select count(*) from calendarwhere cal_date between '2011-02-01' and '2011-02-28' and day_of_week = 'Sun';
select count(*)from calendarwhere year_of_date = 2011 and month_of_year = 2 and day_of_week = 'Sun';
请注意,“dow”部分假设您的日期是英文.但您可以轻松编辑这些部分以匹配任何语言. (我想.但我可能错误地说“容易”.)
-- table: calendar-- DROP table calendar;CREATE table calendar( cal_date date NOT NulL,year_of_date integer NOT NulL,month_of_year integer NOT NulL,day_of_month integer NOT NulL,day_of_week character(3) NOT NulL,CONSTRAINT calendar_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cal_date),CONSTRAINT calendar_check CHECK (year_of_date::double precision = date_part('year'::text,cal_date)),CONSTRAINT calendar_check1 CHECK (month_of_year::double precision = date_part('month'::text,CONSTRAINT calendar_check2 CHECK (day_of_month::double precision = date_part('day'::text,CONSTRAINT calendar_check3 CHECK (day_of_week::text = CASE WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 0::double precision THEN 'Sun'::text WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 1::double precision THEN 'Mon'::text WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 2::double precision THEN 'Tue'::text WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 3::double precision THEN 'Wed'::text WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 4::double precision THEN 'Thu'::text WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 5::double precision THEN 'Fri'::text WHEN date_part('dow'::text,cal_date) = 6::double precision THEN 'Sat'::text ELSE NulL::textEND))WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);ALTER table calendar OWNER TO postgres;-- Index: calendar_day_of_month-- DROP INDEX calendar_day_of_month;CREATE INDEX calendar_day_of_month ON calendar USING btree (day_of_month);-- Index: calendar_day_of_week-- DROP INDEX calendar_day_of_week;CREATE INDEX calendar_day_of_week ON calendar USING btree (day_of_week);-- Index: calendar_month_of_year-- DROP INDEX calendar_month_of_year;CREATE INDEX calendar_month_of_year ON calendar USING btree (month_of_year);-- Index: calendar_year_of_date-- DROP INDEX calendar_year_of_date;CREATE INDEX calendar_year_of_date ON calendar USING btree (year_of_date);
-- Function: insert_range_into_calendar(date,date)-- DROP FUNCTION insert_range_into_calendar(date,date);CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_range_into_calendar(from_date date,to_date date) RETURNS voID AS$BODY$DECLARE this_date date := from_date;BEGIN while (this_date <= to_date) LOOP INSERT INTO calendar (cal_date,year_of_date,month_of_year,day_of_month,day_of_week) VALUES (this_date,extract(year from this_date),extract(month from this_date),extract(day from this_date),case when extract(dow from this_date) = 0 then 'Sun' when extract(dow from this_date) = 1 then 'Mon' when extract(dow from this_date) = 2 then 'Tue' when extract(dow from this_date) = 3 then 'Wed' when extract(dow from this_date) = 4 then 'Thu' when extract(dow from this_date) = 5 then 'Fri' when extract(dow from this_date) = 6 then 'Sat' end); this_date = this_date + interval '1 day'; end loop; END;$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VolATILE COST 100;总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的postgresql – 如何在psql中获取当月周日的计数?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决postgresql – 如何在psql中获取当月周日的计数?所遇到的程序开发问题。