json (1.6.1)    mail (2.3.0)      i18n (>= 0.4.0)      mime-types (~> 1.16)      treetop (~> 1.4.8)    mime-types (1.16)    multi_Json (1.0.3)    pg (0.11.0)    polyglot (0.3.2)    rack (1.3.3)    rack-cache (1.0.3)      rack (>= 0.4)    rack-mount (0.8.3)      rack (>= 1.0.0)    rack-ssl (1.3.2)      rack    rack-test (0.6.1)      rack (>= 1.0)    rails (3.1.0)      actionmailer (= 3.1.0)      actionpack (= 3.1.0)      activerecord (= 3.1.0)      activeresource (= 3.1.0)      activesupport (= 3.1.0)      bundler (~> 1.0)      railtIEs (= 3.1.0)    railtIEs (3.1.0)      actionpack (= 3.1.0)      activesupport (= 3.1.0)      rack-ssl (~> 1.3.2)      rake (>= 0.8.7)      rdoc (~> 3.4)      thor (~> 0.14.6)    rake (0.9.2)    rdoc (3.9.4)    sprockets (2.0.0)      hike (~> 1.2)      rack (~> 1.0)      tilt (~> 1.1,!= 1.3.0)    thin (1.2.11)      daemons (>= 1.0.9)      eventmachine (>= 0.12.6)      rack (>= 1.0.0)    thor (0.14.6)    tilt (1.3.3)    treetop (1.4.10)      polyglot      polyglot (>= 0.3.1)    tzinfo (0.3.29)    uglifIEr (1.0.3)      execJs (>= 0.3.0)      multi_Json (>= 1.0.2)PLATFORMS   rubyDEPENDENCIES   jquery-rails   Json   pg   rails (= 3.1.0)   thin   uglifIEr


当我遇到这个问题,原来我忘了在安装捆绑后提交我的更改。卫生署! git状态应该指示宝石文件的未变更。 总结

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Heroku正试图安装sqlite3 gem,即使它不在Gemfile中全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Heroku正试图安装sqlite3 gem,即使它不在Gemfile中所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/1161536.html

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